The Bank Job Reviews

The Bank Job Review
by Homer Yen
The experience of watching the heist-flick "The Bank Job" is like the experience you feel when going on a slow roller coaster. A lot should be happening, but the thrills are tempered. The energy that's inherent in this film never really manages to...more

The Bank Job Review
by Homer Yen
The experience of watching the heist-flick "The Bank Job" is like the experience you feel when going on a slow roller coaster. A lot should be happening, but the thrills are tempered. The energy that's inherent in this film never really manages to...more

The Bank Job Review
by Homer Yen
The experience of watching the heist-flick bThe Bank Jobb is like the experience you feel when going on a slow roller coaster. A lot should be happening, but the thrills are tempered. The energy thatbs inherent in this film never really...more

The Bank Job Review
by Mark R. Leeper
CAPSULE: When the high political powers in Britain, wanting a piece of "evidence" to disappear, arrange for a bank robbery to take place, the result is complex chaos. Jason Statham plays Terry Leather, a family man going...more

The Bank Job Review
by Homer Yen
The experience of watching the heist-flick "The Bank Job" is like the experience you feel when going on a slow roller coaster. A lot should be happening, but the thrills are tempered. The energy that's inherent in this film never really manages to...more