story of oaurious RP itself

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Burning thought
heres where the actualy role play will be, please post your character sheets on the Character making/story page before posting, when you are given permission to play put your character sheet on this page once so we know who you are, also put how much money you have in every post judging by your daily pay and what youve bought, please no sillyness with this smile


1. not too much swearing please

2. no player bashing

3. only fight eachother if both of you agree with fighting but beware high powered characters will beat weak and you will lose your character, however it can be brought back but you lose some gold if you have any and a rank

4. post at least 10 words or more and no sillyness, i make up the larger battles so you cant destroy the entire city of the averonians unless i say, also major characters are unkillable, bad posts will be ignored

5. have fun and look at the Story/info thread at least a skim through to understand game aspects

ok below is a short descirption on whats happening

Averonian: they are fighting for peace and want to get their hands on a magic rod of power in the centre of the world (on land, not inside the planet) the Averonian players start in their main city, Aveross and can explore the land from there

Aquelon: Aquelons want the power source from the chaos lands, they fight for technologie and to scourge the land of evil, they start in their main city Aquerious

Gaian: start in the Great forest city of Flurescence, want to protect their forests from harm

Humans: start in the city of Tenados, want technology and strive to survive no matter the costs

Chaos: want to destroy the lands, start in a small camp in the middle of the chaos lands

Darkness: start at the dark temple, want to destroy all life on the world and transform it into lands of the dead

now you can post as long as you have permission to play, the story is on the info page, its a lot to read so you may as well skim through if yur not much of a reader, you may not understand whats happening if you dont.

Averonians are the only playable race as said on the Story thread, however i will add creatures from other races to fight you on your travels and eventually will add them as playable races when i have time, also i will scan in a map of the world so you can get a rough idea where you are in prespective

ok now have fun and post away smile

Burning thought
Name: Aronus

Allegiance/main race: Averonian

Race: Averonian

male/female: Male

Class: Dephalonian knight, Rank 6

Description: Enjoys sport and adventuring, he is a brave averonian who although does not approve of barbaric viloance he is a great fighter when protecting his people and has trained much of his life, he a major General in the Averonian armies and is strict but fair, he is greatly respected by both friend and foe alike

Burning thought
Aronus walked down the long white streets of the noble city of Aveross, he watched as the children were being tought by the wise old school master Phelous and the soldiers preparing for battle merely a few feet away inside the temple of war, he wondered if they will survive this war as he strolled but then he took hold of his confidence and remebered that his soldiers were some of the greatest in Oaurious.

He stepped into the temple, the stain glass windows and white glistening marble like walls of phelois stone did not seem the kind of holdings for a building of war, he walked to the front of the great hallf as his men saluted him "now my brothers a great army is rising to the east, the chaos lords have managed to amass their forces in strength to destroy the western lands, darkness travels across its deathly rivers to reach us, we may have many allies but their combined hordes out number us a thousand to one, yet we must stand firm, the evil that has taken the east shall not take the rest of the world, will they men" the general shouted, the men replied in chant "they will not sir", the general smiled "no they wont indeed, we shall bring light to their lands in time"

although he liked to belive it but this battle would not be won easily even with the Aquelons and Gaians to help, and the young human race will barely survive, but the men trained faster and with more resolve than he first was seeing as he came into the temple and that made him proud, he smiled as he walked back out to stroll the city

(How should i start confused )

Burning thought
(erm, just pretend that you were on of the soldiers in the hall and come out to speak to me, remeber ime a general so be respectful big grin )


Kai, One of the younger soldiers, respected the general. Kai smirked, knowing this war would not be an easy task to win this battle "Sir," he said to the General "How hard will it be to win this battle?" He adjusted his blade and his sheild on his back. He looked at the general with his usuall calm eyes, fearless eyes. He would much rather train more, then fight an actuall battle now. He had never actually killed another living being. Kai looked at his blade and back to the general, waiting for his reply.

(How should i start )

Burning thought
Originally posted by Renamon

Kai, One of the younger soldiers, respected the general. Kai smirked, knowing this war would not be an easy task to win this battle "Sir," he said to the General "How hard will it be to win this battle?" He adjusted his blade and his sheild on his back. He looked at the general with his usuall calm eyes, fearless eyes. He would much rather train more, then fight an actuall battle now. He had never actually killed another living being. Kai looked at his blade and back to the general, waiting for his reply.

"with superior training and dicipline my friend" the general said with a smile, "but the Chaos know no mercy, they kill and slaughter the unarmed, helpless and innocent and the Darkness know no fear, have you ever seen a horde of undead my son, you see they are relentless in attack, never get tired, or need to rest, we must always be ready" the general squinted from the glare of the sun "well id best be off, my dragon needs tending to, have not fed him yet, best for you to buy some potions and such, they will surely help the war effort, a good potion can save a man in battle, Terelaz the alchemist is just around the corner" the general walked back down the path towards another large templelike building

Burning thought
Originally posted by Tombstone
(How should i start )

(considering your a harnesser you will porbably start diffrent than in a soldiers training temple, theres a libary not far from the alchemist shop that i talked about earlier, just a few doors away from it actually, you can be in the libary learning spells and the like, you would be under the command of the Magic General who i will create in a minute so you wont need to report to general Aronus although he is your superior)

Burning thought
(this is the general who the magic folk talk to, i will play the roles of the major generals and other super important characters)

Name: Alcharad

Allegiance/main race: Averonian

Race: Averonian

male/female: Male

Class: Arch Light Master, Rank 6

Description: an old Averonian, tired blue eyes with a white beard flowing down to his waist, his glowing bright light robes show his stature as a high ranking general, he is a master of magic arts and trains and commands the light harnessers and light lords in battle

Kai smirked "I don't attack if they are unarmed" he said to himself. He waited for what was next by adjusting his blade and sheild on his back. "The General is going against the code of the warrior, something that we all should follow. I'll do what is needed to be done, and i will not attack the unarmed." Kai smiled to himself and put his gloves on.

Burning thought
Alcharad sat up in the light tower, he read for hours to find new magic and formulae to help this war, although he was already a master of magic, he believed there was always a need to learn more. The old magician sat down with some books and started reading, after an hour or so a small cat walked into his room, it seemed quite normal at first, purring and at first charmed the magician, he stroked it a few times. The cat hissed and moved back slightly, suddenly it started to grow, its thin legs thickened and its hair became rugged as blood poured from its eyes and mouth. The wizard with shock stepped back and with a flash of light in his hands shone a staff. The beast rose up on its hind legs and leapt towards him, smashing his table to pieces. The Wizard however was not one to be underestimated, he channeled magic through his staff, a great shaft of light beamed onto the creature, in a moment it burst into flames and started jumping and crawling around the room, another flash and the wizard was under a protective shield and once again focused light onto the beast as it disintegrated. The remaining ashes of the beast fell across the floor as Harnessers burst through the old wizards door, "its alright my friends" he said calmely "simply a beast of chaos come to spy on us", but he seemed to of broken my table, the harnessers stared in amazement at the old mans calmness, Alcharad smiled and walked out of the room.

Burning thought
Originally posted by Renamon
Kai smirked "I don't attack if they are unarmed" he said to himself. He waited for what was next by adjusting his blade and sheild on his back. "The General is going against the code of the warrior, something that we all should follow. I'll do what is needed to be done, and i will not attack the unarmed." Kai smiled to himself and put his gloves on.

(i didnt say we should kill unarmed, i was explaining what the chaos do smile , killing the unarmed is indeed a crime for an averonian)

(Ohhh, sorry, i dont have my glasses on stick out tongue.)

Kai sighed as he waited and waited. He was getting tired of waiting. "Cmon already..." he said to himself "Why are we standing around when we are supposed to be fighting." He adjusted his chest plate armor and his gloves. His light blue eyes marched themselves around the room, passing all the other warriors. "They must all be thinking the same thing..." he sighed silently and took off his gloves. He wiped his gloves clean of the dirt that were on them and put them back on. "How much longer...." he thought to himself, not wanting to snap infront of all the others. He wasnt a patient kitsune, he was a person who rushed everything. Standing still and waiting werent his best attributes.

Burning thought
General Aronas and his dragon were very close, the dragon who's name was Neverin was a wise and ancient white dragon of the light, "the soldiers are getting a bit restless, especially the kitsune, but we need all the help we can get in this war" the general was concerned, "do not worry, the soldiers of the light have always been trained well" the dragon spoke with understanding, " i can always count on you my good friend, together we could take on the chaos army" the general let out a quick laugh but it didnt last long as a messanger ran shouting up to him. "sir theres a village under attack on the far eastern borders, the farm town of Vellion is under siege!", the messanger put his hands on his knee's taking a breath, the general clenched his fist, "then we shall help them, muster the Regiments, lets see how these recruits fight, call the tower of light, we may need some spell power.

With that the General got atop his dragon and the war horn was blown, the trainee's joined the veteran troops outside Aveross,they watched as Aronas and his dragon smashed down in front of them, blowing the horn, "well men it seems the peace time has come to an end completly, dont forget your potions, a chaos Regiment has come armed with trolls and even Smiths so be prepared, travel to the fortress of telidil, about 10 miles south from Vellion, ill meet you there" and with that the great dragon flew off into the air and within minutes it was out of plain sight.

(remeber we cant start the fight till tombstone is ready, we need magic power, only i can actually start the battle, but we can traval there)

Burning thought
Alcharad heard the war horn," come my apprentices we must fight for Aveross, ready your spells, i hope your knowledge can help in this battle", the Arch light master clicked his fingers and in a flash he had teleported to his dragon coop, "come now beleren, rise up old beast its time for war", the old dragon yawned "must i always come, you have amny fine horses", the wizard gave a stern look "now just becasue your old and tired from playing Velief with the Averonians all night does not mean you cannot help in war, now come this is a serious matter" the old dragon yawned again and let the wizard climb upon its back, with a quick swoop it flew down to the Archery barracks.

Valena, the Archer general was aware of the war " will there be of any need for archers high wizard", the wizard smiled "you know you dont need to use the title with me Valena, but ive come to ask if you could arrange your archers atop the walls of Aveross, without the army and my wizards to protect us we may be besieged however unlikely" the wizard tilted his hat and once again got upon his dragon which flew off on its way to the fortress of Telidil, with a wave of her hand, valena sent her archers to the top of the towers, they flew with their angelic wings to the posts, readying their bows.

The harnessers who had horses got atop their steeds and rode off to join the army outside Aveross, thos that didnt have steeds simply walked, the army was prepared for battle and with a simple command of the captains in front of the army the soldiers marched to their destination.

Burning thought
(money stats)

Renamon: 220g
Tomb stone: 100g

(you can buy stuff with your money and you get payed daily and from battles, read the info thread about what you can buy from merchants and citizens, i will make a post like this every now and then, keep track on your money and pay)


Kai and many other soldiers started off towards the destination. "About time..." Kai said to himself. He looked around and smirked; the trainees like him were scared it looked like. "Hmm." Kai sighed to himself as he walked with the rest of the army, but behind them. He doesnt like larg crowds. He stayed behind everyone as they walked. He drew his spear and twirled it around his body and over his head. He was pulling his spear as a master. he did all the twirls he knew and tried a new one. He twirled it around his body and around and over his head and flipped the spear in the air. The spear came down and he caught it with his right hand and smirked. His spearsman skills were great, but he was nervous as to the upcoming battle. Not scared, but nervous. He stopped and looked up at the sky, watching clouds coming in from the west, storm clouds. "A war in the rain, very, very poetic." he said to himself and continued with following the rest of the group.

