'SpiderMan 2' Trailer To Feature In 'The Apprentice'

A new 2 1/2 minuter trailer for the sequel SpiderMan 2 is to feature in the NBCs TV episode The Apprentice on Thursday night at 9pm, according to USA Today.

The second SpiderMan 2 trailer, which hits theater screens the next day, is the latest effort by film executives to air extended footage on television and the Internet to hype their movies. Most TV trailers run only 30 seconds and rarely air before running in theaters.

"We've got to look at unconventional ways to get our message across," says head of marketing for Sony. "Running your trailer in a theater is a great place because you've got a captivated, moviegoing audience. But if you want to reach a broader, more general audience, you need to go beyond the theater."

TV certainly has a wider draw than a theatrical trailer. Last week's episode of The Apprentice drew 22.8 million viewers. By comparison, a movie trailer attached to this week's No. 1 movie had an audience of about 4 million.

In the SpiderMan 2 trailer, which will run about 40 minutes into the show, audiences will see more of the villain, Doc Ock, and more of Peter Parker (Tobey Maguire), who wants to give up the Spidey costume.

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