What's the point of having children these days . . .

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The Tired Hiker
. . . if all the world seems to be coming to an end?

Darth Surgent
There is no point. Don't have children.

One of the biggest reasons the world is coming to an end is because of over-population.

People keep speaking of how the coming generations need to get off the computer and get a life. Wrong. Non-personal social behavior is one of the greatest things to ever happen to this planet.

The Tired Hiker
Hmm. This promotes a vision in my head. Thousands of people swarm to hop onto the space ship out of here, mostly Republicans, Military, and the filthy rich. The common man, you and me, stay behind because we have to, huddling over our computers, visiting KMC Forums. Suddenly, the ship that left crashes into a giant meteor, the meteor predicted to destroy Earth, the meteor that caused the ship to leave in the first place. But the meteor disintegrates when the ship crashes into it, eliminating the threat it posed for Earth. Therefore, the common man, you and me, survive on Earth with our computers on KMC Forums, and we live happily ever after without those others who are now gone!

well.. I would think (if one were to actually have children) that you would have them to teach them to be good people... you give them (or teach them) everything you think is good.. sort of giving back to the world perhaps.. on a moral level... we are only as vile and rude as that which we come from, afterall

children are great they teach you to appreciate how good life was before you had the stress of bringing them up... blink

Jackie Malfoy
Children are a blessing.When we die our children lives as to finish our life for us.I would love to have children one day.JM

Alpha Centauri
"Children are a blessing."

Children are no more a blessing than you eating and a turd coming out of your butt.

They don't FINISH our lives for us, they live their own life. Only humans (or Jackie) could be so naive as to think kids do that, live their lives for us.


Jackie Malfoy
Thanks but I Happen to think other wise.How are they not a blessing?Are you so into yourself that you can't think of caring for children other then just caring about yourself?
That sounds pretty selfish to me.JM

Can't believe shellie hasn't commented on this yet.

Alpha Centauri
Any can feel free to comment.

Is my opinion and it's not changing for anything. I'm not a child worshipper nor am I ever going to be. If you have kids and you love them, care for them and nurture them, good for you. You're doing the right thing now that you have them.

As far as the creation of children, a chemical reaction is all it is. There's no blessing involved. One out of two hundred million sperm connecting, is no blessing nor miracle.

If sperm enters into a fertile woman, she will almost definately become pregnant. There is no 50/50 chance about it, you don't have to wait on the edge of your seat as if it's as unlikely as winning the lottery. Sexual intercourse is for the purpose of impregnation, it's not a gamble.

The odds aren't exactly stacked against you.



ac i know what you mean, but there are a lot of couples out there who wish they could have kids... to them it would be a blessing...

imo its a matter of perspective...

Alpha Centauri
Oh of course there are infertile people, I mean NO disrespect to them whatsoever. If you WANT kids and can't have them it must be heartbreaking.

However, that doesn't change that what I'm saying is a fact. The only reason they CAN'T have kids is because of a genetic fault and they are now infertile. If they were fertile, and they tried for a kid or two, they'd almost definately get them.

Someone I know has 4 kids at 30 years old, she said to me "My children were blessings."

........You've got four kids. Everytime you tried, it happened, that's because it's designed to. No blessing, no magic, no stork with a baby wrapped in a blanket, no helping hand from God. It's a chemical reaction.


Jackie Malfoy
Someone is changing the subject!lol!jm

Alpha Centauri
The subject was, "What's the point of having children these days?"

I'm on topic. Well within bounds.


i understand what your saying alpha, but what i mean is that to a lot of people its a blessing that they are fertile and can have kids. to create a life, while being easy if your fertile, is a blessing nonetheless in an emotional sense. we all know what happens genetically, but when you hold your own child in your arms and you realise what you've created it becomes special to you the parent...

i know its not always the case, but in a lot of cases it is...

Alpha Centauri
"we all know what happens genetically, but when you hold your own child in your arms and you realise what you've created it becomes special to you the parent..."

Obviously it's a special moment, emotionally. Anyone can see that, I don't actually want kids and I can see that much.

In any other way than that though, it really is ANYTHING but.


i suppose... wait till u have a sprog stick out tongue

Alpha Centauri
I'm not actually having any children.


i know, you said that...

just be careful, it can happen awfully easily...

((why cant i find that damn simpsons quote where apu asks homer when did he plan to have kids? and then homer broke his shite laughing. dammit))

laughing out loud oh the wise words of the young... whistle

Alpha Centauri
"just be careful, it can happen awfully easily..."

The only time it will happen with me is if accidents happen. Which they won't because I'm extremely careful.

To Baylin: Exactly. Like Bill Hicks said, "Children are smarter than Adults by far. I don't know ONE Child who has a full time job and children."