(hows that? im trying to keep up with this story as best i can confused

Burning thought
(your doing fine smile , we cant attack until tombstone gets here but go and kill some Orcs)

as the Army got halfway to their destination they started to see small groups of Orcs coming, "about ten orcs sir coming in sight" said a soldier to a cpatain, "yes i see them too, must be trying to scout us out or something, a force that small cannot have a hope against us" four of the group split up at the captains command to take on the Orcs, the orcs split into two groups, three ran off in the opposite direction while seven attacked the four soldiers coming to them

Kai smirked and twirled his spear around his hand "First kill is mine" he said to himself. he charged through and kicked an orc in the knee, sending the orc to the ground. Kai raised his spear and stabbed down into the back of the orcs head. He did it. The first life he had ever taken. He jumped back, dodging a swing from another orc. "You guys aint helping much!" he yelled to the group as he swiftfully dodged the orcs attach. He rammed his spear into the ground and pulled out to two feet long daggers, holding onn in each hand. He jumped ontop of an orx, and stabbed the daggers in the orc's neck and jumped off onto the ground. He had to duck quickly because of one of the orcs swinging their blade at him. He jumped up, kicking the orc in the face, and stabbed the orc in the chest. "Thats three for me" he thought to himself. Ha threw the daggers into on orcs stomach and grabbed his own spear. He charged at the orc with his spear, ramming the spear through the orc's chest. Before Kai could remove his spear he felt a sharp pain on his side. He had been his by one of the orcs. He held his side as he stood up quickly, his spear in his right hand, his left hand holding ihs side "Lets see how you like this!" he yelled out loud. He twirled his spear, making a light wind, blowing sand into the orcs eyes. He stabbed the orc in the face with his spear and got hit again. "Gah.... You guys take care of the rest..." Kai said falling back.

(hows that? ive never faught an NPC before....

Burning thought
(well done, nice for your first battle, ime glad you didnt try and kill them all, but your character smirks a lot doesnt he smile )

after their battle, the soldiers felt a bit more ready for the war to come, some of them had only just felt battle, the Kitsune had fought bravely, averonians did not think too high of other races but this Kitsune had earnt their respect, the few priests that had come with the army healed the kitsune up pretty well, although he did feel a little cramp in his side, he was ready for battle. The soldiers marched and soon they came to the fortress. The Fortress was the usual phelois stone that the Averonians use to build their structures, stronger than steel and with special regenerative properties makes it a grand material. The Fortress shone white like the city of Aveross, hundreds of archers guarded the top and as the soldiers went inside they came across the General on his dragon, "finally my men, we thought you wouldnt get here, anyway we have a few groups of Knights to aid us in this fight, we have found out that it is worse than we thought, the chaos armies have brought along their own dragon, even a fire giant has come down from the Volcanoes to fight for them" the General looked worried, few armies can stand up against a fire giant and live, especially when a Dragon and thousands of Orcs are there to back it up.

The Soldiers were more worried than ever before, most have not seen Chaos Dragons and fewer still had seen fire giants yet the Averonians do not shy away from battle, "come my men, amass outside the fortress, the battle starts at dawn. The Dragon walked outside with the soldiers following it, the General atop its back looke up as his old friend Alcharad landed before him, "i was wondering when you get here my friend" the general smiled, "well hehe i guess ime not as hasty as you", the old wizard and the general dismounted and walked to eachother, "the men are uneasy, a Dragon and fire giant has been reported among the chaos ranks", the wizard looked down "hmmm, so they should be worried, alas ive handled Fire giants before, and together i think two white dragons can take their Chaos beast from the skies".

The men sat down, taking their fill on meat and various vegtables, the Soldiers around the generals did the same, while the dragons ate their meat while talking and the mounts were in the camp eating the hay. The Wizard watched the uneasy men, some looking nervous and scared, others completly silent, with a flash of his staff he got their attention, a beam of light shone from his staff lighting up the sky, he sent several small balls of light to follow it, each exploded creating a flash, some of the soldiers jumped while others cheered at the spectacle. The wizard tilted his hat and called to the men "do not fear Averonians and kitsunes alike, the beasts of Chaos cannot match our magic and Hephalite put together, we shall destroy this Chaos horde and save the town", the men cheered, their morale boosted by the wizard and his fire work like creations of light, the men got to drinking ale and some even made merry.

Kai ate about thirty feet away from the others. He sighed as he ate the food he was given. After he was done eating he stood up and walked back and fourth bordily. He picked up his spear and twirled it around his fingers.

Burning thought
Suddenly a light flashed in the sky at night, waking everyone at the camp after they had a few minutes sleep, at first they thought this was one of the old wizards fire works yet when they looked up they saw it, an enormous red Dragon, the beast burnt the camp to ashes, scording everyone with its hot breath, its target was obvious, the priest tents were on fire and it took them in its claws everytime it made a swoop. This beast knew the group dispatched to attack the Chaos did not have many priests, it must have been the orcs that escaped. Alcharad and Aronas got upon their dragons while dodging the burning flame, the white beasts flew into the air, sending forth pure light from their mouths the Dragons forced the Red beast to retreat, it was twice as large as a white dragon and possibly stronger too, yet it could not hit them, its strength and power meant nothing compared to their speed and so they chased it away from what was left of the camp.

Without warning as the Dragon retreated, a hail of arrows flew from the darkness, hundreds pierced the bodies of the two mighty Dragons, they fell clawring the air in pain and fell in a heap helpless. "defend the dragons" Aronus yelled as Orcs swarmed the camp from all sides, he with his great sword skill slashed through their ranks effortlessly, he cut and his blade flashed with elemental fire, lightning and ice, freezing, burning and electrocuting the hapless hordes as they came. Alcharad let forth an enormous bright beam of light, even the Averonians squinted and shut their eyes from the birghtness as the wizard sent a ray of heat melting through the armies of the hordes, he sent huge balls of powerful heat as well from his staff, blasting whole groups of Orcs into the sky, the smoke of the fires of their flesh joined the smoke from the camp and the screams of Orcs filled the air, their strength and brute was not enough against the Generals. Averonians were cowering and startled from the horror of the spectacle yet it seemed the Orc hordes were easing up. "go back to your chaotic masters, rabid beasts" Alcharad yelled as he melted the bodies of the few fleeing the battlefield.

As the Averonians saw the last of it, they counted the survivers, although there were a good few thousand soldiers left, many priests had died and hundreds of their men were wounded or shocked completly from the battle, "how did they surprise us so easily" one soldier said trembling", the men recovered a Kitsune lying on its back with an arrow in its arm, luckily it was not deep, merely a scrape, the Kitsune put its spear upon its back and helped the rest of the men bring wounded to the Priests who healed them. The Dragons healed themselves quite quickly and were fine in seconds. General Aronus walked in front of his men "there will be a triple watch, anyone hear anything suspicious you will notify me while the rest get their sleep, this was just a small taster of what will happen in the war tomorrow, hopefully the farming village has some soldiers within its walls".

(Who was the kitsune? me?)

Burning thought
(yes you were lucky, hundreds of arrows and only one got you in the arm smile , i think the priests have healed it by now though)


Kai opened his eyes slightly "Shit.... what happened...?" he said sitting up. he noticed his armor was off, as well as his shirt. He sighed and got his shirt on. he looked for his armor but couldnt find it "Hey, wheres my armor?" hhe asked


Burning thought
(allies, very cool but what fortress are you in, the red dragon in my above post only destroyed the small camp a mile or two away from the main Telidil Fortress, or are you in the Farm town that were about to try to take from Chaos, or are you in a diffrent place all together confused )

priests calmed the Kitsune, "calm yourself kai, your weapons and armour have been taken to the armoury, only a small stretch away from this tent", the Kitsune could see the sun coming through his tent, he knew it was dawn and he knew what that meant

outside was the General's, both ordering their troops, the men in armour and swords were on the right, those in robes with staff in hand were on the left, the soldiers were diciplined and ordered, Archer and knight reinforcements came in from the west. They could now see in the light that the small Farm town had been taken, the armies of Orcs, Smiths and the Dragon were there, and towering above all else, several times the size of the highest wall on the town was the Fire giant. "finally veterans" the general stated as the reinforcements came through the line of troops he had martiled. "their forces will not keep us from taking our farm lands" Alcharad said with anger, the old wizard is not often angry but seeing Chaos destroy the camp and kill so many trainie's managed to stir it up inside.

The battle was about to begin, the soldiers were martled and it would only be a little amount of time before they could attack

(no starting the attack, only i can, just wait and ready forces smile )

Kai nodded and walked out of the tent and went to the armoury and grabbed only his spear. He looked at the soldiers who were staring at him "Your gonna get in trouble, kai!" they said in sync

"I may, but what are they going to do about it? im faster without the armour." Kai smirked at them and twirled his spear around his body and over his head and in the air and caught it with his right hand. "Just so long as i can be fast, i can dodge." he smiled at the other soldiers and walked out of the armoury. he walked towards the front lines to see what all generals were there.

Kai sighed when he saw that there were only two. He was hoping for more, because he knew they werent enough by themselves. He walked up to the two Generals. "Forgive me, but you two must know that we do not have enough soldiers to do this alone. I know im a trainee and all, but i honestly dont want to fight a battle that we cant win."

Having said his opinion to the generals he started to turn around "Oh and by the way, im not against anyone, but im not wearing the armor. Its too heavy and i cant dodge attacks fast enough with it." he smiled at them and walked back to the back lines and sat down where no one was.

((You said that the place had walls made of the Phlois stone and I thought you meant a fortress, sorry... she's in the town then... somewhere...))

Burning thought
Originally posted by Aliies
((You said that the place had walls made of the Phlois stone and I thought you meant a fortress, sorry... she's in the town then... somewhere...))

(yes the confusion is understandable, i was refering to the big fortress, heres what its like:

(the Averonian forces of good are to west, about 20 miles away from the forces of the east which are Chaos armies, the Averonians made camp and a dragon attacked it, further east, about 1-2 miles is the Fortress Telidil, made of Phelois stone, this is a super defence location and has not been atacked, the dragon attacked the little camp and destroyed it and now its Dawn the men are readying to take back the Farm land that the Chaos have taken over, and the chaos have a far larger army than the Averonians)

(thats the basic story happening at the moment smile )

((Okay, I might draw us a map if you don't mind... could you describe the world in the discussion thread?))

Burning thought
"that little Kitsune is going to get himself killed, i hope he doesnt get to close to the flames of the Fire Giant, he'll burst into flames" General Aronus said with conern, "well at least hes got courage, courage can be the diffreence between life or death" the old wizard replied, "well i dont think our numbers will make too much of a diffrence, they may have a 10 to 1 advantage over us but we have twice the speed and strength of most of their troops, combined with your magic and my sword skill we should be able to take this Town back" the general reasured himself but the Wizard was still a little worried, especially as he heard the roar of the dragon and Fire giant from across the great battlefield that they will soon fight upon.

another wave of orcs came running across the battlefield, "here comes another wave, these beasts are relentless" said Alcharad, "well this battlefield will have trouble holding all that numbers at a time, their just increasing their bloodlust, the scent of bodies on the battlefield will increase the frenzy and bloodletting of the orcs when the Full battle comences", "well we better get prepared, their not far now" and with that the Wizard sent of a beam of light which seared through the first row of bloodthirsty Orc's, this time the Averonians soldiers were ready, the Veterans were fearless and put their shields up, the Trainee's although a little woried did the same and felt assured that they could beat this rabble of Orcs. The orcs let off their arrows, several found their places in Averonian skulls and bodies but many simply got reflected from Averonian Shields. With that the orcs took out their Swords and hit into the Averonian lines.

