Seventh version of the matrix

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I've read lots of threads in this forum where is told that at the end of Revolutions there is no seventh version of the Matrix, but that the Matrix at the end of the Revolutions merely changed and therefor not entirely reloaded. Lots of people believe that therefor there is still no seventh version and is the last scene set in the 6th version. I disagree.
I want to agree with the "change" that was made in the matrix, especcially 'cause the argument about the cat. They say that because it was the same cat ("deja vu"wink, the Matrix didn't reload, it just fixed the damage. Now I would like to know what do those people think "Reloaded" means? Because I think most people on this forum have the wrong idea about the definition of that word. It may surprise you, but nor the Architect, nor the Oracle have used the word 'reloaded' and I doubt that Morpeus, Neo, Trinity or anybody else has. Now read this: this is what the Architect tells Neo in Reloaded:

The Architect - The function of the One is now to return to the source, allowing a temporary dissemination of the code you carry, reinserting the prime program.

In all forums this is marked as "reloaded". However, no one believes it actually happend because, due to the black cat, everyone thinks it is the same Matrix. So, everybody thinks this is still the 6 th version of the Matrix. But actually, it's all a matter of interpretation. Read the next line the Architect tells Neo:

The Architect - The matrix is older than you know. I prefer counting from the emergence of one integral anomaly to the emergence of the next, in which case this is the sixth version.

So, if you follow me, Neo exchanged his code with the source as he was originally planned to do (by taking the right door). And after that the Matrix 'upgraded' itself with his code, preparing the damage. And as the architect lines out that versions are counted by the numbers of anomaly's, than at the end of Revolutions the last scene is set in the seventh version. The architect is talking about reloading the Matrix when he speaks of 'a temporary dissemination of the code you carry, reinserting the prime program.' Therefor, the change that was made at the end of Revolutions was actually the realoading of the Matrix, reloading it to a seventh version.

i think this could be the 7th matrix.
7= the one where there is peace.. after all he did get reinserted into the source.. and it did reboot...


In this one there is peace, and there will be no anomaly as long as those who reject the matrix will just be freed. As long as both sides keep their words (truce) the seventh Matrix will keep on excisting.

yeah this is the seventh but we already knew that?

didn't all of us?

at least I did...

seems to make sense. smile

yeah I always questioned myself why o why is the sixth one the one that creates peace coz you'd expect it to be the seventh as that is the right number... but I have come to my senses and as you can see support your theory

Maybe the seventh could equal peace, you know, like the Sunday, the seventh day, the day God rested.

I keep on thinking that you are talking to me slinger because of the visavis that looks like clavis a bit in ur signature

The Omega

The One Part 2
Omega has the correct answer. The cat symbolizes change in the code, not a complete recreation. The Matrix was repaired, but not reloaded. I think you should go back and watch M1.

i don't get why it's so hard for some people to understand the matrix.

meh.. the only reason why i would think that this was the 7th version is because of the symbolicness of the number 7 and it is the time of peace.. but then again... we know that it's not peaceful in M online

The sixth version he was talking about was neo not the matrix. They don't reload the matrix every time the anomaly apears, they just destroy zion and all evidence he and they existed. It is the third version as far as I could count from the movies, he said the first version was a utopia, a perfect paradise but nobody would accept the code, "thus he redesigned it" based on the grotesqueries of our nature. But "again" was frustrated by failure, now that's 2 matrix's, then he said the answer was stumbled upon by the oracle and I count that as the "3rd"

In no way could it be the 7th version, even if they did reload the entire matrix deleting everyone's memory (which is retarted and not what happened) and starting over it would be the "6th" version, like neo. There were "5" ones before me. But that theory is wrong, at most it is the 3rd version of the matrix, and like all other ones before him, the matrix was just "changed" back like a deja vu, hence the black cat like in the first movie. That is the direct message the brothers were trying to send with the black cat.

Just remember, the 6th version he's talking about is the 6th version of the "anamoly" not the matrix.

hmm makes sense...

debating it in my head now...

