Do you feel that you're dreaming?

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if the matrix is real...
if some1 says, "u have been living in a dreamworld"
if some1 says, "red pill or blue pill"
if u see what u r made to see
if this text appears on ur computer screen "wake up"

if u feel u r dreaming?

WOW! This thread may get closed just because nobody knows what you are saying.You asked a question, then asked another question about the first question, then you went on quoting the movies, then you asked the first question again, but only this time it sounds even more incomplete than the first time.

Explain the question with more detail, if it even is a question.

Oh wait I get it now. Sorry about that. It's 5:30 AM and I have the flu, or maybe I'm just an idiot, but the question mark after the "What?" easily through me off for some reason. So I guess I'll reply now.

I don't think I'm dreaming, but I do think there is something inside of me that is able to be awaken. That's what my main intent is right now, to awaken what ever it is.

just dont kill anyone mate wink

its called mescaline...

There are times when I dream that I feel it is real, but most of the time (alright, I get forced to wake up) it ends. The strange thing is that I seem to dream the most aroun 5:30 to 6:30, just before I wake up. Odd.


oh my... if u r telling the truth then its unbelievable

It's true. They seem to end moments before my dad wakes me up. Maybe we are living in the Matrix. laughing out loud

*Everyone starts running around crazily*

P.S. If you feel that way it not only means you are in the matrix,it also means you are one of the people who reject the matrix.

Cool, I know I always question things. One dream was based on the Equalibium where the guy in it rejected the world and enter some really weird world, but then I woke up. I am serious, no bs, it's true.

whoaaaaa .... i really need the red pill eek!

how come whenever I start to dream, It never finishes?? I mean, I get through the middle and whatever, but then somehow, just doesn't finish...weird. That happens in every one of mah dreams

I always dream that I was in Trin's place, I know it's silly, but I feel kinda special being able to do all the scorpio things and flips. Oh, and theres always the fact that I got Keanu Reeves (THE ONE!!!!) as my bf...

I had a really wicked dream that was really detailed about everything. I don't want to go into it really far, because I've told it so many times, but I say a little. I went to my friends house which was a castle and he gave me a drink from this wine glass thind that had a pearl mounted in the middle of it. When I drank from it I was instantly put into a hellish world. It went on from there in this hell-like place. I never tried to figure out what it meant, but my friends a real a**hole so I guess I think he's satan.

Here's another thing that happen's to me from time to time. When I'm on the verg of being asleep, like right on the line of awake and asleep, I'll suddenly be aware that I'm sleeping, not dreaming, but sleeping. My whole body starts to vibrate and my heart feals like it's skipping beats and rapidly beating at the same time. I can't wake up, but I know I'm sleeping. The one way I can wake up is by shaking my foot as fast as I can.

One time I wasn't on the verg of being asleep, I was asleep and dreaming. I was driving down this curvy road and I slipped and crashed the car into a gastation. Suddenly, completely off the subject of my dream, I started to hear all these voices saying "He's coming" over and over. I started to become aware that I was sleeping and the "He's coming" got louder and louder as I did. The visual of my dream was still there but everything was shaking just like my body and my heart. Just as I was completely aware I was sleeping the voices stopped and a single voice said "Jesus is coming". At this piont I was completely freaked out and I was shaking my foot as fast as I could to wake up. When I did I was too afraid to take my head out from the covers (I was 17 when this happened, I felt like a complete wuse). My eyes started to shut and my heart started to go crazy again as if something were trying to make sleep so I just got all the energy I could and ran out to the living room where my sister was watching Conan O'Brien. I never mentioned it to anyone untill this happened. I decided to tell my mom and she said the same things happen to her. We looked up our symptoms online and we found out that we had sleep paralysis. I was just so relieved that I wasn't crazy and they had a name for it. I don't know what the Jesus thing was, but at least I'm not crazy.

The shakey foot thing works for me, but I ask my sister to watch me to see I my foot shakes and when I came out of it she said my foot never shook. My foot shaking all happened in my head. So if any of this happens to any of you it's called sleep paralysis.

Yeah, I love movie dreams.... things like that make me wanna be an actress....

You need to get out more

The matrix isn't real.

But if it was, how would you know?

How did it go from me having sleep paralysis to me believing the Matrix is real?

im always dreaming angel

Happens all the time to me.

It will be impossible to know if the matrix wasn't real unless it is real,but you happen to be a free human and destroyeed it. But that's just me.

the idea of a matrix is pretty farfetched, and perhaps that is what the machines want us to think, i mean everyone that has ever mentioned it, someone has come along and said "are freakin' crazy? there's no such thing as the matrix?!" and that sounds exactly like the thinking of a machine to me...

I think I need good ol' King Neb to help me w/my dreams. If this really is the Matrix and I don't believe in it, then why are there no agents trying to stop me?

you know... its really strange... wen i go to my bed at nite i feel like i am dreaming in my sleep... i am scared

so am I,of you. jk. Anyway i can't bring myself to believe this is the matrix. I haven't had any strange experiences. I feel perfectly normal here. There are no Agents around. I have never seen anyone of any crew in the matrix. But that could be just the machines wanting me to think that way...