Burning thought
(hmm just draw the battlefield, the world itself is many times the Earths sun, i cannot explain it all, ill draw the main map and you draw the Battlefield, ill describe it throughly in the disussion thread)

Kai smirked and stood up "I cant take this anymore, we need to stop being so defensive, it will only lead to our death!" he yelled to the generals "And personally, i dont want to die!"


Burning thought
Although they waited for the Light Harnesser reinforcements, they did not come in time. Dawn had flown in and noon had passed. The Generals had become tired of the Kitsune warriors always moaning about their situation, constantly wanting for battle, it was easy to see that they were once part of the Chaos hordes years before they were freed. the Averonian veterans were dicplined and orderd, not even fear, lust nor anger spread on their faces, the trainee's however could be seen as nervous, they had heard tales of the beasts of the east but now it was time to attack and finally take Vellion back from the hands of disorder.

"form up!" general Aronus said forcefully, the men formed formations, lines, box, the horses made wedge formations and readied themselves. The worry that spread across the trainee's faces uneased both of the generals and the lust for battle that coursed through the Kitsune blood did as well. "this will not be an easy fight, although with our dragons and Alcharads magic powers we should be able to take back Vellion". "now we move my men, step forwards and smite the darkness and hordes of chaos that touch the lands of light"

The soldiers marched, the horses kept a slow pace and the kitsune readied their weapons. Both generals stayed on the ground with their men, their dragons at the forward ranks. Hundreds marching to destroy thousands was not good odds, yet the wizard Alcharad smiled to himself, looking into a small sphere of magic blue energy "reay yourselves my friends, we need your help in this battle" he spoke into the orb quietly so none of the soldiers behind could hear, he turned to Aronus "they say they are readied", "excellent, there may be hope after all" Aronus seemed almost excited as the wizard covered his Orb in his robes.

After a long mach they came to the edge of the battlefield, a high rise on the edge of an enormous field, the hundreds of Light harnessers positioned themselves between the troops and the cavalry. Aronus came before them, "we ride for the light my friends, now do us proud and show us your worth!!" with that the warriors ran, as did Horses, Harnessers and the dragons took to the skies. Across the battlefield a shadowy figuire spoke to his beasts, driving them into a frenzied blood thirst "destroy these blessed people's, take what you need for slaves but at least half you must sacrifice to the dark", the figuire leapt upon a great dragon and flew back to Vellion just as the hordes of enromous Smiths, Orcs and the Fire giant walked its way across the battlefield, carefully trying not to crush half the army nor go to fast as to leave them behind.

The Armies were nearing the clash, and the battle had began as light from harnessers blasted into orc ranks, Alcharad sent forth huge orbs of burning light from the back of his dragon while his own and Aronus' dragon breathed upon the forces of chaos turning them to ash, the soldiers hit into the ranks just as the fire giant came into view

Ikylla was personally into the whole close-combat thing... she pressed the worker-trolls on and they were within two and a half mile of the battle's peak...

"Range!" She called out harshly, the Orcish captain snapped to attention and hefted his sizable spy-glass.
"Range within, Load!" he called in return, then to the trolls to work the next part. They groaned as another Orc whipped them to pick up on of the boulders and move it into position, the wood moaned under the weight of the six-tonne balls of carved rock.

Seven Trebuchets each standing near thirty meters were lined evenly on the edge of the fields, on the other side of the river.
"Ready!" She yelled, the 'pull-teams', several lines of Orcs that would be needed to pull the heavy release mechanisms all stood ready with their thick ropes attached to the heavy iron hooks that held the enormous counterweight upright.
"FIRE!" she finished the sequence, the Orcish captains repeated her words all down the line...
with a deafening CLUNK, the hooks released, nearly onehundred tonnes of counterweight was taken by the sheer power of inertia, dragging with it the throwing arm of the seige weapons.
The rope slings went taught and dragged the boulders in a rapid-rising arc, hurling the ammunition of the great tower to the speed needed to reach the distance.
at the peak of the arc, the sling mechanisms released and sent the boulders into a perfect tradjectory towards the battle on the other side of the river.

at one hundred and fifty miles an hour, the giant soft rocks flew soundlessly through the air and landed directly into the maelstrom of battle, exploding and butchering Averonian and Orc alike in showers of spraying blood. Two of the shots bounced and rolled through the ranks, crashing directly into the Kitsune regiments, narrowly missing Kai though killing most of his comrades.

Ikylla had confiscated the orcish spyglass and surveyed the damage; both sides seemed to falter before regaining their wits and returning to the fray, so that they may once again be fired upon by Ikylla's siege weapons. She turned to the Orc captain and rest the Trebuchets, ready for the next volley. She gazed up the side of the tower, admiring the precision of the weapons, considering that they were orcish designed and made...

I meant to put this onto the last post, so here it is:

Burning thought
(nice maps by the way, i like your colours, what sort of colours do you use, pencil type i mean)

The Averonian Trainee's , fearful of how the battle was going as the mud was liquid beneath their feet, it was not easy to walk in yet their fear after minutes of battle turned into dicipline and training, their numbers dwindling from the onslaught worried the generals yet the Averonian skill kept them going. Aronus landed on the battlefiled atop his dragon, he leapt down from it, his blade came up, the once thought fearless Orcs seemed to cower before him as he quickly slashed his way through them, his blade moved with both dicipline and rhythm, each hit he made flashed with the magic energies his blade as imbued with, blasting those he hit into buning corpses and those nearby falling back with the concussive force. not one Orc could hit the General, hundreds swarmed around him, yet his speed and strength allowed him to cleave a hole in their ranks to clime through, his dragon causing casualties with its breath and claws. A huge Smith came into the Generals sight, the smith moved slowly towards him, bringing its hammers down to crush ranks of Averonian and Kitsune soldiers alike. The general got angered at this "your Chaos masters will not take these lands, beast of Chaos" with that the Smith ran at the general, waving its hammers with all its strength, each hammer was rouphly twice the size of the 9ft tall Averonian yet Aronus dodged the waving pieces of metal and rolled beneath them, he took strength within him and jumped, using his wings to get more height he then descended, blade in hand down into the beasts skull. However it was still moving, it moved its arms in madness, its hammer taking down its own orc allies as it moves, Aronus took his blade and with the strength of the light slashed the creatures head, it fell to the floor and a minute later its body joined it with the victorious General standing smiling atop its back. This boosted Averonian morale but this would not stop the Chaos legions.

Ikylla could see that the enemy was dwindling, she still wanted to fire another volley... She ducked low as a dark shadow swept over her position, towards the battle, the Hellfire had seen that their foe was failing, he wanted to be there when they broke, to stand there at the moment of victory. In truth, he knew that there was no chance of him dying with such a small enemy force... or so he thought...

((You can kill him if you want, he's not important to me really, just show that I'm not all-powerful in this game unless i'm the only soldier of darkness there...))

Burning thought
((ime sorta waiting for Renamon to join the fight, its seems unfair to start and finish a fight before all the members have had at least a little part in it))

The battle went on, hundreds of Orcs had died and many Averonians had joined them in the mud, yet the Averonian Ranks seemed to increase in morale and strength, every Orc that hit the dirt gave them a boost, also every time a Smith fell dead they cheered, the Fire Giant seemed to waiting for something, probably ordered to stay back lest it crush the Averonian and Orc armies all at once.

Suddenly out of the Darkness the Chaos dragon appeared, Alcharad saw this and got upon his dragon and ascended into the air, both fought a fierce battle, one on one in the skies. Blasts of light and red chaos and Darkness split the air and smoke poured from their dragons mouths from the continious streams of fire and light. "you shall not take this land dark one", the dark lord laughed "you really think your pitiful numbers can defeat my hordes old one, you will join them in their mud, this field will be your grave", the two collided, they battled for supremacy yet neither could prevail, but the old wizard pulled the magic orb from under his robes, with a flash of light from his saff it was sent flying at the dark lord, he tried to dodge it but it his dragon was not made for speed, with a blinding flash the lord fell from the skies screaming with anger as he hit the ground, his dragon was no more but the Wizard had keen sight, and the Lord was not dead. The wizard had yet another plan that could save them this battle, he swooped low to tell the general that the dark lord was on the battlefield and then he flew back to where his Light lords and Harnessers were fireing their spells, he stopped them for a moment to tell them his plan that would hopefully would win them this battle.

(best not to post anymore now until Renamon has been given a chance to post something otherwise he will miss the fight that his Kitsune was so eager to join smile )

((I have something thought, just for the Helfire and your wizard...))

The daemon gazed upon his downed mount, it's death would merely mean one less thing to kill when the end came... He thought to himself that he should try to claim vengeance, so he sighed lightly and stared up at the old man. The ground at his feet began to rumble and crack, the grass underfoot became cinders as his body quite simply bcame rather hot... "I will feed the lands with your ashes!" he whispered, the ground became so hot that it almost literally melted into a lava-like state, controlled by the daemon he threw his hands up[ and the molten earth obeyed, igniting the air around each heated missile and became great white fireballs that chased the dodging dragon. The result of his body-temperature had started a fire that was quickly growing untamed, even for the Hellfire, and directly within the battlefield...

(hey guys, do you mind if i edit my char a bit?)

Burning thought
(what changes ren, remeber no godmoding)

The Wizard saw the missles of flame coming towards him, with a will of his hand he sent a shiled beaming around him, the missles flashed out of existance as they hit the shield. "demons do not know the power of light" Alchrads dragon sighed, "no but we must teach them" Alcharad flew back to his fellow Light Wizards to discuss his plan

(just simple battle posts now, no heroes fighting until Ren has actually joined this battle)

Kai Lein
Kai smirked as he walked forwards onto the battle feild behind the orc army. The orcs knew he was dangerous to attack, so they basically feared him. KAi smirked and walked to the middle of the feild, glaring at the two generals on the oppisite side of the feild "Heheh.... Cowards." he said, noticing they were not fighting back.

((Orcs wouldn't fear a level one character, ewspecially my Trebuchet orcs and trolls evil face ))

Quote: "You do not know pain, you do not know fear... you will taste MAN FLESH!!"

Kai Lein
(Ah, but my char is one of the strongest wizards, and he is a general. he is as close to god as you can get without godmodding evil face )

((Unless you have permission, you have to level up a character in this game, BurningThought set up rules for that! If you can be a powerful wizard then I'm a full leveled blackfire... and you don't want to mess with a blackfire Necromancer!))

