The purpose of this thread has been fulfilled. This thread was created with expressed purpose of nvrbeenwthagirl to find out the forum's opinion on Darkseid's power level.
With twenty-seven pages of discussion, it has been expressed that most, but not all, of the forum believes that Darkseid is near, whether it be above or below, "Thanos level". People are entitled to their opinions, but this thread has degenerated into something completely off-topic. Moreover on the matter, this topic is not a versus thread, and this topic has the potential (and has evidently fulfilled that potential) to turn into an circular endless-run-around of Darkseid debating and speculation. I therefore ask the moderators to close this thread.
Forever Young...
Last edited by Evangel94 on Jan 8th, 2007 at 09:03 AM
Gender: Male Location: Anti-Forum Elitist. I put Elitist i
Account Restricted
What gives you the right to ask the moderators to close this thread simply becuz we have a difference of opinion? The absolute nerve of you is astounding to say the least. I and others have said it looks like Big G was vanishing. You don't seem to agree. There for you have the gall to ask the moderators to close the thread becuz you aren't getting your way? I am so done with you. Please exit stage left. And you call me immature. That was the most rediculous thing I have ever heard. You don't see me going around asking mods to close threads becuz someone is DC bashing or using PIS or CIS to undermine a character. I just can't believe you would think to be justified. As is stands, it seems the forum's opinion on DS has went up from what it used to be.
Last edited by nvrbeenwthagirl on Jan 8th, 2007 at 01:40 PM
Gender: Male Location: Anti-Forum Elitist. I put Elitist i
Account Restricted
Thank you for your excellent contribution. I look forward to many more of the exact same things that you have been saying over and over. keep up the good work.
I'm not asking the moderators to close this thread because of you. I'm asking the moderators to close this thread because it doesn't make sense. This circular back and forth logic gets us no where. This isn't even a versus thread! There's no point in continually arguing with you. This ENTIRE thread is just you constantly arguing against people you disagree with. Why do you think people stopped posting in this thread?
This thread should have been named:
"nvrbeenwthagirl vs the forum"
This thread was created for you to see the forum's opinion on Darkseid, not argue against everyone doesn't agree with you. There's no reason to continue this thread.
And to be honest, forum opinion of Darkseid has gone down because you're constantly badgering people who don't agree with you on Darkseid's power level.
I'll agree. 27 pages is long enough and the purpose has been's not due to any one person or post, but for the reasons Evangel stated. Closing.
Since this has come up and nvr has PM'd me about it, I feel the need to explain myself.
I've had to warn various parties involved for the trouble that seems to follow around nvr. This includes more than just him. And honestly, I'm sick of it.
Closing this wasn't a display of favoritism, nor of any spiteful inhibition toward nvr. I simply agreed with Evangel's assessment of the thread, and closed it. If you'll all recall, others like this have been closed as well, so it's not like I don't have a precedent for it.
So if you're going to complain, do so with reasoned arguments, not bogus accusations of favoritism and spite.