what would the MU do if the negation empire invaded i finished reading the comic, basically two men elevated themselves through a machine to a higher plane of existence finding another universe, one named charon the other appoloyn or something like that, charon went insane thinking he had to fix the universe thinking himself a god, he purged himself of all his negative feelings creating a army of beings called lawbringers, each lawbringer can easily destroy a planet extingishing all life on it and even cracking it in half maybe even causing it to explode, since all these beings with such power can do such things and all they where, where the negative aspects of charon i could not imagine how strong this guy is.
Basically he's strong enough to easily kill a planet destroying beast or anymoly, appolyn is a big weaker then him though, when he was shot up he mearly peaced himself back together, and when he mated with one of the first a lesser being them him his energy caused a large crater in the planet, other poeple where brought with him to the negation who where not as powerful as him but still pretty strong, i dont think they can destroy planets but i saw one taking on an entire army the only reason he died is cause they compromised his attack possition namely the floor he was standing on even then he took out 12 of them.
Im not sure if this is a good match up but yeah i think the negation would put up an ok fight.