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Light and dark world~Rp~
Started by: Sexy_Camille

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Gender: Female
Location: Some where

Love Light and dark world~Rp~

Camille sat there siping slowly her peach drink and sat softly on the bilding top.Her feet dangled softly over the tip of the bilding her eyes where a cheker white and back so with her wings.She been thinking is there anouther dream angle ..or am i the only one?She asked her self as she took a little sip of her drink.She sighed for her hole life angles didnt like her since she had good powers every angles dream thats where her kind of breed name was from.Dream angles where vary vary rare she thought for a momment she got to be the last one what a depressing thing to think.There where many dream angles till.....till they started to kill them they killed most her family and then died trying to save her.Camille didnt like the thought she was thinking and she had no other mind to enter and read.She pushed thout thoughts of people...boring she sead and snaped to the real world fastly and lost her smile.Her soft tan shined in the morning light thatslowly came peeking from the tallest willow trees.


Old Post Jul 25th, 2006 01:07 AM
Camille's_Death is currently offline Click here to Send Camille's_Death a Private Message Find more posts by Camille's_Death Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
Make me want it.

Gender: Female
Location: Gainesville, FL

How. Embarrasing.

Marci Van Shaye's pale face heald a color similar to that on her deep scarlet wings. She placed a hand above her mouth, gently brushing a pair of thin lips with them. Marci had just walked in on her brother doing things she had never even imagined with one of her best friends. Her crimson eyes had narrowed to annoyed slits as she walked away, pushing the oor to her home closed behind her. True, she was tough. Many called her a hard ass, and she almost always knew what she was talking about. She was the first to correct an annoyingly blatant error, and the last to make it. But Sex? No. Relationships? Nada. This emotion called love? Hn! Pathetic. Shaking her short, angled golden hair, she walked off, boots clicking with each step.

Her tight leather skirt with heald a strong set of thighs, visible behind the jet black trench which lay open partially. Her lacy blouse flowed fluidly in the breeze that blew tendrils of hair before her golden and crimson ringed eyes. She looked around her. Her village lay on the outskirts of one of hell's four borros, Maligo'are. Many believe hell is a fiery pitt of burning flames. Silly humans. That was only the first borro. Hell, in fact, had a layer of Ice as well. Along with a layer of Darkness, and a layer of Salvation ( being for those who did not neccisarily belong in hell...most did. )

Now Marci stood, planted in front of the bridge. Heavy fog smeared the atmosphere, heading warning to any Red angel. Marci, an angel of the high council, had crossed it many times to attend meetings of heaven's archs, and hells high council. She made her way to the beggining of the bridge. An accute eye noted the wysteria and willows gently billowing on the side opposite she stood. Her breath was silent as she backed away slowly. She needed to clear her mind, and studying these little white angels was not doing it for her this time, not including the fact that no angels were present at the time. She considered the other angel's realms.

The relam of the Dream angels- Long discesed. It had been overthrown by a multitude of other races not long ago.
The realm of the white angels, AKA heaven. Pathetic.
The realm of the cloud angel- Red angels really took no interest in these nuetral beings. They were devious at times, but nothing special. Thousands of years ago, however, the Red angels used them as tools. She smirked for only a short moment. This brought her to her favorite.
The realm of the red Angels. Hell. Red Angels, also known as blood angels, were often feared among the others. Especially Dream angels. At least, the ones that still existed.

Sighing satisfiedly, Marci decided on a new route. The final Realm, that o the humans. Earth. What were humans to the red angels? Prey. A miniscule remnant in there ever thirsty hunger for satisfactory complete control. Marci yawned as she spread her wings, their span reaching out to about ten feet. She was simply streatching them...she found much more pleasure in taking her mount. Ah, yes. Her mount. He was a demon horse, black in color, and towering at 23 hands. About eight higher then a normal horse. His name was Cobalt.

