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X4 Scripts
Started by: cain marko

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yo dudes glad you like it day of college today between drivin and shiit i'll get some more done


Old Post Jun 13th, 2006 08:02 AM
Marko is currently offline Click here to Send Marko a Private Message Find more posts by Marko Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
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(Strong guy is not affected and grabs Rogue by her hair. He then throws her into the high into the air. Bobby Is engaged in battle with Havok So Kitty runs upwards through the air to try and catch her. However due to her powers Rogue falls straight through her. Just before she reaches the ground she stops, appearing to hover. She levels herself out and lands herself on the ground. The same look of fear consumes her face and she runs into the mansion. The three X-men stand facing their opponents.)

Bobby: Why don’t you join us? Its pointless fighting!

Havok: What become an X-man, so you can fail me? Like you did my brother?!

Peter: What?!

Havok: Oh, that’s right you don’t know. Scott, he WAS my brother. (Havok collapses to the ground gripping his head. )Argh… (He can hear Scott’s name echoing again.) What? What do you want?! (Everyone looks at him confused. This time he see’s flashbacks. Its Scott looking out on Lake Alkali, he is then kissing Jean and then there is darkness. The echoes stop and he slowly gets back up)


Old Post Jun 13th, 2006 08:44 AM
Marko is currently offline Click here to Send Marko a Private Message Find more posts by Marko Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote

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Location: Right behind you, with Bishop's gun

Dis script? It roX so far monami!! :thumbsup!!

"If we do not learn to live together, then we shall surely die apart."

Professor X

Old Post Jun 13th, 2006 06:09 PM
wsg is currently offline Click here to Send wsg a Private Message Find more posts by wsg Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
Sweet Escape

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Hm… I’m gonna have a go at this… Keep in mind, I’ve never really read any comic and have only seen the movies… Oh yeah, in this script, Psylocke wasn’t in The Last Stand.


Charles V.O.: Mutation. Though it was once feared in our country, now people have come to terms with it. It is no more harmful then the mass weapons some are producing to eliminate us. I thought my work was done, but it was just getting started.

((The opening credits are the same, traveling through all the stuff stick out tongue))


London. A moonless night, very dim streetlights. A cloaked figure is seen walking through the streets, hiding in the shadows. The figure turns, and heads down an alley. The once dim light of the streetlights is covered, and the figure is covered in a huge shadow.

Robotic Voice: Halt Mutant.

The cloaked figure’s back is to the very large robot. A bright light is seen, as something appears at the cloaked figure’s hand. A purple glowing dagger lights up the alleyway.


Xavier Mansion. (Storm’s office) Daytime.

Storm is sitting in her office, talking with Beast.

Storm: They’re really trying to exterminate us?

Beast: And succeeding. Twenty-seven mutants have already been slain.

Storm: Twenty-seven!? This is out of control! We must take action.

Beast: I wish we could, but these things know every little thing about every single one of us. For example your claustrophobia, they’ll use that against you. They’re the perfect weapon against us.

Storm: We must fight back. If we don’t it won’t be long until these things attack the mansion. Do you think that Charles died for all of his work to be destroyed!?

Beast: Ororo, I am not trying to undo what Charles did, its just that do you think Charles would want us rushing into battle?

Storm: No, he’d want us training the kids, so they could protect themselves.

Beast: That I agree with.


Xavier Mansion. (Outside landscape)

Rouge slowly walked around the grounds, hand in hand with Bobby. They talked about simple stuff, as they enjoyed each others company. The two sat down at and looked each other, before they softly kissed.

Unknown to the two teens, someone was watching them. Young Kitty Pride was hiding in a bush behind them. Her eyes narrowed as jealousy built in her body. She turned from the sight, and ran towards the mansion.


Very Large Mansion. Night.

Pyro walked though the empty halls of the mansion, heading toward a large metal door. He pushed open the door, and walked into the room. Magneto was in the room, several metal trinkets around him. They stirred slightly as Magneto held out his hand.

Pyro: Looking good.

Magneto: Very much, my boy. Any progress in finding any mutants?

Pyro: Slight. Juggernaut and I have located a few.

Magneto: Very well, who?

Pyro: Well we found Sabertooth, apparently alive and well, Multiple Man, some guy obsessed with his deck of cards, and…

A feminine voice: Hello Erik.

Mystique walks into the room, with her blue skin.

Magneto: Ah, you’ve come back... So the cure really only is temporary.