Burning thought
(Kai no godmoding, your not even allowed to be a General unless you raise in rank dude, your a level 1 wizard, perhaps you can be a little higher in rank than a simple orc but thats about it. level up like everyone else)

Quote: "KAi smirked and walked to the middle of the feild, glaring at the two generals on the oppisite side of the feild "Heheh.... Cowards." he said, noticing they were not fighting back"

(to the above quote, both of the General of the light are battling, the wizard is fiering beams of light and killing many Orcs and the General Aronus is slashing through them at the same time as killing Smiths, the battle had started and is quite stuck in now, the Averonians are dwindling on soldiers and the Orcs are losing many to the Averonian skill)

(now on with the battle smile )

The kitsune Warrior Kai fought courageously, he battled hard and eventually made his way to the dark lord who he thought would be weakened, he span his spear and dodged lords sword blades, the Orcs around them closed in for the kill, "leave the Kitsune alone, its mine" lord said as he drew closer to the kitsune warrior, after dodging most of lords techniques he got caught in the gut, "lord" laughed "your race shall join the chaos once more" and with that Kai fell forwards gripping his spear, he was still alive as the beasts around them dug in their teeth, he bled to death, helpless to stop them.
( smile thats your old character out of the way)

Aronus acknowledged the Wizard when he told him of his plan and that lord was on the battlefield, the great averonian general slashed his way with light on his side, Lord could see the flashes coming towards him, he stood, bringing his sword up. Suddenly out of the Orcs burst Aronus, with a jump which turned into flight he came down upon Lord who slashed Aronus' blade aside,"your race shall burn in dark fire averonian, you shall not see the light fade from your land, for you will die at my blade",lord has a dark smile. The epic battle that issued forth after that was long and hard for both, infernal powers burst from lords hands only to be repelled by Aronus' shield of light, skillful jumps and rolls accompanied by fast sword fighting finally ended the battle, Lord and Aronus hit blades together, the blades held fast while the two pushed for dominance, eventually however lords past expenses of fighting with the wizard kicked in and his arm let down in weakness, "your darkness shale not touch our lands demon" with that Aronus smashed his blade into lords chest, darkness blasted out from him, sending a shock wave that knocked over and stunned most of the soldiers on the battlefield. The Averonian knew what had happened, a dark lord had fallen. The men cheered and with boosted morale battled evermore.

Kai Lein
(Yes, but you must acknolage the fact that he is a dark fire wizard. Fire is the element of strength. And what i ment about them not fighting back was that they were using defensive attacks, not offinsive.)

((No, they're using melee tactics, offensive and defensive... Defensive is when guarding and offensive attacking, it's different when two armies clash headon...))

Kai Lein
(If there is a lvling rule, and then i can not be as strong as your chars, burning thought, then your chars are only level one. anything you play is considered level one.)

Burning thought
(dude i have not got any characters so what are you talking about, the generals are special characters in the role play, not heroes :rolleyessmile

Kai Lein
(The generals and such. they can not die, which is a type of godmodding.)

Burning thought
(ofc they can die, their just not killable by players becasue their important to the RP, who would lead the soldiers if there was no one higher in rank than a soldier laughing )

Kai Lein
And... when i am controled by no one, how am i suppose to gain ranks? i dont have a general. because your all the good guys. I want to be a bad guy general.)

Burning thought
(all sides have generals, right now however the attention is drawn to a small battle between Light and chaos, the chaos were led by "lord" who was a dark general but is now dead, look on my big thread, it says how you can gain ranks, you simply participate in battles, 10 battles for a new character allows you to go up in rank, this battle thats going on now is worth 4 battles, when the attention is on the Dark or Chaos sides then ill play the main leaders of that but i dont have my own character, i just play as all the important NPC roles becasue ime the host of this game smile )

Kai Lein
(I just dont know where to come in as a dark wizard, mainly because you havent controled any of the darks yet erm)

Burning thought
(ok fair enough, you can either come in with the chaos in the battle thats happening right now or use this part below to help you start fresh without any battles tacking place)

The dark realm was as its name applies dark, not a single beam of sunlight falls on its cracked dead lands, bodies litter the ground, gallows are common and green acidic seas of rotten flesh and bodies flow throughout the realm

The dark wizards and priests study in libraries to learn the darkest of knowledge, enormous black obsidion temples reside, inside are huge monuments and statues of the Dark lords who command the realms of darkness. lower south, quarter of a mile along a dark coble stone road is the enormous infernal cathedral,chained to it are the bodies of their enemies, forever screaming in torment as the barbed hooks of their chains slash and drag across their bodies, the cathedral is the palace for the Dark King, the point at where Darkness entered the world, a few miles beneath the great cathedral is the gate to the Abyss, where the Dark god himself sits upon a great obsidion throne, consumed in flame.

The Generals of the Dark gods army is the Dark Emperor, who is the material leader of Darkness, he is refered to simply as "Darkness" or "Death", most of his minions simply say "master" and "sire",he is the only demon apart from the Dark Gods sons with essence of the dark gods soul within him, he has the most of the soul energy, even more so than the dark gods sons, other generals are the dark gods infernal sons, he has nine, also among his generals are simple demons that have tormented enough souls and killed enough people to be allowed more power, such as the being known only as "lord" (who is now dead sad ), lord was the prime overseer of the Chaos armies to make sure they do not stray from the Dark gods plans, other generals include Zelcheraz, master of the Dark wizards and prime demon summoner, he opens the gates to the abyss to bring in demons from their world, there is Negrafias who is ruler over the Reaper demons, the largest and most powerful demons of the Abyss

(kai you start in the Dark library, learning and will answer to any of the generals if they talk to you but only Zelcheraz is who orders you around and can upgrade your rank, give quests etc etc)

Kai Lein
Kai stood in the dark library looking for a certain spell book. He was a dirty fighter, and he loved it. He was looking for the spell book called 'Dark Moon' because it held many fire spells for his type of magicks. He found it and opened it up. He started reading it and he sighed. He wasnt at the level of magick for a certain attack called Flame Spiral. Flame Spiral is a deadly attack that brings valcanic flames and mixes them with magma, killing anything in its path. He put the book back and sighed. Neing a wizard of his age and strengths was hard, he wasnt the strongest, not even near being close to strength. But he was smart, and knew alot of helpful spells. He sighed and grabbed a dark history book and sood there as he read.

Burning thought
The battle seemed hopeless, the Averonians had merely a small group left, 30 brave Averonian soldiers and 9 kitsune battle but it was pointless, General Aronus looked back at Alcharad the wizard and with a wave of his hand the wizard went to work

A few thousand Orcs poured onto the battlefield, the Averonians started to run as Aronus gave the order to retreat, they took to the air as archers started raining arrows down upon them

"prepare the hand of the high father spell" Alcharad said with command at his wizards, they looked worried and scared, "the high father" one of them gasped, "yes indeed" Alcharad said as he readied his magic staff, Alcharad and a pair of light lords came together, Alcharad whispered some words, energy and orbs of white light span around him, seconds later the clouds were swept aside, a great white light appeared in the sky. Within seconds the light flashed blinding the battlefields soldiers, even the light loving Averonians held thier eyes in pain, Alcharad had his eyes wide open, whispering, they glowed white. The Averonians felt bathed in light, their bodies healing, cuts,slashes,broken bones all healing perfectly. The Thousands of orcs screamed in terror as their bodies burst into flames, thousandths of a second before disintegrating into particles of dust, even the trebuches blasted into pieces of charcoal and blackened wood and the trolls preparing them turned to stone.

The spell had been performed, a handful of Orcs survived miraculously, running for their lives like terrified children, the men cheered, laughing and some confused by what just happened. The legendary spell of the High Father has been an ancient power that few knew existed and fewer still had learnt yet some of the greatest Averonian mages had the power to perform such an act. Acharad fell to the floor exhausted as did his two accomplices, other soldiers helped them up and Alcharads dragon pulled him up onto its back. However as the light slowly faded the soldiers cheering vanished, they saw that the spell had not destroyed the entire Chaos force. The Fire giant roared with madness, the light had simply stunned it but being a being of pure fire such light does not destroy them. It walked across the battlefield, the soldiers ran and flew with their angelic wings. They ran the miles back to the Fortress, the Dragons took their men and the soldiers rode on their horse back to the Fortress. After an hour of running the great titan cought up with them, its huge body walking over the ground effortlessly while the tired Averonians could hardly keep the pace. Its killing half of them in its great hands of burning fire.

As the men at the fortress saw the giant they went frantic, their archers poured out onto the walls and the knights of the fortress came out of the gates. Aronus yelled at them "this foe cannot be defeated, wait for our allies", the soldiers did not know of the allies but Alcharad knew the Averonian Army would not defeat such a Chaos army and through his Orb called to the Aquelonians. The great titan of walking fire was approaching.

Burning thought
The titan neared the great Bastion of light, the archers launched their light arrows into its body but like most light weapons it was not harmed. Aronus on his dragon held the giant at bay with his sword, each slash sending it into anger, his sword was empowered with lightning and ice and so was capable of damaging the beast, the creature gave a cry as it smashed Aronus from the skies who plumeted into the ground. The creature went into madness, soldiers fled the fortress as the beast punched into it, felling its walls and opening its inner courtyard, it stood flaying its arm, smashing holes and crushing those trembling within. Suddenly a great blue light flashed in the skies, a blue dragon descended on the beast, riding it was an Aquelon. The dragon blew a frozen breath,along with the blue wizards ice magic together their froze it in a block of hard ice, with a final incantation he sent his long staff like weapon into the ice, it glew blue and flashed blasting the creature into pieces. The Averonians cheered, Aronus was recovered badly wounded and taken to the most skileld of priests to be healed while his dragon was buried in holy grounds, since it was killed by the titan.

Alcharad awoke slowly, the Aquelon stood over him, "i knew you would come my friend" the old Averonian spoke softly before going back into a deep sleep

Kai Lein
Kai looked up from the book and snapped it shut. Every book he had read so far, all the history, always came as his alligence lost. "What makes this time any better?" he asked himself outloud. he knew this wasnt going to end well. He grabbed another book and skipped to the last chaper and read it. They lost. He threw the book behinf him and grabbed another history book. he flipped it the end of a battle... they lost. "Havent we ever won?!" Kai yelled as he slammed the book down.

Burning thought
(lost, the darkside rarely lose smile , its the chaos that lose allot, the darkside havnt been on this world long, they live in the Abyss, they only been there about the last 100 years or so and all the battles they have had they have won or they lose small skirmishes, anyway heres something for you to do)

Kai had just finished reading a history book when he felt a presence behind him, he turned around to see Zelcheraz, the Half Demon and half undead master wizard looked daunting even to his minions and underlings, his large spiked teeth only showed on half of his face, the demon side had these teeth and a large curled ram like horn, on the other side he was skeletal, a human skull with a red ruby eye in the socket of the skull. His Black hood covered his skeletal side and his demonic horn came out of the side of it, the black robes the Wizard wore covered his entire lower body, the bottom of it draging along the floor, he held a crooked staff, a skull with horns placed on the end and a thin black chain spun around it from the neck of the skull downwards to the bottom of the staff.

He smiled at kai as a trickle of black blood came down the side of his mouth, he began to spoke. it was almost a whisper but he felt darkness and wisdom within the words, the words themselves echoed throughout the room which unsettled kai "an apprentice i see, potential i feel within your bones, however reading the history books will not teach you wizardry" the dark wizard sneered at what kai was reading as if he was displeased "i have a use for you weak one, a weak wizard must fight weak foes, i have no time for such creatures but your going to destroy a small cave of goblins to the east of here, they are a nuisance, if you can kill them i will teach you some powers of the dark" with that the dark sorceror clenched his staff in his grip and whispered something, he turned transparent and disapeared from sight.

