Were the sequels mistakes??

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I know that a lot of people think that the 2nd and 3rd matrixes were let downs and not as good as the first one, but I also know that a lot of people will solidly stand by the second and third films as true fans and say that they were brilliant, so i was just wondering what the general feeling here was??

No because they were a continuation of the storyline.

sultan kudarat
the sequels were necessary to tell the story. there were too many unanswered question by the end of the matrix.

no they werent mistakes, they just should have been better, particularly revolutions...

Originally posted by pr1983
no they werent mistakes, they just should have been better, particularly revolutions...


Neo_Version 7
Yeah. Not really mistakes, but more of a money-making plan than a great story-telling.

I don't know, I guess I'm one of the only people who was contented with having just 'The Matrix'.

Although, I enjoyed the sequels, the first one still rules! stick out tongue

Originally posted by Neo_Version 7
Yeah. Not really mistakes, but more of a money-making plan than a great story-telling.
I don't know, I guess I'm one of the only people who was contented with having just 'The Matrix'.
Although, I enjoyed the sequels, the first one still rules! stick out tongue

yeah that's kind of what i think - i mean the 2nd and 3rd are great and i don't think i wouldn't go so far as to say that they were mistakes - but i don't seem to think they're as great as some other people seem to messed.
... lol, doesn't mean i don't watch them non-stop!! big grin

yeah same here, I liked reloaded the best, I think we just really needed those sequels to know what was really going on, I think that it's actually based on the bible stories and all and that was the whole point so they wanted to clear that out, which is logical. big grin

Neo_Version 7
Clear what up?!

Lots of ppl are still confused and speculating shit that's been going on in the Matrix Universe even after the trilogy.

But anyway, the Matrix Franchise is alright.

To be honest, I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for this board.

Not mistakes. I liked them. I tihnk that most people that I know of were wanting more of a story that makes you think. There were so many questions about the matrix that weren't answered. questions about programs and viruses and how they all tie together inside of the matrix and a computer (sorry if u dont know what I mean). But as for being sci-fi and action flics, they were all pretty good.

Originally posted by Huma
There were so many questions about the matrix that weren't answered. questions about programs and viruses and how they all tie together inside of the matrix and a computer (sorry if u dont know what I mean).

yes, i agree- there were too many unanswered questions to leave the film where they had - and yes i know what you mean stick out tongue

Wasn't the main point in the original the subjective nature of reality? Therefore unanswered questions would be a virture.

It is a shame, because rarely are the sequels as good as the originals. The problem is they write it as one-single story, and then after it is a big hit, people clamor for sequels. But you run into so many problems with sequels. The first is expectations, and then making the story compelling to complete the trilogy.

I believe the Matrix suffered what happened to Back to the Future. The originals of both of those movies are classics, but the sequels, while both very good, were just not at the level of the original. There is only so much you can do with these topics.

The Lord of the Rings succeeded because the stories were filmed all at once, so you had a general flow to the movies. The only movies that defied the odds with sequels that were either better or just as good were The Empire Strikes Back and Terminator 2.

It is a shame for the directors of these movies like Matrix, Back to the Future, Star Wars Prequels, Indiana Jones, Jurassic Park, and many others. People cry for more movies, to continue the story, and when they come out they are held to high standards. Usually people are let down because they have so high expectations, they are never met.

The Matrix was king of the world in 1999, and now it is somewhat tainted by Reloaded & Revolutions. Back to the Future was king in 1985, by 1990, no one went to see Marty McFly in the old west. Finally George Lucas, who many consider a genius, has taken his lumps for the past six years with the Star Wars prequels. I guess they're in a no-win situation.

Whoops, I accidently voted yes instead of no. I was thinking the question was were the sequels necessary for some reason. I think the sequels weren't a mistake. I liked them even though alot of people didn't.

The sequels didn't help the characters...there just wasn't any depth...even to Neo. And no, it wasn't the acting (which didn't help much), it was the Wachowski's failure to pay attention to characters and instead focused on all of the eye candy.

Neo_Version 7
It'd be nice if after the trilogy, the Wachowskis' made a Matrix sitcom.

That way, it wouldn't too deep.

ummmmtwo of the three main characters are dead. how can they make a sitcom about morpeus?

and the sequels are awesome. i hate how people think the first one is so great and screew the the third and second.i think the wachoskis and the actors did a great job and together made three awesome movies

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