A L I E N VS. PREDATOR Discussion/Sign-up
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Blaxican Hydra
THis has permisssion for all you jackoffs who are always bothering people abut it...
Story takes place about ten years after the events in A L I E N S: Resurrection.
The Company has recieved a distress call from a barely inhabited planet called Mantross VI. The Company sends a platoon of Marines to the planet, giving them fiftey-days to either report back to them or return to Earth, after fiftey-days The Company will send an additional squad of Marines, as well as a transport ship to pick them up.
The Marines land on the planet, only to find it almost completely deserted. Their are only a few survivors. In the process of investigating their ship is destroyed, and they come into contact with the A L I E N S.
Now the marines have to survive until The Company sends the Transport Ship.
Aside from the Marines and A L I E N S, several Predators hae also landed on the planet to partake in a hunt. The Predators show no discrimination toward either species, and slaughter Human and A L I E N alike.
Playable people are:
A) Marines, unlimited amount.
B) Colonist Survivors. Also Unlimited
C) Predators, no more than five.
A)No godmoding
B) Keep cussing to a minimum, if possible.
C) No bashing, or flaming
D) If you need to talk OOC, than talk in the OOC thread I will make.
E) Enjoy yourselves.
I am going to control the ALIENS, and will start off random life threatining events for all three races.
Character Template
Specialty: (As in, what you excell at, Sniping, demolitions, ect.
Name: ScarJ
Gender: Male
Race: a black predator
Appearance: a normal Hunter predator
Bio/History: uh he was born to kill
Specialty: hand-to-hand
Blaxican Hydra
Originally posted by SpadeKing
Race: a black predator
Hey..why are you still here?
sounds interesting ill join
Name: Anthony Ramirez*side note; nickname is Atin*
Race: Latino
Bio/History: Scored best marksmen in the whole army, but preffers to be infanrty instead of sniper. He carriers two hand guns, a assalut rifle, small med kiy, back pack of the usal needs. Basiclay the usal, but he carriers a special attachment to his rifle so that it can be split into to smgs, and in regular mode can be changed to sniping scope. his ranking is Sergent Major
Specialty: ^^^ prefers inafantry^^^^
Blaxican Hydra
Thats two...
yeah i look liek jango
Race: Predator
Appearance: Normal predator hunter,
Bio/History: he was born to hunter, it is his purpose
Specialty: He excels is using his spear, he lacks in hand to hand
Blaxican Hydra
Okay, two mroe predator spots are open.
thats 4 total now all we need is rex
been waiting for this one to open yay
Appearance:large and built like most of the predators, his helmet has symbols of his kills on it. On his back spinal cords of his prey are strapped down. The end of the spines have been carved so he may use them as throwing spears, A short laser rests on his right shoulder and his helmet resembles that of the second predator who brawled with an alien in AVP.
Bio/History:When he was young he excelled in many of his assignments him and a squad of predators were sent to earth to fight the alien's hundreds of years earlier. He and one other survived. He stayed by his friend that he had survived the challenge with until they met another creature it seemed weaker but was strong and somewhat smart the humans. They killed them off but his ally was shot in the chest and died. He went back to the ship in mourning until they were back on earth in the year two thousand and four all the predators had fallen who fought the aliens. One rested where he died but he carried a passenger aboard a predalien. It was his hardest foe ever. An elder fought it to the death and in the end many had died. Now he is sent on this mission to finish off the alien's and the humans alike for good.
Specialty:Is great at ranged battles
edit: I'm still the predator leader correct?
Aureck Pon