(heres something for you to do, its a mile long walk so you dont get there instantly, doing this counts as 2 battles but you can fight about 2 extra fight if you want to along the way which each can count as 1, ofcourse you could only handle about 3-5 goblins per battle or some wolves but ten battles and you gain a rank up smile )

(also ime going away tonight and tomorrow, tomorrow night ill be back so play nicely and no major battles or sillyness or killing major characters, hell you know the rules smile )

Burning thought
(also allies you did not die in the battle, the flash of light only slightly wounded you but you escaped along with some orcs, best bet is to go back to the Chaos lands or Dark lands your home for more orders)

Kai Lein
(Yea yea erm)

Kai felt like punching that bastard but held it in as the demon dissapeared. He walked out of the tower and onto the direction he was told to go. "Bastard... im just as strong as he is..." He lied to himself. as he walked down the trail. He stopped as a pack of wolves came out. "Be gone, mutts!" Kai yelled flaring a flame from his staff.

((I figured as much smile As Chaos worships the darkness then I'll try to gain some power without the approval from the Abyss! evil face ))

Burning thought
(ime back smile , not a lot happen while ime gone, not all of chaos worship darkness, just a lot of them do, chaos is split up into many tribes and about 40% of the tribes worship Darkness, 50% are Chaos born and woship the chaos god and 10% are wild beasts)

Burning thought
Originally posted by Aliies
((I figured as much smile As Chaos worships the darkness then I'll try to gain some power without the approval from the Abyss! evil face ))

(that is a wise idea since the Abyss are not very giving of power, more are greedy, the chaos are probably more willing, ofcourse if you become completly aligned to Chaos or the Dark ones do not trust your loyalty you could be on the other side of their power instead of in with it smile )

Kai Lein

Kai was getting tired of the wolves growling at him. he twirled his staff and slammed it on the ground, making valcanic flames glide to the wolf in front. The flames blasted the wolf up around 30 feet in the air, it came down and died before it hit the ground. While the wolves were distracted by that, Kai ran to one of them and jumped on its back, breaking its spinal cord in half, and jumped back. One of the wolves growled and pounced at Kai, knocking kai down. Kai was saved because he had the staff in the wolf's mouth instead of his throat. he smacked the wolf and sent the butt of his staff into the wolf's mouth, and out of it's skull. Kai kicked the dead wolf off of himself and stood up. He ripped his staff out of the wolf's skull, splatteringg blood and brain matter and skull buts on his clothes. He smirked as he licked the wolf's blood off of his hand and continued on towards his destination. He heard distand howling, meaning there were more wolves. He enjoyed killing the beasts, but it grew tiring.

Burning thought
(good good kai)

a few days later, Alcharad awoke in his bed, he climbed out and breathed out a sigh as he walked over to look out of his window. he saw Aronus down below comanding the troops, his defeat may have weakened his spirit, he didnt seem as sharp and precise to the men as he used to.

"ahh Alcharad your awake at last", the old wizard turned to see the Aquelon that had saved many lives that day, the Aquelon was almost identicle to a human, a few feet shorter than Alcharad but his skin glew a very light blue, he wore a blue robe around his body, all that was visible was his face his chest, three flowing gems at least the size of an eye were embedded in the Aquelons forehead but his face was identicle to a humans, his hood covered the gems slightly and the sides of his face. "yes my friend, the sleep has confused me slightly, what day is it" the old wizard replied, "you have only lost a few days my friend, little has happened, your troops are simply rebuilding what that giant had smashed from your fortress", the pair walked down to Aronus after Alcharad had found his robes and staff.

"Aronus this is Mervous, he is a powerful Sorceror in the Grand overseer's army and has come to aid us in our fight against Chaos, their powers of ice magic are especially effective against fire based monsters and creatures of heat", the general looked untrusful at the Aquelon "yes, your power was shown a few days back where i failed, a friend of Alcharads is a friend of mine" the general shook the Aquelons hand quickly and then walked off towards his troops. "i fear i have offended him", "no Mervous, he is simply a little upset that his men lost the battle yesterday and needed your help, we are all in dept to you", "it was nothing, monsters of heat cannot stand the cold, a city ship holding a legion of Aquelon troops will be arriving tomorrow to join the Averonians in battle", "they will be a great help my friend" Alcharad and Mervous both walked seperate ways to attend to their dragons, Aronus was in sorrow of losing the battle and his dragon in one day yet his strength was slowly regained and the next day he would earn a lot of respect for the Aquelons when he saw their city ship.

Kai Lein
Kai was close to the goblin cave. He had killed atleast five wolves so far. He kneeled for a moment to rest from his journey. "Well, i better learn some new magic after this long walk...." he said, obviously tired.

Burning thought
without warning a flash of green energy appeared as a circle on the ground, "lord" the old dark general who had fallen on the battlefield crawled his way out of it, almost breathless, he seemed worried, he knew what had happened. "lord" has had his soul pulled back from the abyss into the Dark planes, but he was worried, he knew the Dark ones were going to find him and punish him for failing against the light. lord had lost his body, simply a specteral soul of his former self, transparent and souless being but he knew the Dark Emperor would want to see him and that when the Emperor wanted to see you, you would be punished.

"lord" ran to the north, he had hoped to join the forces of Chaos and find the female Demon he had known back at the battle, he felt a strange comfort in him, a part of him actually had feeling for something other than himself and so he travelled, however things did not go the way he planned, as he ran along the plains he sensed a demonic presence coming closer, he tried to move faster, he sensed its power was enormous and suddenly he was frozen, he could not moved from the spot he was standing, he was however able to turn around and as he did he saw it. An enormous mass of flesh and stitched bodies, screaming faces of torment, pieces of body stiched with steel and iron into the bone structure of the creature, standing so tall that lord was like a cockroache to a lion before its great toeless foot. struck with fear at a sight such as this he crouched before it and knelt, he knew it was one of the Dark gods sons. among the mass of bodies he looked up to see its face, two yellow eyes burning like coals in a face almost featurless, its mouth was merely holes cut into the skin. The creature's great Arms were much the same as its body, flesh nailed to bone, its long skeletal fingers came down and picked "lord" up from the dirt and held him towards its face.

"so, fleeing the wrath of darkness,hehehe" its voice echoed throughout "lords" body, it was strangely perfectly understandable with the countless tormented screams down below on the infernal sons body, the voice curdled with blood every word "my fathers eyes are everywhere worm, you cannot outrun us, escaping your fate is impossible, i am the son of Torment, i am going to take you before the Emperor" with that the beast swallowed him through one of its mouth holes, lord fell down into the creatures stomach where he was woven into the flesh, the body made him part of the sons body, another tormented face in its great husk, however he knew it would only last until he would come before the Emperor which he dreaded far more.

Burning thought
(this is going to be a long one, really just a bit of cool story, but it describes a lot of dark things since we seem to all be on the dark side now smile )

The son of Torment came before the abyssal cathedral, towering even higher than himself, the door was like a demonic portal itself. None are allowed into the Cathedral, unless called upon by the Emperor, its old abyssal gate deep within the earth may only be used by the Dark god and his sons. The demon pushed through the doors into darkness. It was pitch black outside but inside was even darker, the demon walked through the shroud, the cathedral is so vast that no mortal being could find the way in such darkness but the Son of darkness itself knew. Eventually as he walked huge braziers burst into unearthly flames, they slightly lit the way, a smooth obsidian stone floor with cracks of infernal red light contributed to the evil of the place and showed authority, demons only use obsidian on sacred or important places. The son of Darkness was silent, even he feared the Emperor and most of all his father. Silently he pulled lord from his own flesh who was woven into it, he placed the unconscious body onto the floor who then sprung to life, feeling suffocated he looked around in fear and swallowed hard as he watched the Demon prince walk away.

There was no way "lord" could escape, he had no knowledge of the cathedral and even those with knowledge could not escape the Dark emperor. In darkness two burning eyes appeared, the eyes were burning in a dark unearthly flame, much like the braziers. he looked up to see them, he knew who it was and came to his knees, hands on the floor with his head low. Teeth appeared beneath the eyes, sharp and jagged. Darkness poured from the mouth and covered the braziers,sending the cathedral into complete night, the only light was the eyes. As the emperor stepped forward it sounded like a thousand blasts of thunder, hundreds times as loud as a volley of cannons. The emperor's form was enormous, at least four times the size of a Demonic son of their god, the emperor was the first Demon ever created in the Abyss. Its head was high above lord, it had a pair of large curved horns coming out either side of its head, its arms were great and muscled, out of the emperors back came many huge,thick tentacles,some started at his neck and others his elbows with shards of obsidian covering his body and burning cracks in his skin much like the flooring. his black cape covered his shoulders loosely and came over his chest, stopping at his waist but it flowed down his back, rips in it were made by his tentacles and other demonic appendages.

It spoke, its every word echoed throughout the cathedral, it sounded like many demonic voices as one, they spoke in unison, each more bloodthirsty and threatening as the last "you dare fail "lord", i send you to oversee the chaos, your numbers flowed forth across the battlefield yet one wizard sends your forces into a fleeing rable, do you know the penalty for failure". "lord" trembled as a mess on the floor "my form is too great for many to stand against,minion, perhaps ill take on a far less terrible form" the dark emperor smiled to himself and seemed to disappear into the darkness, then a humanoid figure, roughly 6 feet tall in a thin black robe covering his body came out of the darkness, "stand up minion" "lord came to his feet but still trembling, "you are going to be blessed with a second chance, i will give you more power and this time take some of our demons with you,the chaos rable is not enough" with that the emperor breathed evil out of his mouth, pure evil in a form of gas that fell over "lord", he closed is eyes and when he opened them he felt the coldness of the Cathedral and felt down to actually feel his body was back, "now with this chance GO!!!" the emperor moved at speed no mortal eye could see, a blur flew at "lord" with such force that he flew across the cathedral, all the way to the door and he blasted out of it. The darkness of the door folded together to fix the break and lord fell to the dirt, he was picked up by the prince "now go, if you fail again the dark god will have you" and so lord walked onwards, smiling to himself but feeling the force of the Emperors punch and worried of his warning but happy to have his chance again, he marshled dark forces who followed him out of the dark lands

Kai Lein
Kai sighed and stood back up. He decided to make this quick. A blinding spell then an imflaming spell. Should only take two minutes. He isnt a patient wizard, but is a fast one. He smirked and walked into the cave. He smelled the air "hmm... high in gas, possesbly an engien of some sort... this will be easier than suspected..." Kai smirked and sent a fireball down into the cave. He heard atleast 10 goblins scream and he ran as fast as he could out of the cave and got to the side of it. There was a huge blast of fire out of the cave, along with three goblins that were on fire. He smirked and walked to one of them and hit him over the head with his staff, breaking his skull, and smashing his brain. He looked at the other two and smiled as he watched them suffer. "What was that teleporting spell again...." he asked himself and pulled out a small spell book and started reading through it quickly.

Burning thought
"are you guys bored of this RP, aint it any good sad , seems no one posts in it"

Kai Lein
neither are you, to be technical. i did the last post, im expecting to be replied to.)

Burning thought
(well from now on dont w8 for me plz smile , besides i didnt have anything to reply to, you had just started looking through your spell book, i couldnt really reply to you, since i only control the bosses and main NPC's, only w8 for me to post something if were talking or your asking something to one of the bosses, other than that you can be battleling and adventuring, you have about 500 gold at least in cash by now and you have 4 battle experiance, you need gain 6 more to gain a rank)

Kai Lein
(i cant double post....)

