Morpheus is Dead!!!!!!
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cal31 Yup, he was killed in the Matrix Online, hard to believe they killed him off. Too bad I cancelled my game subscription a couple weeks ago, but now that all of the "Main Three" are dead, nothing really to exciting to play the game for. Just will have to wait for Path of Neo.
this is old news . i dont even pay attention whatsoever to matrix or TMO anymore and i knew this .
Originally posted by StinkFist462
this is old news . i dont even pay attention whatsoever to matrix or TMO anymore and i knew this . Well, too bad it happened this morning, so it isn't old news. How bout you shut up and never speak again until you actually have something respectable to say. If you don't even care, why even come in here and post something that is absolutely idiotic and wrong?
cause that's what stinkyfist's his "style", so to speak...
as for your style...calm down. yelling at someone else or even telling them to "Shut up and never speak again" is rude and disrespectful, even if SF did respond in a less than thrilling manner...he wasn't attacking you.
Originally posted by JediHDM
cause that's what stinkyfist's his "style", so to speak...
as for your style...calm down. yelling at someone else or even telling them to "Shut up and never speak again" is rude and disrespectful, even if SF did respond in a less than thrilling manner...he wasn't attacking you. I'm not mad, it's a fricken online board, I could care less what is said, but when people clutter boards and say things that just dumb down the rest of the board, it gets annoying after having it happen in every single topic. I'll respect people if they don't make an ass out of themselves like Stinkfist did.
Actually, he was killed before, but it was during beta, so it wasn't "real". He was "revived" for the live release of the game. So Stinkfist is actually partly correct.
I have to say though, it's cool that they're already doing big time shit like this in the game, wish more online games would have major plot shifts this quickly.
Crappy way to go- I'll be surprised if he doesn't come back.
Yea its good for a game to have major splot shifts such as that but kill morpheus? the one who fred Neo himself. uh uh i dont think so. They killed it. Bye bye matrix. Not that the game itself was poorly designed and well Bad. Killing off the only main character left is an idea i would say wont be very good for the future.
wow, that's a turnaround.
just like to add that this is old back fire said he was killed in beta .it was a sneak preview of what was going to happen. thats why i think it wasnt morpheus .....but a clone.i wont go into that.
Damn thats sad news to hear.
Poor Morpheus - it's bad enough that, ever since the original Matrix, his character was relegated more and more into insignificance ... but now this? Sheesh.
Originally posted by cal31
Well, too bad it happened this morning, so it isn't old news. How bout you shut up and never speak again until you actually have something respectable to say. If you don't even care, why even come in here and post something that is absolutely idiotic and wrong?
maybe cause its not wrong and im telling you thats what i think of it....

no need for a shit fit
Neo_Version 7
Morpheus was the sh*t!
no....he wasnt
he was cool in the first one but started getting lamer and lamer as reloaded went on and just utterly sucked in revolutons
That's exactly what I said; why, in "Revolutions" he was nothing more than a glorified co-pilot! That's no way to treat such a cool character {and actor}.

he was niobes b!tch that entire movie and the kid totally jacked his line.
How true

Neo_Version 7
Morpheus owned all!

Well I do not see what they will do now with the game. The thing is as sad is it is there was realy no point to have him around with out Neo or Trin.
well maybe they are thrying to introduce new characters in the game so they can make a movie about 'em
1 im happy hes gay 2) thats an online game has nothing to do with the matrix story line just it takes place after teh movies i wonder why is there agents we are at peace with the machines now in the movie
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