Lonesome Jim

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Starring: Casey Affleck, Liv Tyler, Mary Kay Place, Kevin Corrigan, Seymour Cassel, Rachel Strouse, Jack Rovello, Mark Boone Junior, Sarah Strouse, Nick Boyd, Jude Barger, Doug Liechty Caskey, Michael Buscemi, Pam Grinstead-Angell, Rick Duplissie, Don Strouse

Director: Steve Buscemi
Release Date: March 31st, 2006
MPAA Rating: R
Studio: Plum Pictures
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Box Office Total: $154,077
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Synopsis: Casey Affleck plays Jim, a young man who, after deciding he can't make it on his own, moves back to his hometown in Indiana -- under his parents' roof. He's saved from his family's dysfunction by a local woman and her son, who sees him as a father figure.

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