((I'm a little busy right now, I'll come up with something if you're patient big grin))

Burning thought
Originally posted by Kai Lein
(i cant double post....)

(why not?, i did lots of times and since its my thread i say you can smile , anyway we can w8 for allies to join, then he can post and then you until one of them talk to a main character then i can join in, unless i just add to the story)

Burning thought
(the story is here Silentsoul, best to read everything becasue a lot has happened smile )

(where should i start?)

Burning thought
Originally posted by SilentSoul
(where should i start?)

(ok you can be one of the archers with the Averonian army, inside fort Telidil, a lot of soldiers are there along with an Aquelon army, when every one in the RP is here we can have a great battle)

(sounds good)

(should i write something before we start the big battle?)

Kai Lein
Kai had teleported back to the library. apon his return, he walked back to the dark magick books he was reading. He opened them up and started reading silently, waiting for the jackass of a demon to notice his return. He didnt care much for the pety missions, but he did need to move up from a simple soldier. He was far greater than that, no one knew it yet, not even himself. Kai sat there reading, his red eyes beaming over the ancient text in the book. It was a very old book, but easy for Kai to read, mainly because his staff gave him the power to know all languages and texts.

Bow in hand Akira walks amonst the armies. She watches as the Aquelon soldiers practice their magic. Akira beleives they have a good chance of winning. Akira and fellow archers were exceptionally good for their low ranks. She is still a little uneasy that there is a fire giant amongst the Chaos ranks. "What could go wrong?" She thought to herself in assurence.

((Sorry I haven't posted, My hobbies and commitments are stacking upon one another, and my comics are far behind...))

((I might post tonight... who knows?))

Kai Lein
Kai stood up and put the book back. "To hell with this...." he said "He doesnt want to tell me what to do next, then i might as well head for the battle feild... i feel like killing something worth while anyway..." he said and walked out of the library. he walked towards the battle feild and after a few minutes, he decided to use the shadows to get there. He raised his staff and he was gone, and appeared behind enemy lines. "Oh son of a ...." he said and tried to remember an nivisibilty spell, but he wasnt that good at those. He shrugged and started sneaking past an archer, or trying to.

(sorry about my last post i guess i missed the part where they killed the fire giant, but now i know srry stick out tongue )

Kai Lein
(well, im bored... i edited the post so you can reply to it.... you can pick a fight with your enemy or let him sneak past you... or you can ignore my post as people usually do...)

Burning thought
The Dark wizard entered the libary, he sensed the presence of the young wizard he sent to do his bidding yet he saw nobody was there "that pathetic whelp, where are you wizard, if you have done my task then come before me" the old being walked about the libary, he jerked his staff and with a spark of energy a large orb appeared before him, it was a sort of magic map of the entire world, it moved left and right with great speed, cities, sea's and mountain ranges went before the Wizards eyes until it came upon the burning fields, a yellow flash appeared on the orb. "that little fool" the wizard laughed to himself "he will get himself killed, trying to use magic of movement at his skill level" the Dark wizard called dark words into the sphere and the yellow flash vanished as Kai appeared before him. "its unwise to use movement spells over distances so long young one, however you show determination, you may rise in rank young wizard but your rank means nothing to me, remember that, now get out of my sight" the old wizard once again evaporated in dark energy and kai was left alone once again in the libary

(the battle is in the Chaos lands, in a place called the burning fields, both armies are miles apart and only the chaos are at the battlefield at the moment, the dark forces are on their way to join Chaos and the Averonians and Aquelons are formed upo together to form one grand army, they are preparing their forces still at the edge of the Chaos lands and awaiting the word of the Gaian's to see if the Gaian's will join them on the battlefield)

Burning thought
(maybe i should put the name of the race ime focusing on at the top of my post so you all know if its for your side)


The Averonian and Aquelon Armies had joined together to form a vast army of warriors, mages and beasts of the Aquelon forces. General Aronus was feeling refreshed and he was fully healed and donning his battle armour, another dragon had been sent to be his mount, they quickly got used to eachother, however the general still missed his old friend and because of his dragons death he has vengeance running through his veins.

"prepare yourselves men, this will be a far greater battle than the last, our new formed army along with the Aquelons should prove a defeat that will run hard into the Chaos forces for hundreds of years to come".
An elven messanger ran into their camp, "general, you have the aid of the Gaian's, our forces should be here in a few days", the general smiled "excellent, the forest will be a great ally", almost as he finished that a loud dwarf ran into the camp bellowing "the alliance of realms is going to join you in battle m'lord but could you spare a wee pint of beer, ime a bit thirsty", Aronus clapped and some wine was brought before the Dwarf "aye that will do, wine's not as good as beer but in war a dwarf takes a drink whenever he can get it" he drank it down quite quickly before setting out on his horse "the realm will be here tomorrow!!" the dwarf shouted again and rode off.

The elf sat down with Aronus, the men went back to their camps and Alcharad the Aveornian Wizard general started off the fireworks once more to liven the spirits of the men, their armies finally settled down for the night after a lively feast.

Akira was restless that night. She kept having these awful dreams of people being murdered and dreaming that the battle will be a disaster. After the fith dream she decided to go for a fly.she soared up in the sky and watched the horizon. "It's so beautiful" she said aloud. She was excited for the battle and any battles that were coming so she would have a chance to rank up.

Kai Lein
Kai groaned "I'm stronger than that old fool thinks..... but my rank is up... i should be able to get a better salery and better jobs, not to mention a better spell teacher..." he sat down and waited. 'The old demon thought of nothing, though he is strong, he is very dimwitted...' he thought to himself as he sat in the chair "I've read every suingle book in this place, i need som,ething to do!" he felt as though he was going insane. He was bvery impatient, more impatient than anyone els in the library. .... his sat there growling to himself as he waited.

(I dont really know wat tp post, i dont really have aby type of a story that i can go along with))

Burning thought

a shadow krept over Kai in the libary, he turned around to find a shadow, it was the name they gave to a soul that had lost its body but brought back from the dead by Necromancers, it too was learning magic ways but was a higher level and rank than kai

its voice seemed almost pure, it wasnt a low pitched voice of darkness and it did not echoe with force or power like many of the higher demons of the pit, it was not threatening in its stance, floating above kai's eye level and covered in black smoke, its face, arms and body but no legs were clearly visible, yet still smoke, it stood before kai and with a smile spoke "hello kai, i see you have met Zelcheraz the master summoner, ime guessing like most of us you dont find him friendly" the shadow chuckled a little but then his face turned more formal and he spoke a little louder "anyway i am now your teacher and mentor and will give you tasks, Zelcheraz only trains rank one and the higher ranks but i will train you to rank 3, however you need more skil in sorcery to be allowed rank 3 my friend so heres a spell ill teach you now, its called mephesis, it allows you to drain the soul and blood of your target, human sized and some medium sized foes are affected by it but their flesh and blood and soul regenerates you even if you are near death and kills them in the process, now i would like you to clear out a cave of ogres to the west, ofcourse they are larger than the goblins Zelcheraz sent you to kill but what do you expect of a rank 2 wizard that you are now, here" the shadow gave Kai a small black broach with a skull on it "this is the marking of a rank 2 sorceror, now you may leave and do your task, come back and perhaps ill teach you another spell" the shadow smiled and disappeared into another part of the libary

Burning thought
(and heres something for you to do silent smile , sorry if ime not on much but ime not got a lot of time lately)


Early morning broke across the camp, the soldiers got out of their tents and the cook prepared a morning stew and refreshment. General Aronus walked over to one of the Archer captains "id like you to go to the east, ive been told by Alcharad that there is a small group of Orcs, this should give the restless soldiers and trainees something to do", "yes sir" the captain archer responded, she picked a small group of archers (one of which is you Silentsoul) and set off east to find the Orcs

The rest of the camp prepared for war which would happen in only a few days, in the distance there was the sound of a horse and then a messanger on a black stallion rode in announcing the Realm army to the Averonians. The realm had arrived, their lord riding a magnificant griffon in shining armour was followed by knights in armour, musketeers, the feared dwarven cannons and many other siege machines and soldiers from across the realm regions

"Finally a chance to do some battle!" Akira exclamied to one of her fellow archers. But the other archer remained serious and flew up further. Well Akira didn't care she was excited.
By the time they saw the small Orc camp it was about Mid-Sun. Luckily the none of the Orcs had spotted them. They landed behind the camp. There was about 11 archers all together (including the captain) The captain gave them orders to circle the camp. Then she would give the order to attack. Akira waited in position with two arrows in her bow. There was some tall grass for them to hide in. There was a loud yelling-type sound and suddelny Orcs formed a giant group. "Perfect" Akira said. Then she saw a single arrow fly into the sky and it burst into flames. The orcs attention was in the sky. The archers stood and fired simoulteniously. Akira shot her arrow hit an Orc in the side. the Orcs were running around in confusion. She reloaded her arrow and fired again. It flew with such grace and speed it peirced an Orcs head and it fell to the ground in agony. Then she heard the captain shout some orders. She loaded in 2 arrows, then all at once all the archers flew up into the sky then they flew closer to the Orcs and fired from the air. Her arrows split and speared two orcs right through their stomachs. They were only about 4 orcs left..wait 3, one just fell. She shot another arrow, missed "Dammit" She landed on the ground Akira and another archer stood on either side of an Orc.They both raised their bows and shot their arrows right into the stood there momentarily, then fell. All were dead. They archers gave out a cry of joy. Akira smirked. "Easy" she said and joined in the celebration.

Kai Lein
Kai smirked and took off his wizard hat. he removed the skull medallion on it and replaced it with his new broach.. He memorized the spell he was just taught and he smirked "I'm going to need new equipment after this..." he said and stood up. He walked out of the library and headed to the cave he was told to go to. He was walking and he saw some goblins talking. They seemed to be survivors of the cave Kai had made explode. They looked at Kai and pointed their clubs at him. The charged. Kai was greatly outnumbered. Kai looked left and right "Seems i have no choice..." he said and took off his gloves to reveal his claws. He made his staff dissapear along with his cape and hat. his claws and his paws were quickly covered by a black aura."Lets see..." he whispered to himself "I know there is a way to kill them quickly so i can get on with my mission... but i would rather.. watch them suffer..." he ran at on and jumped, bringing his claws through it's face and skull.

Kai looked at the other nine that were now at charging speed. He jumped up and made vulcanic explosions under the ground, sucking in seven of the goblins, killing them in the malting magma. The ground closed up and Kai charged at the remaining two, and dissapeared right before he hit them. He appeared behind them and smashed their heads together, smashing their skulls together, killing them instantly. Blood splashed on his face and shirt. "Simpletons..." he said and continued to the cave.

(how was that?)

Kai Lein
(nice ^-^)

On their way back to Fort teldil night was rapidly aproaching. Akira saw some of others getting a little edgey. She did'nt know why, but she was comfortable. the cool night air felt good against her face. Sh ecouldnt wait to get back to report their accomplishment, even though the task was not that large, it still felt good to win.

Burning thought
Originally posted by SilentSoul
(how was that?)