That's how I plan to stay. Besides the job part. If you had the same mindset and ended up having kids, that's you. It doesn't apply to me.


the only way you can gaurantee never to have kids is to never have sex...

and something tell me alpha is too much of a stud not to...

dude, i am too... but sometimes shit happens...

Alpha Centauri
Thanks....I think?

The way to not have them is not wanting them. I'm not saying you can't get a girl pregnant though. I do not want kids at any point in my life.

If I meet a woman who wants to be with me for life or a long time, and she wants kids, she won't get em from me. I've been in a relationship with someone who wanted kids when she was older very very much. I said flat out, you'd never get em from me. Coz I don't want them, it's that simple. I do not want to be a father basically. Most of the girls I know don't want kids anyway.

"dude, i am too... but sometimes shit happens..."

I've been there. However, accidents do not mean you have to go "Whoopsie, impending fatherhood." Which I am not going to do.


I was actually being sarcastic AC, cuz I've been there in fact it helped end my first marriage. There was no way on earth I was having kids!

However things change, I ended up getting married again because I woke up one day and suddenly felt the need to have kids.

I now have beautiful daughter who I love to bits!

and as for kids being a blessing, your argument is all well and good but that would mean then that there is no such thing as any kind of blessing because they can all be explained away in one form or another... wink

good... big grin

Alpha Centauri
"and as for kids being a blessing, your argument is all well and good but that would mean then that there is no such thing as any kind of belssing because they can all be explained away in one form or another... "

Yeah........exactly. Blessing is just a term to me. Like when someone says "I'm gonna kill you". Not actually going to kill them. I don't believe in blessings coz I don't believe I have anything to be blessed by.

Congrats on your daughter and all that stuff but people who know me know that my mind is not one that changes like that. I'm no flip flopper.

I just wish people accepted that when I say "I don't want kids" regardless of my age, I mean it.


So AC if you get a woman pregnant by accident (i.e. the condom breaks, the pill doesn't work, whatever) and she decides to have the kid, you will just take off?

i do... i was just teasing stick out tongue

confused why ? cuz i have 4 said turds....

stick out tongue

I feel better knowing now that pushing an 8 pound baby from my womb....4 times over , is no more a blessing then when I take a shit . stick out tongue

laughing out loud thanks but I'm no flip flopper either. I'm not saying it will but from experiece I can tell you that sometimes things change... wink

laughing out loud well I can imagine following really bad constipation having a shit probably feels like quite a blessing... stick out tongue

Alpha Centauri
"So AC if you get a woman pregnant by accident (i.e. the condom breaks, the pill doesn't work, whatever) and she decides to have the kid, you will just take off?"

Well I make sure to let girls know exactly where I stand if I even think it's going to get intimate. There's no misunderstandings with me. If a woman I see myself being with seriously wants to be with me, I will be using a condom, she will be using something. So the chances of it happening are extremely remote. No girl I would be with would want kids anyway (because if they did I wouldn't be in it long term, due to not wanting that myself) so if pregnancy should happen through no fault of our own, abortion would be involved. Because I don't see why, if we take the neccessary precautions to avoid pregnancy, that we should deal with it because of faulty products and have our lives impacted by a child. No I wouldn't take off but it wouldn't get to the point of the pregnancy being too late to deal with.

"I feel better knowing now that pushing a an 8 pound baby from my womb....4 times over , is no more a blessing then when I take a shit ."

You know I meant no disrespect. My point was, when you eat, you push out a shit. When you get pregnant, you push out a baby. These both happen due to things going in the body and a chemical reaction happening more or less.

God has no part in it, nor does anything else.


omg...after having one of these monsters , that first shit afterwards is a major blessing blink

laughing out loud I can remember when Mrs Baylin was in labour she mentioned that she needed to shit at that point the midwives flew into a frenzy, 10 minutes later my daughter entered the world...

Alpha Centauri
Suddenly shit and kids come together so well.


laughing out loud maybe thats where the endearing term "lil shit" came from

omg rotflmfao

i know sweetie , i took no disrespect from it but see it from a womans point of view...or at least this woman....

i would not go through the hell of 29 hours of hard back breaking labor , the pain of pushing an 8lb11oz baby from my vagina if i didnt think it was a blessing ......and then turn around and do it 3 more times....

cry and they all were over 8lbs

Alpha Centauri
An emotional one I can understand although I don't need to experience that.

However, blessing in the terms of "it's a miracle" or "God gave me this child". False.

Forget going through child birth. I guess that's what adds to it being worth it, being happy and loving your child and having the pain be worth it.

Again, I don't really like kids besides like nieces and nephews etc, I don't want that for myself. I understand emotionally why you would VIEW it as a blessing.