As soon as she reached the stables her steed began whinneying, and thrashing. His wings lashed out , whipping the hard wood of his stall, and he smashed his diamond-hard hooves repetitively into the door. She smiled as she reached the snorting beast, and gently patted his fanged muzzle. He calmed down instantly as she placed on his bridal. As soon as she mounted, he reared and began dashing in the direction she commanded. She held on tightly with her thighs and calves, as she did not have a saddle. Finally she arrived at the gates.

" Arc'en Ciel! "

She cried. The all of stone turned into something of a portal, and she flew through. She stopped, Cobalt pawing aggrivatedly. She ahd a choice now. She had already bypassed heaven, but she could travel to the human world, that of the cloud angels, or the ruins of the dream angels.
She chose the ruins.
Digging her boots gently into Cobalt's thigh, he bolted forward untill they reached the misty area. As they crossed through the damaged gates, a chill ran through Marci's spine. Death hung in the air, but not the death she was used to.

Old Post Jul 25th, 2006 01:38 AM
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Sasuke Uchiha
NoyauDur Zombie Pupitreur

Gender: Male
Location: Dans Votre Pantalon

Alex was having a busy day at his Toy Store. He quickly ran around, keeping his regular customers busy while showing the newer ones around. He was a mice guy, so many children came there to hang out with him. Soon, word had spread across the town and he had been seeing more frequent visitors. He didnt mind, he loved children. Once everyone was setteled in with all of their new toys and sitting in the 'play area' Alex sat down next to them, clapping his hands to get their attention.

"Okay everyone. Now, as you know tommorow is that one day that I go to visit my old home."

There were plenty of moans and groans at this, as they hated it when the store wasn't open.

"Don't worry!" Alex assured them, "I'll be back... Maybe I'll bring back a souvenier for each of you!"

The children cheered, and then cleared out of the store saying their goodbyes for the night. Alex, of course, was talking about the Ruins. His old home, where he had been born...

Alex finally managed to close up the shop for the next day, and went ahead to set out for the Portal. There were only four Portals on Earth, and they were spread across the area. He was lucky enough to live right near one. On the outskirts of his town, he saw the set of hills and rocky cliff face that was set for the portal. He walked up next to it, unfurled his wings and let out his arms.

"Al' Coreigh!"

He yelled, the words only native to his language. The portal opened and he quickly jumped inside. The flying sensation was felt as he was carried to the Ruins of his homeworld., and hurled onto the ground. The mist was felt all around him, as he stood up simling. But a dark aura was present... Something... Evil...

Old Post Jul 25th, 2006 01:59 AM
Sasuke Uchiha is currently offline Click here to Send Sasuke Uchiha a Private Message Find more posts by Sasuke Uchiha Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
......I'M BACK!!!!!

Gender: Male
Location: sneaking in the shadows

Deit walked while he held his cat, Chip, he never left anywhere without Chip. he was by himself, for what reasons were only known to himself, he never wanted to tell anyone, he sighed out of bordom (spelling) and continued walking, he stopped to take a break then continued, he was constantly getting staired at, for he was slightly different. no one understood him, when he was younger he ran away with chip, he doesn't usually dwell on the past, but he couldn't get his mind off of it, he walked to a dead end where no one could see him "....*sigh*...."

(sorry if this isn't a good enough begining but it's all I could think of.....)


Old Post Jul 25th, 2006 04:13 AM
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Make me want it.

Gender: Female
Location: Gainesville, FL

Marci's pupils suddenly narrowed to thin, catlike, slits. Their crimson outer ring widened slightly, and the golden retinas shone brightly. The atmospjere heald still. It seemed even the shroud of mist had stopped its fluid like flow through the air. Her wings hibitually spread, and she placed a hand on cobalts muzzle to keep him quiet. The horse, startled, held widened blood red eyes. Their white glowed eerily. As Marci closed her eyes, her wings took on a dim red glow. She suddenly inhaled deeply. Her mind presented her a picture of her landscapes. At her point of view she searched the area.

She would walk past the gates...She saw her body, and Cobalt's as well. On a misty dirt road a mile or so ahead of her, she could note high towers branching from something of a forest. FEw stood, and they were all deserted. The rest lay in ruins. These angels really had been architects.