Thats all I have for now... hope you like

Old Post Jun 13th, 2006 09:31 PM
Sweet Escape is currently offline Click here to Send Sweet Escape a Private Message Find more posts by Sweet Escape Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
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I think a godd i dea for X-4 would be to have apocalypse and Omega Red. I mean, what x-men movie set would complete without apocalypse. A good twist to this would start the movie with gambit with the x-men, then partatially through the movie, have him join apocalypse's horsemen as Death

Old Post Jun 14th, 2006 12:18 AM
remy_gambit is currently offline Click here to Send remy_gambit a Private Message Find more posts by remy_gambit Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
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i think the script should include apocalypse, omega red, and gambit. i mean, can it be part of the x-men movies without them. my idea is to have the movie start with gambit on the x-men team, then join apocalypse's horseman as death

Old Post Jun 14th, 2006 12:22 AM
remy_gambit is currently offline Click here to Send remy_gambit a Private Message Find more posts by remy_gambit Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
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Waiting for ya Cain!


Old Post Jun 14th, 2006 01:39 AM
chucktaylor is currently offline Click here to Send chucktaylor a Private Message Find more posts by chucktaylor Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
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quote: (post)
Originally posted by chucktaylor
Waiting for ya Cain!

hey sorry just got back from camping...PULLED... my best mate was shocking now all confused and wanting to right this script to get things off ma mind so i'll get a shower then right some upstick out tongue


Old Post Jun 14th, 2006 05:49 PM
Marko is currently offline Click here to Send Marko a Private Message Find more posts by Marko Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
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Still waiting for more.

Come check out my site.

Old Post Jun 15th, 2006 04:56 PM
DarthLazious is currently offline Click here to Send DarthLazious a Private Message Find more posts by DarthLazious Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
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he he i no sorry give me 20mins


Old Post Jun 15th, 2006 05:58 PM
Marko is currently offline Click here to Send Marko a Private Message Find more posts by Marko Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
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Havok: Oh, that’s right you don’t know. Scott, he WAS my brother. (Havok collapses to the ground gripping his head. )Argh… (He can hear Scott’s name echoing again.) What? What do you want?! (Everyone looks at him confused. This time he see’s flashbacks. Its Scott looking out on Lake Alkali, he is then kissing Jean and then there is darkness. The echoes stop and he slowly gets back up) The person who killed him, she was a woman yes? Where is she, it makes it no harder to avenge my brother.

(Scene cuts to area 51. A truck pulls up and enters the compound. A brown folder is handed to someone who takes it down to the entrance of the bunker. Trask has his back to the camera)

Soldier 1: Trask Sir!

Trask: Thank you soldier. (He opens up the folder. Inside is a picture and information of the X-mansion) Good. When will they be ready?

Scientist: We need to program them but they should be ready in 24 hours sir.

Trask: Very good

more is on its way!!


Old Post Jun 15th, 2006 06:12 PM
Marko is currently offline Click here to Send Marko a Private Message Find more posts by Marko Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
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Location: In a better place.

(Scene cuts to the graves of Scott, Jean and Xavier. Havok is knelt at the grave of Scott whilst the others stand behind.)

Bobby: We’re sorry, but we couldn’t do anything

Havok: (Anger in his face) we have nowhere to go. Our people were killed by soldiers, their powers taken then their lives!

Bobby: Then join us.

Strong Guy: Alex, what else do we have? We are no-one on our own!

Havok: Very well.

(Scene cuts to the lower part of the mansion. Storm is lead on the floor)

Hank Mckoy: Ororo! (Hank Jumps over the table to Storm)

Storm: (She stirs and tries to get up).

Hank Mckoy: Here (he helps her up and towards a chair). What happened? Where are they?

Storm: I..(Bleeping sound. Storm presses a button)

Kitty: Storm we’re bringing them back now.

Storm: Thanks Kitty.(Kitty cancels her com)

Beast: Bringing them back?

Storm: Yes, I want them to join. He calls Havok. The other is Strong Guy. Havok is Scotts brother Hank.


Last edited by Marko on Jun 15th, 2006 at 06:30 PM

Old Post Jun 15th, 2006 06:28 PM
Marko is currently offline Click here to Send Marko a Private Message Find more posts by Marko Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
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Location: In a better place.

(Camera shot goes through the floors into Rogues dorm. She has a bag on her bed. It is full of clothes. She picks up a picture of her and Bobby and stokes it. As she does the glass begins to break. A tear falls down her face and she leaves her room carrying her bag)

(Scene cuts to the lower part of the mansion. Storm is lead on the floor)

Hank Mckoy: Ororo! (Hank Jumps over the table to Storm)

Storm: (She stirs and tries to get up).

Hank Mckoy: Here (he helps her up and towards a chair). What happened? Where are they?

