101 Reasons why it's great to be a guy

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This will be updated daily and it's 10 answers per day and 11 on the last, here's the 1st ones.

1 - Phone calls with friends last 30 seconds.
2 - Nudity in movies is 99% female.
3 - You know stuff about cars.
4 - For 5 days vacation you only need one bag.
5 - Soccer's on sunday (here in Mexico.)
6 - You don't have to monitor your friends sex life.
7 - Restroom lines are 80% shorter.
8 - You don't have to sit down to piss.
9 - Old friends don't care if you gained or lost weight.
10 - You don't get robbed when you have a hair cut.

thats mostely true, except i dunno didley about cars.

i only see 10 the thread says 101! lol

thats so cute big grin

Captain REX
laughing out loud

Maybe cause it's updated daily, KidRock... wink

*waits for further list* laughing

Captain REX
*taps foot impatiently*

Rogue Jedi
we men also have a faster metabolism than women, making it easier to lose weight.

Captain REX
Diets schmiets, we men lose weight so much faster! big grin

Rogue Jedi
hell yeah....my wife hates me for it.

Captain REX
laughing out loud

Rogue Jedi
ive lost almost 40 lbs in the past two months and she has lost about 10.

1. Mostly true
2. Definately true
3. I know very little, but enough to get me by
4. I only need half a bag
5. Football!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
6. I actually think it's fun hearing friends sex stories
7. Thank god
8. True dat
9. Sometimes they do, especially if your weight was dangerously heavy
10. I cut my own hair, screw hair salons and barbers

Captain REX
laughing out loud laughing out loud laughing out loud

Rogue Jedi
i get my hair cut by a gay black guy.

Captain REX
Creepy. Usually gay men are white. Just an observation. big grin

Rogue Jedi
let me tell ya...they can cut the shit out of hair.

Captain REX
laughing out loud Botched hair cuts from hell, RJ?

i get mt hair cut and styled and its pricey but well worth it wink

Rogue Jedi
nope...the best haircuts ever.

Captain REX
I just put water in my hair and hope it looks okay...might start spiking it. Who knows.

Actually my next hair cut will be a professional cut, I want a fade look, not just a buzzed head.

Captain REX
Koolio foolio...

number 8 as it pertains to some Asian countries....as a guy you don't have to pop a squat or time bathroom breaks to coincide with being at your apartment if you have bad knees

some things about China suckthumb down

I know stuff about cars.

Does that make me a girl guy ??

11 - You don't have to stop whenever you see someone crying.
12 - Your ass isn't a factor in job interviews.
13 - Your orgasms are real.
14 - A beer belly doesn't make you invisible to the opposite sex.
15 - You save a lot of money because you don't buy make up or maxi pads.
16 - You don't have to carry a big as purse full of useless shit all the time.
17 - You don't have to hold your skirt everytime your going in a stairway in a public place.
18 - You can go to a public restroom by yourself and not with a bunch of friends.
19 - Your last name isn't lost in marriage.
20 - You are capable of leaving a hotel room messy.

13-mine better be real or someone isnt getting any till they get their shit together

21 - When the quality of your work is criticized you don't think everybody secretely hates you.
22 - In case you needed, you can hunt or fish for food.
23 - The toolbox is all yours.
24 - You get more credit for an act of minimum intelligence.
25 - You see humor in marriage terms.
26 - The world's thought for you and by you.
27 - You don't have to scrub toilets.
28 - You can be bathed and ready for anything in 10 minutes.
29 - You don't have to worry about your reputation when it comes to sex.
30 - Wdding plans fix themselves up.

1. 30 seconds?! Thats a life time to me mate wink
2. True but I'm are happy with just shirtless (men),that happens a lot.
3. I know enough.
4. My backpack is enough.
5. I love football (soccer)
6. I dont monitor my friends sex lives.
7. True. But I rarelly go to a public restroom.
8. We dont miss laughing out loud jk Are bathrooms are usually much cleaner wink
9. I could careless about my friends weight.
10. Good thing I cut my hair about once a year.

Where are u getting these ideas from?bc Half of those dont even apply to women either

11. I dont.
12. Havent applied for a job yet.
13. whistle
14. Oh but it does laughing out loud
15. Dont use make-up. If maxi pads is what I think well man shave everyday.
16. Everything I need is in my pockets.
17. Dont wear skirts.
18. When I use them I go alone.
19. Mine wont be (if I decide to get married)
20. Oh believe me I def do that.

Kes, we are all aware you break the stereotype... rather like Narcil...

mmkay im a chick and i know more about cars than all the guys in my school mmkay i can even fix em anything mmkay so half of dat is not true mmkay

Should I put tomorrow's list today ?

And maxi pads aren't for make-up Kes

I said that if they are what I think (which is for that time of the month)I didnt say they had anything to do with make up. I just contered it with man having to shave everyday.

om g hahahahhaha

So should I post tomorrow's list ?


