Realm of the Gods RPG/RTS
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Burning thought
Realms of the Gods Rp
the idea is that the players are all gods on an enormous world, they will create their own civilisation that will evolve from small villages of peoples who are just learning about the world who will eventually get better technology, intelligence or battle skills with their own styles of buildings, weapons and beliefs, some may use swords and shields while others use magic or gunpowder ofcourse those who choose technologie will not be large or muscular and would be rather intelligent much like magic, the God who is the player can choose all this and develop their people until eventually the Gods can battle one another for ultimate supremacy for the idea to be the ONLY God of this world.
usual rules apply
ofcourse you may be a God but you cannot be so powerful that you can destroy the entire world with a flick of your finger, you have to fair on your abilities and what you teach your creations so in a way NO GOD MODING, even if you are a god
your people cannot get technology above gunpowder, for example, laser cannons and space cruisers are out of the question but nothing says you cannot use magic to create large war machines powered by such magic or steam tanks, boats or perhaps a special power source to allow futuristic objects, however the rule above does not allow an enormous magic powered weapon of mass destruction, or 1000ft tall robots with magic lasers while other gods only have weak forces, so you must weary not to make your things too powerful
other than that i dont think there should be much more of a problem apart from you would have to actualy show your culture has learnt skills of technology or magic, you cannot have a steam tank with a magic wizard fireing from it, if you do try to meld both magic and technologie then your forces will be weaker in both aspects even if you do have both slightly at your command
If a player says you can attack them and you have a war then it will be decided fairly and in depth by me to decide the winner
i will list a lot of info of how things will be run and certain Tech tree,s of roughly what sort of things you can build and cast
Burning thought
(do not post in this area yet plz
until the whole RP is started)
~sorry but you gotta get permission~
Originally posted by Shalimar_fox
~sorry but you gotta get permission~ (he did but we need a sign up thread..)
I am the God of steel, my civilization start's out in an island called Land Of Death. My civilization is called The People, they have mace's made of stone. There hair color is Maroon, they make sacrifices to there god by methodically dicing there un-fit twenty year old's. They are extremely muscular, and start out to be six feet tall. They have the physique of a Gorrila. There god's name is Bare, the god of steel. There greatest warior Comp wear's a bear's skull over his head, and he wear's Gothic cloth's. He rides a Grizzly bear and has a stone mace.
The People live in small hutt's and sleep on the ground.
don't post here
Burning thought
Originally posted by SuperChangeling
I am the God of steel, my civilization start's out in an island called Land Of Death. My civilization is called The People, they have mace's made of stone. There hair color is Maroon, they make sacrifices to there god by methodically dicing there un-fit twenty year old's. They are extremely muscular, and start out to be six feet tall. They have the physique of a Gorrila. There god's name is Bare, the god of steel. There greatest warior Comp wear's a bear's skull over his head, and he wear's Gothic cloth's. He rides a Grizzly bear and has a stone mace.
The People live in small hutt's and sleep on the ground.
(that seems very good but you must post in the INFO and GOD CREATION page
Burning thought
OK its started
Burning thought
The God of Time looked down on his people, he was only interested in their progress, through time they will learn powers, and will conquer this land, time has no place for these false gods, he thought to himself.
His people began building their houses and under the gods wisdom they flourished in their lands of the Timeless ones (thats the name of the area my people and god live in)
Burning thought
Researching.....................magic blast, 3 shots (range 25-40 metres)
(this will be done same time tomorrow, since it takes a day)
Akira the Goddess of Ice sat upon her ice thrown and watched her people below building their houses. "soon" she thought. Soon they would run the world and all the pathetic fools who dwelled within it. She looked across her land of Icy Muerta and smiled.
Researching level 1 barbarian/nomad fighter
(does this go along with my path of military sword fighting &enchanted weapons?)
Burning thought
erm......ime not following by my own rules
, so stupid of me, i researching the wrong one, ill start researching again on the right one, but youve done it right silent so well done
Burning thought
Researching..............level 1 Adept magic user
(now for my foolishness i have to wait even longer for my first research
Jade sat in her temple which was just above the waterfall."My dears you will not only rule over this land but you shall show the prudish other mortals that love is something that is need and you will all mix making only great race of power and peace.I always hear about power but as the other don't know peace is the way to enlightenment,so you shall so love to your enemy but crush them if they stand in the way of love"
Jade sat back and looked into the sky."now their must be something to do."
Level 1 Savage Brute
Path: Warfare
Bare dweled in his 300 foot underground liar And his 100 men built hutt's and camp's all around the area to please there god Bare.
studies single magic blast (range 10-20 metres)
Burning thought
Medrasadis was proud, his people from his wisdom have become adept magic users, their powers were gaining and he knew that eventually he would have to show his powers to make them realise that he is still their master, and they were his slaves. Medrasadis was sitting upon an enormous Obsidion throne, the continious flashses of light from the sky through the dark clouds moved with every sway of his hand. Light blasted through the clouding, light not from the sun but through time and space itself and through the Time gods will ,the clouds moved to create an enormous sign, the sign of eternity and infinity form and suddenly fell from the skies, it descended and finally slamming into the ground, sending Medrasadis' people fleeing the area. When his people finally came near the object he arose from his throne and picked up the obsidion sign that he created, "this is my sign, the sign of infinity, know well my power for you are mine, follow my rule, now learn, progress and become powerful, take this land as your own and in time you shall be the rulers of this land and eventually i will be the ruler of this world".
Medrasadis clenched his obsidion creation in his hands and threw it at his throne, it melded into the obsidion throne and created the emblem of eternity, it became the mark of the time god, all those that bear that mark belongs to him. His people in their robes bowed before him and some knelt, all in fear of his enormous form, as Medrasadis sat back in his throne his people set about working, they started building another town and every house and building they built they set the Mark of their god at the most prominent point of the building. Quickly the people of time cleared their lands of all the inhabitants that were not part of the Time gods plans, they were erased from time itself and where their small villages once stood enormous obsidion temples and statues were made in their place to the Time God and so the lands of the Time god were fully under his control.