Storm: I... (Bleeping sound. Storm presses a button)

Kitty: Storm we’re bringing them back now.

Storm: Thanks Kitty. (Kitty cancels her com)

Beast: Bringing them back?

Storm: Yes, I want them to join. He calls Havok. The other is Strong Guy. Havok is Scott’s brother Hank.

(There is a shot of Muir Island. Moira and Sean Cassidy are stood holding Hands looking out at a window. As they kiss Xavier can be heard)

Charles: (In his sleep) no…no…

Moira: (She goes to his side. Only his hand is seen) It’s ok Charles

Charles: Storm...get out…hurry…th...they’re (wakes up). No!.

Moira: Charles it’s ok. You’re awake now.

Charles: They’re in danger! They need to get out!

Moira: What? Who does?

Charles: I’ve seen it Moira. They’re dead, all of them. We need to help them!


Last edited by Marko on Jun 15th, 2006 at 06:58 PM

Old Post Jun 15th, 2006 06:53 PM
Marko is currently offline Click here to Send Marko a Private Message Find more posts by Marko Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote

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quote: (post)
Originally posted by cain marko
ok its not brilliant but its summit lol

Storm: (narrates, as she does archeologists are in an excavation site in the middle of the desert in Egypt and it finishes with them knocking through into an entrance.) Through out time many things have been lost. Wars, freedom, control, even a mutants own power; but some of these things were never meant to be found.

(Titles which finish with the cerebro X sign)

(Camera shot of Strong Guy demolishing street lights and cars in a street. Stood watching and looking as if they are waiting is Havok. Ice-man appears from behind the shot and is producing an ice slide. He throws clumps of ice towards Strong Guy. Angel is flying above and beast is swinging from the street lights. Rogue is in the x-jet which she has landed nearby.)

Strong Guy: (After being hit with ice.) Cut it out twerp (Grabs a clump of ice and throws it towards bobby knocking him off is slide)

Bobby: Argh….

(Beast approaches Havok)

Havok: Stay back fur ball (smirks while he raises his hand to his chest)

Hank Mckoy: And spoil the fun?! (Havok unleashes a blast from both his hands at Beast. Beast is flung backwards and lands on the roof of a car unconscious. Meanwhile ice man continues to throw ice at Strong Guy)

Warren: Beast, hold on.

Strong Guy: (Blocking the ice and proceeding towards Bobby) I said cut it out! (He thumps Bobby to the ground. Bobby ices up and tries to fight back but strong guy is stood on his chest. Rogue sees this from the X-jet and lowers the ramp and heads towards bobby.

Havok: ( Angel is evading Havok's blasts) Keep still bird boy! (He swoops down and grabs Havok lifting him into the air. He swings Havok and then releases him, powering him into a wall of a building rendering him unconscious. Angel grabs him before he falls to the ground.)

Bobby: Argh…get…off

Rogue: (Jumps on Strong Guy’s back) get off him! (She begins to hit him with her bare fists) Leave him alone! (Slight veins begin to appear on Strong Guy’s back and his grip on Ice-man appears to weaken. He grabs Rogue and throws her to the floor. He turns round to face her, removing his foot off Bobby.)

Bobby: Don’t you touch her! (He grabs Strong Guy’s feet and freezes him to the ground. HE appears to be weak and unable to break free. Angel lands with Havok in his arms and Beast is coming to.)

(scene cuts to a shot of the mansion and then to the lower part of the mansion where storm is stood looking at the doors of cerebro with tears rolling down her cheeks. Then she hers a bleep and rushes into the meeting room where on a screen it says receiving call from X-Jet. She wipes the tears from her face)

Storm: (Answering. Beast is on the screen) Hank, is everything ok?

Hank Mckoy: Yes were fine, but we are bringing back two mutants. One is unconscious but keeps referring to Scott?!

Storm: Thank-you Hank.

Hank Mckoy: Still no word from Logan?

Storm: (Shakes her head and holds back her tears) No, but he will be fine.

Hank Mckoy: But will you?....I’m sorry it is not my place

Storm: Its ok and your right. But I need to think of the kids. I just wish that he was here. I miss him so much. If only I…..

Hank Mckoy: You couldn’t have done anything Ororo. She would have killed you to!

Storm: I know bu….. (Notices Magneto and Mystique walking up to the mansion) I have to go Hank. I will see you when you get back. (Turns off the call)

(Scene Cuts to storm running to the entrance doors of the mansion. She opens them to find Magneto and Mystique-In human form and carrying a briefcase-.)

Storm: What are you doing here?! You’re not welcome! Not after what you did to Jean!

