Was it better?
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OK this is my first time posting in the lotr forum and i just wanted to know from some other people is the third movie really better than the first two combined cuz that's what all my friends say.
I (in my opinion) think the 3rd movie rocks more than the other two...
But everyone has their own opinion
i also think it rocks compared to the other 2, once again, my opinion
maybe i shoulda made a poll.
Actually I wouldn't quite say that it's better than the first two. But it's about even. Return of the King was FANTABULOUS!
I LOVE ROTK!!! But of course, I loved all of the movies in the trilogy, so I agree with Kit. They were all GREAT! It's amazing!
ROTk was really good but i wish they would and more not to the end
I didn't think that it would be better than FOTR (which was my fav. of the first two) but Now I say the ROTK is not only better than the first two it is the best movie i have ever seen.
maybe you should check other threads before you post the same thing someone else has. there is already a thread like this with a poll.
It's a little diffferent so don't be so bitter.
3rd Movie is the best but of course you have to have the 1st and 2nd or wouldent be a 3rd
Yeah I think they're even.
I think all of them are great. Just perfect!!!! It opened my world, that's all i have 2 say
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indeed, i would use the word best, i mean its the best movie ive ever seen but i would say more intense and more emotional, it plays its role like all good 3rd parts in a trilogy (unlike some other trilogies cough cough) but they were all different and each had a different feel to them
Depends on your taste... some like the first best, some the second, some the third.
I like RoTK better than the others, but not better than I+II combined (impossible to create such a perfect film).
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where do u live exa besides gondolin
coz thats the first time someones posted straight after me
and how can u live in gondolin if it was destroyed oh wait u live among the rubble lol
Lol ^^ I live in Austria... in last year's "european cultural capital"
Why can't I live in the burnt ruins of a city lying under the waves...
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where in australia
(i know its of the topic but oh well)
Not Australia... Austria
next to Germany
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lol, sorry
wat time is it there now
ROTk blew TTT outta the water but i STILL love FOTR. But those two are such different movies( one is character development and the other is war) so its not fair to compare them.
FotR was great but my problem was that it was really really choppy, in my opinion, so don't start attacking me guys. I mean...one moment you have Legolas riding into Rivendell and the next you're at the Council of Elrond and Lothlorien was basically just chopped in pieces, well I'll shut up, my opinion.
I have since come to realise, how can one be better than the other. It is one huge movie - an Epic, in everything
i like FOTR the best, even though its everyone elses worst
anyone at all think fotr is amazing
Alright, nobody kill me or anything, but I thought RotK was choppier than FotR - music-wise and scene-wise. It didn't seem the have the flow of the other movies. Truthfully, RotK wasn't my favorite. I'm a huge Tolkien fan, but the ending of RotK just didn't impact me enough. Perhaps it was how the movie ended up dragging out and irritating even the most hardened of Tolkien fans - I don't know. The part where Frodo leaves Middle Earth should've had more...'umph.' And I'm also sort of miffed that they left out 'Sharkey,' where Saruman really shined.
Alright, I'll leave
Well I can understand about the ending how it seemed to drag because the first time I saw it I thought the same but it grew on me as I watched it 2 more times, it's actually eccential to the plot. Sharkey? Sharkey? Is that the scouring of the Shire?
Because if it is I agree that it was left out because you can't really have the climax of Mount Doom and then suddenly the scouring of the Shire. It's really anti-climatic.
Eh, I suppose you're right. It would've dragged it out more. However, when reading the book, after the scouring of the Shire, Frodo's lines, "We set out to save the Shire, Sam. It has been saved, but not for me" had a lot more impact.
A couple people I know think they should've just ended the movie after the Mount Doom scene. It would've left a lot of loose ends, but it would have had a lot more impact. Oh and don't sue me if the lines above weren't accurate. I have a tummyache.
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