[COLOR=crimson]There was a huge fire on one of the locations of lord of the rings in
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it was so terrible!!!
Nuh-uh!!! That is freaking sad..Where???
OMG really? I never heard about that! ..? lol

Huge fire? Do you mean when they purposely burned the houses in the village of Rohan?

yeah accidents happen, but once people didn't get too hurt then its not much to worry bout.
nobody got hurt though. it was on Mt Somers
mount sundat do you mean, in which case it was the rohan set
O.o Well yeah Mt. Sunday was where they built Edoras. I don't know where they built the village, but they purposely burned the village but no one was hurt.
hehe, but remember that one camera guy?? he got flames on him and left the camera rolling, but he was ok

that stinks about the fire..I was reading on TOR.net and this guy beat somone up while watching the movie cause the person was being loud...the guy ran and they haven't caught him yet...some people
Hahahah well they have to beat themselves up c'mon now, they're stunt men, and Viggo, Orlando, and Sean Astin had some injuries too, I think Viggo had the most with 2 toes broken and one chipped tooth.
Sean's glass through the foot must've hurt, ouch..and Elijah was just watching, eew

and the running scenes, where Viggo had just broken his toes, Orli had just broken his ribs, and the stunt double for Gimli had bad kneees, poor guys


Ive read about Sean Astin doing the part where sam nearly frowns at the end of FOTR... he got glass stuck in his foot.. ew ;;
Yeah and Sean Astin was always the cautious one that was worried about the other actor's safety and he finds that he got hurt himself. The set where Sam runs out to Frodo on the Lorien boats at the end was the scene and it was just amazing how Elijah was just walking around Sean's operation crew, and just kept saying, "Oh man, that is alot a blood, that is fascinating!"
Yeah I was watching some thing on New Zealand about a year ago and it mentioned a lot of LOTR stuff and they showed when Sean stepped on the piece of glass. He just stood there looking down. Then he hobbled up the band of the river and they showed the people pulling it out of his foot and everything! It was a huge piece of glass, too! At least 2 inches wide, I swear! Eh it must have hurt SO bad. I don't see how he could have just stood there and not have screamed or anything. Heh, I would have.

I would probably jump backwards land in the water and drown while I was ate it. :P
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