Magneto: I promise you I bring no war and I am deeply sorry!

Storm: Save it for someone who cares!

Mystique: Please, listen to us. ( While she speaks she morphs into the blue form of mystique but her orange hair is bobbed.) You need to hear this!

(Storm is shocked at what she sees and magneto grins slightly)

Storm: You had better come in.

(The scene continues in the meeting room. Magneto is seated with mystique stood beside him. Storm is also seated yet at a considerable distance.)

Storm: You’re telling me the cure is temporary!? But that means… Rogue. This will break her heart.

Magneto: Can we spare the dramatics. ( Storm stares at him and her eyes begin to cloud over) Now, now Storm.

Storm: Just say what you’ve got to say!

Magneto: Fine (Concentrates hard to levitate the case up on to the newly developed holographic table)

Storm: Do you want some help there.

(Magneto glares at storm and exhales deeply when the case is on the table. Mystique opens it and passes the sheets that are inside it to Storm)

Storm: Egypt? (A sheet gives details on the archeological dig. There are attached images of a sarcophagus and of the four walls of the tomb.)

Magneto: Charles and I thought we were a few of the first. But we were wrong.

Storm: I don’t understand. Why are you showing me this?

Magneto: This tomb that the archeologists have discovered dates back five thousand years. The sarcophagus holds the body of a man named En Sabah Nur. (While he speaks the scene fades into flashbacks of Egypt. Showing what magneto is talking about.)The hieroglyphs on the walls of the tomb suggest that this man possessed great powers. Claiming he was sent by the Gods he began his own civilization. He gave his four high priests there own powers in exchange for their souls. He named them Famine, Pestilence, War and Death.
Eventually these priests, that had become to be known as The Four Horsemen, broke free from En Sabah Nur and encased him in a sarcophagus and closed him in a tomb. (Scene returns to the mansion) He was never meant to be found. The priests could not kill him they could only put him into deep hibernation. If the sarcophagus is opened he will awaken. We need to stop this before it is too late!

Storm: How can this be? Mutants have only been around about 100 years

Magneto: You X-men are so small minded. Never seeing beyond what you want to believe!

(At that moment Rogue, Bobby, Angel and Hank enter the room. Bobby shocked by the presence of magneto ices up.)

Bobby: You! (He prepares to attack)

Storm: Bobby don’t. He’s harmless.

(Magneto winks at Rogue. In disgust she storms past pushing him as she does, sending him and his chair backwards across the room. A few gasp)

Bobby: Rogue… (She runs out of the room) Wait!
Hank Mckoy: (To Storm) The two mutants are in containment.

Storm: Good

Hank Mckoy: What’s going on here?

(Scene cuts to Bobby chasing after rogue)

Bobby: Rogue, please, wait up!

Rogue: Please just leave me alone Bobby. Ah wanna be on my own!

(Rogue enters her dorm and slams the door. It flies off its hinges and through the door of the opposite dorm where colossus is talking to Kitty Pride. The door hits him and he metals up thinking that he is under attack.)

Peter: (He turns round and sees rogue in her doorway. As he speaks he returns to normal) Rogue, w…was that you?!

Kitty: What! (rushes through the wall to see rogue) Rogue what happened?

Rogue: (Through tears.) A…Ah don’t know. (she collapses to the floor and Bobby goes to hug her) D…don’t touch me Bobby! Just don’t !

Bobby: We need to get you to Beast

Peter: Yea he knows everything. Whatever it is he’ll be able to sort it.

(Scene cuts back to Magneto Mystique Storm Beast and Angel)

Hank Mckoy: This is fascinating. Absolutely fascinating.

Magneto: It won’t be if he gets out.

Warren: I hate to say it but he’s right. We need to do something.

Storm: And what do you know. You sure as hell didn’t know the cure wasn’t finished, and you were closer to it than any of us!...I…I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it. Its jus….

Warren: It’s fine. But there are more important thins than the cure now.

Storm: I know. As much as I am against it we will have to work together. (To Magneto) By our rules.

Magneto: I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Hey thats a really good script but what did u mean about the whole Wolverine missing thing? Or r u gonna explain it later?


Old Post Jun 15th, 2006 07:41 PM
Wolverine2006 is currently offline Click here to Send Wolverine2006 a Private Message Find more posts by Wolverine2006 Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
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gonna explain later fanboy lol pm me if you want a spoiler.


Old Post Jun 15th, 2006 07:45 PM
Marko is currently offline Click here to Send Marko a Private Message Find more posts by Marko Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
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Location: In a better place.