The machines will make us look crazy so when we start talking about the Matrix being real, people will reject us and anything we say

blink About Neo?

mors820> i agree, most everyone is so hopelessly dependent on the system, they will fight to save it. You see if there really is a matrix, like we are inside it right now, no one will ever rise up, no one will ever rebel, because it is the quintessential human delusion of hope, the simoultaneous source of our greatest strength and greatest weakness. No one will ever become an anamoly, because no is rejecting the matrix, at least not yet...

what i said about not killing anyone.... i take that back - KILL

Very well then. We will overthrow this system and reveal the truth to the people. Our dreams will reveal the truth to us.

Yeah!What system?

Windows!!...or is it Mac OSX?!?! cause i hate MACs...but if this were a Mac, the buildings would freeze, and the sun would stop in the sky, and...perhaps it is Linux...

Bill Gates has built the Matrix to force everyone to use his software, and in doing so effectively rules the world.

Ahh, that would make so much sense, wouldn't it? XD ...never mind me over here...

yes, it would make perfect sense...he is sued for monopolizing the market, so he imprisons the world in a digital simulation...

ever scare yourself right when you fall asleep?

realworlddreams>I think of happy rainbows, rabbits, and soft whispers in the sunlight...NOT. Sometimes I get all dillusional and stuff whenever I scare myself b4 I fall asleep.

Hmmm, interesting............

Some u of guys are saying matrix is real or somthing like that,

Ok we have to think that somone made up the story and word Matrix, so it cant be that or be called that. I Dont beleve in the matrix because someone made that story up once, I beleve in somthing like that tho.

Everyone gets in there minds that we are sleepin in those tubes and when we die or wheneva we will wake up? we only think that because we have never seen that before and it seems so real.

Someone once made up a word for everything, like Apples, Trees, Humans.......everything basicly!

So i someone once ( a long time ago) made up the word Jesus and God, It doesnt really mean they are real though?! And its like storys of them doing different things across the land? Someone i think just made all that up once and they told people and more people till it went around everywhere.

I dont know how this world works? I somtimes just think as hard as i can dor ages, but i always think of things what MOVIES! have put into my head like we are living in a Dream world, if i wouldnt of seen that film i would of been thinking about another thing how the world works.

Sorry too all if this has offended you about Jesus and God, im just trying to make my point.


blink messed huh no expression

Er..... whats that got to do with anything? We're disgussing dreaming, not if we believe in Jesus and God.

And when we said the matrix was real, did you REALLY think we were being serious? They're just movies, take it easy....

lmao, some ppl said

The Omega
ShOota> If you want to write essays that are not even remotely related to a topic thread, could you perhaps go do so in the Off Topic or Fan Fiction sections.
You just made absolutely NO sense.

Im was not talking bout Jesus and God, its the fact that what we see is what we beleve

I feel that I am dreaming...for lack of better comparsion of what this reality may be that we're living in. I find it very weird that my memories of my life only extend to when I was 13 (the year I started keeping a journal and have since then). In my writings I've always questioned everything, I mean everything.

This world, our species, the whys...they have never been answered for me. Something inside of me, has been nagging me, to continue to look for these answers. At times it takes over me and I ponder all day, trying to figure it all out. THen these matrix movies come out, and all my life's work in that respect have kinda gone from reality, to oh you have watched the matrix too much, which pisses me off b/c I've had this thorn in my mind well before these movies even came out.

I may not think we're living in a matrix, but I do not accept the fact that this is the truth of our reality. I can feel it to be false. I love my mind, I love the sub concious, studing it, I believe there is the key to our freedom.


AS for actually dreaming, this is where I study my own subconcious mind, every since I was 13 I've been a very lucid dreamer, to the point, that in the dreams I am disecting the actual dream. For example, I remember a reaccuring dream where I was running from something and there was a fence, very tall, that had knee high grass behind it as far as my eyes could see.

In the dream I never did get over this fence before I would wake up, except this one time when I became lucid during this reaccuring phemoneon, and I remember me in the dream saying I wonder if there is a border or a boundary to my dreams, surely they can't go on forever.

So I got over the fence, and I started to run in the grass, field whatever, to see where it ended...sure enough as I approached an edge that had a shadowy abyss over it, I woke up. You talk about being freaked out. And this is only the icing on the cake of the dreams with the level of lucidity I possess. That's why I question our reality.

Yeah, im kinda questioning everything now, The Matrix movies only made it worse for people u think?

Yes it did, in the aspect that those who don't think on this level of questioning the why's of our existence and reality and just accept them, look at us that do as watching the movies too much. When in fact they are the ones mislead to only believe that in reality nothing like that could be possible, when in reality, quite anything is possible. We just may not know it be true, considering we don't even know where our species came from, how do we even know the truth about anything?

yep 100% True, whats makes me think is about Jesus and God.... and the Big bang?? Who said anyone could of just made that all up? or was we MADE to beleve that?

So far, no new dreams relating to the Matrix. . Maybe oneday, I'll have another that will prove this world is the Matrix.

Don't worry man*slpas back*We'll take you to morpheus.*gestures to white coated companions.*

I want my red pill!

You're always after me. Why,Mr. anderson, why? Why keep fighting?

I think the key is to figure yourself out. How do we know who we really are. We need to find the part of us that is untainted by the world. Even when we think we are already tainted by the world. Internal dialogue is what I think is the key, or rather the door, to ourselves. If we can learn to shut everything out including our own thoughts then we will be able to see who we really are.

The Omega
Okay. This is closing.
If you most esteemed ladies and gentlemen want to talk about your dreams, go Off-Topic section.
Thank you!

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