Burning thought
learning..........magic blast, 3 shots (range 25-40 metres)
Burning thought
i currently have 1300 population
(it will take me 3 hours to build the town according to the rules)
I have 2,000 men and 100 warriors, with giant stone ball maces.
Lighting struck the mountains and the boulders fail for the poeple to make new maces, and to please there god there was thunder in the sky, and rain, Bare went out of the ground and made steel, he said one day you shall be the weilder of steel.
Bare stood tall and strong, remembering the day he came into exitence and killed Odin, it was raining steel, and he raised his mace, and screamed, I am above the norse, I will rule The Poeple!!!
Akira watched her people grow.She looked down upon them and shouted "You must build a vast glorious city for me!" she watched as her people immediatley got to work. She smiled "Excellent my children, we will not fail at conquering this world!" she let out a sinister laugh.
Reseaching level 2 trained warrior/martial artist
i have 1575 (i'm pretty sure)
((how do you have 2000 when i don't and i posted before you))
Burning thought
(indeed changeling, she did post first, she would have more people, also Akira you have to learn the researches in each level before you go on to the next one, you have already learnt level 1 of barbarian/nomad but you have to research all the special skills in that level such as
2. armoury that protects against fists and weak magical attacks
3. swords that are shaped well and balanced for skillful fighting, three bullets can be blocked with the sword
look on the info page for the swords and armour tech tree
remember you get the first one free but the rest you need to research seperatley for diffrent skills
(also wheres everyone, has they all gone and left or is it because its summer, only a few people have started, were gonner be very far ahead if they dont post, Fox may have gone on holiday and be away but wheres the other 7 odd people
Burning thought
building another town....
upgrading the old town into a village.... (this takes 5 hours)
Burning thought
Medrasadis watched the progress of his people, they were learning the ways of time fast, the power of the beam of time had come into their power, with it they quickly cleared the land of inhabitants and the Time gods realm was completly free of those who did not worship him, he used his powers over time to contruct his peoples housing within seconds inside the towns they had built, the towns were quickly upgrading and populating into villages, each house making a home for groups of his people.
the God of time shared his wisdom with his people, to teach them the ways of bolts, long range weapons that can destroy multiple enemies, this knowledge will fare them well once they had harnessed its power
Tzeentch stood tall in the deeps realms of oblivion. A pact of nomad warriors, dispersed from a past storm, huddled frightened and discouraged. You, forgotten children. Which one of you will stand to answer me? Of the seven men present, the one that seemed to represent the leader stood up. Although he knew not where the voice came from. You, bold one. I will erect 7 homes and you will rule it's capital. Take your friends and walk towards the mountains. Climb to where the air is thin, and the weather is harsh. Await me, and I will answer you.
The frightened men stood together and resolute, and marched their way on towards the designated mountains. They were all filled with a new hope and vigor as each one was surrounded by a blue aurora.
((o sorry
Akira looked down upon her people.She smiled she watched as their battle skills improved.
upgrade town into village this will take 8 hours
Originally posted by SilentSoul
Akira watched her people grow.She looked down upon them and shouted "You must build a vast glorious city for me!" she watched as her people immediatley got to work. She smiled "Excellent my children, we will not fail at conquering this world!" she let out a sinister laugh.
Reseaching level 2 trained warrior/martial artist
i have 1575 (i'm pretty sure)
((how do you have 2000 when i don't and i posted before you))
Fine, now its 2,000, researching level 2 savage brute, upgradeing weapons to bronze mace.
((i'm sorry i don't want to rain on your parade but i still don't even have 2000 people and i did the math for you you have about 1025 people as of 7:30 and i have 1800 people))
Darth Acheous
"My people. We must build a city and prosper. Soon we shall rule the world. But first we must rule the 7th sea( my"crib"
." The 1500 merman in his army started working on buildings and homes. The 500 commonners started digging tunnels. this will take 4 hours.
((*sigh* i think i'm crazy or people don't really seem to get the ruleswallbash))
Now I have 2,000 poeple and they have advanced to level 2 savage brute and have converted 50 more people as warriors. Now he sends them to build another town.
((bangin bash blowup chair death giljotiini helpsmilie nonoAHHHHHH!!!READ THE DAMN RULES!!!!))
Originally posted by SilentSoul
((*sigh* i think i'm crazy or people don't really seem to get the ruleswallbash))
Tzeentch watched slowly as his men climbed the harsh slopes of the neighboring mountains. Many of them questioned if even the voice they heard was real. "We were tired, thirsty, distraught at the lose of families and friends. We could have imagined him."
"All of us, imagine the same thing? Your joking," the leader refuted, still continuing his climb.
"Than why wasn't he a part of the stories. I don't remember a god by the name of tzeentch sitting amongst the halls of gold? I don't remember stories or songs made in his name, nor conquests in his glory. Why then, should we believe in a god who never exsisted until moments ago?"
"Who else do we have to turn to? What else do we have left? Where are our god's who sit in their halls of gold waiting for men to sing them tales of old?! This god has promised us a new home. 7 new homes! If you would wish to doubt, than doubt. Stay? Then stay! But I will climb these mountains one hundred times over, before I give in to a life of hopelessness and defeat!" Suddenly the blue auroras burst from each person and formed a large sphere infront of them. The wind stopped and the snow ceased, and there was silence in the mountains.
I have watched your ascent, and am proud of you. Although you trusted and climbed, only one of you truly held on to hope. One small sprite of the sphere traveled and encircled the man who remained firm while climbing the mountain. You remained faithful while others doubted you. And for that you will have the first city, Thousand Sons. And you shall be Arhiman.
Arhiman became encircled completely by the orb and the sphere began to grow. I have created a cave for you all. Rest, for tomorrow the first city will be erected, and you will see it's ruler. As the seven men made their way to the cave, Tzeentch stopped Arhiman, Wait, Arhiman. You must stay here with me. For in order for your transformation to be complete you must stand within this stasis. You have not grown completely adaptable in the ways of psyki.
