Should i stop?...i cant help it!

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My brother taught me this lighter trick, where you close your fist but make a little hole, and hold the trigger of the lighter so the butane gas releases, then light the hole and your hand goes up in fire, but it dosent hurt, and its really fun

so i have been playing with a lighter like all day!

should i stop?

stop once you burn yourself or the lighter runs out of fluid

no! big grin jus get more lighters big grinbig grin i do it all the time, if you get lighter fluid put a lil on your hand an lite it, it burns openluy on your hand, but wave your hand like a maniac almost instantly after ignition!!!

yeah i know, i just run to the dollar store and buy like 2 more for a dollar,

but! hell no! im not putting lighter fluid on my hand, you must be crazy!!!

its cool!!!! just dont put too much on, and be quick with the waving!! heh i havnt got burnt once yet...

fire=good smile

Yeah,until something wrong happens and you go to the hospital with 3rd degree burns erm

Master Revan
ha thats nothing i put rubbing alcohol in my mouth and blow it in a lighter it makes me look like a dragon it wont burn you and hurt you unless you swallow the alcohol.

hahaha get some lyson in an arosol can spray it on your hand then light your hand on fire its pretty awesome and can be going for 30 seconds before you feel anything

yeah my friend did that samething!

my friend also used axe body spray and a lighter as a flame thrower to take out a bees nest

Master Revan
i used a water gun filled with zippo butane and sprayed a bee hive.

hahahahaahahah laughing

hahaha iv done something like that only i used homemade gunpowder and i guess i used tomuch lol cause i tookout the beehive and some of the tree it was on

If I knew that I'd kill a hooker!


i started a campfire at this campgroud, but the fire was really small, so i found some lighter fluid we had used to make grill the hotdogs with and then i poured it into the fire and then the flame shot up all the way to the can until i stopped squeazing it! eek! it was so cool!


Yah! it was so much fun, but then my dad got mad because he didnt have much lighter fluid to grill anything that night sad embarrasment

Dude sad

i gotta get my hands on more salt peter lol

ya, so i got 1 burger instaed of 2

Dude mad

but it is dangerous no expression

Reminds me of a similar fire breathing trick I used to do but I wont go into that one as it can be very lethal!

my buddy used to do this thing where he'd put some lighter fluid on his tongue and light it.

he's a ****ing idiot too no expression

mc pee pants
i've been doing this trick since high school. but i've moved on to better more mature things.

lighting my farts.

i suggest you do the same...

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