one for the ladies

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mc pee pants
He said... I don't now why you wear a bra; you've got nothing to put in it.
She said ...You wear pants don't you?

He said ...Shall we try swapping positions tonight?
She said...That's a good idea - you stand by the ironing board while I sit on the sofa.

He said . . .. What have you been doing with all the grocery money I gave you?
She said . . .Turn sideways and look in the mirror!

On a wall in a ladies room . .. . "My husband follows me everywhere" Written just below it . .. . " I do not"

Q. How many honest, intelligent, caring men in the world does it take to do the dishes?

A. Both of them.

Q. How does a man show that he is planning for the future?

A. He buys two cases of beer.

Q. What is the difference between men and government bonds?

A. The bonds mature.

Q. Why are blonde jokes so short?

A. So men can remember them.

Q. How many men does it take to change a roll of toilet paper?

A. We don't know; it has never happened.

Q. Why is it difficult to find men who are sensitive, caring and good-looking?

A. They already have boyfriends.

Q. What do you call a woman who knows where her husband is every night?

A. A widow.

Q. Why are married women heavier than single women?

A. Single women come home, see what's in the fridge and go to bed. Married women come home, see what's in bed and go to the fridge.

Q. What is the one thing that all men at singles bars have in common?

A. They're married.

Man says to God: "God, why did you make woman so beautiful?" God says: "So you would love her." But God," the man says, "why did you make her so dumb?" God says: "So she would love you." greenpeepants

nice thumb up

Raven Guardia
eek!!!! laughing hehehehe I like this one :

Q. Why is it difficult to find men who are sensitive, caring and good-looking?

A. They already have boyfriends

laughing out loud laughing....I should tell it to my friend jessie he is gay, but very nice and silly.he would laugh at it.

Tari Ringeril
laughing out loud

mc pee pants
i guess the guys don't like my new thread...

Raven Guardia
thats because they know its true..well for MOST guys not all of them wink

mc pee pants
that was all jokes... except for the toilet paper thing.

its not all true, some of us are nice decent and straight

Raven Guardia
yeah key word being 'some'

mc pee pants

im nice decent and straight yes

some is better than none, like all women are great?

mc pee pants

afraid of the truth?

I rule
Women are way worse than men

not always, but women tend to think men are shallow emotionally void idiots

I rule
Which is not true at all. Theres a lot of things that women do thats way worse then what men do.

true, u ever see two women fight? ugly...

mc pee pants
like squeezing the middle of the toothpaste tube.

ooh, wrong, i actually start at the bottom, see some of us have common sense

mc pee pants
exactly. squeezing the middle of the toothpaste tube should be punishable by sex.

EDIT: provided they are of legal age...

that means what? am not being sarcastic, i just dont get your meaning

mc pee pants
nevermind. the joke has died. it will only bring forth a discussion of confusion...

ok, usually if u squeeze the middle sex gets taken away damn it

mc pee pants
well, actually... the joke part was it will be given.

oh, ok, u a girl or guy? if u not minding asking it will clear it up

mc pee pants

oh, so i get it, yeah, they should give it

mc pee pants
YES!!! he shoots, he scores!!!

sorry when u posted the jokes i thought u a girl, i apologise

mc pee pants
understandable... yet so funny laughing at least to me...

yeah, i feel kinda stupid

whats wrong with squeezing the middle of the toothpaste What the f**k?

cos if u do it yr gf'll kill u or worse take away bedroom priveleges

i sqeeze my toothpaste from the middle confused

thats great hysterical

but i dont get this one: confused

they're eating all the groceries, and its giving them a big waistline happy

really? yr a rarity

k....confused...i really dont see whats wrong with squeexing toothpast from the middle no2

a lot of woman dont like it, ive seen it, some women dont, but they are the minority

oh stick out tongue

but it shoudld just say something like "what have you been doing with all that food money ive given you" or something, coz groceries wont make you that fat erm

cus groceries could be toothpaste, or soap yes

I loved all of these. Hear a few of them, but it made me laugh

but noone eats soap confused

but apart from that, i never knew toothpaste was grocerie .. i thought groceries were just fruit and vege eek!

i thought groceries were anythign you bought at wal mart erm

we dont have wal mart over here cry

I rule
I cant belive that mishas not making a crap load of threads anymore erm

misha's changed happy

I rule
Ok then mabey Ill change my name to Misha not m!$hA and Ill take your place as the pointless thread maker diva Nah Im a dude, if I changed my name to Misha then that would be wrong no expression

thats so sad...ish

wal mart would be the best store if the casheirs were nicer cry you need a wal mart

i dunno, you've got a bit of competition with jkozzy eek!

