Why is Abeloth considered so powerful? I'm aware that several factions went to great lengths to ensure her imprisonment or death, but I haven't read anything directly suggesting she's the most powerful creature ever.
Her conspicuous absence from the versus arena suggests most here wouldn't be able to quantify the nature of her abilities either.
Since Luke basically crapped his pants at the idea of Sekot turning to the Darkside, I think it's pretty set that Sekot is a beast. There's individual feats that were pretty crazy, but I don't feel like looking them up at the moment.
__________________ http://darthglentract.tripod.com/index.html Go Jawa's!!
As Gideon said, her abilities aren't exactly combat related. She IS however, a being of pure dark side energy. She has enough power to cause psychosis in random Jedi, as well as whisper to Luke in his sleep while he's asleep. She also controls the flora and fauna of her planet, destroyed Sinkhole Station, and made "Ship" obey her without any question. She's definitely a ridiculously powerful being and it took a lot of sith and Luke to take her down, but it doesn't look like she has combat related abilities, or chooses not to use them.
I just noticed that the cover of the novel has Jude Law and Mark Whalberg on it.
__________________ Recently Produced and Distributed Young but High-Ranking Political Figure of Royal Ancestry within the Modern American Town Affectionately Referred To as Bel-Air.
__________________ Recently Produced and Distributed Young but High-Ranking Political Figure of Royal Ancestry within the Modern American Town Affectionately Referred To as Bel-Air.