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Prince Nauj
hello & welcome evil face

Welcome to our house in the middle of our street welcome2

Why try to mix 2 very different religions?

Hi , welcome to KMC wink

Originally posted by Storm

Why try to mix 2 very different religions?

I don't try to mix them, I just do it. Wicca Christian is the best word to try and describe my beliefs which is that Gaia is the mother and God is the father. Without any of them none of this would've existed, that's what I believe and therefor I worship them. happy This doesn't mean I don't respect others beliefs. As long as you're happy with the way you believe I'm happy for you. Most people have different ways of belief and different ways to practice these beliefs.

Did that answer your question or did I accidentally make you even more confused? I know what I believe in but I sometimes end up explaining in such manors that no one but me understands it. embarrasment

It is my opinion that you cannot truly blend Wicca and Christianity. Wicca has a dual divinity whereas Christianity has a single God. This single point alone is enough to put the two religions at odds with each other. You could bend the "rules" a little, but when you start to bend rules, you change the nature of the religion. Creating your own personal path from 2 or more different religions is perfectly fine. But one should not still refer to your path by its original names.

welcome to kmc !! i have a thread that u will feel right at home in .and u can join my cult .ever monday is a religous holiday every two months u have to checked into a psychward and u mus be baptized in orange soda and best of all im the FRIGGIN POPE YAY!!! http://www.killermovies.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=387960&perpage=&pagenumber=1

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