(The X-men –Storm, Bobby and Peter are stood at the danger room door with Havok and Strong Guy. Beast approaches)

Hank Mckoy: The Sentinel program is loaded.

Storm: Whatever you see and fight is a hologram. But what you feel if hurt is real. Are you ready (Havok and Strong Guy nod) ok.

(Beast opens the doors and the holograms take form as the door closes. As the door closes a beep signalling a call begins, the screen says that it is from Muir Island. Meanwhile Kitty is upstairs looking for Rogue. She gets to Rogues room and knocks on the door.)

Kitty: Rogue?…Rogue? (She opens the door, sees the room is empty-wardrobe included- and the picture of Rogue and Bobby on her bed. She begins knock at doors)Siryn have you seen Rogue?

Siryn: Sorry Kitty. Is she not with Bobby?

Kitty: No. (Jubilee Walks Past in gym clothes) Jubilee! Have you seen Rogue I can’t find her and her clothes are gone.

Jubilee: What…No I haven’t

(Scene cuts to the Danger Room where Havok is standing on the leg of a sentinel.)

Storm: Alex, look out!
(A laser is shot from behind but misses him.)

Storm: Hank…

Hank Mckoy: I only programmed one in.

(Everything holographic turns into blueprints then disappears. A light remains shining down through the ceiling. Worry consumes their faces. Kitty is waiting for Jubilee when there is an explosion in front of her. It sends her flying backwards. She phases and ends up in colossus’ room. Siryn and jubilee both come out of the rooms and see the hole. The sun is bright and there are no clouds. The sentinel is clearly visible)


Old Post Jun 15th, 2006 08:57 PM
Marko is currently offline Click here to Send Marko a Private Message Find more posts by Marko Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
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Location: In a better place.

ok seeing as the script is all over the place i'm posting it all as one


Old Post Jun 15th, 2006 10:30 PM
Marko is currently offline Click here to Send Marko a Private Message Find more posts by Marko Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
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Location: In a better place.

Storm: (narrates, as she does archeologists are in an excavation site in the middle of the desert in Egypt and it finishes with them knocking through into an entrance.) Through out time many things have been lost. Wars, freedom, control, even a mutants own power; but some of these things were never meant to be found.

(Titles which finish with the cerebro X sign)

(Camera shot of Strong Guy demolishing street lights and cars in a street. Stood watching and looking as if they are waiting is Havok. Ice-man appears from behind the shot and is producing an ice slide. He throws clumps of ice towards Strong Guy. Angel is flying above and beast is swinging from the street lights. Rogue is in the x-jet which she has landed nearby.)

Strong Guy: (After being hit with ice.) Cut it out twerp (Grabs a clump of ice and throws it towards bobby knocking him off is slide)

Bobby: Argh….

(Beast approaches Havok)

Havok: Stay back fur ball (smirks while he raises his hand to his chest)

Hank Mckoy: And spoil the fun?! (Havok unleashes a blast from both his hands at Beast. Beast is flung backwards and lands on the roof of a car unconscious. Meanwhile ice man continues to throw ice at Strong Guy)

Warren: Beast, hold on.

Strong Guy: (Blocking the ice and proceeding towards Bobby) I said cut it out! (He thumps Bobby to the ground. Bobby ices up and tries to fight back but strong guy is stood on his chest. Rogue sees this from the X-jet and lowers the ramp and heads towards bobby.

Havok: ( Angel is evading Havok's blasts) Keep still bird boy! (He swoops down and grabs Havok lifting him into the air. He swings Havok and then releases him, powering him into a wall of a building rendering him unconscious. Angel grabs him before he falls to the ground.)

Bobby: Argh…get…off

Rogue: (Jumps on Strong Guy’s back) get off him! (She begins to hit him with her bare fists) Leave him alone! (Slight veins begin to appear on Strong Guy’s back and his grip on Ice-man appears to weaken. He grabs Rogue and throws her to the floor. He turns round to face her, removing his foot off Bobby.)

Bobby: Don’t you touch her! (He grabs Strong Guy’s feet and freezes him to the ground. HE appears to be weak and unable to break free. Angel lands with Havok in his arms and Beast is coming to.)

(scene cuts to a shot of the mansion and then to the lower part of the mansion where storm is stood looking at the doors of cerebro with tears rolling down her cheeks. Then she hers a bleep and rushes into the meeting room where on a screen it says receiving call from X-Jet. She wipes the tears from her face)

Storm: (Answering. Beast is on the screen) Hank, is everything ok?

Hank Mckoy: Yes were fine, but we are bringing back two mutants. One is unconscious but keeps referring to Scott?!