Burning thought
(ok ok ill do all the math for each of you, only for now, and then ill trust you to do it yourself
Burning thought
ok from my calculations
according to the +50 per half hour rule for sword wielding and military pathed Gods and that Akira started before changeling this is how much people you have now:
Akira you have reached population cap of 4500 well done, yur on level 1 of military and now your researching armour, unless its finished. Also you have one city and i dont know but did you build a town and now u are upgrading it to a town, because everyone starts off with a city and you then build towns to upgrade to a village but you say your upgrading to a village when i dont remember seeing you build a town, also your doing well so your fine now anyway
Burning thought
changeling round about now you have 3100 people according to that rule, i dont know what researches you dont though so ill have to look and try to add it up
Burning thought
building another town...........
village through the power of time, instantly upgrades to a city......
(this is one of my gods 3 powers, instant upgrade from village to city, this would usually take a day to complete from village to city but with his power he made it happen instantly, for balance purposes it only works once every 2 days, it can be used to reverse the upgrade of an enemy city or one of my own as well)
Burning thought
The God of time watched his people building in his name, erasing from time those who did not follow him, he looked now over to a village that was slowly upgrading into a city. Medrasadis held his hour glass in the air, flashes of light came from the sky and clouds of light circles the great glass, he gestured towards the village and threw his arms forwards, light burst from his glass and flooded the village, the houses and streets and all of a sudden his people were frozen in time, suddenly the village rapidly grew, the obsidion and white magic marble that the God had his people make buildings out of formed across the village, within minutes a city that could of taken a day to build was finished, the Gods eyes flashed and his people bowed with amazement at the sudden building of their city.
feeling the power within him, growing he had to release it, his time powers could destroy this world if he allowed them to and so he sent his power through his Hour glass and directed to a nearby mountain that with a thunderous blast shattered into what seemed like glowing rain drops of white light. His people amazed at this prayed to him and once again studied their magics, the power of the bolt was nearly under their control
Jade looked at her people"come on,you bore me with your slow work."jade stood up and walked onto the small village.her people were trying their hardess to please her.
one of her priestess bowled before her"my queen,my lord,my god we are tring our best but we have less than 2,000 men and women.
Jade use look at her.i can solve fruitful from now on.~the Extra 15 people boost has just kicked in~
(ok ignore that last post where i said upgrade to village)
She was pleased with the progress that was taking place. But she was positively bored. There wasn't anyone to really talk to. Her servants did nothing for her when it came to talking they were all afraid of her. Though that did have its advatages but still she was bored. She smirked as she saw her population grow.(5300)
Building Town (takes no time)
Upgrade town into a Village (5 hours)
Burning thought
Originally posted by SilentSoul
as she saw her population grow.(5300)
(ur at ur pop cap, u have maximum capacity which is 4000 people)
Burning thought
Medrasadis looked upon his people, their progress and numbers had reached high, especially their numbers, he wanted to keep his numbers to 3000 and so drained the essence of time out of a few hundred people to keep to this number, young children were erased from time if any were born and it was a new commandment that none would be born, 3000 people was all he wanted and since he did not care for his peoples welfare and happyness he ignored their cries and punished those who attempted to disrupt his orders.
The power of bolts of time were at the disposal, his people were strongly under his power but a few tried their powers on their god, in their upset for not being able to breed, yet he smited them, and so the revolts slowly decreased, thanks to having two cities and towns building he had his people go into two halves, some training and learning one magic way and the other city learning another
Burning thought
learning........... teleport long range (120-180 feet)
learning............. summon trained imp
(now i have two cities i can learn two things at a time)
building town......... (instantly built)
upgrading town to village.............. (5 hours)
upgrading new town to village...........(5 hours)
~learning magic blast, 3 shots (range 25-40 metres)
. AOE magic blast (range of 25-40 metres with a 12 metres blast radious)
upgrade town two village.
People leaarn about the love beam~Jade looked up.Maybe i'll see how my friend is doing."Jade took an snow white dove."go to the land of time "
~burning i'm sorry to ask this of it is we are all tring to upgrade are own stuff but could you look over may char .i'll be leaving less than 24 hours.if your to busy don't worry about it ~
Burning thought
ofc ill try
Akira smiled seeing her population grow. Perhaps it was too large. She sent out a law out forbidding anymore to be born. Some disobeyed and she had to to kill them but she ket her population at an even 4000. She wondered if perhaps she should make an allie or two. But for now she had to focus on building for her serbants had no place to reside.
building town 2
upgrading into Village
researching 3. swords that are shaped well and balanced for skillful fighting, three bullets can be blocked with the sword
Makeing 11 foot maces that can crush a bear
Learning bronze armor that can block bullets
Learning more strength and military acticts
Building main villiage in a swamp.
Population 2089.
Bare shouted
The first city stood proud as the sun rose to meet the mountain tops. And Arhiman was the first to gaze at his city. "So, all this is mine."
Worry not, Arhiman. As humble as it looks, it is only the beginning of a glorius empire. But not one of rule, nor of conquest, but of knowledge. You are here to help the world, not destroy it. I will stretch out my mighty hand and bring the knowledge of countless generations into your grasp. Those who have fallen, and those who still live on. You are the historian for all oblivian. Follow me, and I will grant you knowledge beyond your wildest dreams.
Arhiman paused, stunned at the proposition made before. His entire destiny and life had been plotted before him. What he once knew and thought, all that he lived for, had been contested by the arrival of this entity. What would he do? What would he say? Would he truly accept this for what he knew it to be? "Tzeentch, when I was weak and had nothing to live for. When this world had taken from me all that I had and loved, you came to me. You came to all of us," he said pointing to his friends who were all agasped by the new wonder of a home. "You gave us hope, and brought us back from an internal darkness. You gave us our lives back!" His friends all agreed with solmen nodds and grunts, "what else are we to say, my lord? Who are we to deny you your will?" Arhiman kneeled before Tzeentch; his head held low, "You are the master, and we are the servants. Do unto us, as you please." Arhiman's friends followed suit, and they all knelt before Tzeentch.