From there, her mind scoped out farther. She noted the gate to the left of her present position. How many were there?!

Her eyes shot open then, pupils dilating. Her body was tense. The air picked up again, and a gentle breeze billowed her short hair. Soemone was there. She had not seen a dream angel in hundreds of years, but this she seemed like one. Was that even possible though? She bit her lip gently, and closed her eyes. Amoment later she grabbed Cobalt's reigns and jumped onto his broad back, using her own wings for a lift ontio him. She dashed off toward the forest like area, and finally to the front of one of the towers.

A spiraled set of stairs wound around it on the outside. A series of doors along the way led to rooms on the inside. She looked upward at the huge tower, and urged her steed forward. Hesitantly he stepped onto the platform, and began walking up. He jumped skitishly, and she had to hold on tight as not to fall off. It was always best not to fly in a unknown area, especially with someone lurking around.

At about the half way point, Marci halted cobalt, and jumped down. As she pushed open a door, her horse whinnied loudly.

" Hush! "

she snapped, patting his nose. She looked at the frame. There was no way he'd fit...She had noticed a stable at the bottom. Quickly, she flew hhim down and put him inot a stall. It was eerie inside the barn....As she walked back up she pused open the door once more. This one had caught her eye. She looked at the bed that sat pushed against the wall, she moved towards it and sat down. She put up pa mental barrier, cloaking her energy. She had ot be careful, she was far out of her element here.

Old Post Jul 25th, 2006 04:05 PM
Cherrywild is currently offline Click here to Send Cherrywild a Private Message Find more posts by Cherrywild Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote

Gender: Female
Location: Some where

((its all right if its over 2 good sentace i dont care how long it is ¢¾ ....any one want to tal to my person.

Camille headed down of the bilding steping of she fell for geting to unfold her wings.Her eyes stayed open as she went on falling the air rushed up and camille froze til lshe flaped her wings before hiting the ground.She landed softly and her heart raced fast she tryed to catch her breathing but failed to do so she finly got a hold of it and started to calm ddown.Her wings flashed to a purple and black chekers for scared her eyes did the same.She closed her eyes and counted to 10.

She smothed her hair and walked on her wings back and she looked around still looking cared her wings wouldnt budge to change to white and black chekers.Her hand griped tightly around her bottle of peach pashon .She went on thinking of dream angles she wished she could meet anouther dream angle but that got to be a silly thing to wish for.

((Here are the patterns for emonshons...for dream can make your eye color change when your wings does if you want to...Sora The Brave))

White and black chekers- calm
black and red chekers-angery
purple and black chkers- scared
Light blue and black chekkers-sad
Green and black cheekers-not in a good mood
Yellow and black-vary happy
All colors chekers and black- loveing some one or thing that momment¢¾

((back with the story..))

Camille went on thinking how could every one hate her since she was thinking she was the only breed of a dream angle left.She went on there where plenty of dream angles but then.....they where being kill by red and other angles her family saved her and hide her but that cost there lives.Since this day camille oways wanted to see anouther dream angle so she could get help useing her powers.She wasnt vary good at useing her powers.


Old Post Jul 25th, 2006 04:28 PM
Camille's_Death is currently offline Click here to Send Camille's_Death a Private Message Find more posts by Camille's_Death Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
......I'M BACK!!!!!

Gender: Male
Location: sneaking in the shadows

Zen followed Camille, he made breazes, and floated in the air, his black cat stood infront of camille. "Meow." it just staired at her. "mew Meow meeeew."


Old Post Jul 25th, 2006 05:06 PM
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Gender: Female
Location: Some where

((lil longer post please thank you..))

Camille looked at the cat she smiled she got on her knees"hello"she sead softly rubing the cat on its head softly.She looked at the cat with a warm breez her wings folded back when the cat was in frount of her."little kitty what do you want"she sead softly smileing still and pet it a little more softly she went into the cats head o see what it wants.