Storm: Thank-you Hank.

Hank Mckoy: Still no word from Logan?

Storm: (Shakes her head and holds back her tears) No, but he will be fine.

Hank Mckoy: But will you?....I’m sorry it is not my place

Storm: Its ok and your right. But I need to think of the kids. I just wish that he was here. I miss him so much. If only I…..

Hank Mckoy: You couldn’t have done anything Ororo. She would have killed you to!

Storm: I know bu….. (Notices Magneto and Mystique walking up to the mansion) I have to go Hank. I will see you when you get back. (Turns off the call)

(Scene Cuts to storm running to the entrance doors of the mansion. She opens them to find Magneto and Mystique-In human form and carrying a briefcase-.)

Storm: What are you doing here?! You’re not welcome! Not after what you did to Jean!

Magneto: I promise you I bring no war and I am deeply sorry!

Storm: Save it for someone who cares!

Mystique: Please, listen to us. ( While she speaks she morphs into the blue form of mystique but her orange hair is bobbed.) You need to hear this!

(Storm is shocked at what she sees and magneto grins slightly)

Storm: You had better come in.

(The scene continues in the meeting room. Magneto is seated with mystique stood beside him. Storm is also seated yet at a considerable distance.)

Storm: You’re telling me the cure is temporary!? But that means… Rogue. This will break her heart.

Magneto: Can we spare the dramatics. ( Storm stares at him and her eyes begin to cloud over) Now, now Storm.

Storm: Just say what you’ve got to say!

Magneto: Fine (Concentrates hard to levitate the case up on to the newly developed holographic table)

Storm: Do you want some help there.

(Magneto glares at storm and exhales deeply when the case is on the table. Mystique opens it and passes the sheets that are inside it to Storm)

Storm: Egypt? (A sheet gives details on the archeological dig. There are attached images of a sarcophagus and of the four walls of the tomb.)

Magneto: Charles and I thought we were a few of the first. But we were wrong.

Storm: I don’t understand. Why are you showing me this?

Magneto: This tomb that the archeologists have discovered dates back five thousand years. The sarcophagus holds the body of a man named En Sabah Nur. (While he speaks the scene fades into flashbacks of Egypt. Showing what magneto is talking about.)The hieroglyphs on the walls of the tomb suggest that this man possessed great powers. Claiming he was sent by the Gods he began his own civilization. He gave his four high priests there own powers in exchange for their souls. He named them Famine, Pestilence, War and Death.
Eventually these priests, that had become to be known as The Four Horsemen, broke free from En Sabah Nur and encased him in a sarcophagus and closed him in a tomb. (Scene returns to the mansion) He was never meant to be found. The priests could not kill him they could only put him into deep hibernation. If the sarcophagus is opened he will awaken. We need to stop this before it is too late!

Storm: How can this be? Mutants have only been around about 100 years

Magneto: You X-men are so small minded. Never seeing beyond what you want to believe!

(At that moment Rogue, Bobby, Angel and Hank enter the room. Bobby shocked by the presence of magneto ices up.)

Bobby: You! (He prepares to attack)

Storm: Bobby don’t. He’s harmless.

(Magneto winks at Rogue. In disgust she storms past pushing him as she does, sending him and his chair backwards across the room. A few gasp)

Bobby: Rogue… (She runs out of the room) Wait!
Hank Mckoy: (To Storm) The two mutants are in containment.

Storm: Good

Hank Mckoy: What’s going on here?

(Scene cuts to Bobby chasing after rogue)

Bobby: Rogue please wait up!

Rogue: Please just leave me alone Bobby. Ah wanna be on my own!

(Rogue enters her dorm and slams the door. It flies off its hinges and through the door of the opposite dorm where colossus is talking to Kitty Pride. The door hits him and he metals up thinking that he is under attack.)

Peter: (He turns round and sees rogue in her doorway. As he speaks he returns to normal) Rogue, w…was that you?!

Kitty: What! (rushes through the wall to see rogue) Rogue what happened?

Rogue: (Through tears.) A…Ah don’t know. (she collapses to the floor and Bobby goes to hug her) D…don’t touch me Bobby. Just don’t

Bobby: We need to get you to Beast

Peter: Yea he knows everything. Whatever it is he’ll be able to sort it.

(Scene cuts back to Magneto Mystique Storm Beast and Angel)

Hank Mckoy: This is fascinating. Absolutely fascinating.

Magneto: It won’t be if he gets out.

Warren: I hate to say it but he’s right. We need to do something.

