Hawkeye uses a sonic arrow to disorient Wolverine for a few seconds....and while Wolverine's ears are bleeding and he's on the ground seething in pain, Green Arrow shoots him with a dozen explosive tip arrows, while Hawkeye unloads a few acidic tipped arrows on him for good measure; and melts his skin off....
Yeah, it won't kill Wolverine (because he's "immortal" now ) , but I believe they could manage to take him out of the game for awhile. Hell, I've seen Hawkeye beat the Abomination by himself (Solo Avengers #12), so I'm sure he would be able to take down Wolverine; especially with Green Arrow's help.
Conan, what is best in life? To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and sigs by Beta Ray Howard.
Again this is assuming they see logan before he already killed one of them. That assuming logan no 5 feet away from them. Also that whole plan would fail since the sonic would do nothing. Logan has in wolverine/Hulk mini taken a thunder clap and it did nothing to Logan he even made a joke about it.
well im surprized you think they win when neither have hieghten senses and will simply be ambushed. hell even with hieghten sense they still get ambushed
That means nothing when he can't sneak up on logan. Logan how ever can easily sneak up on him. Hell Logan has snuck up on kazar a man who lived in the jungle sinced birth.
You forgot X-Ray vision. Seriously. These two guys have better eyes than Wolverine. Maybe he is everything you say. But let's say the two of them can hit Wolverine. I have no doubt about this. Nuff said.
He doesn't have to sneak up. Green Arrow is a veteran in the hero biz. He battled far stronger, smarter and smellier opponents than Logan the muff. Really he has Hawkeye on his side. Have you read Avengers comics?? Have you read Green Lantern co-starring Green Arrow or even classic Green Arrow comics??? If not. Do it. If yes you are only trying to prove yourself right. There is no chance Logan can outmatch these to veterans.
hehe...While Logan needs his hightent senses and abilities these two don't have them and they still showed feats around Wolverine. Just look at Ollie standing up to guys like Sinestro without a goddamn healing factor or senses. Wolverine looses.
They ahve better eyes then a man who can see in prefect darkness? a Man who ahs superhuman sight. A man Who Can see beyond any human can possiably see and yet they have better vission?
When did hawlk eye and green arrow become superhuman?
They can't hit wolverien iof he does not want to be hit unelss the attack is an explosion. Not that it matter when they will be ambushed no question about it. logan is far the superior in stealth and niether have superhuman senses not that it matter since logan has snuck up on DD, feral, sabertooth and many others.
Has he ever battle such a skilled opponent as logan who ahs his senses and stealth prowess in a jungle? Nope. You ever heard of an ambush? Some thing Logan could easily do.
Yes I own every issue.
Logan combat experience is more then twice there combined. Saying the word veteran when Logan far superior in combat experience and skill. Logan spent years and years in jungles. His experience in jungles, woods and such dwarfs his opponents. His senses make it imposable for him not to know were they are. His stealth makes it possible for him to easily ambush them
Really?? Why is that Green Arrow was created in 1941. My meaning he has a bigger period. Just because Wolverine got his claws doesn't mean he will get close enough to use them. Green Arrow is old-timer. Just read some of his comics he has been fighting more powerful opponents than Wolver-God ever will be. You are trying to hold your own here okay because you like Wolverine. But trust Ollie isn't stupid. You talk about Queen like he is some kind of 13 year old kid with wooden arrow bought in the Toys'r's. No he has mass amount of skills comparable to Wolverine without any superpowers. And that's why he is going to win. Logan count mostly on his healing factor and skills. None of this helps him here. 3 explosive arrows into the face at one time another 3 shocker arrows and for fun they can freeze Wolverine too. I'm not saying GA would own him but he can win.
Gender: Unspecified Location: United States, Illinois
lol, arrows to the face......like wolverine just so much enjoys goin through all the pain of taking damage. ya, green arrow is a veteran. just because his character was made before wolverine.
wolverine is a veteran of several wars in his life time and so much older and experienced in combat than the 2 archers will ever be.... nuff said.
and also ya....green arrow was some punk in diapers with a wooden bow when wolverine was fighting in a real war. or wait..gee he wasnt even born , yet...
To bad were talking about the characters them selfs and not when they were created, but ncie try. Connor in his 20’s fact. Logan well over a 100 fact. Logan dwarfs Connors and Clients experience fact.
Logan will get close enough to use them. That’s the thing the setting gives Logan a massive advantage since there in a dense Jungle setting. Last time I checked were using current Green arrow which is Connor who in his 20’s so much for any old timer. Even the oldest Green arrow experience is dwarfed by Logan’s.
That comment just made you sound extremely bias. It also proved you have no idea what your talking about. Powerful opponent means nothing when your going to be ambushed be a far stealthier opponent who far more skilled combatant.
This is just the dumbest comment. It makes really no senses and means nothing.
I never said he was. I not acting like he some kid. Your not understand what I am saying. Ollie will be ambushed, it a pretty certain out come. Ollie has no way of know were Logan is and Logan is one of if not the stealthiest person on the planet.
No he does not. Logan has far superior skill. Lets see Logan been in every single war minus Iraq. He been in wars that we have never heard of. He has endless amount of training. He has over a 100 years of combat experience of his own and then add one the 1000’s years of experience given to him by his master Ogun. Ollie has nothing close to that and saying so just is a joke.
But as I already proven he does not.
First Logan see bullets in slow motion as I have proven. They are going to have a hell of a time hitting him.
Second you assume they will see him first which is false
3rd you assume logan will not simply ambush them which is false.
4th Logan will ambush them and they have no way of stopping this from happening.
5th read up on your wolverine and try and understand what I am saying.
Why should Logan see them first?? Better eyes, hightent senses??
Why should he be able to ambush them??? You got too much on the whole Wolverine will win for shure thing...
yes he possibly the best tracker in the world. He can fallow a scent from miles way. Would you like me to list feats? Logan has far superior senses and can even senses invisiable opponets such as in Wolverine side by side with Captain America! issue 124
lets see logan snuck up on the likes of Daredevil in wolverine issue 24.\
have far more feats then that, but I jsut give you two for now
Last edited by Dum Dum Dugan on Jan 9th, 2007 at 07:49 PM