Today at work.

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What did you do at work?*

Kongu Dude
Originally posted by Barker
What did you do at work?*

Originally posted by Barker
What did you do at work?*

I'm a data analyst at Intel, my cube is next to the Quality assurance managers cube and when I'm board I tag along with that guys to do testing. Most of the tests are lame but they always have to test how far the processors can go and that always draws a crowd.

I didn't go to school for electronics I went in to school in boring Computer information systems. So I don't get to do any testing myself but watching is cool.

Sounds like free advertising to me

Originally posted by dirkdirden
I'm a data analyst at Intel, my cube is next to the Quality assurance managers cube and when I'm board I tag along with that guys to do testing. Most of the tests are lame but they always have to test how far the processors can go and that always draws a crowd.

I didn't go to school for electronics I went in to school in boring Computer information systems. So I don't get to do any testing myself but watching is cool.
I was actually correcting your grammar mistake, but thanks anyway.

I did this...

slides_xml = new XML();
slides_xml.onLoad = startSlideShow;
slides_xml.ignoreWhite = true;
// Show the first slide and intialize variables
function startSlideShow(success) {
if (success == true) {
rootNode = slides_xml.firstChild;
totalSlides = rootNode.childNodes.length;
firstSlideNode = rootNode.firstChild;
currentSlideNode = firstSlideNode;
currentIndex = 1;

// Updates the current slide with new image and text
function updateSlide(newSlideNode) {
imagePath = newSlideNode.attributes.jpegURL;
slideText = newSlideNode.firstChild.nodeValue;
loadMovie(imagePath, targetClip);
// Event handler for 'Next slide' button
next_btn.onRelease = function() {
nextSlideNode = currentSlideNode.nextSibling;
if (nextSlideNode == null) {
} else {
currentSlideNode = nextSlideNode;
// Event handler for 'Previous slide' button
back_btn.onRelease = function() {
previousSlideNode = currentSlideNode.previousSibling;
if (previousSlideNode == null) {
} else {
currentSlideNode = previousSlideNode;

Originally posted by Barker
I was actually correcting your grammar mistake, but thanks anyway.

I didn't notice you corrected anything and thought you were asking a question but instead you were just being an ass kudos.?!

XML slideshow......looks like it was done in flash but I could be mistaken cosidering I haven't used much flash or XML.

I have been useing alot of analysis server coding in MDX for the past few months. Not a big fan of it yet.

This is what I'm working on today. Very boring sql stuff.

-- Queries to run after Matr weekly data load
-- These will check for:
-- Nulls in serial_nbr, ord_nbr length, screen_dtm is a date
-- check the type, disposition, damage pareto,
-- check cust_name and count the unknowns
------------ make sure a sn is provided
select count(*) from cwp_matr_screen_staging
where serial_nbr is null

Select * from cwp_matr_screen_staging
where serial_nbr is null

select count(*) from cwp_matr_receipts_staging
where serial_nbr is null

-- look for blank wrk ara
select count(*) from cwp_matr_screen_staging
where work_area is null

-- check the length of the order numbers for all CWP records (100*) -- answer SHOULD BE NINE
select len(control_nbr) from cwp_matr_receipts_staging
where ltrim(rtrim(control_nbr)) like '100%'
group by len(control_nbr)

--no control numbers should be greater the 11. numbers starting with "V" will be 10 characters long
SELECT LEN(control_nbr) A--------------------------------------------------------

-- make sure the table contains all valid types
select count(*) from dbo.cwp_matr_receipts_staging
where lower(board_cpu) not in ('cpu','board','epsd')

--Check for proper depot names in screening

Select * from cwp_matr_screen_staging
Where depot not in (

update cwp_matr_screen_staging
set depot = 'MOSCOW'
where depot = 'Moscow'

--Check for proper depot names in receipts
Select * from cwp_matr_receipts_staging
Where depot not in (
--uppdate depot name
update cwp_matr_receipts_staging
set depot = 'MOSCOW'
where depot = 'Moscow'