apperance:basically the predator schwartzeneggar fought becuase that was his father.
bio: he was born around 200 years ago and hates humans because they killed his father when he was on a mission. the aliens have never been his favorite species and he wants to kill them all because they are the ones who killed his grandfather. his entire life purpose is to extinct bose of those species and to one day become the leader of the predators.
speciality:demolition and ranged combat although he does well in melee he preffers to blow shit up and shoot people.
Name: Robert Abrahamian
Gender: Male
Race: Human/Colonist Survivor
Appearance: 5'6" 125 lbs. Short, blond, hair. Brown eyes.
Bio/History: Robert was born in Armenia, has an accent, and stutters. He grew up with overprotective parents. They always wanted the best for him, but he was not content with his boring life on Earth. As soon as he heard the first ship full of colonists was heading for Mantross VI, he jumped at the opportunity for adventure, and was the first colonist to step foot on the newly discovered planet.
Specialty: Being a colonist, "Robby", as he is called, only has a hunting rifle, but he played football in high school, and is strong in hand to hand combat, and when he uses his butcher's knife.
Blaxican Hydra
Originally posted by Bocaj
edit: I'm still the predator leader correct?
Yes. This is excellent, all of the predator slots are filled up, now we need like 1 0r 2 marines than I can start it.
Originally posted by Blaxican Hydra
Hey..why are you still here?
someone is trying to sneak on my screen name and we have been having alot of thunderstorms cancelling our two-a-day practices and school w00t
I'm still second in command pred

Aureck Pon
can i be 3rd in command of preds.
And I'm first in command of the colonists! Woohoo!

Blaxican Hydra
Um... no?
Theirs a predator leader, no second in commands. And theirs a marine leader, which is myself. The Aliens are controlled by me as well. Anyway... should I start the RP or no?
start the RP
Originally posted by Blaxican Hydra
Um... no?
Theirs a predator leader, no second in commands. And theirs a marine leader, which is myself. The Aliens are controlled by me as well. Anyway... should I start the RP or no?
Dammit I could've sworn I had the job disgust I will change my specialty so I can actually compare against the people who makes characters capable of Bone-breaking punches, flawless aim, and running with broken legs
specialty: Hand-to-Hand, excellent aim, and very powerful 1234
Prince Marvin
damn i want to be a pred. marines suck
Character Template
Name: Christopher "Tank" Caltridge
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Appearance: 5'11", medium build with a dark tan, sports a light burn-scar on left side of his face what he calls a "Flamer Tan".
He wields a simple mech's shotgun, an incinerator at his hip and wears assault Marine plate armor though he moves as nimbly if he wore the basic light plates.
Bio/History: A colony-born troublemaker from the terraformed world, IGX-880. in his younger years he was in and out of government detention facilities for numerous crimes, mainly petty theivery, though was drafted into the Space Marines after continued illegal acts after official warnings.
Specialty: Combat Engineer, basically performs all the tasks required to keep a squad unhindered; he is a skilled hacker, able to unlock any door and access any system. His versitility also ranges into combat support and demolitions, he can also repair any vehicle as long as the engine is still there as he is a quick thinker with a creative imagination.
Aureck Pon
yay somone dug up this game! woot. ill go tell the others. *drinks one more beer before driving off.
Name:john triton
Appearance:have to post pick later
Bio/History:use to be a arsonist when he got caught he joined the marines
Specialty:heavy artillery watch includes a m16 a ak47 a shot gun and a pistol with a laser
name: melvin tenner
nick name: VIN
age: 21
race: white-cocashion
specialist: running ,jumping, feet movment...
apearnce: short blond hair, blue yes , riped body, about 6'2 . has blue jeans and a white t shirt with a grey bullet proofe trnch coat and brown combat boots ...he wears a belt with a 44 milimeter on it, an ak47 is straped to back and a long machete is in a case on belt ..
bio: Vin is a helpfull aliy and one tuff son of a B**** to fight being able to wear a trench coat that weighs as mutch as a predater counts for that enough...he has taken boxing masial arts so don't think he can't whip open a can of shaq fuu on your lilly ass....
Albino Predator
name:Cyrus snow
appearance: long braids,black shirt,black hair,Black shorts,black air nike shoes,skin color:brown,5,11, lean and toned
Bio/history: He is quiet and sometimes risk his life helping another. In his years he became a scientist and then he quit.
specialty:he athlettic
Anaconda King
so when we goin to start
hopefully soon, my enthusiasm can only last so long...
Anaconda King
shoot **** resident evil they act like they dont wont me in that story
Anaconda King
Originally posted by Aliies
hopefully soon, my enthusiasm can only last so long... i hope its soon too
Coleman Trebor
Sorry guys, Ill start it up soon. Ive just been caught up in other stuff.
unless you'd like me to start it for you, people always seem to love my stories...
Coleman Trebor
Feel free to make the opening post. Call it AvP RP thread.
Anaconda King
yeh maybe me and aliies can start it for u but it was aliies idea so what if he starts it for u? ill help
Ok then, it'll be a setting similar to the AvP Computer games...
Aliens versus Predator: One Last Hunt
There will be two threads, one for the Marines and one for the Predators, Marines will start off first, then once we have the Marine's scene set, the Predator's will enter the fray... hopefully it all can be started quickly!
I'll start working on it now!
Coleman Trebor
All right, thanks Aliies.
Now, we need to sort out rank. I'm trying to remember whats the highest rank you can get for infantry? Is it leuitenent? I'm going to find out...
Name: Robert Abrahamian
Gender: Male
Race: Human/Colonist Survivor
Appearance: 5'6" 125 lbs. Short, blond, hair. Brown eyes.
Bio/History: Robert was born in Armenia, has an accent, and stutters. He grew up with overprotective parents. They always wanted the best for him, but he was not content with his boring life on Earth. As soon as he was old enough, he joined the marines, and quickly impressed his officers with his marksmanship. He is part of the squad that has landed on Mantross VI, and he is their best sharpshooter.
Specialty: Sniping
At god
name: Jason Wheeler
nick name: The Terminator
age: 26
race: Human
specialist: automatic fire weapons, and hand to hand combat (Knife, fists, and kicking)
apearnce: He has short brown hair and buffy muscular body. He has cold blue eyes and fair face with ugly scar that comes from his nose to his right cheek. Jason wears black shirt, camo pants, three bullet belts and a magnum on his right side. Incase he also wears combat knife on his belt.
bio: Bigger than most marines. He looks like he took millions of stroids. Everytime he comes to battle feild the lower ranks hide behind him for cover. They think that he's some kind of human killing machine. Jason accomplished many missions rescuing marines from battle feild. He got three purple hearts, medal of honor, and medal of Valient.
Coleman Trebor
))None of the mariens are suppsoed to know about the Aliens.((
At god
So are you gonna post soon dude?
Coleman Trebor
Yeah, Im going to order you gusy around and crap. Im writing it now, actually.
At god
Yay we have a team of special commendos!!! Now we can go on killing spree soon Wheee!! *jumps around with M6*
Oh I'm changing my rank to Luitenant, still the lowest in the group, it seems... The idea is that he's lowest to show that he's not fit for command, just don't go exploiting that or the plot-line will be the death of you

