RotK screencap off....

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Does anyone have a screencap of the RotK scene of Aragorn's Coronation where it closes up on Elrond. I was actually looking for the picture of the blonde elf on the Elrond's right.

So if anyone could possibly have a picture/link of one. Pleeease give?

You guys have none!?!??! Dear lord, EXA?!?!? Help!?!?!? *sobs*

No, I do not have a picture of that scene.
I know someone who surely has but she's not online and it's not yet uploaded

is there something important on that pacific bit?

Whilst we are on the subject of screen caps, I don't suppose any of you have any caps of Pippin and the Palantir scene? (Other than the one of him on his back holding it)

Also, does anybody have any pictures of the Ent-draught scene in TTT:EE?


And no, I am very sorry but I haven't seen the pics you are looking forsad

Ent draught???

what do they do there??

Hey!! This is my request thread, nyah! smile I need that scene with Elrond. ...*sniff*

The scene with the Ent-draught is when Merry and Pippin drink the water of in Fangorn Forest and they grow taller. It's after they wake up in Treebeard's house when they fell asleep while listening to Treebeard reminiscing.

It's the scene witrh Merry and Pippin in Fangorn. Merry wakes up to find that Pippin is sitting on a nearby rock drinking something. Basically, they begin to argue over who of the two are taller and so on

It's greatbig grin

Camellia could you make a tread for it, I got a lot of picssmile

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