i know a guy named misha laughing out loud

he's a prick and no one likes him

I rule
Hes an amature stick out tongue

why confused

I rule
Is he gay or something because misha is clearly a girls name? erm

anyway you sould change your name to 'the robernator'

he's one of those midget kids who thinks he's tough, when he's clearly not, he just hangs with the big kids who could eat him for breakfast if they wanted

how old is he? blink

I rule
Uh can you please think of a different name please? messed I dont care what it is as long as its not that stick out tongue Thats horrible stick out tongue

be Mr.Wobbie!! eek!


for the record, I agree with him stick out tongue


I rule
I would seriously beat somebody up if they called me that no expression But its not as bad as the Robernator. stick out tongue But anyways

but i like that name sad

theyre just ganging up on us coz we're hot sexy girls diva schmoll

Mr. Wobbie (and the Robernator, for that matter) or so much better than than "I rule", they don't even compare...

um, what kinda name you want rob? funny? stupid? serious? messed


I rule
Mr Wobbie sounds like the name you can give a cat erm

And misha we're ganging up on you because of your horrible naming skills stick out tongue

mr wobbie aint a cats name no

whats wrong with misha?


I rule
I would like my name to be Rob if its not to much trouble stick out tongue

how about Wob! eek!

I rule
I never said anything was wrong with misha confused I said that you cant give people names real good

§pearhead Rob available?

if not, be roberto...that was my spanish name in...8th grade, I want to say blink

now I go with Guillermo cool

I rule
* sigh * I give up. Call me whatever you want

I rule
How did this thread turn into a debate about what my name should be? stick out tongue

three letters...

OTF smile

happy i shall call you wobbie

well i chose misha schmoll

actually casey did embarrasment

laughing out loud


I rule
Go ahead I guess. messed

I rule
Didnt your mom give you your name? confused

unless of course, her mom is which case *bangs head on desk*

I rule
That could be true stick out tongue

my name is michelle.

not misha.

I rule
Oh sorry stick out tongue

stick out tongue no prob

michelle...misha...what's the diff messed

I rule
Misha rocks big grin

I rule
I agree yes

ok you've gone weired on me rob confused

jeremy: misha has an a and an s in it ... michelle doesnt smart irl people call me mich ... and the only person on kmc who calls me mich (only occasionally but they still do) is you eek!

I rule
What I just said you rock confused Look again

i thought more people called you mich than me messed

nope, youre the one and only hug

im more interested in the circled bit roll eyes (sarcastic)

WHITE STYLE??? poor choice no

no, it's BLUE infact schmoll

I rule
That really wasnt nessecary but ok erm


I rule
Ive got it on KMC blue for now but Ill probably change it stick out tongue

I rule
Your wearing to much eye shadow stick out tongue

go with the black...I look spiffy! cool

stick out tongue

i look snazzy!

I rule
Congrats confused

no, no fail to realize that the goal here is to look spiffy...not snazzy stick out tongue

Mr. Bacon
laughing out loud

spiffy is so 5 minutes ago roll eyes (sarcastic)

don't get me started on snazzy no

I rule
Spiffy is better than snazzy stick out tongue

you boys need to get updated in the fashion roll eyes (sarcastic)

my car sig owns your bride sig cool

I rule
No we know fashion better than you stick out tongue jk

metrosexuals eek!

is that a toy car ... on carpet?

hear that roberto? we're metro! eek!

Mr. Bacon
confused wtf just happened?


for the love of...ROADKILL!! From the twisted metal series? cry how can you not recognize greatness?

blink uh ... yeah!

I rule
Yep we sure are I guess confused

I rule
Shhh dont tell everybody

laughing out loud i dunno why...but that's funny

you just did confused

I rule
Nope I didnt use an exclamation mark stick out tongue

neither did i

I rule
The eek! smilie gave it away

you used the exact same smilie!

I rule
No I would never do anything like that smile

put a smile on, everybody c'mon! eek!

big grin

I rule
Nah I dont feel like smiling right now. Getting called Wobbie and The Robinator changed my mood stick out tongue

that was over an hour ago, rob stick out tongue

I rule
I dont care stick out tongue The name you gave me was horrible stick out tongue

Roberto eek!

Roberta eek!

I rule
I would rather be called Roberto than The Robinator. Hell I would rather be called Misha than The Robinator. That name sound like the terminators brother or something messed

haha you all still remember laughing out loud

I rule
Oh no you didnt just call me that no expression

who was that between anyway ... i mean it was me and someone else calling you roberta ... was it you chels?

rob, I'm calling you Roberto from now on...just so you know stick out tongue

I rule
Whatever stick out tongue

ill probly just keep calling you robbie erm

I rule
It was Casey and Georgina if I remember correctly messed You call me that name and you die yes

I rule
Thank god. My name is Robbie and thats what Ill be called. So anyways away from that topic erm

would i EVER call you that? shock

all we've been talking about for over one hour is robbie's name eek!

I rule
Yes you would shock And yes we have been discussing my name for the past hour messed