21. Only worked at school and never had that problem.
22. Yeh right laughing out loud
23. Actually its mine and my dads. But my mum uses it the most.
24. Wouldnt know how that feels laughing out loud
25. blink you got me there. What are marriage terms?
26. Really?
27. Neither do I.
28. Probably less.
29. What reputation?blink
30. Again if I do get married my mum would plan mine.


ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh guyz piss me offf

laughing out loud

31. Indeed.
32. I can get cheap underwear.
33. Players!
34. blink
35. laughing out loud We can wax thou wink
36. laughing out loud I thought most man with that waxed these days.
37. Well I'm only 20.
38. Why would I?
39. Again why would I?
40. Dont get this 1 blink

The Force
keep going ther funny

Oh hey I get drinks for free.
I get in bars for free.
What else?Came on ladies help out.

Some women get the skin of their faces changed into another color, that mostly happens to delicate skin. And keep in mind that these are mostly apllied to girls from the american continent, maybe in London and Australia these fit in too.

20 ? You look younger on pics Kes

You thought most men waxed, Kes?

I just shave my beared and mustache.

My dad as sensitive skin. His always red laughing out loud

as for looking young yeh I get that a lot.

but never wax

love men are as vain as women. Theres skin care for men, theres make up and they do wax big grin Saw a report on it recently.
Here in Portugal men are actually spending more money on these things then women wink

Umm maybe in Portugal but no wear near myself, and men make-up ? You're crazy Kes !

Its true my friend. Check the market cool

I never go near the make-up section.

laughing out loud

Holy heck... I mean, I wouldn't mind a smooth bum but I have things called NERVES...

laughing out loud You can do the lazer thing wink

there are men who wax, they are pornstars, athletes, and hairy mofo's who wanna know what it's like to look normal. Most men dont wax.

Sounds cool, what does it involve?

lasers... removing hair... it's mighty clostly.

In the report I saw the guy they interviewed is a reporter. I always wonder how he could look so trimmed laughing out loud
I dont really go for hair man so big grin

most girls dont. thats why it sucks for me.

You can always shave stick out tongue
I'm ok with a 2days beard. On some man.

I'm normal, not too hary but not hairless.

"I dont really go for hair man so "

EEEK! How much does this laser thing cost, Kes?

I'm just so lazy... plus i look better with facial hair.

Ush > It costs!

BF> It looks good on some guys wink

But I meant more like chest wise. And back and butt stick out tongue

Oh bugger!

Ok, does hair, like, TOTALLY turn you off utterly?

I'm furry everywhere, it would take hours to shave my entire body, it wouldnt be worth it.

Depends. On how it looks. On how much hair.

too much info man

Hmm... I could keep my boxers on...

I might get away with it though- I am not a gorilla. Short of sending you pics it is hard for you to judge, of course...

laughing out loud

seriously, i look like sasquatch.

Theres this Brazilian actor...man he's scary. Dark hair all over his body *cringes when thinking of sex scenes* His entire back, his chest. Even his hands are hairy as hell.

is this man robin williams?

Oh yuk! I am positvely elfin in comparion. It is more contrast- I am mostly unhairy but my lower half is averagely hairy so it looks more.

Oh yuk! I am positively elfin in comparion. It is more contrast- I am mostly unhairy but my lower half is averagely hairy so it looks more.

he's much worst then Robin. Trust me.

Impossible. Robin williams mother must have breeded with a wild animal.

Bugger, double post of evil...

I'm surprised at you ush....

Tied Hiker
Or what about Sean Connery? He's supposed to be the sexiest man alive and he's got like three or four different colors of chest hair and several different shades and textures as well?

I'll try to find a pic.

I thought it was the most charming man blink

A charming man that's willing to beat ladies

For the love of God, don't feel obliged...

Tied Hiker
What's up with that guy? He's hairy, beats women and admits it, and he's voted most charming? Crazy.

cuz words just roll of his tongue.

I dont think the story is quite like that. He said if a women treated him bad (or hit him) he wouldnt have a problem slapping them. At least thats what I read.

lol Cant seem to find screne grabs of scenes. You can kinda see his hands here. But it doesnt really give you an idea of how hiry this man is messed

I believe you! No more!

You get a hug if you stop...

lol, jesus. ok im not nearly that hairy.

Holy shit is that man wearing an ape suit underneath his shirt ?


My mum thinks he's really charming sick
women love him messed He's a great actor thou.

(hugs Kes as she stopped)

So noted. So, I will just have to chance it with my legs and bum. Scream at the time if it is a problem...

I'm still looking laughing out loud


Tied Hiker
Why is hair so gross to many people? Is it a media thing? The whole 'barbie' deal or what?

i don't think hair is gross, but that much hair is just strange.

Its just...hairy messed

Kes speaks the truth...

Tied Hiker
Oh, okay. smile


I have that, kes!

