What happens after you die?

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Saw this somewhere so ill post it here.Anyway i think its nothingness.
If there is an afterlife it wouldn't be like heaven or hell because its not logical.(Hint,hint:I'm not a religous person)

Darth Revan
I think reincarnation.

*edit* oops, wrong word

how do you figure it is not logical. i figure that earth is a way to determine if you are worthy to go to heaven. if you live a meaningful life and enjoy life, you can get into heaven and have eternal happiness. if you do not live a good life and are an *******, then u dun belong in heaven. this is jus how i feel

depends. reincarnation. it's kinda weird, cuz i'm supposedly christian, but i believe in reincarnation.

Darth Revan
meaning that you come back as a different person or animal.

There's nothingingness...and that's the freakiest thought ever..at least to me

i just can't see going to heaven and all.
P.S. if i did, i would probably think i was still alive but hallucinating.

ive allways wondered of that... i still dunno it is different than life on earth though alien i think everyone knows that

it seems like eternal happiness will get boring. like think about it, you will be around forever, wether you are in body or soul.

Darth Revan
the eternal happiness thing is why i believe in reincarnation

im not sure wheter being around for eternity is better or nothingness is better.
P.s.most likely 1rst one.

Darth Revan
actually I had another idea a while back--sorta like heavan but not quite. You live forever as whatever you always wanted to be like for example if I always wanted to be a Jedi I would get reincarnated as a jedi and live forever like in heaven but much less boring also if you wanted to change identities like if I suddenly decided i'd rather be Neo i could switch i know it sounds insane but if you were really good in life it makes sense that you would be rewarded with whatever you wanted

Also i don't believe that any one religion holds the "path to god" you can be whatever you want as long as you're nice to people

The entirety of your post after the first sentence does nothing to strengthen this stance that heaven is somehow a logical belief.

There is one Christian source of theories regarding the existance of God and Heaven and Hell and angels and Satan and Creation, and it's a millenia-old text made by those with a vested interest in these theories, subject to the translations by fallible men. As time goes by, science casts more and more doubt upon the Bible's claims regarding "creation" and Mary's virginity and Jericho and the Great Flood and, oh yeah, dinosaurs, and somehow, mysteriously, various biblical scholars at the Vatican decide that there's an entirely new interpretation of the correlating text. roll eyes (sarcastic)

Religion was created by mortal men so explain things they could not understand. There's no difference between Christians and Jews and Muslims and Hindi and ancient cavemen worshipping the sun, moon and sky.

i think u die then become wutever u were most attached to (living thing) say u were attached to your dog...... tehn u come back as a dog... etc.

Well, my belief is just an opinion and i can't back it up. that is just what i think, wether it is right or wrong.
any by your post, i take it that you don't have any specific religion

No, I don't. I'm agnostic.

but you believe in god, so ur not an athiest rite?

thats my exact though as well. like one big giant type of video game..lol

No, I'm not sure what there is beyond humanity. I don't know for certain that the Big Bang happened, and though I am certain that creation did not happen in the manner it was discussed in Genesis, I'm not certain that there was not some sort of higher power creating life on Earth - or that some higher power did not have a hand in some other matters regarding life on Earth. There is simply no hard evidence for any of it. To me, a straight-up atheist isn't much better than a die-hard theist.

so do you don't have a real view of how humanity came to be? i also want to ask you summin bout being a agnostic. since you don't have a religion, do you just do whatever you want and just live your life by your rules?

No, I don't. I feel really uncomfortable believing in things that cannot be proven.

I feel that the ideals and morals put forth by Christianity/Judaism were decided upon very logically, and I follow them rather closely. The only difference is that I treat others kindly not out of fear of Hell or longing for Heaven, but because I don't want to hurt anyone or see them suffering when I could help. smile

lemme ask you a hypothetical qustion (u dun have to answer if u dun wanna, but w\e) if you had some kind of vision of jesus christ, moses, god, etc., would you change your views of religion?

The Force
well there's only 1 answer, that we can answer 100% correctly, WE JUST DON'T KNOW, but i believe that there is a Heaven and a hell

Well, I wouldn't, but it's really likely that I wouldn't. If they spoke Aramaic to me I'd likely revise my views, but I'd otherwise probably think of the "vision" as some sort of halucination or a type of schizophrenia - either being far more probable.

To me when ya die you're jus' six feet under. I don't believe in a heaven or hell. I think there might be a higher power, but not likely

comp- you have really expanded my religious horizon beyond christianty
demon- i hope ur theory is wrong cus it wuld get really boring being a soul without a body on earth

i think miracles and praying is all a load of shit. what has god ever done for me? nothing at all. (i dont want to get to personal)

I am not religios or anything. Though many people I know are. And I was discussing it with my parents one time and my dad said that it may be true and it may be false, but if it is true do you want to spend an eterety in hell or heven. What is it gonna hurt for you to beleive. Know my dad is kinda religious but not like hard core or nothing. Though he does make a point. Even in all my scepticizm it is true, what does it hurt if you beleive or not. I mean I would rather take my chances and go to heven, if there is one, than to hell. Hell, it might even give someone meaning in their life. It is nothing more than playing the odds. If it is real then your good to go and if its not what have you lost.

i personally dont believe anything, i think that after you die your soul continues to go on, as in ghost's but not all scary like. for example my grandparents are always around, i haven't seen them but i know that they are there

(What happens after you die?)

thumb up You must present your amex or visa to St-Peter. Depending on your card limit you will have the cloud that you can buy. For every slice of a thousand dollars, you'll will have air-travel points. With these points you can also buy a "I don't have to go to boring mass this Sunday" cards.


The Force
no i've learned from experience that miracles are real, and prayer works yes

haaaa no it really doesnt

The Force
how can you say it doesn't, on what grounds can you say it doesn't? I'm not meaning to bash your opinions but i'm ready for an answer....

If you believe in Heaven, then it would never get boring- else it would not by Heaven.

The process, as described, is not one Man can understand, but you would not get bored, that is a negative thing and that would not happen.

The whole point is that it is beyond understanding- hence the need for Faith. No point trying to logically dismiss the concept of Heaven- it was never a logically formed concept.

lil bitchiness
When you die, depending on your privious life, you get re-incarnated!
And then you start life all over again...life is a suffering...thats the way it is....

johnnys#1 fan
I beleive you will go to heaven or hell big grin

lil bitchiness
big grin

I truly believe there is a God and it is He who brings us to Heaven and decides who goes to hell. It is too sad to think of nothingness forever. I could never believe that.

God gave us life. That was the ultimate gift He gave us.

The Force
Christian ahoy thumb up

Someone on another what happens if you die? posted this.
"I would have some sorta virtual reality thing where i would get to live whatever life i wanted.Like if i wanted to live in the D2 games the virtual reality would put me there."

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