where did those samurai guys from ttt in rotk??

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well i know they are from harad confused Is it like the middle east compare to the real world, and the 100 foot tall eliphants o, they hsould have them in pellnor feilds it would have made more then spiderman gurantee big grin

Your question don't make sense. do you mean "where did those samurai guys from ttt go in rotk?" If you don't mean that please explain it so I can maybe help you. smile

If you're talking about the guys who was ambushed by the Rangers of Ithilien, yes, they are the Haradrims from the South.

And the Mumakil (the oliphaunts), yes, they are in the Battle of the Pelennor Fields. Have you seen ROTK yet?


They were riding on the Mumakil, A better question would be where the hell were the Easterlings!?! We never saw them in RotK.

yeah they went into mordor in ttt and never came bak confused wonder where they went

If you look very closely, after the gates of Minas Tirith have been knocked down by Grond, you can see the Easterlings charging inside along with the Orcs and Trolls. But you have to really look for them. About the third time I saw the movie I spotted the Easterlings from TTT.

Just to clarify, the Easterlings and the Haradrim hail from two different nations in Middle Earth. Just to illustrate here are the Easterlings:


And here are the Haradrim:


yeah we knew that

An also didnt appear the Easterling captain (the snake or something like that) that Theoden King kills in Pelennor field sad sax

Nah nah nah...you misunderstand. From what I read above, I believe people are confusing the man's question. From what I gather he's more talking about the Easterlings than the Haradrim which all you people are answering his question incorrectly by talking of the Haradrim.

I'll have to look and see next time I watch the movie.

what was really missing wasthe out wall around the city in the book there is a wall around the city like 2 miles from the city that wasnt there

I found it very awesome that the "samuri" guys were totally wiped out by faramir and co in the two towers.

The strange thing is that the Easterlings look exactly as Tolkien describes the Haradrim (Southrons wink ) big grin when I first saw TT, I was totally confused about that.

thanks for the answer the easterlings would have been better in pellnor feilds with eliphants Happy Dance IT would made the battle better then it laready was. Thats the part i got mad, i was waiting the whole movie for them but i saw the eliphants so i liked it still. THE charge of rohrim was the best thing ever on screen rolling on floor laughing

Argh!!!! The Easterlings did not ride Oliphaunts! It was the Haradrim that rode them. So by having the Easterlings ride Oliphaunts it would be idiotic because it's not how Tolkien described the two different cultures.

There are some Easterlings in ROTK though I'm not sure if this is from when they were marching from Minas Morgul or if this is from the Siege of Gondor.


I can also see one more at the other side. It's hard to figure them out, though. sad I missed them really. They're so cool. sad

rock on

That's strange that the Easterlings didn't get a specific cameo.

Here's hoping for the EE. big grin They can't just forget the Easterlings like that. sad I never saw them fight yet. What they can do, what their special weapons are and their fighting techniques. sad They have such cool armors. And the eyeliners are priceless. big grin

Dude! I remember I made joke on the Jack Sparrow vs. Aragorn thread, that Aragorn would slaughter Jack because he thought Jack was an Easterling.

laughing Is it because of the eyeliner? LOL..laughing Priceless! big grin


SO then, were there easterlings at minas tirith, cause i thought those guys were awesome and had the kewlest armor. they were in the video game and are models in the gamesworkshop game but i couldnt find them in the movie sad

Look at the previous page, I posted a pic of Easterlings from ROTK though like Kitoky said, they really didn't get a specific cameo like the Haradrims. But they were there. smile (though yeah...that's not enough, but let's just wait for the EE) big grin

Is this guy cool or what?


Actually, I like him..LOL..and this one: love

i own those guys in ROTK.

o man i HATE that haradrim leader, im sorry cause when he smiles as he charges the rohirrim his jaw sticks out an he looks so cocky, and he was all happy as he was killing the soldiers, i was so happy when eomer killed him,,,,,,, speaking of that, wheres eomers credit, he takes out 2 mumakil quickly, but legolas only kills one but with style
the easterlings had best get screen time in the EE

LOL...but that's the thing that I like about that Haradrim guy. First, the way he blew the horn, then his arrogance. big grin

By the way, Eomer actually killed 3 (1 with the help of Eowyn unknowingly). big grin

2 of them you know already about.

One is when you remember the scene where he was yelling "Hit them on the head!"?, he was holding his bows and arrows and he hit one of the Mumaks on the head. Then Theoden was yelling "Bring them down!, bring them down!, bring them down!!", then Eowyn threw her spear on that Mumak's leg and that brought the Mumak down. So basically, Eomer hit it on the head to become a little dizzy and confused and hurt and vulnerable to every other attack then Eowyn brought it down by throwing a spear on its leg. You have to watch very closely to notice it though. 'Coz I admit I didn't notice it too when I watched it for the first time because the scene is too much for me to notice everything and it's overwhelming.

So basically, Eomer killed 3 Mumakil, and Eowyn brought down 2. big grin Our beloved Rohirric siblings. big grin

i think that 3rd would be like an assist then, lol

Dude, in RotK EE when they show Eomer mourning over his 'dead' sister, you can really feel the sibling bond there....

Yeah, and the way they looked at each other before the Muster of the Rohirrim. big grin And when Eomer was mocking Merry. LOL..big grin

"You should not encourage him..."
"You should not doubt him..."
"I do not doubt his heart, just the reach of his arms..."
*Gamling snickering effect*

Eomer is an awesome guy, i like how he is in the book when he kinda takes of the the rohhirm right before aragorn comes, i hope thats in the EE

OK SO I am sitting here eagerly reading all the geek talk of which I am thoroughly a part of. I scroll down and BAM!!! Suddenly A smokin hot women in her underwear. Whats that all about? Not that I am going to argue over it. But my god I was a change of gears. Spit out my lemonade and almost slipped outta my nice comfy office chair.

Phew! Not nice Blonde. Well, actuall very nice, but certainly not fair.
I gotta let my heart rate drop a bit. Don't even care if thats really you or not.



laughing laughing out loud rolling on floor laughing laughing out loud laughing

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