Literal blessing though, no way.


as much as i dislike kids and shit in the same sentence...

when i met my girlfriend she told me she didn't want kids for two reasons: she has a tiny frame, her hips are very narrow (like a typical small asian woman) and that she had a bad heart, so she was scared shitless of having kids.

i didn't want kids either, because i didn't want to end up like my father (long story)

time went on... and one day she turned to me and told me she wanted kids with me once we got married, and i realised i wanted the same thing...

it may seem sappy but for the two of us to have a family would be the most special thing in the world...

Like I said sometimes things change. smile


Alpha Centauri
Yes I completely agree.

Like Morpheus said in the Matrix "Somethings never change. Somethings do change."

The former will apply to me. It's not a mind set of "I don't want kids...now". I don't want kids, at all. I don't like the idea of having children.


I'm sorry big guy, accidents like that happen all the time. The only 100% fool proof way to guarantee not having children is to not have sex.

Great theory, but many woman who are dead set against having kids change their mind when they actually become pregnant.

You are 19 or 20 years old and you have the whole "it will never happen to me" and "I will never feel different about having kids" attitude. I'm not saying that you are wrong, maybe you will always stay the same, but you seem intelligent enough to experience continued growth, and when that happens attitudes change.

You gave me reasons why it won't happen. But I still ask you, what will you do if the woman you sleep with does get pregnant and does decide to have the child?


Alpha Centauri
"Great theory, but many woman who are dead set against having kids change their mind when they actually become pregnant."

I don't date or hang around with flip floppers. Most of the girls I know either hate kids or just don't want them.

"You are 19 or 20 years old and you have the whole "it will never happen to me" and "I will never feel different about having kids" attitude. I'm not saying that you are wrong, maybe you will always stay the same, but you seem intelligent enough to experience continued growth, and when that happens attitudes change. "

Why does everyone seem intent on trying to say "Wait and see"? Why can you not accept someone does actually not want children? Putting it down to age might help you come to terms with the fact that another human being doesn't want kids, but I don't. Can you just drop it? Why is my decision (coz it is mine and it will remain unchanged) something that needs to be debated?

"You gave me reasons why it won't happen. But I still ask you, what will you do if the woman you sleep with does get pregnant and does decide to have the child?"

The keyword is What if, if I meet someone who I choose to be intimate with on that level, long term, before we have get to doing it I will let them know that there is no way I want kids, and how do they feel. If they say they do not want kids, then it's good. I will be using protection, so will she. If she got pregnant, she could have an abortion.

You can keep using that old failsafe of "What if she won't?". I can't say because it hasn't happened. But all you are doing is saying "Yeah but what if it does?". What if it doesn't? The chances of it NOT happening given the protection I use and girls I'm with use, are greater than an accidental pregnancy. I leave no base uncovered with pregnancy, I leave nothing to chance. I am not gonna ever be a father, so if a girl I'm with wants kids. I'm not gonna risk having sex with her. There are many girls who I know that do not want kids.

Maybe you want kids and your buddies are of similar mindset, none of mine are. So that's why you can't comment on the girls I know and the possibilities of it happening. Only statistically, which is solved by abortion.

There. Done. Is it ok with you that I decided against fatherhood? Genuine question.


You know AC, I generally like debating with you, but this time I think it's a little arrogant (no where near as bad a philo can be though) to actually think that you know what you'll want say 5, 10 20 years from now.

Everybody changes, I am not saying that your stance on this issue will, but time and experience changes desires and opinions, nothing we say or believe about ourselves now is written in stone.

*shakes head smiling*I know I'm only 10 years older than you AC and I'm certainly not arguing with your descision, in fact I admire your tenacity to stick with it.
I'm just warning you from experience that sometimes things change because that is human nature...

well maybe he is one person that knows what he wants for the future. Its a little arrogasnt of you KD (nowhere as near as philo of course) to say thnat he can'T yes

I guess only time will tell eh? And I didn't say that he can't, I just asked him to leave himself open to the remote possibility.

It's cliche, but the only things in life that are certain are death and taxes.

AC - you are not actually listening to what others are saying on this, re-read what they have posted and re-read your responses.

As for not wanting kids EVER, funny thing that, my sister-in-law said the same thing and she found her perfect husband in someone else who NEVER EVER wanted to have kids, they were together for many years, she just had her first child this week - things DO change, you should not say that you will NEVER change your mind. I'd like you to do me a favour, contact me again in 15 years, if you have not already changed your mind by then I will buy you a beer as an apology for suggesting that you will change your mind and you will eventually have kids.

The Blessing part of it comes from the fact that the child did not mos-carry in the wonb, or die during birth.

Well not according to Lobo but anyway.