Rise my faithful children. For your reward will be great in the near future. Now, we have a generation and legacy to be made. Time waits for no one. With that, each of them went into the city and begin to slowly aquire the growth of knowledge that had been promised to them.
*Free*Super Heal
-Magic Beam
-*Currently*level 1 barbarian/nomad fighter: 1. basic fighting skills, karate chops and kicks or simple head locks and punches of strength*currently*
-Level 1 Engineering:3. small steam boats, unarmed, max 25 ft length, 10ft width)
-level 2 Master Engineering: 4. small aircraft, unarmed, 20ft length, 10ft width max.
-level 2 mana magi: 7. strong forcefield (for 10 mins 20 units are invulnerable to all infatnry based weapons and light weapons, this is only usuable by imps, lesser monsters and unarmed monsters of any class wether greater or lesser and only effects them, however unarmed monsters can cast this on smaller troops which affects 20 units)
-level 3 magician:7. masters blast (this mastery attack creates an enormous explosion of magic, instantly killing 200 soldiers, there is no protection from this spell other than kill super beast casters which are the only ones that cast it, the player must tell his oppoent that he is going to use it and then the opponent must check its forces to see if it has anything to hit the back lines and destroy the super beast caster, if he/she doesnt then 200 soldiers die, this spell is only cast once)
-level 4 master magician:3. beam of death and destruction (this beam can destroy any 1 medium target or lower with one shot and may be used 5 times, the beam not only destroys that target but also all smaller enemies in the target line)
-level 5 Archmage:1. Summon Monstrous Leviathon (can be of any length or heigh to a maximum of 2000 feet, can cast all spells unless super spells and can fly, swim or walk on land, can summon with it two enormous monsters and three greater summoning monsters, such a creature is immune to all infantry weapons and only high powered weapons can do significant damage. Only one can be in an army at a time and it can only be used once in a battle every 3 days)
That'll be all. I'll be sure to update the list everytime I get on. Sorry if it seems a little much. And the normal rules apply, I just don't have to keep writing it, or forgetting them.]
Burning thought
(hmm it seem you are going along the path of War and military, Engineering and magic at the same time, although this is not against the rules you can only research the first three levels of each one if you choose these paths all at the same time and you can only go by the normal path and not the half god or master god paths apart from perhaps magic but 4 levels is still the limit if you want to research a bit of each, a combination of magic, technology and warrior skills)
I upgrade my swamp own into village, nd then I lern moire strength and bigger maces.
building town 3
upgrading to village
Researching 4. the strength to leap into battle from a small distance (10ft-15ft jump)
Burning thought
upgrading both villages into cities
one village upgrades instantly due to the powers of time
learning.............. AOE magic blast (range of 25-40 metres with a 12 metres blast radious)
learning......................... summon trained lesser monster (summon any type of monster but it must be smaller than 20ft in heigh/length and cannot fly but can cast level 1 spells and can fight with claws or one special long range attack of up to 70 metres range maximum, these creatures may have ONE unique special ability)
summoning.............10 trained imps (this takes 1/2 hour for each one, 5 hours and their all done)
Darth Acheous
building military citadel to protect the city.(no time due to water power and the forts and such are frozen waves).
upgrade town to village.............4 hours
learning..........water blast 3 shots(24-40 meters)
upgrade weopons arrows and longswords
upgrade armor to............sea turtle body armor and sahrkscale helms
Burning thought
building 2 towns that built instantly
both towns upgrading to Village, (5 hours)
summoning 10 trained lesser monster , standing 15 ft tall, with large claws, their bodies completly white as if covered in snow, yet their bodies are rough like reptiles, they have one central eye like a cyclopse that glows much like the Time gods, this eye can fire beams of time energies that dissolve bodies of small soldiers instantly, each monster can kill 10 men with its beam before its eye loses its time powers, the eye can do the special long range attack of 70 metres in the form of a beam, and burns through bodies.
learning.........summon stealth water beast (summons an armed water beast that can use melee attacks or 1 long range attack, it can also periodically go invisble for 5 minutes for stealth but cannot attack while in this state)
learning...............levitation (any small soldier or lesser creature casting this can fly for 5 minutes)
the people of Medrasadis done their battle staffs once more and kill some neighbouring villages of pagans who do not yield to the time god and so get destroyed through powerful bolts and beams of time energy, supprised by the new ability of teleportation and the explosions of time that come from those that have teleported the inhabitants of the towns fall back only to be eaten or vaporised by the power of the trained Yadrasas beasts that the people of Time have learnt to summon.
Upgrading Village 1 into city
Researching meditation (power of meditation to heal the mind body and soul at the same time as giving the ability to dodge bullets for a a minute or two)
Akirasmirked as she saw her people getting stronger. With an Icy hand and cool breath she pointed to a village to the west and said in two simple words "Destroy it!" she watched with an evil grin as they immediatly obeyed and used their newly aquired skills and jumped like fleas to the town. She let out an bone chilling laughter as she saw the village destroyed and its inhabitants. They were rebels anyway..useless. "Now rebuild it!"(Building town 3 upgrading into village ) The progress was going smoothy and there was a city on the way as well.
Darth Acheous
upgrading town 1 into village 3hours
upgrade armor to metal plates and seaturtle-shell sheilds
upgrading weopons to stone-tip arrows and spears and pikes,sharpstone swords
building town 2 on reef that crosses over to a beach.....(4 hours)
upgrading cavalry to sharks and 50ft-long snapping turtles forged by darakulum each takes 1/2 hour and I am making 10 so they will take 5
hours total. 5 will go to my home city's citadel and 5 will go to my new
cities citadel witch takes no time because of the same reason as last.
researching............ whirlpool level 1(15ft whirlpool)
"be fruitful my sea-dwellers........250 more soldiers a day, 250 more villagers a day. todays newborns go to the new city and citadel.
reserhcing.............freeze wave(towns get built 1/2 hour quicker because many buildings are made of ice.
