Clone Trooper Color Scheme

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We all know that the color scheme for the Clone Troopers are visible and meaningful in EP I/II/III, but why are there NO evidence of rank/duty between the newer Storm Troopers in EP IV/V/VI.

The Storm Troopers appear to be the same rank without any distinguishing significance of color like in the EP I/II/III. I know that the higher ranking officers are wearing non-Storm Trooper uniforms, but between Storm Trooper divisions, why aren't there any differences in the uniform? The Clone Troopers have cool colored strips, and the Storm Troopers have plain white uniforms.

I am deeply sorry, if this topic has been discussed before. I tried the search button, but I couldn't find a related topic.

Does anyone know?

thats actualy a hella good question...... i have no idea though.. thanks for puting it out there for someone else to answer tho

Lucas didn't think of it then...

It bugs me that GL does things in the movie to F*&k with our minds...

Y'know...I also never liked how beat up the clone troopers were in epII, especially since they were NEW.

Red Superfly
They have to get trained somehow don't they?

They were in the midst of battle. Of course they were beat up.

And there's probably some symbolism to be found in the fact that there seem to be no ranks in the Stormtroopers in the OT.

Three Owls
actually, some had the orange shoulder pad...I always thought that meant something in terms of rank

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