--- test to make sure every record has a screen dtm listed
select count(*) from cwp_matr_receipts_staging
where isdate(rcpt_date) = 0

select count(*) from cwp_matr_receipts_staging
where isdate(ship_date) = 0

--update cwp_matr_receipts_staging
--Set ship_date = rcpt_date
--where isdate (ship_date) = '0'

--- select * from cwp_matr_receipts where isdate(ship_date) = 0

select count(*) from dbo.cwp_matr_screen_staging
where isdate(test_date) = 0

Select 'Length', depot
FROM cwp_matr_receipts_staging
WHERE LEN(control_nbr) > '11'

-- total number counts by receipts per intel month
select t.IntelMonthDate, count(*)as QTY from cwp_matr_receipts r
inner join TimeDim t
on convert(varchar(25),t.IntelDate,102) = convert(varchar(25),r.rcpt_date,102)
group by t.IntelMonthDate
order by t.IntelMonthDate desc

-- total number counts by ships per intel month
select t.IntelMonthDate, count(*)as QTY from cwp_matr_receipts r
inner join TimeDim t
on convert(varchar(25),t.IntelDate,102) = convert(varchar(25),r.ship_date,102)
group by t.IntelMonthDate
order by t.IntelMonthDate desc

-- total number of test by intel month
select t.IntelMonthDate, count(*) from cwp_matr_screen r
inner join TimeDim t
on convert(varchar(25),t.IntelDate,102) = convert(varchar(25),r.test_date,102)
group by t.IntelMonthDate
order by t.IntelMonthDate desc

--- check to see the trend of the dispos over the last few months
select t.IntelMonthDate, final_dispo, count(*) as QTY from cwp_matr_receipts r
inner join TimeDim t
on convert(varchar(25),t.IntelDate,102) = convert(varchar(25),r.ship_date,102)
group by t.IntelMonthDate, final_dispo
order by t.IntelMonthDate desc,final_dispo

----- insert the dups into a tmp (checking for exact duplicates).
--(0 rows affected is the prefered out come) otherwise see the tmp table.
--drop table #tmp_dup
select record_id ,depot,board_cpu,rcpt_date,serial_nbr,part_nbr,cpu
o_atpo ,test_platform,final_dispo ,
comments,ship_date,create_by,created_date ,modified_by,modified_date into #tmp_dup
from cwp_matr_receipts_staging
group by record_id ,depot,board_cpu,rcpt_date,serial_nbr,part_nbr,cpu
o_atpo ,test_platform,final_dispo ,
comments,ship_date,create_by,created_date ,modified_by,modified_date
having count(*) > 1

--The next steps are used only if duplicates are found.
-- deletes from the table all duplicates
delete from dbo.cwp_matr_receipts_staging
from dbo.cwp_matr_receipts_staging r
inner join #tmp_dup d
r.record_id = d.record_id and
r.depot = d.depot and
r.board_cpu = d.board_cpu and
r.rcpt_date = d.rcpt_date and
r.serial_nbr = d.serial_nbr and
isnull(r.part_nbr,'') = isnull(d.part_nbr,'') and
isnull(r.cpu_product,'') = isnull(d.cpu_product,'')and
isnull(r.rtn_rsn,'') = isnull(d.rtn_rsn,'')and
isnull(r.control_nbr,'') = isnull(d.control_nbr,'')and
isnull(r.customer,'') = isnull(d.customer,'')and
isnull(r.cst_track_nbr,'') = isnull(d.cst_track_nbr,'')and
isnull(r.cst_fail_date,'') = isnull(d.cst_fail_date,'')and
isnull(r.cst_fail_symptom,'') = isnull(d.cst_fail_symptom,'')and
isnull(r.cst_pt_nbr,'') = isnull(d.cst_pt_nbr,'')and
isnull(r.sspec,'') = isnull(d.sspec,'')and
isnull(r.fpo_atpo,'') = isnull(d.fpo_atpo,'')and
isnull(r.test_platform,'') = isnull(d.test_platform,'')and
isnull(r.final_dispo,'') = isnull(d.final_dispo,'')and
isnull(r.comments,'') = isnull(d.comments,'')and
isnull(r.ship_date,'') = isnull(d.ship_date,'')and
isnull(r.create_by,'') = isnull(d.create_by,'')and
isnull(r.created_date,'') = isnull(d.created_date,'')and
isnull(r.modified_by,'') = isnull(d.modified_by,'')and
isnull(r.modified_date,'') = isnull(d.modified_date,'')