Darth Acheous
is there an ice god. if there is do you want to be my ally
Burning thought
love god:
6 towns built
6 towns developing into village..............(takes a day for all)
learning........ summon imp (unarmed, only economic)
Burning thought
(yes i think silentsoul is ice)
learning............greater water walk (walk on water for 3 hours)
learning............ super heal (heal 50 people within 100 feet range)
Medrasadis was told by a messanger that years ago many people had moved from their cities to breed and create a new life, and that now they have grown into the thousands that they are preparing to attack to destroy the time god and create their own peoples under their own law
"our forces are prepared, they have not got the knowledge of our powers, they will be utterly destroyed, it doesnt matter, they can become a sign to our enemies of our power and training for our people"
The time god had tought his people of levitation, the ability of flight for even a small while gave them great posibilities, the power of time healing and water walk was being tought to his people so that they would progress even more
Darth Acheous
upgrading town 2 into village
learning...............rogue wave (50ft long 15ft high wave that turns over boats)
advancing giant turlte armor to metal plating.
making 2 turles (1 hour)
building town on a beach (3 1/2 hours)
building citadel to protect it(no time)
upgrading weopons to enchanted titanium swords and steel-tip arrows
upgrading armor to metal plates and sheilds
upgrade cavalry to giant squids ( 1 hour to make each) making 4 that all go to my home city
reserching.............. mega water blast( 40- 62 feet)
Darth Acheous
3 towns built 1 is a village
(yes i am Ice i'll be an ally)
building town 4 upgrading into village 4
Akira was pleased that her city was being built quickly. She stood and pointed her hand to the direction of the sea. Immediatley a blue mist appeared from her hand and made an ice bridge leading to the ocean. She saught to find the Master God of Water. She stood upon the bridge and crouched slighlty, her body was suddenly propelled forward with a blast of icy cool air. She found herself at the ocean in moments and awaited for the water god to reveil himself.
Darth Acheous
infront of Akira there was huge whirlpool and it reversed and started to mound and turn black then it took shape of a huge dragon" why have you come to my domain. Do you wish to battle or ally?"
Akira smirked" i've come to make the proposel of an alliance."She lifted her finger and make a small symbol and her ice staff formed in her hand. She was ready to fight if she had to, water would not be a bad ally to have, plus maybe on occasion she could use it to advantage.
Originally posted by AOR
Updated list
*Free*Super Heal
-Magic Beam
-level 1 barbarian/nomad fighter: 1. basic fighting skills, karate chops and kicks or simple head locks and punches of strength
-Level 1 Engineering:3. small steam boats, unarmed, max 25 ft length, 10ft width)
-level 2 Master Engineering: 4. small aircraft, unarmed, 20ft length, 10ft width max.
-level 2 mana magi: 7. strong forcefield (for 10 mins 20 units are invulnerable to all infatnry based weapons and light weapons, this is only usuable by imps, lesser monsters and unarmed monsters of any class wether greater or lesser and only effects them, however unarmed monsters can cast this on smaller troops which affects 20 units)
-level 3 magician:7. masters blast (this mastery attack creates an enormous explosion of magic, instantly killing 200 soldiers, there is no protection from this spell other than kill super beast casters which are the only ones that cast it, the player must tell his oppoent that he is going to use it and then the opponent must check its forces to see if it has anything to hit the back lines and destroy the super beast caster, if he/she doesnt then 200 soldiers die, this spell is only cast once)
Darth Acheous
"than it shall be.I will send 6 war turtles to your home city as my debt of promise. now you shall give me something that you would not give if you were to turn on me.The turtles will arrive in a few hours.(3 to be precise)"
building city in a trench(3 1/2 hours)citadel over it (no time)
"Very well then" Her eyes rolled to the back of her head and ice twisted up her body then it cracked and fell to the ground. She appeared with a small snow globe in her hand. There were tiny fake ice people inside along with a city. She placed her hand on it and said "briser mourir" then she tossed it to him, if he dropped it,it wouldn't matter it was unbreakable. "If i turn against you 2000 of my people will be instanly destroyed and a city will perish with it." she smirked "well this is true as long as you do not turn on me." This was true for her ancestors had used snowglobes like this one to make very similar alliances.
Researching level 2 trained warrior/martial artist
1. slick blades (can throw sword like a knife, the magic upon it makes it come back to the hands of the warrior who had thrown it)
2. armoury that protects against bullets for a small amount of time
Ugrading village 2 into city
Building town 5 upgrading into village 5
Burning thought
learning................metamorphasis (instantly transforms 5 small enemy soldiers into trained imps)
extending mastery....................level 2 mana magi
all cities complete, no more towns to build
The Time god was pleased at his growing empire, he wanted progress from his people still and so now with 6 cities errected he could work his people hard into learning 3 skills at a time at the same time as deeming them worthy of his most powerful knowledge once he knew they were ready
he and his soldiers battled against the renegates, it was more of a slaughter than a battle, the renegades fought with sticks and knew only simple spells that could not even be cast fast enough before they died, the combination of teleportation, flight and accelertaed speed they burnt the flesh and bones off of the bodies of their enemies with bolts, beams and explosions of time energy, plus the help of their trained imps and beasts prevailed
they had only lost 12 people in the battle that claimed thousands of the lives of the renegades, in the end their towns were demolished and the Time god turned their remains to time dust that evaporated and got abosrbed into him, strengthening him a little
"this is what we shall do to most of the other gods in this world" the time god said to his people in a dark and low voice
Burning thought
i suppose, did i build 6 then, sorry if i did, i must of miscounted, only a maximum of 6 really, i suppose you could build more if you wanted to but 6 is really all are in effect, you cannot build more so that your enemy has more to capture for them to defeat you
Upgradeing village in swamp into MAIN CITY
POP: 7000, army 6000, farmers 500, builders 100, citizens 400
Bare ordered his men to follow him to see the God of war Tauris, instead of attacking him, they asked that he would go to war with them, he said
"Steel and War make the perfect Match, and shall steel and war join to battle?"