See I like it like this...just a little hint of beard. Just the darker skin in that area wink Its probably a bit scratchy...and it tickles...*starts dreaming*

I had forgotten the pic.


What happened there? Now I look silly...

Great, now it looks like I knew what you said bfore you said it! Neat!

(invites Kes to examine tickly chin)

laughing out loud

Edna hated it. She made me shave it smooth before we ever did ANYTHING.

I like it.

YAYYYYYYYYY! 'cs frankly it was a pain to shave it smooth- it stubbles a LITTLE bit within hours so I had to do it several times a day.

who is that person in the pic kes?

Tied Hiker
Hey Kes! Is that one woman in the background kissing the other woman's neck?

BF> Its a brazilian actor. His name is Henri Castelli.

TH> It just looks like that laughing out loud

This man looks good with or without beard!

This is Reynaldo Gianecchini

I see Kes is off in 'hot guy' mode again...

(feels small and ugly in comparison)

lol I'm sorry I just started seeing these pics and *sigh*
He is quite tall most likelly above 6'2. He's about 1,90 m big grin

I can post some chicks blink


(enjoys watching Kes get dreamy about guys)

(still feels ugly though)

I'm thinking about posting another list wink the one that was supposed to come out thursday

Dont feel bad. Here look at her. The pic isnt very good but she's very pretty.


She is! But did you mean pretty for a guy, or pretty for YOU as well?

The guy is gorgeous!
I think she's pretty.

Heh... cool

But what about what we really want- more pics of YOU!

Aint got any sad
Got to go E.R. time big grin *sigh Gorin (at least I think thats his name laughing out loud )*

Heh... ok, sweetie, see ya!

i like the shit u posted pablo but here r my reaspns why i luv being a guy but i took two suit cases full of cloths to florida when i went there for 7 days but once again i am a pretty boy but ok here is my list

1 no periods
2 no child birth
3 no having to get stuck with a baby after having sex
4 muscels
5 playing all sports
6 not gettin called a **** tramp whore etc after doing sexula things with the oppiste sex instead i am called pimp playa and stud but girls get called what i listed up there sorry but thats how the cookie crumbles
7 muscels
8 not having long ass hair
9 dont have to gossip about pointless shit
and 10 muscels big grin

i forgot no shaving my legs everyday and no having to wear a bra or tampons omg i would hate that shit

bras are easily removable whistle

There's lots more reasons, but I post 'em daily. Even though I posted 20 today.

DeNiro did this a little better but...

1. Cant get away from that. But I dont shave everyday.
2. Well I can always not have children.
3. I know plenty of cases where the mother left the baby with the dad.
4. Sorry we all have those.
5. Women can do that.
6. I guess that still happen. Point is if the woman cares or not.
7. Again.
8. Lots of women have short hair.
9. I dont gossip.
10. Again.

What makes you think women shave their legs everyday?blink
Wearing a bra isnt that bad. Just a piece of clothing.
I dont wear tampons.


When he says muscles he means men are stronger than women and that is not really escapable.

Well women can sustain more pain big grin

Oooh! Neat! Longer spankings then...



(just responses)

41. Damn periods, damn cravings!
42. Women can too!
43. I enjoy quiet car rides...
44. well....
45. guys aren't that cold, are they?
46. wow, I shouldn't admit that I do this one... lol
47. But u guys like to watch and some of us like to flaunt!
48. Ok, ok, I'll give u that one
49. I like to have fun with this one, but it's true.
50. This varies on the individual.

Women can be president but there's hardly any candidates.

41. Indeed big grin
42. I women can run for president...right?blink
43. My dad is impossible to drive with. He never shuts up! And I'm a good drive! He just thinks I dont know the way!
44. Not true. I dont like flowers.
45. Why would I? Unless its a friend.
46. hmmm I think about it but not 90% maybe 99.9% laughing out loud jk
47. Ah true that.
48. I have a pair of sneakers and a pair of boots. Thats it.
49. Guys never stare at me (dont like bananas thou)
50. Why would I care about what other ppl think?blink

You are the stereotype breaker as Ush said but 80% of girls apply to that and women can find for president is sexist. It means that if a women does run she can never win.

Are you sure about that?
I'm not so sure that if a women ran for president here if she'd win or not. But that doesnt mean anything cos only 1 can win.
Oh I just remember 1. Guys get bald! big grin

The Force
BAld guys can blind ppl blink


allways funny

There's 41 more reasons left.

It's updated daily.

51. Yeh but sometimes it just doesnt get up.
52. You picked the wrong ones for me. But guys drool over female celebs just the same.
53. That never happen to me.
54. I dont even leave my bedroom.
55. blink
56. Why would I? Good for him or her.
57. They dont lie to me either.
58. No I dont.
59. Why would I think he's/she's mad?
60. I just hold it till I'm home, even if there are public bathrooms.

looks like Kes isnt a girl. I knew it, she's a robot from IMDB!!!

I deleted 55 cuz it was really crude and offensive.

Oh now I wanna know.