At god
Im Major!! Hahahaha is luitenet lower than Major? Lol anyways Im proud to be a Major of the group.
Well, since everyone is an officer, I guess I'll change to Colonel.
At god
What's up with changing the ranks man? Stay in the rank so we don't have to edit it! You are a sargant and stay a sargant
Well, considering Aliies changed his rank, I don't think it would be that out of place to change mine...

At god
You changed it before now you can't change it Im major so Im not changing my position. Im proud of it and you are a sargant so stay as a sargant okay?
I changed it before?
Actually, I think that the ranks have gone south... we're getting too high for a marine squad, we need the regular unit layout... a luitenant, a sergeant, two corporals and Privates, any higer ranks than Luitenant wouldn't be in the field...
With that In mind, I'll go back to a Corporal and Coleman (Who started this whole RP) to be the Luitenant...
Anaconda King
im a colonist survivor so what do i do?
Well, your still in the Colony, it hasn't been attacked... yet

Set yourself a task if you please
For once the Marines get here before the outbreak, instead of the Stereo-typical arriving shortly after everyone's dead...
Originally posted by Aliies
Actually, I think that the ranks have gone south... we're getting too high for a marine squad, we need the regular unit layout... a luitenant, a sergeant, two corporals and Privates, any higer ranks than Luitenant wouldn't be in the field...
With that In mind, I'll go back to a Corporal and Coleman (Who started this whole RP) to be the Luitenant...
And I'll stay a sergeant.
Anaconda King
set what task?
a colonist has got to have duties... How about you prepare the meals for the soldiers... company chef...
Anaconda King
yeah okay thats all
I can see it now, former colonist chef turned hardcore freedom-fighter...

