For Your Consideration Review

by Steve Rhodes (Steve DOT Rhodes AT InternetReviews DOT com)
November 11th, 2006

A film review by Steve Rhodes

Copyright 2006 Steve Rhodes

RATING (0 TO ****): ***

"You know what they say about blind prostitutes," Chuck Porter (Fred Willard), the cheesier and more obnoxious co-host of "Hollywood Now" says to his partner Cindy Martin (Jane Lynch). "You really have to hand it to them."

FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION, the latest in the long string of mockumentary by director Christopher Guest (WAITING FOR GUFFMAN and BEST IN SHOW), reunites his usual cast, along with some new faces. While you may not laugh out loud very often, I'd be willing to bet that most viewers will be smiling almost non-stop. The script by Guest and his usual collaborator Eugene Levy is bright and wryly funny.

The plot is about an obscure film in production that is somehow getting Oscar buzz. Sandy Lane (Ed Begley Jr.), the make-up guy, reports that he has read about it on the internet. Corey Taft (John Michael Higgins), the movie's indefatigable but daft P.R. man, needs a little clarification before he tries to find out about the possibility of an Oscar nomination for one of the movie's stars. "Quick question," he asks. "Internet -- that's the one with email. Right?"

While the filming is in progress, producer Whitney Taylor Brown (Jennifer Coolidge) has to choose just the right poster for the movie. The favorite is a dopey one of the cast's faces in balloons held by the mother in the movie. Marilyn Hack (Catherine O'Hara) plays the mother, and she is the one who first finds herself in Oscar glow. Actually choosing just the right poster for the picture is hard for Whitney, since nothing in her background working in the diaper industry provides her with any help.

A very ethnic tear-jerker, the film is titled HOME FOR PURIM. Set during World War II, the movie features a soldier home on leave and his sister who has brought her female partner home for the first time. In no time at all, however, the Oscar buzz starts spreading among the cast, which means the script has to be rewritten and the movie retitled HOME FOR THANKSGIVING so the studio can earn maximum leverage from the publicity. But with big-budget contenders like PRIDE OF PLYMOUTH ROCK also vying for Oscar noms, it's not certain what will happen.

I doubt if FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION itself gets any Oscar buzz, but it's enjoyable nonetheless. And, probably a lot more so than many over-hyped Hollywood extravaganzas which are supposed to have Oscar buzz.

FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION runs just 1:26 but feels even shorter still. It is rated PG-13 for "sexual references and brief language" and would be acceptable for kids around 8 and up.

The film opens nationwide in the United States on Friday, November 17, 2006. In the Silicon Valley, it will be showing at the AMC theaters, the Century theaters and the Camera Cinemas.


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