Storm: And what do you know. You sure as hell didn’t know the cure wasn’t finished, and you were closer to it than any of us!...I…I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it. Its jus….

Warren: It’s fine. But there are more important thins than the cure now.

Storm: I know. As much as I am against it we will have to work together. (To Magneto) By our rules.

Magneto: I wouldn’t have it any other way.

(Mystique Grins. Another call is Coming through. Hank Answers)

Hank Mckoy: Hello Moira. Although unexpected this is a pleasant surprise.

Moira: Why Hank, you always know how to make a girl smile. (Hank grins) I hope I can do the same. I have some news. News for all of you.

Storm: (Towards the screen) It better be good news Moira!

Moira: Why hi there Storm. It is. It’s about Charles. (Everyone looks confused Storm and Magneto show the most emotion in their faces)

Storm: What? What is it?

Moira: He’s here, with me.

Storm: How!? The phoenix destroyed him. (She begins to cry)

Moira: Maybe so Storm, but she only destroyed his body. He transferred his psyche into a body of one of my brain dead patients.

Charles: (Speaks but is not visible) Storm.

Storm: Pr…Professor?

Charles: Yes storm it is me. (Storm cries joyfully)

Magneto: Old friend

Charles: Erik! I heard you failed

Magneto: You teach your students well.

Charles: I only guide them. Storm, I am weak I must go but I promise you when the time is right I will come back! (The call ends)

Storm: Bye. (Straightens herself up, wipes her tears. To magneto) We can sort you out with quarters. Warren Do you mind showing them to the guest rooms?

Warren: Not at all Storm.

(Warren Exits with Magneto and Mystique)

Storm: Oh Hank…I can’t do this.

Hank Mckoy: You can Ororo. We all can.


Old Post Jun 15th, 2006 10:31 PM
Marko is currently offline Click here to Send Marko a Private Message Find more posts by Marko Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
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Gender: Male
Location: In a better place.

(Bobby and Rogue enter)

Bobby: Beast we need your help.

Hank Mckoy: As it seems it is a matter of urgency I can presume why you are here. (To rogue) It is about you isn’t it.

(She nods)

Storm: If I may leave you three, I need to check n the kids. (Storm exits.)

Hank Mckoy: Please follow me. (He leads them to his laboratory)
I am aware, Rogue, that the cure is losing its affect. However your power should still be weak. The addition of that mutant’s power should only have lasted a couple of minutes. I will need to analyse a sample of your blood. That is all I can do for now.

(Beast pricks rogues’ finger and obtains a sample of blood. He then smiles reassuringly to her.)

(The screen goes dark; “Scott” can be heard faintly echoing in the voice of Jean Grey. Havok awakes as if from a nightmare)

Havok: Scott!.....I need to see him…where is he, let me out.

Storm: Who are you? How do you know Scott? And what were you doing?

Havok: My name is Alex. Alex Summers. I’m his brother. I needed your attention. I knew he was part of an affiliation called the X-men and knew if could get your attention I would in turn get his.

Storm: I’m so sorry Alex.

Havok. What? Why?

Storm: Scott died…about a month ago.

Havok: But…How?

Storm: A mutant who called herself The Phoenix killed him at Alkali Lake.

Havok: NO...NO...(To Strong Guy) We need to leave..NOW!(Points arms towards cell bars and fires his plasma beams and disintegrating the bars. Strong Guy and Havok fore through)

Storm: Alex st…(She is hit to the floor by Strong Guy)

(Havok and Strong Guy enter the top of the mansion but break through the lift doors triggering the alarm. Ice-man, Colossus Kitty and Rogue run to where speakers can be heard say “Breach at lift 2. Unidentified Mutants.” Havok and Strong Guy are already out side by time the team get there. Rogue runs up to Strong Guy Throwing a punch)

Bobby: Rogue!

(Strong guy is not affected and grabs Rogue by her hair. He then throws her into the high into the air. Bobby Is engaged in battle with Havok So Kitty runs upwards through the air to try and catch her. However due to her powers Rogue falls straight through her. Just before she reaches the ground she stops, appearing to hover. She levels herself out and lands herself on the ground. The same look of fear consumes her face and runs into the mansion. The three X-men stand facing their opponents.)

Bobby: Why don’t you join us? Its pointless fighting!

Havok: What become an X-man, so you can fail me? Like you did my brother?!

Peter: What?!

Havok: Oh, that’s right you don’t know. Scott, he WAS my brother. (Havok collapses to the ground gripping his head. )Argh… (He can hear Scott’s name echoing again.) What? What do you want?! (Everyone looks at him confused. This time he see’s flashbacks. Its Scott looking out on Lake Alkali, he is then kissing Jean and then there is darkness. The echoes stop and he slowly gets back up) The person who killed him, she was a woman yes? Where is she, it makes it no harder to avenge my brother.

