Whats this song? It's not on the soundtracks.
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Sorry if this question was already asked.
Well I was watching the regular/original DVD of The Matrix Reloaded and I was wondering what was the song on the main menu for Disc 1. Its not on any of the Matrix Soundtracks.
the song is called "I'm not driving anymore" by Rob Dougan. It's from his CD Furious Angels. You can either get the CD at a record store or download from the internet. It usually works if you just type in Rob D for the Artist. That song usually comes up.
^ what he said
Thanks i found the song
but is there an instrumental version though?
Is that the techno rock?
I guess you can call it that, can someone who has the instrumental version of this song please post it
i downloaded it from Kazza, and the instrumental one is the one i got. Does the one u got have words?
yeah it has vocals and i can't find the one thats just instrumentals
Jackie Malfoy
It is a cool song that is for sure.I love it!
I have been trying to find the rage against the machine song in the 2nd movie at the end, but i can't seem to find it, im not sure of the name of the song i think its calm like a bomb, but everytime i download that song it don't sound like the movie version of the song.
bamaredwingsfan, why not just buy the soundtrack then, as i believe it is on that
where did you get it?
My friend made me a CD of Some songs from different movies, it had the song.
I still want the instrumental version though
I couldn't find it does anyone have it?
"I'm not driving anymore" by Rob Dougan (instrumentals)
can someone post it please ?
w00t pm me Ive got it on my comp
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