Microsoft's Matrix
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The One Himself
In a lighter moment, which has become a traditional part of Gates' keynote speech at Comdex, he showed a spoof of The Matrix with Microsoft Chief Executive Officer Steve Ballmer cast as Neo and himself as Morpheus. Some might think The Matrix is an odd choice for Microsoft to parody since the movie is about the human race being enslaved by malevolent cyberintelligence, basically software. Neo, a hacker, joins Morpheus and his group to destroy The Matrix. In Microsoft's version, The Matrix is a world filled with IT consultants working for IBM and selling Linux, while the world outside The Matrix is Windows, which "frees the IT masses," Gates says in the parody.
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MC Mike
your tags are messed up. And the second one worked, now it doesn't.
The One Himself
I am fighting vB code...
MC Mike
now it works
woah, know that second picture you posted?? Why is that guy patting his stomach?
is that?
that's just sick, gates as morpheus
he can do whatever he wants, but that's just too much
Uck.... Bill Gates should NOT be Morpheus... a dishonour to us all
Gates as Morpheus is horrible. Bill Gates should be Agent Smith, the architect or Merv. These three are sinvoling evil b@#$#$$
The One Himself
I agree! Imagine that:
Neo - Who are you?
Gates - I am the Architect. I created the Matrix..
Neo - Bullshit!
The Omega
Aha. Gates & co. trying to usurp the Matrix... The system is everywhere...
(Peers around looking like your everyday conspiracy theorist)...
come on, everyone just say it straight, he isn't black. Okay, that seems a little racist, but...still, he sucks
Frankly, I give Gates credit for having the balls to do that precisely BECAUSE so many people would see him as the System rather than the Liberator!
that is the most stupid way to sell computer software... And the commercial is stupid...
Is there any place to watch the commercial?
After more analaysis, I think Gates is more like Merv
Merv= Mononoly
Therefore, by the transiative property:
does he imprison access programs?
He does shut out Mac programs and Apple computers, doesn't he?
The One Himself
I disagree..Merv has style....
True, to call Gates Merv would be an isult to Merv, therefore, I have no idea where to place Gates. Oh, yeah, Gates doesn't belong in the Matrix. ITS AN INSULT!!!!!
Gates=A small racoon in the matrix.
Gates=a disgrace of the matrix so scary grown men fall down trembling(scary music plays in backround)
Hacker: The programmer Gates has grown beyond your control, you cannot stop him, but I can
The One Himself
So, what are we trashing: Gates, his commercial, or both?
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