Old Post Jul 25th, 2006 05:16 PM
Camille's_Death is currently offline Click here to Send Camille's_Death a Private Message Find more posts by Camille's_Death Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
......I'M BACK!!!!!

Gender: Male
Location: sneaking in the shadows

Zen walked up beside her. "What are you doing with my cat???? come here charlie, here kitty, kitty, kitty!" Zen staired at Camille. Charlie spoke to camille normally while she was inside his mind. "Get out of my head. He's behind you!!!"


Old Post Jul 25th, 2006 05:27 PM
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Gender: Female
Location: Some where

Camille snaped back into the real world and spoon around.She looked scared"nothing your kitty walked in frount of me so i was seeing why it wanted or why it walke in frount of me.."she sead softly steping be hind the cat a few feet be hind the cat.She didnt want to get into trouble with that guy.She looked at the wings of zen,she softly glared at them her wings hiden away be hind her back her eyes a purple and black chekers.


Old Post Jul 25th, 2006 05:30 PM
Camille's_Death is currently offline Click here to Send Camille's_Death a Private Message Find more posts by Camille's_Death Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
......I'M BACK!!!!!

Gender: Male
Location: sneaking in the shadows

Zen used the wind to pull his cat back to him. "Hello charlie....." he pet his cat. "I'm sorry. I am Zen Chiru and this is my cat Charlie." charlie meowed softly. "mew." Zen pulled a picture out of his pockets. his spiraled pupils spun wildly. "......."


Old Post Jul 25th, 2006 05:47 PM
Deit is currently offline Click here to Send Deit a Private Message Find more posts by Deit Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
Sasuke Uchiha
NoyauDur Zombie Pupitreur

Gender: Male
Location: Dans Votre Pantalon

Alex could sense the presence approaching. It was not an Angel of his own kind, but one from that place... The place... Hell. Alex hissed, as he could not see why a Red Angel would visit his homeworld. Alex began to follow the prsence, until she came into sight. She had the wings of any red angel, and looked just as nasty. Alex stayed hidden aas he watched her.

Old Post Jul 25th, 2006 06:57 PM
Sasuke Uchiha is currently offline Click here to Send Sasuke Uchiha a Private Message Find more posts by Sasuke Uchiha Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
......I'M BACK!!!!!

Gender: Male
Location: sneaking in the shadows

(sorry but....bump, I want to continue....there's not much to do.)


Old Post Jul 25th, 2006 09:23 PM
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Gender: Female
Location: Some where

Camille gave a friendly smile and lighen up on heer drink"hello my name is Camille................"she sead sofly and easyly.She pushed her thoughts back and tryed not to enter his mind even thouw she wanted to she controled her self.Heyes changed back to a black and white chkers so with her wings.Even thouw she tryed to stay calm but the 2 kind got her jumpy that min.


Old Post Jul 25th, 2006 10:11 PM
Camille's_Death is currently offline Click here to Send Camille's_Death a Private Message Find more posts by Camille's_Death Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
......I'M BACK!!!!!

Gender: Male
Location: sneaking in the shadows

"What's up with your eyes????" he knew his weren't normal but checkered just confused him. "I have to warn you I have developed a short temper since my brother ran away, I blamed my parents, it was all there fault." he punched a near by wall, he doesn't like talking about his past, it was filled with alot of sorrow. "Did something like that happen to you ever????" He was curious.


Old Post Jul 25th, 2006 10:30 PM
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Gender: Female
Location: Some where

"im a dream angle my eyes are chekers and yes my life is filled with sadness like yours.."she sead softly and saly steping backfrom him softly scared he might attack her.Her thoughts where gone now and her eyes where still white and black chekers still even thouw they where about to change purple and blackfor scared.But she looked at the wall for the min then the cat.Her eyes fixed on the cat till she looked at the wall then zen.


Old Post Jul 25th, 2006 10:36 PM
Camille's_Death is currently offline Click here to Send Camille's_Death a Private Message Find more posts by Camille's_Death Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
Unmythical mortal

Gender: Male
Location: Ireland

Kristoff soared through the sky, his cruel eyes scanning for opportunities......He noticed a young couple walking through a park, unaware of the danger above them.
He swooped down, a thrill rushing through him, partly because of the speed, partly because of the money he was about to steal, but mostly, because he loved spreading chaos......


