Milk Reviews

Milk Review
by Scott Mendelson
Gus Van Sant's Milk is a fine character study and a solid look at a specific political movement and a certain time and place. It is marred only by the bitter aftertaste of reality, the tragic knowledge that not all that much has changed. It is perhaps...more

Milk Review
by Mark R. Leeper
CAPSULE: Gus Van Sant directs a powerful docudrama of the life and times of Harvey Milk, from coming to San Francisco to being elected city supervisor to being murdered along with the mayor of San Francisco. The style is...more

Milk Review
by Wick
Immensely well done piece of agitprop, built around Sean Penn's Best Actor performance and featuring Gus Van Sant's most fully realized directing effort. This admirable movie presents a world apart, yet right next door to the one in which most of us live...more