Burn After Reading Review

by Homer Yen (homeryen88 AT gmail DOT com)
September 24th, 2008

"Burn after Reading" - Much Ado about Nothing
by Homer Yen
(c) 2008

Like the myriad of characters that populate the film, this movie is likewise all over the place. Yes, it has got its funny moments. But it feels cynical throughout. And, at the same time while there seems to be a kinetic pace to the film, the story goes nowhere. "Burn after Reading", despite individual breakout performances, can't manage to keep things together.

Here's a movie that starts off with promise. It is a comedy surrounding people who just deserve to be punished for their stupidity. Most of the characters, with their shallow goals and selfish actions and complete utter disregard for common sense, seem zany beyond belief. But the promise goes unrealized. Except for perhaps 1 character (the manager of a fitness center), none of them seem like real people. Some people have affairs. Some people commit crimes. Some people have errors in judgment. But, none of the extra-marital hookups seem to possess any chemistry or spark. None of the crimes are carried out with any style or suspense. And as for the errors in judgment, let's just say that the resulting tone of the film is itself a miscalculation.

With an all-star cast (including George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Frances McDormand, Tilda Swinson, John Malkovich), each A-list Hollywood actor does get their moment to shine. The best surprise, though, is given by Pitt's character who is a dimwitted fitness coach who stumbles upon a CD-Rom that contains what appears to be top secret US government material. He is so sophomoric that I'm surprised he even knows how to open the file in the first place. But his ineptitude is proven quite easily when one of his even-shallower co-workers coaxes him to engage in a thinly planned extortion scheme.

I could see where people might find this funny. Dumb situations can always lead to laughter. But two things kept getting in the way of an enjoyable time. First, the entire tone of the film is constantly disdainful. The film is loaded with characters that always make the dumbest of choices. Door A is blue, and it will lead you to safety. Door B is red, and it will lead you to death. Oddly, they all pick the red door, Door B every darn time! The unbelievable thing is that no one ever learns from their failures. And their sad and absurd state-of-mind begins to suck in other innocent people who really deserve better.

The other problem is that the various characters don't necessarily mesh within the framework of the story. It's like when your grandma knitted you a sweater, but the interwoven yarn came loose here and there. The texture of the sweater is frayed. And so too is the body of this film.

Even if you can overlook these two points, you won't be able to get out of the way of the silly ending. The final scene happens so abruptly that you won't leave your chair when the final credits roll because you actually demand more from the film. Well, tough luck. "Burn after Reading" overpromises but under-delivers.

Grade: C
S: 2 out of 3
L: 3 out of 3
V: 3 out of 3

More on 'Burn After Reading'...

Originally posted in the rec.arts.movies.reviews newsgroup. Copyright belongs to original author unless otherwise stated. We take no responsibilities nor do we endorse the contents of this review.