question about elves and helms deep
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i was watchin TTT again yesterday and my friend and i noticed that when the uruk hai (spelling?) are shooting the elves from the walls all the elves fall back- except for one elve!
why is that?
and yes i know its a bit of a stupid question!
because the arrow hits them in the it pushes them back...and one fell off so PJ could put the 'wilhelm screm' into the film

and just to show someone falling
everyone loves a good fall
Well...there can't be really a way to answer that and the elf that fell over the wall was probably maybe standing at an angle and the Uruks shot him in the stomach or something causing him to bend over and lose balance. I guess that's just how PJ wanted it to be.
well i thought it was a stupid question and as you say everybody loves a good fall!
big gay kirk
Hey, you know these elves... he probably thought he could see sam, and tried to jump on him....
awww wot av u got against sam
poor sam, we love his braveness
hes sooooo cute anyways got to go me sleepy!
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