"Give a man a fire and he will be warm for a night. Set a man on fire and he will be warm for the rest of his life"

Old Post Jul 25th, 2006 11:20 PM
TheMercurial is currently offline Click here to Send TheMercurial a Private Message Find more posts by TheMercurial Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
Make me want it.

Gender: Female
Location: Gainesville, FL

quote: (post)
Originally posted by Sora The Brave
Alex could sense the presence approaching. It was not an Angel of his own kind, but one from that place... The place... Hell. Alex hissed, as he could not see why a Red Angel would visit his homeworld. Alex began to follow the prsence, until she came into sight. She had the wings of any red angel, and looked just as nasty. Alex stayed hidden aas he watched her.

Marci sighed and ran her hands across the untouched bedspread on which she sat. It struck her as odd how the whole of their nation fell to miserably destroyed peices, while this room lay untouched? She sighed. All she had been told...This wasn't right. How could this be right? It all seemed a lie. A beautifully created lie. A perfect denial of self.

Laying back she sighed. Her hair fell to either side of her soft features. Two ever narrowed eyes scoped out the ceiling, and she wondered what lay at the top of the tower. She found herself bringing her hand slowly to her think, pale, lips. She closed her eyes and peirced the soft flesh with her highly sharpened fangs. Her lids opened, and the blood that trickled slowly down her pale arm matched her eyes. Following this, she placed a hand on her cheek, catching the single tear that foundits way out of her eye. She placed a finger in the blood which now flowed freely down her arm, and mixed it with the tear. This was redemption. this was pain.

A sudden deep breath was inhaled. She felt the pain of those injured, killed, flow through her. It was immoralizing, but oh how she craved it. She, being a red angel, was the ultimate sin. She was damned to a life of living hell, which many took for granted. They never knew... She had an ability, a horribley wonderful ability. With this simple mix of blood and tears, pain and sadness, she could feel that of others. It hurt so badly, but the knowledge it brought seemed the secret of life.

Her eyes shot open once more, and she trembled, exhausted. She lay on her side, quietly considering all she had just felt. It was truley a massacre. She stood now, almost unable to walk, and then sat down. The slice along her arm stung with a sinful pleasure. She sighed, suddenly regretting this. If that angel was going to attack her, now would be the time. She just couldnt have resisted that.

Last edited by Cherrywild on Jul 25th, 2006 at 11:49 PM

Old Post Jul 25th, 2006 11:41 PM
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Striding Cloud
Senior Member

Gender: Male
Location: ATing

Simca went running down the streets as she ran into someone. She fell back as she got up quickly. "Sorry." She said nicely smileing not noticeing the Red Angel wings on her. Then she opened her eyes as Simca's blue wings were invisible. "Very sorry." She said giving a slight bow and took a step forward. Kage ran down the block as he smiled and picked up his speed. What a nice day. It's wonderful! He said smileing and closed his eyes as he ran.


One Missed Call!

Thnx Malk! big grin

Old Post Jul 26th, 2006 02:41 AM
Striding Cloud is currently offline Click here to Send Striding Cloud a Private Message Find more posts by Striding Cloud Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
Unmythical mortal

Gender: Male
Location: Ireland

Kristoff landed in front of the couple, smiled theatrically, and then sliced at their legs in one,incerdibly fast movement.
They fell to the ground, sobbing, and Kristoff carelessly batted their arms away as they tried to stop him from taking their meagre possessions.
Satisfied, with his work, he deposited the valuables in a pouch at his side and darted once more into the sky, laughing madly.


"Give a man a fire and he will be warm for a night. Set a man on fire and he will be warm for the rest of his life"

Old Post Jul 26th, 2006 04:29 PM
TheMercurial is currently offline Click here to Send TheMercurial a Private Message Find more posts by TheMercurial Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
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