Burning thought
your pop limit is 4500, you cannot have more men than that)
Originally posted by Burning thought
your pop limit is 4500, you cannot have more men than that)
POP: 4,500
Darth Acheous
how do you up your pop. limit? cause every day my people gain another 2000 according to what I wrote the other day...
super challeninging, if it is ok with silentsoul to join me than I wish to have war against your pathetic "empire".rifleI shall pawn thee
Indeed a war would be most excellent
upgrading village 3 into a city.
Darth Acheous
3000 soldiers 12 war turtles 50 sharks 1 giant squid... U R screwed!!! thats just my army wait til silent figures hers... HAA
Burning thought
learning..............strong forcefield (for 10 mins 20 units are invulnerable to all infatnry based weapons and light weapons, this is only usuable by imps, lesser monsters and unarmed monsters of any class wether greater or lesser and only effects them, however unarmed monsters can cast this on smaller troops which affects 20 units)
learning................summon necromancer (same as half god necromancer)
learning.....................summon summoner monster (same as half god summoner monster)
Medrasadis readies his people, he smelt war, perhaps he should prepare his people to take some lands, his lands of time were large indeed but they would need more space to ready their forces and to amass more buildings and places where his beasts of war can live.
Originally posted by Darth Acheous
how do you up your pop. limit? cause every day my people gain another 2000 according to what I wrote the other day...
super challeninging, if it is ok with silentsoul to join me than I wish to have war against your pathetic "empire".rifleI shall pawn thee
The god gives a divine intervention and The Poeple Upgrade to 14 foot steel maces, thats just the ball of the mace, able to crush a Polar Bear.
Up my POP limit by building more house',
Upgrade to iron armor able to block three gun shot's.
Up the strength and durribility to my poeple, recruits all men into warriors and all wemon into black smith'.
They get on Warbears and await word from the god of war Tuaris.
Originally posted by Darth Acheous
3000 soldiers 12 war turtles 50 sharks 1 giant squid... U R screwed!!! thats just my army wait til silent figures hers... HAA
Wait til my "Polar Bear crushing and WAR BEARS!" get to your army, and Tauris get's to your army!
Burning thought
Originally posted by SuperChangeling
Up my POP limit by building more house',
4500 is always the limit for military users, magic people like me and many others is 3000 and technology is 2000 i think but theres nothing you can do to get it higher, its the rules
also who is Tauris, theres no god called Tauris as far as i can see, theres only me, you, Fox, Darth, AOR and Silent
Making 5 Polar Bears
Making 2 Musk ox
Making 10 arctic wolves
Akira smiled she was quite pleased with her alliance with the water god, perhaps now she could make creatures of the arctic water...
Researching 3. monster wrestling (the strength to beat down upon small monsters and fight skillfully against them and sometimes kill them outright with a mighty manouver, only 10% of the armies warriors train in this skill)
4. call of spirit (can bring back 70 dead men to fight once again, can be used 10 times a battle)
upgrading village 4 into city
Burning thought
(if their smaller than 15 ft tall then they will take 1/2 hour each, 15ft-80ft tall would take an hour each, 80ft-300ft would be 7 hours each and finally anythng from 300ft-1000ft or perhaps more, forgot the limit but it would take a whole day for it to be built, their lesser creatures i would of thought)
so it will take 8 1/2 hours to make them,but since an hour already passed by so 7 1/2 hours))
making 10 more arctic war wolves
making 2 more musk ox
Originally posted by Burning thought
4500 is always the limit for military users, magic people like me and many others is 3000 and technology is 2000 i think but theres nothing you can do to get it higher, its the rules
also who is Tauris, theres no god called Tauris as far as i can see, theres only me, you, Fox, Darth, AOR and Silent
Ultra-Trunks is Tauris remember the God creation page?
AOR will you be my ally?
Captureing 50 Polar Troll's
Captureing 10 swamp Garilla's,
Captureing 40 war croc's
Burning thought
Originally posted by SuperChangeling
Ultra-Trunks is Tauris remember the God creation page?
i guess but he hasnt started yet if he ever is, although he probly would make a good ally you would have to wait until he has a sizable army before he could help you, going to war with his 100 starting people would be bad
also it takes as much time to summon as it does to capture, train etc etc, if your capturing they each take 1/2 hour to capture, you cant instantly get 100 things to help you
Burning thought
learning...... summon lesser armed flying monster (summon any flying monster that can cast level 2 spells along with its own FAIR powers it is given, it can have 2 unique powers that you can give it, it moves at a fast speed)
learning.........summon greater trained unarmed monster (summon any type of monster, can fly and cast benefitial spell on your troops such as shields, speed boosts and healing, also for every one of these, 30 of your troops gain an increase in range by 40 metres for all skills and faster movement speed)
learning...........healer (heals 50 soldiers per 5 minutes of the battle, may have 4 healers in an army only,they are weak so protect them, they have no
summoning......5 necromancers, basically the people of time only dressed in black and wear skeleton masks
summoning.....10 summoner monsters, 15 ft summoners, muscular and much like the lesser trained monster in appearance only it has a pair of huge white horns coming from its head and wields the power of summoning
total summoning time= 7 1/2 hours
current army: 3000 soldiers,10 imps, 10 lesser monsters, soon to have 5 necromancers and 10 summoner monsters
Burning thought
a rogue group of beasts, thought to be sent by the god of water crawled up on the shores, they looked alot like beasts of his creation and attacked the populace, the creatures were like giant, four legged fish beasts only with human torso's and large ice spears
Medrasadis focused his time power, vapourising most of the group while his soldiers dealt with the remaining beasts "hmm these may or may not have been from the god of water, but if he wishes to do battle he is going to be destroyed, it is a shame, the god of water would of been a useful ally" the god of time wondered, he was not one to take drastic action and so sent an imp with a message to the god of water, its leathery wings flapped and soon it was in the air, it was prepared to defend itself if it was attacked but knew its purpose and so it went.
other monsters were being summoned into the army, to become part of time and so to ever increase the time gods ranks
Akira looked over her land of Icy Muerta and smiled her army was alligned 4200 level 2 soldiers (not all skills are complete) , 14 arctic wolves(so far), 4 musk oxes(very large animal, like buffalo but bigger),and 5 polar bears.She wondered if she should make more polar bears...*ding* a light just went off in her head she knew what she wanted to make next....