*Begins talking to self*

The idea of of 7th version, 7th day would fit in w/ the religious theme, but I don't believe it to be the 7th version. However, I would assume there were some changes in the Matrix programing, so it may not be the orginal 6th version. I think its version 6.5 or something like that. There were some changes that we are not aware of, but not enough to be concidered another version.

Negative watch the movie again and listen to the architect he makes it perfectly clear.

It's just like people who misunderstood the fact that the "intuitive" program was the oracle. When he mentioned the program and neo said "The oracle" and the architect said "please..." he meant it like "please.....dont give her such a title" but some people retardedly took it as "'s not the oracle" I dunno it's hard to explain

at the most it's the 3rd version

But the architect clearly said that it was the 6th version (6 anomoly, 6th version)

Most definatly. He said straight out that it's the 6th version. Unless I don't understand English.


It's the third design, 6th version... not hard.. it's like this in a software release...



MC Mike
yes He's right, you know. yes

heem, mike, evry1 else> this is what i am talking about....a thread of collected general knowledge is what we need! cool

MC Mike
Yes, wasn't my idea a grand one? *thank you, thank you*

So... who wants to make it? I know I already made one...

the grand master goderator should opt of course, i doubt she will though sad she would be best smile

MC Mike
Why don't we all just do some... copy paste and change what I did at Kozzy's place, then have it ready for posting! big grin

MC Mike
Change as in what you think should change.

The Omega

Omega, please, do me a favor and define "Reloaded"! Everyone here thinks this is the 7th version because of the change you're talking about. Read the first post from this thread!

This is what happens when the matrix is reloaded.

1) The anomaly goes to the source
2) Zion is destoryed
3) The anomaly pick 23 people to start zion again
4) The anomaly dies
5) The matrix starts from 1900 for another 100 year cycle
6) a new version of the anomaly is created

and the whole cycle starts again!

The sixth version is the sixth version of the anomaly not of the matrix, there as been 3 versions of the matrix and 6 versions of the anomaly.

Can someone tell me where the LotR vs. Matrix forum was moved to? Thanks.

The Omega

Sorry, it will never happen again. Seriously. You set me straight, and I'll listen.

The Omega
Any other entries into the discussion of whether or not The Matrix was reloaded at the end of Revolutions?

The One Himself

The Omega

The omega --> Tell me, where in one of the three movies do you find the difinition of "reloading the matrix"? NOWHERE!!! You're thoughts are just based upon speculation that have come up in these threads! The architect is counting the versions by the number of anomaly's (.. the emerge of one anomaly to another). The One Himself puts down what you two think about what realaoded means, but he's wrong! You don't accually believe that every 100 year the Matrix starts over again 100 years earlier, do you? Whole "crobs"will be lost, because the plugged-in humans will not accept the program. The will not have a choice if that's what happens when it is reloaded.

And the machines DO use Neo's code to fix the Matrix, otherwise they could have done it any time they wanted it. Reloading the Matrix is using the One's code to fix the damage that is done. And that's what happens at the end. And after this fixing, in time the next anomaly will rise. As it did in the 6th version (Neo) an will happen again in this 7th version (when the machines stop freeiing those who want to be freed), therefor this is the 7th version --> the emerge of one anomaly into an other.

The Omega> Neo doesnt have to 'follow' the prophecy - his exsistence and actions make the prophecy become true.

Correct. It is that subconcious level of choice that does the trick.

yup now ur theory has gone down the drain

The One Himself
Omega> The prophecy cannot be completely useless...Or Neo would be working at Metacortex right now...He indeed follow the prophecy till meet the Architect and then he began to do "what he believes he must do" to save Zion and end the war as you put...
Don't get me wrong..I am just trying to understand a little more about Revolutions and the whole trilogy. I do not intend to start a flame...BUT: If the Machines uploaded some kind of anti-virus or something into Neo's mind to delete Smith, what happened to Neo's avatar after the 'disinfection"? Another question..the direct connection to the source could result in a backfire: Smith could use this way to contaminate the source or/and 01 through Neo (?). Too dangerous, I think...The last one: If the problem is to use someone directly connected to Smiths why not use one of the contaminated jacked humans?

The One Himself: Speculation is our business.

The Omega

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