But maybe he knows alread, he could have taken actions to make sure too, we don't know, just because our minds change doesn't mean that ACs has too. He might be sure and maybe he will be till the end of his life. He belives though, I can't really argue with that since I don't really know huim.


Alpha Centauri
"Everybody changes, I am not saying that your stance on this issue will, but time and experience changes desires and opinions, nothing we say or believe about ourselves now is written in stone."

Everyone changes, agreed completely. Not everyTHING changes however. I know that I'm not having kids, that's not arrogant. It doesn't affect you.

"As for not wanting kids EVER, funny thing that, my sister-in-law said the same thing and she found her perfect husband in someone else who NEVER EVER wanted to have kids, they were together for many years, she just had her first child this week - things DO change, you should not say that you will NEVER change your mind. I'd like you to do me a favour, contact me again in 15 years, if you have not already changed your mind by then I will buy you a beer as an apology for suggesting that you will change your mind and you will eventually have kids."

When did it get to the point that I now have to prove to you that I am genuinely not having kids? That's one thing the older generation tend to do wrong. You've had more life experience than me granted, but that does not warrent you to say what I will and won't do. If I say I'm not having kids, that is the way it is and the way I see it being forever. I do not want to be a father. Why is it such a hard thing to just accept?

Things change, yes. But not everything. I am willing to stand up and say that no kids is the ONE iron clad thing I AM sure about in my life. I don't want them.

"The Blessing part of it comes from the fact that the child did not mos-carry in the wonb, or die during birth."

But that's not a blessing, that's reproduction being successful. A perfectly natural occurance. It's on a much smaller scale, like saying "Oh thank God that shit came through and I didn't get constipated."


Dude I praise the lord everytime I am cleared of constipation.

Alpha Centauri



There are some great quotes that come out of this forum. And that's one of them. eek!

I really dont think Im responsible enouth to have kids anytime soon

Darth Surgent
I am definitely writing that down. big grin

The Tired Hiker
And dry-humping!

up the bum, no babies!!

not true , pregnancy can still occur this way too .

Nooooo, how?

it can leak...

well , lets see if i can explain this without being to graphic confused

unless a condom is worn during anal sex , pregnancy can still occur . after the man has ejaculated into her rectum , when he proceeds to exit and pull himself out , seamen/sperm will come out as well with all the ummm...wetness that is down there , the sperm swim there way from her 'Bum' to her vagina and find there way to the uterus , ect ect ect.....

blink did i really just give a lesson in sex education ?

u should have just used my explanation...

and yes... u did...

Ummm thanks Shellie, I'm not enjoying my lunch as much as I was now sick:


embarrasment sorry

laughing out loud you asked

Yes, it's all my fault that I got to taste parts of my lunch for the second time in 10 minutes.


Whats up Corran, you suddenly having a crisis remembering all the one nighters where you thought you were safe from spreading those wild oats....


Jackie Malfoy
Are you happy that your parents choose to have you?If so then that is the answear to your question.JM

The Tired Hiker
Oh yeah, those are called butt babies. wink I believe I'm a butt baby. erm

your parents told you how they did it - when you were conceived

what a horrible scary story to tell your kid

Mr Parker
yeah I wish people would stop having children because like someone said,we have an over population problem as it is and plus this isnt the kind of world that a kid should have to grow up in since its just getting more and more barbaric every decade.

Yeah you might be right. It's okay if peoiple wanna leave something of themselves in the world. i mean if you have children it is still a part of you being in this world... but people should have less children so there arent that many people in this world. But I dont think we could do that like they did for example in China. The people would get mad.

You cannot possiblly imagine the need for children until you have one of your own. Its as simple as that......

isnt that what they say every year for the past two thousand years?

Uh.. to continue human life.

Afro Cheese
Nowadays people don't have kids with the better interests of the human race in mind.. they have them because that's the ideal life for many, to raise a family. It's a personal thing it isn't about increasing the population. That's assuming we're talking about people who have kids purposely. No need to knock it though..

some people have them to get more money from welfare too. With this fact i guess there isnt much reaosn to have children today.

Alpha Centauri
"You cannot possiblly imagine the need for children until you have one of your own. Its as simple as that......"

It's clearly not a need then if people can go their entires lives without wanting them or having them.


There are lots of folks who choose NOT to have kids, and I think thats great. I actually get really pissed at people who look at those who dont want kids as tho they are somehow not human. Not true. If that is your choice I respect that and I think others should as well.

However, trying to say that one should not have kids simply due to overpopulation or 'to get $ from welfare' are generalizations at best and labels at worst. My point was that as humans, for whatever reason, it is an innate desire to procreate and that is a trait we have had for as long as the human race has existed, so it must serve some purpose. And you cannot fathom that purpose until you have had a child of your own. Thats all....

i lovejake
i eat small children but im afraid of any child under 4th grade

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