---- inserts back into the table the single instance of the record just removed
insert into dbo.cwp_matr_receipts_staging
select * from #tmp_dup

---- test for just dup on ser_nbr and ord_nbr
select depot,record_id, serial_nbr, control_nbr from cwp_matr_receipts_staging
group by depot,record_id, serial_nbr, control_nbr having count(*) > 1

Select *
from cwp_matr_receipts_staging
where serial_nbr = 'BQGN44201493'

--- ser_nbr and work_ara 2x
select depot, record_id, serial_nbr, work_area
from cwp_matr_screen_staging
group by depot, record_id, serial_nbr, work_area
having count(*) > 1

Select *
from cwp_matr_screen_staging ss
inner join cwp_matr_screen sr
on ss.serial_nbr = sr.serial_nbr
and ss.test_date = sr.test_date

select *
from cwp_matr_receipts_staging ss
inner join cwp_matr_receipts sr
on ss.serial_nbr = sr.serial_nbr
and ss.record_id = sr.record_id
--and ss.test_date = sr.test_date
and ss.rcpt_date = sr.rcpt_date
and ss.depot = sr.depot
order by ss.record_id

Select *
from cwp_matr_screen_staging ss
inner join cwp_matr_receipts_staging rs
on ss.serial_nbr = rs.serial_nbr
and ss.record_id is null

--Check for duplicates in the cwp_matr_screen table
select record_id, depot, serial_nbr, test_date, work_area, count(*) as qty
from cwp_matr_screen
group by record_id, depot, serial_nbr, test_date, work_area
having count(*) > 1

--See CWP remove duplicates from cwp_matr_screen to remove dups.

--Checking for existing serial numbers with matching rcpt_date
select S.*
from cwp_matr_receipts_staging S
inner join cwp_matr_receipts R
on S.serial_nbr = R.serial_nbr
and S.rcpt_date = R.rcpt_date
and S.record_id = R.record_id

--Select *
--from cwp_matr_receipts_staging (use a pivot table to see the results)
-- week by week comparison
Select *
from cwp_matr_receipts_staging r
inner join dbo.TimeDim tmd
on CONVERT(VARCHAR, rcpt_date, 101) = tmd.IntelDate

Originally posted by dirkdirden
I didn't notice you corrected anything and thought you were asking a question but instead you were just being an ass kudos.?!

Sorry. Um.*

ill tell you when i start work on monday. smile

i dont know what thats going to be like

First day at work always sucks. You always feel so stupid becuase you don't know anything. Hate that feeling.

srug Sounds like the same kinda stuff my dad does. Boring.

Originally posted by Naz
srug Sounds like the same kinda stuff my dad does. Boring.

yes it is very boring. But I'm getting paid to post this so its not too bad.

Yep Flash XML slide show thumb up

Originally posted by ThePittman
Yep Flash XML slide show thumb up

Thats much more entertaining the SQL scripts......BOOOO SQL. We only just touched Flash for a few days just went over the basics and I made a cool motion tweed of two stick figures banging eachother, it was lame but got me an A for the assignment, I think it turned the teacher on.

Never got to do any action script though was kinda pist about that.

Action Script drives me crazy sometimes, I prefer to use PHP when building my websites.

Originally posted by ThePittman
Action Script drives me crazy sometimes, I prefer to use PHP when building my websites.

I was really good with PHP and MySQL but I haven't used them since college so I'm proably not so hot. C#, MDX, SQL are all I have used for the past 2 years.

Today at work i sat on my butt, answered phones, and swore at my computer... it is out to eat my soul...

Originally posted by PandoraMomo
Today at work i sat on my butt, answered phones, and swore at my computer... it is out to eat my soul...

oh thats not good!

I opened my store today...had to go in at 4 am wow that was so much fun...NOT! I don't really like getting up that early, but somebody has to do it..... sad

Text-only Version: Click HERE to see this thread with all of the graphics, features, and links.