Blax X
Allies Im giving you full control for this RP. Im too busy right now, school sucks.
Fair enough

I'll join if your still taking ppl
Race: Human Colonist
Appearance: Colonist worker uniform with tears and burns from acid. Brown hair, dirty face and brown eyes
Bio/History:He worked for one of the many mining corporations on many different planets. He was sent here to check for ore. His team began drilling on the outskirts of the colony and discovered a tunnel leading to a chamber full of eggs. The team went down but were attacked by Facehuggers and mature aliens. Red managed to get out alive and used his Exosuit (Basically a forklift robot) to block off the hole until he could get away. He made it to the outside landing pad and hid underneath it and waited for any sign of help.
Specialty: Engineer, He's good with electronics and has decent firearms skills.
Hope thats ok

Character Template
Name: Cpl Simon Roberts
Gender: Male
Race: Human/ Colonial Marine

imilar to hicks http://www.alienscollection.com/hicks3.jpg
Bio/History: Roberts has been in many war conflicts and is an experienced soldier. He joined the army five years ago(20) and later signed up with the Colonial Marines. He is a loyal soldier who plays by the book. Electronics and Communications are his specialty, along with this is his tracking and observations skills making him an ideal scout.
Specialty: Electronics & Communications - Roberts is a signaller and has a key role in the Platoon as a scout.
Weapons: Motion Tracker, Pulse Rifle, 9mm Pistol, Long Range Radio, 3 x Grenades.
Originally posted by Aliies
Actually, I think that the ranks have gone south... we're getting too high for a marine squad, we need the regular unit layout... a luitenant, a sergeant, two corporals and Privates, any higer ranks than Luitenant wouldn't be in the field...
With that In mind, I'll go back to a Corporal and Coleman (Who started this whole RP) to be the Luitenant...
You're right. With a platoon here's a basic layout from bigwig to sh*t stain.
Lieutenant- Platoon Commander
Seargant- Platoon Seargant (Highest ranking Seargant gets the spot)
Corporal- Usually a section commander.
Private- Make up a Platoon/ Section as members.
Ranks like Major and Colonel are usually the ones who stay away from the battlefield.
Also some guys are using AK's and whatnot, aren't we in the future with the Colonial Marines?
if your still taking chars then i shall join this game
Name:marco kakashi
Race:marine (although hes a zombie)
Appearance:like one of the marines from alien vs predator arcade but has no skin and has a weird skeleton looking hand

nce after the year of 1742 a war raged between the aliens and the marines this battle lasted about up to the year of 1899 where the marines fought bravely but lost there were many corspes of aliens humans and marco was the one who fought in this war but how ever his corspe was dragged back by some alien warriors who then turned him into a zombie he then thought the aliens where his friends so now everytime marco sees a human he acts like he wants to kill the human.
Specialty:Calling out aliens,and demolition.
OOC sweet looks like this hasnt started yet
Name: Jordan Dourtghy
Race/class: Human Marine
Gender: Male
Apperance: 5'6" tall he has short white hair his family has been slightly cursed with this snow white hair.
Bio/History: Jordan is 32 years old he joined the marines to help space colonization to allow homeless people finaly get a home elsewere. He grew up in the slums of Los Angeles in a beaten down shack of a home his parents died when he was 15 and he tried to raise his baby sister sandy who died four years later. Jordan is a Private in the Marines he barley made the qualification shortly after applying to the army. seeing as he hasent been in the military as long as the other Marines many of them think he shouldent be in the Marines and should just be left with the Earth defence forces. Jordan faithully follows orders and is always trying to keep his freinds smileing and feeling good.
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