(yes very good indeed smile )

Burning thought

On the Archers return the General congratulated them, the archers got a fine reward of 100 gold each and a healing potion,most were rewarded with rank including Akira, she was now a rank 2 archer

"fine work" the general smiled as he looked at the archers, "but we still have problems", the archers listened closely, some were excited still at the thrill of battle while others who were tired groaned at the prospect of another job, "we have heard reports of a smith in the west, using his great smithing hammers and wearing powerful armour he is a great danger, he has his own forge up in the hills, be careful archers, his armour will not break to arrow fire, aim for the neck and legs to disable him, if you could we would like you to capture it, the Smiths used to be a peaceful race thousands of years ago, perhaps we can change his mind into making our armours for us instead of for chaos, now get your rest, tomorrow you must set out for the Smith and well done again, you make Averonia proud" the general sat down while the other archers prepared for the night, the next day the Gaian's would come to join the Armies of the light and only a day after that, the great war will begin

Burning thought

"lord" the old demon general had made his way into the Chaos lands, behind him marched an army, thousands in number, monsters of darkness and demons of the abyss were marching alongside the undead. he stopped, remembering the Prince and the Emperor and their warning, he thought about seeing his female demon friend who he knew before his death but remembered their warnings once again and carried on until he came to an enormous Orc camp.

"i have come from the Darklands to rally you, an army of light are amassing and we must be prepared", the orcs fidgeted while looking at lord, lord turned to see a great tall being, wearing heavey plated armour across its body, covered in blood, his hands gripped an enormous blade, it picked up lord with its free hand and brought him close to its face, its shining ruby eyes looked into lords and with a voice curdling with blood it spoke with anger "we know of the threat of the light, we do not need Darkness to warn us of such threats", lord teleported from its hand back to the front line of his army "so Terravass i see you are preparing, but you must treat me with respect, you may not fear me but you know who my master is", the lord Terravass flinched "indeed i do"

both of the Chaos and the Darkness armies combined, after a lot of hand gestures by the two leaders of their armies the hordes of darkness and chaos were combined to form the defence that was going to perhaps crush the forces of the light if their plans succeed

from the lines of the darkness armies Servus appeared. He walked towards Lord to tell some disturbing news. An Averonian had been spotted behind some bushes. Servus tried to kill the averonian but wasnt fast enough. ''General an Averonian was spotted near by. I tried to capture him but wasn't fast enough......silent..... Forgive me but now the lligth armies knows about us''

Burning thought
(nice start chizzle)

"dont worry priest, its better they know of us, their fear will stir within them now that they know our coming" lord turned around to the priest, "hmm perhaps we can pay them back, we need to know their efforts, go out and scout out their armies, stay hidden, i know you are quite adept at the invisibility spell so you should be able to perform as a spy, we need to know their movements" with a wave of his hand the priest was ordered to go


Servus runned away from the General, he was running towards the averonian lands where he would perform the task the general gave him. After about 5 hours he spotted an light outpost, he used his invisible ability and got closer. He heard a captain talking. ''Soon we move out and attack the cities their armies marched from. If we succede we can attack from behind and front making them confused and their defense will get weaker'' Servus walked as quite as he could towards the tent from which he heard the voice. He walked in just as an avelonian archer walked out. Servus was very close to touch the archer and by that revile himself. But he didnt touch the archer, and after catch his breath he walked inside finding the avelonian captain. After looking after someone nearby he cast confusion on the captain. The captain wasn't in a state to call for guards. ''So ur gonna attack the cities.... Not on my watch'' Servus Eyes changed to a blood tursty color. He took his other gloves on Which it was claws on, Servus slayed the captain and throwed hes head out. ''Whata thats the captains head'' Screamed a young guard. Out ran servus and killed every one he saw using his invisible and confusing spells. One by one they was torn into parts. After the massacre Servus licked the blood from the claws laughing ''now they cant do anything'' said Servus.
He ran towards the Army he came from... After an hour he stopped seing a young human. Blinded by his blood thirst he ran towards the child killing him slowly. His eyes got more and more red and glowing u could almost see the Souls of the one he had killed. He came to camp where the general was, he walked towards him.

Akira was angered by this slaughter of her fellow Averonians. Once she heard the news in her anger ran as fast as she could to general Aronus.
When she found him he was talking to various captains and generals. She didn't care, she walked right up to him and said "Excuse me General, but im sure your aware that there was a terrible slaughter of our people." He continued to stare at her. Akira got angry "Are you going to do anything about it?! Send a counter attack,have the aquelons use their magic something!" There was a horn in the distance, that was for her. Still the general said nothing. She backed up slowly then flew away to her regiment.

(nice After my slaugther the people of light should get angry ^_^)

(well it was quite vicious)

( yea stick out tongue )

The archers were preparing to take off. They formed into a coordinated group. Akira was still angered by the generals response to her urgent plea. She didn't like flying when she was angry or upset, it made her loser her focus. The captain gave the order and they took off, once in the air they could all see the approaching Gaian army. This pleased her and for a little while took her mind off what had happened that morning. They started off west towards the hills. "This is going to be a long, long flight" she sighed. Knowing that she hadn't had a good nights sleep the day before. Even though she was determined.

Burning thought
Aronus did take notice of the Archer, although he had many pressing matters on his mind he sent a group out to investigate the outpost that had been attacked, although the Averonian army could not go to war so soon they had to take note of who's families they had to contact to tell them of the terrible news.

The Gaian army was in the distance and coming close "ahhh at last, we are almost prepared for war" Aronus said with a smile, the enormous Baloths, Ents and other giant beasts of the Earth and forests caused great tremurs and quakes as they walked, not enough to cause damage but many soldiers did fall to the floor many a time as the Baloths took a step, much larger than the fortress of Telidil, the Baloths rested a few hundred metres away from the main encampment, while the ents rooted themselves into the ground and the Golems of rock rejoined the Earth to make small mountains. Averonian soldiers rarely see such large beasts, the Aquelon weapons of war were of a giant size yet they were only machines but to see creatures that live and breathe of such a size was truly fearful yet they were pleased they were on their side and so calmed down.

Alcharad spoke with the Elven Sellion who was in charge of the army, the Sellion was the rank of general to the elves and gaians, this Sellion in questioned was an old elven Druid, his eyes had seen thousands of years of this world and were wise and he spoke slowly but with wisdom, the two magic users spoke of battle positions and eventually all the generals from the Realm, Averonia,Gaian regions and Aquelon came together to discuss their roles in the War that would happen the next day.

Burning thought

Lord was pleased of the priests work that he did at the outpost nad promoted him to rank 2 "now go back to your ranks, i have a war to plan, prepare yourself for tomorrow" lord turned back to Terravass and they both considered plans, they used orcs and undead as fear troops and cannon fodder, perhaps they will lose many arrows defeating their smaller troops so that they dont have enough when they send in their far larger fire giants, even a magma giant was among them and a great dragon, a volcanic beast of the mighty volcano, another truly feared sight was the small army of Demons lord had brought, although only a few hundred strong it would put fear in the hearts of the enemies and the necrogiant amongst the demons stood over Terravass as a reminder of the Dark lands powers.

not that he feared them, he only feared the Dark Emperor, thousands of years ago when Terravass and the Chaos armies were not part of an alliance with Darkness they warred with them, Terravas however was nearing victory yet as he entered the dark obsidian cathedral of the emperor he did not come out for several days and when he finally did, Terravass was worn and destroyed, his entire body was melting with cuts of a supernatural nature and the Chaos god barely saved his champion from the Emperors power, Terravass was put into the blood armour he now wears constantly to sustain his life. Even though his armour is keeping his fragile body alive he brings with him all his old knowledge and experiance of battle and the armour was said to be almost indestructable

The day went on, the beasts of Chaos and the hellish Dark legions had small brawls, sometimes nearly killing one another before a higher ranking beast split them up.

The mid-day heat was awful, but they had battled through worst weather. They had been flying for several hours now and the group was starting to tire. Then they saw smoke coming from beyond a hilltop. The captain appointed a 3rd rank archer to scout ahead.
The rest of the grouo landed to rest. The captain remained silent awaiting the return of the archer. 10 minutes went by. "What if something happend to him?" Akira broke the silence. The captain responded "Well then... He was cut off when the large smith came from the side and charged them. He swung his giant hammer at an archer and it hit him right in the back throwing him to the ground. Immediatly they sprung up in the air and there was a rain of fire on the beast. His reputation as an excellent armour constucter proceded him. the arrows hit and bounced right off.There was great confusion amongst the Archers. Akira quick to think grabbed the captain and reminded him of the weak points of the beast, she noded in agreeance. Akira slipped back to the ground unnoticed. The Smith was moving slowly. She had to aim her shot perfectly. Aiming she fired for the leg and missed. Her whole body tensed. The smith didn't take notice. She reloaded "Ok,steady," She pulled back on the bow and released the arrow. The Smith gave out a Banchee scream. "YES!" She spoke too soon. The Smith spotted her. She got up to run away but he reached her before she take flight. He grabbed her by her wing and slammed her to the ground. she felt dizzy and her worl was turning black. Then she heard a loud thump and saw the smith laying next to her with an arrow in his neck. "Thanks captain....... she was unconcious.

( nice see u guys tomorrow for the final battle )

Burning thought
(good good, ill be away most of tomorrow but you guys keep posting without me, dont worry about double posting and such, just dont start any wars, but you can fight small groups of enemies and such or talk together if your on the same team such as Kai and Chizzle, kai you better kill that beast the Shadow sent you to fight and then try and get to chaos lands if you wanna join lord and Chizzle in the War)

(see everyone tomarrow for the battle too, well as long as my character gets some sort of healing done to her wink

Burning thought

The Archers came back successful from their ordeal, although they had taken losses, 3 were dead from the power of the Smith and one was unconcious, the priests circled Akira and chanted some words and she awoke, fully healed and ready "you should get prepared now child, our magics have healed you but you will need your wits to survive the war ahead"

(everyone who is in the war will increase in rank, most of you are rank 2 so rank 3 is approaching if your in the war)

Kai Lein
Kai walked up to the cave. The ogres stench strong to Kai's feline nose. He shook a bit and walked iin. His staff appeared in his hand as he walked. The ogres were talking about food and such. Kai walked in to the main area and around twenty ogres looked at him with their idiot looks.

Kai didnt hesitate to raise his staff and blast a line of fire at two of the ogres, catching them on fire. He looked at the rest of whom were now charging at him with clubs. Kai smirked and returned their charge. he jumped over them, doing a frontflip while holding his staff out, smashing into one of the ogres' skull. He hit another in the legs to bring it down and smashed the butt of his staff into its back, breaking the ogre's spine and neck.

Before Kai could turn, he felt a large sgarp pain in his side, and he was sent flying into the wall. He grabbed his side as his eyes turned a dark, dark black. He raised his staff and a large ball of fire appeared, filling the area of which Kai was in. The blast was loud, more than like being able to hear it from imiles away. The fire drove itself through the bodies of fifteen ogres. Kai looked at the last three, his eyes still pitch black.

Thee ogres started to run out of the cave, but Kai gave chase. He jumped onto the back of the biggest ogre and drove his claws into the ogres back, and grqabbed ahold of the ogre's spinal cord. Kai smirked eilly as he jerked his arm back, ripping the spine directly out of the ogre's body. Kai smirked to himself before feeling another sharp pain. Only this time he was not hit by a blunt object, but the sharp end of an axe. He yelled in pain as he grabbed his side and fell to his knees. Kai looked up at the ogre and lifted his hand. a dozen small flames flew from Kai's hand, engolfing the final two ogres in flames.