(Scene cuts to area 51. A truck pulls up and enters the compound. A brown folder is handed to someone who takes it down to the entrance of the bunker. Trask has his back to the camera)

Soldier 1: Trask Sir!

Trask: Thank you soldier. (He opens up the folder. Inside is a picture and information of the X-mansion) Good. When will they be ready?

Scientist: We need to program them but they should be ready in 24 hours sir.

Trask: Very good

(Scene cuts to the graves of Scott, Jean and Xavier. Havok is knelt at the grave of Scott whilst the others stand behind.)

Bobby: We’re sorry, but we couldn’t do anything

Havok: (Anger in his face) we have nowhere to go. Our people were killed by soldiers, their powers taken then their lives!

Bobby: Then join us.

Strong Guy: Alex, what else do we have? We are no-one on our own!

Havok: Very well.

(Scene cuts to the lower part of the mansion. Storm is lead on the floor)

Hank Mckoy: Ororo! (Hank Jumps over the table to Storm)

Storm: (She stirs and tries to get up).

Hank Mckoy: Here (he helps her up and towards a chair). What happened? Where are they?

Storm: I... (Bleeping sound. Storm presses a button)

Kitty: Storm we’re bringing them back now.

Storm: Thanks Kitty. (Kitty cancels her com)

Beast: Bringing them back?

Storm: Yes, I want them to join. He calls Havok. The other is Strong Guy.

Havok is Scott’s brother Hank.

(Camera shot goes through the floors into Rogues dorm. She has a bag on her bed. It is full of clothes. She picks up a picture of her and Bobby and stokes it. As she does the glass begins to break. A tear falls down her face and she leaves her room carrying her bag)

(There is a shot of Muir Island. Moira and Sean Cassidy are stood holding Hands looking out at a window. As they kiss Xavier can be heard)

Charles: (In his sleep) no…no…

Moira: (She goes to his side. Only his hand is seen) It’s ok Charles

Charles: Storm...get out…hurry…th...they’re (wakes up). No!

Moira: Charles it’s ok. You’re awake now.

Charles: (the camera pans to his face. It is that of a young man)They’re in danger! They need to get out!

Moira: What? Who does?

Charles: I’ve seen it Moira. They’re dead, all of them. We need to help them!

(The X-men –Storm, Bobby and Peter are stood at the danger room door with Havok and Strong Guy. Beast approaches)

Hank Mckoy: The Sentinel program is loaded.

Storm: Whatever you see and fight is a hologram. But what you feel if hurt is real. Are you ready (Havok and Strong Guy nod) ok.

(Beast opens the doors and the holograms take form as the door closes. As the door closes a beep signalling a call begins, the screen says that it is from Muir Island. Meanwhile Kitty is upstairs looking for Rogue. She gets to Rogues room and knocks on the door.)

Kitty: Rogue?…Rogue? (She opens the door, sees the room is empty-wardrobe included- and the picture of Rogue and Bobby on her bed. She begins knock at doors)Siryn have you seen Rogue?

Siryn: Sorry Kitty. Is she not with Bobby?

Kitty: No. (Jubilee Walks Past in gym clothes) Jubilee! Have you seen Rogue I can’t find her and her clothes are gone.

Jubilee: What…No I haven’t

(Scene cuts to the Danger Room where Havok is standing on the leg of a sentinel.)

Storm: Alex, look out!
(A laser is shot from behind but misses him.)

Storm: Hank…

Hank Mckoy: I only programmed one in.

(Everything holographic turns into blueprints then disappears. A light remains shining down through the ceiling. Worry consumes their faces. Kitty is waiting for Jubilee when there is an explosion in front of her. It sends her flying backwards. She phases and ends up in colossus’ room. Siryn and jubilee both come out of the rooms and see the hole. The sun is bright and there are no clouds. The sentinel is clearly visible)


Old Post Jun 15th, 2006 10:31 PM
Marko is currently offline Click here to Send Marko a Private Message Find more posts by Marko Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote

Gender: Female
Location: United States

cain thats awesome rock :rock.
god bless you for coming up with this post. rolling on floor laughing eek!big grin
i feel like a kid who just walked into a candy-toy store happy
Happy Dance Happy Dance Happy Dance
please continue yes dont stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Old Post Jun 15th, 2006 11:34 PM
x-fetish is currently offline Click here to Send x-fetish a Private Message Find more posts by x-fetish Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
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