Age Information

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Very strange that Aragorn is 87, I wonder how old he was when we saw Arwen looking onto the dead king in Elronds view....

I am not 100% sure about what form of man he is, Eowyn mentioned that he is from a dying race which there is few left of his kind. Is it half elf and half man?

Discos - Exa?


well it would take a lot of explanation, but there is some elf blood in him. Long ago there were 3 households of men that aided the valar in the battles of that time, well as a reward they were granted their own land and longer life then any other man. all there ancestors have the same gift but as there blood becomes mingled with lesser blood that extra long life is getting shorter. the people of gondor are the same though more heavily mixed with other houses of men.

hmmmmmm anyone that read the books can answer that question.

but alas exa got here before me, so there's not much to say after her.

Duuuuuuude Aragorn is 88!!!! PJ got that WRONG! >.< He's 88!!!

Actually Aragorn came from a long line of race called the Numenoreans which had a life-span of 300 years, but after the fall of the Numenoreans their life span grew smaller, Aragorn's a descendant of the Numenoreans. smile

Just to add onto what Exa ranted on about up there.

i thot in the book he was 50. maybe i was wrong. i read the little arwen/aragorn story in the index and i worked out that he was fifty. ok i guess i really shouldnt be in hight math

big grin
He was twenty when he first met Arwen... but he lived in the wilderness long, long decades...

I also think he should have been 88 in this scene since his birthday is on the 1st of March.


87-88, same thing. and he went a hella lot of places.

Aragorn turned 88 when he was in Fangorn. Guess they don't celebrate birthdays like the Hobbits do.

well they couldnt could they, imagine finding out your party tree was a disgruntled ent stick out tongue

LOL, true

although you could calm him down alot, by giving him an oversized novelty party hat, and an awful lot of weed, (not pipe weed) stick out tongue

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