This Time ... I Won't Be Back ...
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Mr Parker
Yeah I get what your saying,this place really can be come here to post and you get so cauhgt up talking with your friends in pm messages,that you never end up posting.
Ill miss ya
*crying* i'll...miss ya...dude...keep it real, man...
and you wouldnt miss me?
are you leaving? are you ever gonna leave?
do you want me to?
why in the world would i want you to leave? you are the life of the Matrix forum...and the OTF, for that matter...
Silver Stardust
Damnit, another Matrix nut is leaving...well, we'll miss you!
But you see, Mr. Parker - the problem was never to do with spending too much time sending PM's; it's that I simply don't have the time to keep up my large post rate anymore. And I just don't think that I can ever go back to the way things were before.
And that, my friend, is why I am leaving ...
lol aww
Agent Elrond
we'll miss u. u were really fun when u came around and with ur socks. Hope u might come back now and then. Bye!
Now I must go, for the night
lil bitchiness
Sorry, this has nothing to do with The Matrix, so closing.
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