He was an 80tonner last time I checked... and colossus was a 100 tonner...
wow... you know i never doubt you bb... but was there any pis involved in that issue?
__________________ Quotes from Hia8:
"I claimed that the science is sometimes faulty."
"You don't understand. This is fiction. That means none of this stuff really happened."
"There is no writer to purposely ignore a character's natural ability just because it suits the story."
"in some cases because the writer knows that Character A will dominate Character B easily and refuses to allow this to happen for the sake of the story."
Thor had a spell put on him, that everyone thought he was Juggernaut.
They stalemated until Thor hit one of the Wrecking Crew with a hammer, then the fight stopped. Britain realized that Juggernaut (Thor) did something good.
It was also Thor's own comic...
Also, you notice how well Namor does against Hulk? Tons really mean nothing.
Plus, I'm not sure he is exactly an eighty tonner...
He also defeated a Colossus-like demon, and then rolled him up in a ball.
We know he should be at least close to Colossus's level, since the Thor-one was a beast...
In a She-Hulk comic, where Britain also seemed quite weak...
She also didn't KO him, but after she knocked him down, she ended up taking off her clothes.
Also Captain Britain was mind controled during this time, and he couldn't even hit She-Hulk. Plus when he went into the battle with her, he was weakened.
Not exactly beating HIM.
I know that Captain Britain is impressive. Because well, he is.
However, Colossus has what it takes to defeat him.
First off, Colossus is both stronger and more durable than CB. And since there is no flying in this match, CB has no flight advantage here.
Second, I haven't seen anything that would put CB's fighting skills above Piotr's.
Third, Colossus has held his own against both Gladiator (whom CB would have no chance against) and Juggernaut before. I think it's pretty safe to say that he could put CB down.