Making 2 Polar bears
Making 4 White Siberian Tigers
It took me all of today and yesterday but I now have
100 Swamp Gorrila's
50 War Bear's
And 25 Ocean Crocadiles.
Originally posted by SuperChangeling
AOR will you be my ally?
Captureing 50 Polar Troll's
Captureing 10 swamp Garilla's,
Captureing 40 war croc's
Attack Not, lest ye is attacked
Sorry dude, I'm a pacifist. Notice on my technology list, it all defense. Maybe farther into the game I might play a little more on the offensive.
Originally posted by AOR
Attack Not, lest ye is attacked
Sorry dude, I'm a pacifist. Notice on my technology list, it all defense. Maybe farther into the game I might play a little more on the offensive.
I need some one to help me defend against the two joined god's, and I need some one to trade with. I will suply you
200000 gallens of water
1200987 gold
5000 tons of steel
something of your choic3e that you have a veriety of.
Or I could trade alot of something you need for 5000 tons of steel!!!
So the question is what would I give you for 5000 tons of steel? Well what do you want?
Originally posted by SuperChangeling
It took me all of today and yesterday but I now have
100 Swamp Gorrila's
50 War Bear's
And 25 Ocean Crocadiles.
that doesn't make any sense you would of have to of said that you were making them and you didn't so technically your cheating...
I could do the same thing and be like i have 200 tigers it took me two days to do it. It wouldn't count because no where two days ago did i say i was making 200 you follow me?
Making 10 tigers
Making 10 arctic wolves
Originally posted by SilentSoul
that doesn't make any sense you would of have to of said that you were making them and you didn't so technically your cheating...
I could do the same thing and be like i have 200 tigers it took me two days to do it. It wouldn't count because no where two days ago did i say i was making 200 you follow me?
I thought some one would not understand, earlier I captured the same creature's, but I said it took no time, sence then they have been being captured, so far I have captured only 50 in all, follow?
not really, but nevermind i'll let Burning handle it
Originally posted by SilentSoul
not really, but nevermind i'll let Burning handle it
Why are you trying so frantically to accuse me?
i wouldn't say i'm frantic, nor did i accuse you in my last post i just said that i would let burning handle it, and that is 'if' there really is a problem it just doesn't make sense to me....and no there would be no point to the game if there wasn't any competition.
Considering Changlings bann, I motion the the taking over of his land and technology under my control. No objections? Wonderful, we will commence operation cleanup immediately euro
Darth Acheous
AOR would you like to join me and silent to destroy mr i am awsome?
wait he got banned? and Darth burning sent a messanger guy to you, i think he wanted to make allies O_O..but whatever i don't care
Darth Acheous
Originally posted by SilentSoul
wait he got banned? and Darth burning sent a messanger guy to you, i think he wanted to make allies O_O..but whatever i don't care my name is darth acheous! Darakulum sent a messenger to the god his spies had told him of... I Darakulum wish to have you as an ally. In the name of my people I ask your great nation to acheive an alliance with me. Refusal will result in war and that will result to domination of your people. choose wisely.
i know there is supposed to be a comma between Darth and burning. I was just abbreviating (sp?) your name.
In my army i have 4200 soldiers,7 Polar Bears,4 Musk Ox, 30 Arctic Wolves, and 14 tigers. Darth Acheous and i shall pawn all those who oppose us!!
Upgrading Village 5 into City
Researching 5. shield of reflections (every soldier can carry this shield or only a certain amount, this shield can reflect one small spell, the reflected spell hits its caster instead or dispears completly, after the shield reflects a spell it becomes a normal shield)
6. enchant speed (enchants the boots of the wearers so that they run much faster, 20% increase, can only be done to 30% of the soldiers in the army)
Making 3 Polar Bears (just want to even that out)
Researching ::7. war cry (calls forth barbariens and nomads from natural villages or from their homes to join your god for this battle only, adds 100 men to your army for the battle)
level 3 general/martial master
1. reflexes (can dodge many bullets, can only be tought to 20% of army)
2. shield of absorbtion (can equip up to 20% of army with shield, makes many attacks such as crushing attacks from large creatures be absorbed into the shield, the shield can survive 3 of such attacks before breaking)
3. masters sprit call (calls forth 200 men from the dead to fight once again)
Darth Acheous swimmers(swimming at 40 mph affects 20% of the army)
12 war turtles ( 1 day)4 giant squid(no time for math gotta get some vidoe game crap done on KOTOR)
Burning thought
sorry guys for not posting, ive been on holiday and may have a lot of holidays to come, can i have a summary of whats happened, i read the posts but i need it to be put all out in front of me as one clear post
Burning thought
learning........super metamorphasis (transforms 20 enemy small soldiers into trained imps)
learning..............deadly transformation ( tranforms a medium sized or smaller creature into 10 trained imps or one lesser armed flying monster)
i think ive got all the level 2 stf now
extending knowlege of magic to level 3 magician
summoning........5 greater unarmed monsters, each takes an hour to build, has many spells, walks on all fours, resembles a mammoth, only its skin is metallic and dark like steel and shiny, has many spikes coming from it, can cast benificial spells
summoning..............4 healers, each take 1/2 hour, they look like my people only they wear white robes
summoning........10 lesser armed flying monster , flies fast but is small and can send blasts of time energies from its mouth, its appearance is batlike apart from it is completly white, with short fur on its back, its face is eyeless and has a large hole for a mouth without any teeth, it has 2 pairs of short legs but instead of feet it has spikes which are difficult to walk on, it has the power to freeze up to 50 enemy soldiers or 5 medium sized or 10 small sized creatures in time, they cannot move for the rest of the battle but if the battle ends for the enemy side then their soldiers survive and come back to life, this power can only be used twice in a battle, no matter how many lesser armed flying monsters there are, also these creatures can cloak in invisibility, their temperature disapears as well as odours and are completly undetectable apart from imps, creatures of powerful mind powers and specially designed machines to locate stealthed creatures
destroying 5 imps to make summoning room for flyers
total summoning time= 12 hours
current army= 3000 soldiers,5 imps, 10 lesser monsters,5 necromancers, 10 summoner monsters and soon to have 4 healers, 10 lesser armed flying monsters and 5 unarmed greater monsters
4. silence, a powerful spell that stops lower level enemies than you from casting spells for 2 minutes, only affects 10% of enemy army but can be a major boon, can be cast twice (this does not affect large or medium sized creatures nor enemies higher than level 3)
5. master craftmens armour, this armour can absorb many bullet shots and some spells that are level 2 or lower, cannot affect Master god spells however but bullets are affected all the same, also the armour can take a couple of powder rockets or small cannon blasts but doesnt protect much against it. (this must be the last research done in level 3)
6. long swords, one handed giant swords that slice through enemies, can take many at a time and the power of the hits can sometimes send certain creatures to their feet)
10 tiger
10 arctic wolves
{too busy to post time..have to go..}
Darth Acheous
OMG i have not posted on here in forever. Hey silentsoul do you think you could take over my god if I stop posting for more than 1 day cuz i have found myself to be in way too many rpgs. gotta go.
