Pic of The One Above All?

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David Duchovony
Does anyone have a pic of The One Above All, The Living Tribunal's boss?

is it actually proven that there is a one above all?

Is The One Above All a Celestial, if so, then I think this is a pic of him:

I dont think anyone is the boss of The Living Tribunal...
Ive never heard of this before... I know Galactus is right below Tribunal, then osiris and the lower gods are below galactus... but.. Tribunals Boss?

The celestial one above all is not the ONE ABOVE ALL who is LT's boss.

Ya but who is THE ONE ABOVE ALL?

the leader of the celestials i think


Lord S
The One Above All refers to God (with a capital G)...hence, LT's master. You don't get to see God in real life, so I guess you can't see it in comics. The closest we came to seeing "God" was watching Thanos in action in "Marvel: The End", where he was utterly omnipotent, besting even LT.

this is pretty much the most powerful being in marvel to date. atleast that i'm aware of big grin

the one above all is the most powerful celestial NOT GOD!!!! here is a link to a really really good site, clicking on this will bring to a page with bios for ALL the celestials.

http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.geocities.com/brenni_au/Celestial.gif&imgrefurl=http://www.geocities.com/brenni_au/Celestials.html&h=318&w=373&sz=54&tbnid=ntlNADEDkTIJ:&tbnh=100&tbnw=117&start=40&prev=/ images%3Fq%3Dcelestials%26start%3D20%26hl%3Den%26l

Sorry to all thanos fans, but the most powerful being above LT and thanos with his phony heart of the universe is that omnipotent being that appeared for a few seconds in the marvel vs Dc crossover. I think he was the one above all, not thanos (with THU). He's either blue or red, i forgot his color. Thanos is waaaaay over rated. If anyone can get his pic and his name it would be nice. By the way, there is a DC one like him too.

I may be wrong but I thought TOAA wasn't ever seen but mentioned many times by cosmic heavies like LT. If anyone knows of his existence its them, but Marvel have cleverly, never shown TOAA as far as I know..........


There are two One Above Alls. One is the Celestial whom you're referring to, he's basically the leader Celestial.

The second has only been referrenced, and refers to an omnipotent God. However, showing him would open up a whole new can of worms, it's okay to have Norse, Greek and other deities traipsing about since they're just myths nowadays, but to have the Judeo-Christian God appear would be a faux pas.

DC's come sort of close to this, the Spectre talking about his boss, showing us glimpses of heaven and Morrison's creation Zauriel, but they've avoided showing Him for good reason.

No pics but Im of the understanding that in DC v. Marvel, "The Blue Brother" was originally Marvel's interpretation of the "One Above All." However, this was later retconned.

Interestingly, I believe in Fantastic Four #511, they meet "God" (however may be different than the "One Above All"wink and it turns out to be the king, Jack Kirby.

Hope this helps.

I don't think their "God" was the One Above All, if he was truly Above All, why would he need a collaborator (he takes a phone call, and mentions it's his collaborator.) Then he would only be One of the Two Above All.

Originally posted by Ming Tea!
Does anyone have a pic of The One Above All, The Living Tribunal's boss? Here ya go...


No thanks are necessary.


He is only the the God of Marvel's maximum profits laughing

H. S. 6

With prep, he's TOAA.

no expression

Originally posted by H. S. 6

With prep, he's TOAA.

no expression Damn straight cool

Hmm technically wouldn't that be a picture of The Source?

TOAA for both comicverses...

Originally posted by H. S. 6

With prep, he's TOAA.

no expression


Originally posted by xmarksthespot
Hmm technically wouldn't that be a picture of The Source?

TOAA for both comicverses...

DARKCLAW!!!!!!!!!!! rock

This is kinda tangential to the topic, but is Thanos with the "Heart of the Universe" more powerful than "TOAA?"

Originally posted by silvajster
This is kinda tangential to the topic, but is Thanos with the "Heart of the Universe" more powerful than "TOAA?"
No. He was almost on par with TOAA, why would TOAA create a weapon that's above him. Also when Thanos destroyed the universe Lady Death escaped it, TOAA would'nt have made such a mistake.

Originally posted by Takion
No. He was almost on par with TOAA, why would TOAA create a weapon that's above him. Also when Thanos destroyed the universe Lady Death escaped it, TOAA would'nt have made such a mistake.

How would you know? TOAA has NEVER made an appearance in any comic. Any inkling as to what or who he is, is pure speculation.

Originally posted by redghost
Sorry to all thanos fans, but the most powerful being above LT and thanos with his phony heart of the universe is that omnipotent being that appeared for a few seconds in the marvel vs Dc crossover. I think he was the one above all, not thanos (with THU). He's either blue or red, i forgot his color. Thanos is waaaaay over rated. If anyone can get his pic and his name it would be nice. By the way, there is a DC one like him too.
he is overated when he absorbs the entire universe, including all beings cept
adam warlock
not even sure about phoenix
and are you talking about krona?

thanos didnt care,its not like he really wanted universe domination at first. but if this were the thanos that slaughtered millions, he would destroy all.

Sea King
im realy sorry to all who i offend but i could not help it i mean come on its kind of funny

Jimmy Buggs
repent your sins and accept Jesus Christ into your heart as your lord and savoir you will be saved.

Originally posted by Sea King
im realy sorry to all who i offend but i could not help it i mean come on its kind of funny

why is it funny? confused

Sea King
Originally posted by willRules
why is it funny? confused

i dont konw im just weird i gess. why is jessus funny on family guy?

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