Gay Union Sanctioned in Medieval Europe

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The irony. gayunionssanctionedinmedievaleurope;_ylt=AtiDRtuAi

More like t he

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backdoorman gayunionssanctionedinmedievaleurope;_ylt=AptZ_JasB
Though, haven't they been saying this for a while?

EDIT: Still doesn't work, strange.

Originally posted by ADarksideJedi
More like t he Eh?



Originally posted by ADarksideJedi
More like t he Bigot.

Originally posted by allofyousuckkk
The irony. gayunionssanctionedinmedievaleurope;_ylt=AtiDRtuAi

Another reason why the few "decent" Europeans left that shit-hell of a continent and came to God's chosen land, America.

Your torch, Malfoy.

She's going to love that one, just don't mention abortion.

That's pretty.... yeah, ironic would be the right word, allofyousuckk. ermm

Originally posted by Council#13

Well, thank you, you are a ****ing *******, too.

Originally posted by Bardock42
Well, thank you, you are a ****ing *******, too.

It's in my blood. mhm


everyone would agree that it was worse in the middle ages than it is today

and gay marrige was allowed in the middle ages

see, the connection, gay union caused the horrors of the middle ages wink

Originally posted by inimalist

everyone would agree that it was worse in the middle ages than it is today

and gay marrige was allowed in the middle ages

see, the connection, gay union caused the horrors of the middle ages wink

I seriously doubt gay marriage was allowed as such, two man living together may have been allowed, but I don't think they would have been able to openly come out and claim they had a relationship with each other, with the power of the Catholic church at that moment in Europe I don't think it would have made them very popular...

Originally posted by Fishy
I seriously doubt gay marriage was allowed as such, two man living together may have been allowed, but I don't think they would have been able to openly come out and claim they had a relationship with each other, with the power of the Catholic church at that moment in Europe I don't think it would have made them very popular...

I'd agree

I didn't read the article, but my assumption would be that people were no more accepting of male homosexuality in the past than they are today. Even the acceptance in Greek and Roman society is largely overstated.

female homosexuality seems to have always been somewhat more acceptable socially, for clear darwinean and socio-sexual reasons.

Originally posted by inimalist
I'd agree

I didn't read the article, but my assumption would be that people were no more accepting of male homosexuality in the past than they are today. Even the acceptance in Greek and Roman society is largely overstated.

female homosexuality seems to have always been somewhat more acceptable socially, for clear darwinean and socio-sexual reasons.

There was acceptance in Greece and Rome though... As there is some now.

In Medieval Europe I very much doubt such acceptance would exist... At least publicly.

Originally posted by Fishy
There was acceptance in Greece and Rome though... As there is some now.

In Medieval Europe I very much doubt such acceptance would exist... At least publicly.

I'd agree pretty much

I don't think men lived openly with male partners in Greek society. Thinking back to Sappho, I almost am tempted to say that ancient homosexuality was more based on sexual things rather than lifestyle and family as it is trying to be accepted today.

I could very well be wrong though, I am totally no expert on this.

Originally posted by inimalist
I'd agree pretty much

I don't think men lived openly with male partners in Greek society. Thinking back to Sappho, I almost am tempted to say that ancient homosexuality was more based on sexual things rather than lifestyle and family as it is trying to be accepted today.

I could very well be wrong though, I am totally no expert on this.

I think that was the case, from what I know at least a lot of people had gay lovers for sex and woman for children, love and all the crap that comes with the household...

Of course there are some people in that time that did love their gay lovers, but I do believe they were in a minority..

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