while I think that magneto could not take a full out scream from black bolt I don't think black bolt with get that chance. I think aquaman is the first to go down considering all the damage he would do is to namor since he doesn't have any psyc defense. Aquaman won't have a prayer with attacking anyone else magneto has more then enough psyc defenses and his shild is going to protect him from anything else. all mags has to do with him is make his blood go in reverse until aqua man passes out. next to go down is namor just because the other two has his primary powers (flight and strenghth) and a lot more powerful powers on top of that. I think it would end with black bolt trying to scream at magneto then mags using his power to shut black bolts mouth.
Blackbolt beats the other team in his sleep. His control over electrons uppercuts MAgneto's powers many times over. He can transmute Namor and MAgneto both into stone statues. He's done this at a distance to an entire army.
__________________ Ann Nocenti writes on Storm: "At her command oceans rise, tornadoes destroy, rains pummel, breezes cool, sun dries, seas part!"
mags can just use the metal on his antana to shut his mouth. Also when did black bolt get power over his molecules that sounds more like Mr. Sinister or Apoc? Also how would that help black bolt not get his mouth shut.
if you want to see how good a fight between black bolt and mags would be check out universe x (non-canon I don't mean this by way of evidence) when toad with mags' powers fights black bolt's son black knight.
Blackbolts matter manipulation is more than enough to challenge Magneto's vast array of powers, not to mention, he has fought (and beaten) gravitron before
Most of magnetos high end feats wont work on blackbolt
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Who has shields? And Aquaman is durable enough to stand up to Despero's punches, At least for like a little while. I dont' think anyone is going to clock him and just take him out of the fight. I don't know how many people's mutations he can take out at one time> i was just asking what happens.
Aquaman is durable, but not Blackbolt-scream durable. The inhuman open his mouth and they all go down. However, I'll admit that Aquaman is the biggest thread for him here.
mags has shields, I didn't mean they were goingt o take him out with one punch but start wailing on him so he won't be able to take everyone out like that. I think aqua man will take at least one of these guys down wheither though tp or the magic hand thing but I don't see that being enough to win this for him.
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He could take two out at once. BB with his hand and Namor with Tp. Then he'd be up shit creek against Magneto. Magneto loses to BB and Namor loses to everyone. Magneto has the best chance in an actual last man standing becuz BB and Namor would go down first due to aquaman.