With that Job done, He opened a forbidden spell book. White magic. He put his hand on his side and chanted quickly so he couldnt be heard by the others of whom he knew were watching. Kai healed his wounds and the book dissapeared. He started to walk back to the library, but remembered he wanted to fight in the war. He should follow orders... but his curiosity of what was going on was emense.

Kai shook his head and teleported back to the library. "C'mon...." he said aloud "I wanna fight in the war too!" he groaned and paced back and fourth quickly, waiting for the shadow demon. Although, the voice of the shadow was much to pure for him to be a demon wasnt it? no... all demons are different. They have body tricks to fool their enemy. Either way, it didnt matter. He wanted his pay and the spell. He needed to buy new equipment.

Kai sat in the chair in wait, hoping the demon would hurry. He shook his head and closed his eyes. It then accured to him that he hadnt slept in days. He kept his eyes shut, trying not to fall asleep from both boredom and fatigue. He shuddered a bit, and slowly drifted off into a light slumber. He didnt care what the shadow demon would do if he found Kai sleeping, although it would be great if Kai could make his own choices for once and not get scolded or attacked for ir.

Kai Lein
(my longest rp post ever! right there! in you faces!)

Servus had tasted blood and wasn't satisfied. The general told him to get back to the lines of armies, but it was impossible for Servus to do what he was told. He wanted more! He ran away from the army until he saw a cave.
He walked in spotting numerous creatures. Servus had seen them before in his dreams they where called faceless ones. Servus waited for something to happen... The faceless ones spotted him and started attack him, Servus was greatly out numbered and had little time to think.
He could confuse them but that wouldn't help, and invisibility wouldn't work cause they haunt whit sounds. Then he remembered that they was afraid of light thats why they live in caves. Servus said some quick words. His hands started glowing the faceless ones stopped and tried to run. Servus ran after them after a minute the cave was getting bigger and darker. Servus didn't see anything so he collected his power for a stronger light spell. He mumbled some words and and then fired a strong light to roof of the cave. Some seconds got by and Servus saw a big city filled whit creatures that was worse then the faceless ones. He got scared but didn't move he got an idea and trowed a big rock to the roof.... The cave started to collapse and Servus started to laugh. Creatures blinded by the light and drive by the quake ran against the exit (where Servus stood) Servus eyes turned to their blood thirsty look. He made fire on the floor, the creatures got confused and didn't know what to do. Servus attacked the creatures. The first he attacked was an armored troll. Servus jumped up to the head of the troll and took his claws and filled them whit glowing heat and whit a quick move he had pushed the claws into the trolls neck breaking it and causing the blood to boil Servus jumped to the ground. He felt a big pain in his left leg, he look and saw an goblin like creep that held a strong grab around Servus leg... Servus started to scream and took the goblin and toss him against the wall crushing the goblins bones then Servus ran against the goblin whit his claws. A loud sound of crush Servus had crushed the goblin and the rock wall behind him. Making the quake even stronger. Rocks fell to the ground and Servus realized that he had to run out but first blocked the way out for the creatures whit stone and fire.

Servus ran out and jumped of joy. He was becoming a cold blooded slayer that didnt stop for anything. He now lurked around the cave entrance to c if anyone came out. after an hour a troll came out and breathed heavy. Servus got an idea He said ''Do u swere total loyal against me'' The troll said whit an voice that sounded like he couldnt breath '' yes ma.. master'' Servus now had an pet troll and he just became stronger over time.

Servus made a symbol of the dark god on the troll that now was filled whit darkness. They now walked back to army and Servus smiled all the time and thinking ...^_^Now i have my own troop^_^...
(now i am powerfull ^_^ ) (i am not super strong i only good at combos)

Burning thought

The shadow saw kai sleeping in the chair, he sent a spark of dark lightning from his fingertips, searing the ear of the young wizard in the chair which made him jump in the seat, the shadow laughed "i hope you have done that job and didnt just sleep the day through", kai showed the blood on his claws of ogres, the shadow was no fool and could identify blood, like most demons and dark beings could, "ok now i shall teach you spells" with that the shade tought kai to master his teleportation skills and the power of the dark sight, to be able to see through magic great distances miles away form himself, together these can make movement easy for him, Kai was also tought a weak form of telekenesis, with this he could push small or medium sized enemies to their feet with mind power which could give him strategic advantages. "now you better go to the battlefield, my teleport skills i tought you should allow you to get there in minutes.

(ok you better write some of these spells down, your getting quite a few smile )

Burning thought
lord was not amused at the priests undiciplined ways "i told you to stay in the ranks, you didnt listen" he walked up to the priest who was standing by his new troll servent and with a quick jolt his fist hit into the priests body who flew across the ground and dirt, almost unconcious, the troll went to protect his master and ended up in a heep next to the priest, its leg broken from the force "dont disobey me again" lord walked away from the pair. Lord was not too angry, after all the priest had killed native beasts and got a troll to join their ranks but he was anxious, he knew his orders were to wait, but he wanted vengeance for his death and defeat at the last battlefield, and his anger had to be taken out, even if it was on his own minions

it was nearing mid day and the chaos and dark forces were in position, the Orcs were yelling with blood thirst and anger, the smiths were clenching their hammers as dragons flew above and the fire giants stood in before the magma giant. All it took now was the armies of light to arrive and hordes of evil will spread to attempt to destroy the good forces.

Kai Lein
(i got them memorized wink )

Kai nodded with a stretch "Ok." he said and picked up his staff and was gone and appeared at the battle feild. "Awaiting orders, i guess..." he said with a yawn as he continued memorizing the spells. He rather liked the telekinis. He could use it for more than just battle, but to easily annoy people of his own team. He was more of a rogue, but for some reason, he is compelled to fight along side his comrads, although he was starting to have second thoughts.

Akira was astounded that she was still alive and she was very lucky. She wondered if they had actually caught the Smith, she didn't really care. "That was some fall you took" a voice said behind her. She spun around to see a younger archer than herself speaking to her...she seemed a little confused, nobody ever really talked to her. " was pretty bad." She replied kind of edgey. There was a loud horn calling all the warriors and such to report to their regiment. "See you later!"The boy said cheerily and skipped away." uh..o..k?" she said then walked away.
They had a massive feast to get up their energy for the long march to the battlefield. Akira sat with the archers like she usually does, but they kept whispering and staring at her. She let out a deep sigh."o well" and continued to eat. She was afraid and excited for the upcoming battle. After the feast was over. Everyone was preparing for battle.

Burning thought
(forces of light)

"get prepared soldiers were moving out, the scouts report that there are dark forces in league with the Chaos, an old evil has come back to haunt us once again" the Averonian, Aquelon, Gaians and realm forces joined into a single colum, each side had their general who shouted out morale boosting sentences and words of warning, all the warriors of the sides prepared their weapons and armour along with the beasts and magics that they had brought, the Gaian Ents and Rock elementals joined at the back and sides aong with the Baloths, Baloths were more than 60-70 metres tall and acted as shields if any surprise attacks were planned on them, each Baloth was smothered in elven archers on its back, their keen sight and magical bestowed arrows protected the marching ranks between. The realm readied their cannons and gun powder, steam tanks whistled and clanked as their girffon riders and musketeers got prepared their guns.

The Aquelons great city ships returned home, all except one, this was hovering above the army, acting as a command station, the generals and flying beasts layed atop its blue, glowing shiny hull, the magic protective forcefields around Aquelon machines protected the important generals. Alcharad, Aronus, Mervous and the Gaian Sellion who's name was Elidous all stood watching their armies at the stern of the ship, their mounts were being readied for battle, the three dragons that Alcharad, Aronus and Mervous rode were being fed while the strange insectlike beast that Elidous rode simply drank from a small magic resovoir with its long tounge. The ship readied its frost cannons to counter the firey terror that the Chaos would surely bring to the battlefield, the armies of light had their priests ready the healing potions all the warriors had and their spells of protection to buff their troops, aquelons also readied their arcane summoning arts, their powers of air, ice and sea were great assets in the war. Even an Overseer, a rank far higher than general to Aquelons was here, second only to the grand Overseer, his power was immense in magic arts, his understanding of the arcane surpassed even Alcharads power over light magic. The Overseer joined the rest of the generals at the stern to watch the armies below and to be ready for the great war that was going to commence.

Burning thought
(ok people prepare yourselves for the great war, this could be a big one, keep in mind that the rules still apply, please apply realism and no godmoding, you cannot kill a hundred enemies in a few seconds or survive a hundred arrows or anything foolish roll eyes (sarcastic) , also if something big (magma giant, dragon, Aquelon beast) is coming towards you, run, no one of you are powerful enough to stand up against leaders or such beasts, ill be back in an hour or two so prepare your weapons and spells and then the war will commence wink )

Servus got angry. Angry at lord, angry at his own power. He said to him self '' I need more power i will never b satisfied '' He started to remember the dark god that has guided him. '' i will now leave this weak army to search for greater power. He took off only whit his troll by his side he walked east aiming for the mountain where he would search for a link to his master.

He walked for hours whitout a break, he had reach the edge of the mountain. The tempature decreased fast while they walked upwards. Several hours past by, the troll couldn't take the wheather but he continued cause he was loyal to his master. Servus ignored the wheather and the troll he didn't really care of anything beside power. He was only serving the dark god. he didn't belong to any army anymore. Soon they reached the top. The wind was blowing merciless. The heavy troll couldn't take it as good as his master, He took cover at the side of the mountain. Servus started to mumble... the wind stopped to blow all got quite until.... a dark cloud was created and out of that was the dark god summoned....

Akira was amazed at all these machies and beasts that lumbered all around her. Her and all the archers flew just above the marching soldiers. She felt some sadness for them, fatigue wore on them. Luckily wings dont wear the body down. The only that wings bothered was..well themselves. She had plenty of arrows with her, and if she needed more (which she doubted seriously) there was a supply wagon full of arrows and extra weapons.

Kai Lein
Kai growled slightly when he noticed e was ignored. "Wretches..." he said under his breath and dissapeared to find a place to rest. "Why am i fighting? Because it is fun... yea.. its fun until i get hurt..." he said "I just want to quit..." He smirked and took out his book of white magic and started reading.

( wow chizzle you just want all the power dont ya? shifty )

Kai Lein
(OK, i feel it is my responsability to say this... Chizzle, calm down and stick to the story. as he has said, and i ould say you making your own army and having a god power you up is pretty much god modding. So please stop.)

(yes i agree,sorry chizzle but it's true)

Burning thought
(indeed the others are right chizzle, first off you cannot control the lead characters, you can only control your own, especially gods, its alright to me having one lowly troll with you but you cant go around collecting up an army and you cannot control gods, so everyone ignore that post, chizzle's character is just recovered from his beating and is ready for the battle agreed, as soon as i get a post from all three of you saying "ready" we can start the war ok smile )

Kai Lein
(im ready to fight, but expect for Kai to be lost during the fight. He doesnt feel like dying, as in his young age. He might run or he might betray... be ready NOT to kill Kai stick out tongue)

(it was ment to get assignment or a mission from the god not to control him xD)


(it's ok chizzle we forgive you smile)

( ok but i do as burning said ready)

(i feel so lonesome on the light side with no friends sad stick out tongue )

(well it seems we've been abandoned by chizzle and burning)

(what do u mean i'm here i am just off little now and a little then :P)

(o ok then big grin )

i am waiting for burning to start the war i ma gonna b off for an half hour b back later