Burning thought
Goddess of love:
learning.......... teleport short range (20-30 feet)
upgrading 6 villages into cities, takes a day
ill try to control your god
Researching: 7. enchant of fire, weapons burn with fire allowing to sear flesh and even cause pain to lesser monsters and some medium beasts, can evaporate frozen enemies,if enchanted on armour it will protect the wearer from the first fire attack unless the attack is of master god level (this can also combines with ice to create the special ability, only 15% of the army can use this enchant)
8. enchant of ice, makes weapons turn enemies to frozen blocks for small amounts of time on striking making them useless, only affects small enemies, while frozen ice weapons do not affect them but normal weapons and fire are deadly, if enchanted on armour it will protect the wearer from the first ice attack unless the attack is of master god level (this power combines with fire to form a special power, also only 10% of the army can use this enchant)
(special: frost and flame, this combination of fire and ice can freeze enemies in a small area as the sword hits flesh at the same time as sending heat through the ice which evaporates it, can be effective against smaller monster and groups of weak opponents)
level 4 hero of ages
1. mount mastering (increase speed by 60%, your people can ride a mount such as a horse or other creature)
2. call of the dead (calls forth 500 dead warriors to fight once more from the dead)
He he he my warriors are getting beastly
Darth Acheous
im gonna go and die on my least favorite rpgs so i have less to keep track of.hang time to die...
Burning thought
Originally posted by Darth Acheous
im gonna go and die on my least favorite rpgs so i have less to keep track of.hang time to die...
is your god dead now?......
Darth Acheous
NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! i did not die on here but i might kill myself off on darkness reign.
Burning thought
oh i see, i was worried a minuted there
Darth Acheous
I think you just want me to die
Burning thought
well the god of time would like some more land
no not really, the less people in the RP, the less people will post in it, and then it will become really boring
Darth Acheous
I kinda dont understand how all the powering up goes if you noticed that i do everything different
building town and citadel... 3 1/2 hours
Resaerching 3. armor of mana (a magical armour that absorbs many spells below level 3 and can survive many level 4 or lower spells as well but does not have good protection against physical power, such armour is especially expensive to craft and so only 45% of the army can wear it)
4. super strength, can wrestle and beat smaller creatures easily, and can throw over some medium sized enemies, only 20% of your army can learn this strength.
5. hero's vigour, your men fight through most damage, if a man is riddled with thousands of bullets or only loses an arm and is near death, his body through heroic power becomes indestructible for 2 minutes before dieing, people who die from this however can never be resurrected, only effects 200 people maximum and can be cast only once per battle)
what happened to all the peolple who were gunna join..
Burning thought
ime afraid ime going on holiday for a few weeks so ill be away, happy posting though
Aureck Pon
this thread is deathly ill we should not let it die so young.
Burning thought
ime back, and yes its a shame, seems not many people seem to like the idea of being a god...they want more of a story, but even if i make more story based games no ones interested.....
Aureck Pon
yah. sorry silentsoul but you are now without an ally. i must quit for i am too buisy with other crap
Burning thought
ok sorry everyone but this RP is dead, enjoy yourselves on other RP's
, this just didnt go the way i planned
Aureck Pon
... HAHA
sowwy bout dat. can we stiw be fwinds pu pu pu pweez
Burning thought
Originally posted by Aureck Pon
... HAHA
who me and you......ofcourse, i didnt think the RPG was going the way i thought it was anyway which is a shame but....
sowwy bout dat. can we stiw be fwinds pu pu pu pweez
you now i think the problem was the everyone just could not remember all the powers and rule along with the number of people
Burning thought
yeah, i think i gave people too much customisation and too many skills, this is more of an unhosted game with a host but it came out as just a game of constant research, not much fighting and people forgetting what they have...oh well it probably COULD of been a good game if it was played diffrently some how
yes, *sigh* tis unfortunate
well get rid of some of the powers and upgrade stuff and move it the unhosted
Aureck Pon
its a bit late for that now. i mean there are only like 3 or 4 people who have posted on here in a long time... i could go to other forums and try to get people to come here...
Burning thought
hmm i think we should let it die, i think it wasnt a bad idea, just shown as a bad one and became too complcated
Aureck Pon
maybe you could make a sequal...
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