So this is how liberty dies — to thunderous applause
From Newsweek:
It's hard not to feel that Lucas's engagement with this story has a contemporary urgency, as line after pointed line invites us to see a parallel with today's wartime climate.
As the Senate cedes power to Palpatine under the guise of intergalactic security, Natalie Portman's Princess Padme exclaims bitterly, "So this is how liberty dies—to thunderous applause."
I find it totally cool for George Lucas to draw this parallel with current situation in USA, where the people has ceded too much power to President Bush under the disguise of national security.
I'm sure more movie critics would realize this subtle resemblance to modern world politics.
stupid.....correlating todays world events and george bush to revenge of the sith is a pretty far stretch of imagination to say the least. Its shows how far down the tiolet partisan politics can bring you
yea because george bush shoots lightning from his hands and uses the darkside of the force to cloud peoples minds so he can take control of the galaxy. Perfect fit.
Registered: Apr 2005
Location: Massachusettes, United States
There is always applause during state of the union. It is just tradition. It doesn't matter who is the President or what he does.... mickey mouse could get up there and say he wants to legalize child slavery and he would get a thunderous applause.
Pleae, the Patriot Act is EXACTLY like the chanellor's emergency powers. Racism and fear in the guise of security. And congress is happy to approve it, even lengthen it! The war in Iraq, yeah, like the Clone Wars, a nice destraction while the most powerful 1% continues to bend us over and have at it, no lube. We (the US) tell everyone what they will do or we threaten to invade. Gee, that doesn't sound like the Empire. We essentially take over places, "help" set up new government, government that will do as we see fit, and then we move along. Yeah, no Imperial connection there. Wake up America, you're losing your rights more and more day by day, through things like the FCC, the Patriot Act, its all in your best interests, all to protect you from having to think for yourself.
i think no matter where you go leadership is corrupt to whatever degree. America is no more different than anywhere else, and i would definatley live under Bush's rule than say Castro, who is a REAL dictator. You live off rations given to you by the government in cuba, pretty nice huh? Yea in America you can say anything thats on your mind, tolerance twoards otehr people is stressed, and America gives foriegn aid to countries constantly. I think America has become the big boogie man and allot of the reasons are built with straw men. Sure America has its awful blemishes, but what country doesn't? If you want to get technical leaderships for human beings for the most part are tyranical, lets not just pick on Bush because its the popular thing to do. Who should we relate Tony Blair too? Darth vader because he is helping the emporer (Bush) get done what he wants after being suckered in to siding with him?? Common this is stupid.
If you look at it like that the terrorists could be mirror images of the jedi.......
Okay, I'm wondering if this is supposed to be either critical or complementary, because not only does Palpatine just beat the crap out of the opposition but we end up rooting for him in the end.
Registered: Mar 2005
Location: In "Devil May Cry" movie
Now everyone is all serious about this! You can imagine real-world parallels all you want, and yes, they seem to fit..BUT Episode 1 and the overall political plot of all 3 prequels, was written in 1997!!!! 1997!!! BEFORE 9/11, BEFORE this current 'war' in Iraq, BEFORE all of the parallels mentioned above! Ergo and therefore, it is either coincidence or Lucas is psychic. I'm going with coincidence.
exactly jedi's are religeos types, people that kill in the name of allah are religeos types as well. They say that Allah is with them. Jedi say they are with the force.
well now that we figured out bush in the emp and religeos zealot terorists are jedi i think i am gonna change my name to Movie Ali and start helping to fund islamic terrorist cells since in fact, they are only fighting against an evil dictator, wich is a righteos cause
That's what makes it scary, as McCallum said when asked about these parallel's 'George is simply telling the story of how dictator's come to power and the public hands over their rights, any parallel's to today's events are purely coincidental', which he said very tongue in cheek.