Yi Yi

Starring: Nien-Jen Wu, Elaine Jin, Issey Ogata

Director: Edward Yang
Release Date: October 4th, 2000

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Synopsis: Each member of a family in Taipei asks hard questions about life's meaning as they live through every-day quandaries. NJ is morose; his brother owes him money, his mother is in a coma, his wife suffers a spiritual crisis when she finds her life a blank, his business partners make bad decisions against his advice, and he reconnects with his first love 30 years after he dropped her. His teenage daughter Ting-Ting watches emotions roil in their neighbors' flat and is experiencing the first stirrings of love. His son Yang-Yang, eight, laconic like his dad, pursues truth with the help of a camera. "Why is the world so different from what we think it is?," asks Ting-Ting.

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