Any Comic Fans Sick of the Sick of the Same Ol' Comic Threads?

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Could this guy beat up that guy? You don't agree with me, so you must be a retard! I'm not a fanboy, you're a fanboy. You need to read some comics!

(Deep Breath) Do the characters mean anything more to you than just that? Do you think that the comments above are pointless and somewhat irritating? Would you like to have more philosophical talk about your the characers?

Why don't we start having some rational talk in the General Topic? Anyone with me?

Originally posted by superman41082
Could this guy beat up that guy? You don't agree with me, so you must be a retard! I'm not a fanboy, you're a fanboy. You need to read some comics!

(Deep Breath) Do the characters mean anything more to you than just that? Do you think that the comments above are pointless and somewhat irritating? Would you like to have more philosophical talk about your the characers?

Why don't we start having some rational talk in the General Topic? Anyone with me?

I am all for rational talk in the Comic Book Forum...but what about having that rational talk in the ....Comic Book Forum? Also, there are plenty of Threads in the Comic Book Forums that are not only VS. Threads, maybe you should visit them, or ope up a few. THe vs. Forum on the there hand is just for that kind of talk, as pointless as it may be at times.

Wrong forum.

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