I,Robot is the Matrix prequel
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A) I, Robot sucked, Majorly, Just wanna throw that out there.
B) I thought that too when I saw the previews, but its not, too many differences. Its just Completly different in so many aspects.
I can see why you think its the same, There very alike as in *How the Machines, first turned againts the Humans and taking over the world.*
I use this as a prime example to show people how machines first took over the world in the matrix movies.
i-robot was a book long before the matrix was a movie... there is a sequel to that book... and it is nothing like the matrix...
I see similarities, but no...there are way too many differences.
And don't forget that IRobot sucked b-a-l-l-s.
The Ones
i robot didnt suck! and no its not the prequel i robot ended hapily and every one survived (almost) in the matrix. it ended sadly and everyone couldnt live properly
And i suppose Star Wars episodes I and II didn't suck either!
i-robot was a good popcorn movie, nothing more, i enjoyed it...
episode three has alot to to live up to to even compare with the original trilogy...
and no, matrix and i-robot are not that simliar...
Thanks for clearing that up...
The Ones
Originally posted by Superfly4000
And i suppose Star Wars episodes I and II didn't suck either!
nope. not at all.
Reborn Again
You're reaching, lau.
you have terminator 1 2 3 for the prequel to the matrix
Evil Dead
there is no comparison between the book and the movie............the only thing the two have in common is the name.
Originally posted by Evil Dead
there is no comparison between the book and the movie............the only thing the two have in common is the name.
thats kinda what i was implying...
prequel to the matrix is terminator 1 2 3
I think the film that could be a prequel to the matrix is A.I
Second Renaissance was a pile of junk as well though. Cliched vacuous empty drivel.
rubber dickie
i made a thread about this exact subject long ago... and i got reamed up the ass about it.
so ur suggesting that we should ream him up the ass about this?
I agree with Lance on this one you guys.
the only thing i see is matrix copying terminat'r main story theme
yes AI is a great film but not as goood as terminator 1 2 3
not even close to terminator tho
im sorry but how can u say i-robot sucked that was a good movie. the first two starwars movies did kind of suck but they were good in there own aspects. come one the matrix sequals wernt that good, dont get me wrong i loved them but the watchowski bros messed up and made it to quicky. but anyhow i liked all the matrix, starwars, irobot, and terminator movies does that mwake me a bad person...???
no it is not hte prequil cuz they did not mention 01 and they dint destroy the sun and i robot is based on a book that was made like 20 years ago
Darth Halo
I think terminator movies can co-relate to the matrix cause for some reasons unknown in terminator movies the machines attack. Maybe like irobot said they were only trying to protect us from ourselves. I believe matrix terminator and irobot can actually line up together to make story complete wheter or not we want it to. although pretty much these movies are really trying to say that there is an opression on us as human beings whether it's the government or religion to to keep us in check.
Darth Halo
No sneeky cause my fav trilogies are terminator, star wars, and matrix. It just means you know good science fiction and a decent story
hola Darth how are you wot part of the states do you live i'm neo212 from england cheshire not for from manchester
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