Take my title

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You who wants to take my title, you know what this is all about, if you remember the MSN conversion. PM me. I joined KMC for this.

So, whats a new guy like you doing reading a 2 year old thread about a troll?


I am doing a little research, as I was sent to do.

Originally posted by mrniceguy
I am doing a little research, as I was sent to do.

What a life you have, Im jealous.

True. I should say from The Judge that he is annoyed at KMC recently. He stopped trolling KMC half a year ago, but Ruby has socked and pretended to be him a lot. This all comes down to the reason why Judge sent me. Mods, if you think i am a sock, ban me, i got what i came for.

Rogue Jedi
man, Storm is gonna pimp slap you from here to lala land.

Originally posted by mrniceguy
True. I should say from The Judge that he is annoyed at KMC recently. He stopped trolling KMC half a year ago, but Ruby has socked and pretended to be him a lot. This all comes down to the reason why Judge sent me. Mods, if you think i am a sock, ban me, i got what i came for.

Judgelaughing out loud


Internet tough guy, what a pimp he is.

You people never understood his intentions. We at Lulz United do, and that is why we respect him.

that pic is bad enough to some up how sad he is

you at lulz united are going to die alone

"Dont you know a thing about trolling? I piss of adults at the age of 20, Pokemon fans are just more fun. I create chaos like a troll should, just more hardhitting chaos. I have gotten forums CLOSED!"

His intentions are to create chaos, piss off pokemon fans and get forums closed? Amazing. Wish I could be like him--oh wait, I have a life. srug

The Judge is the only true king of the internet. The picture was a joke he made to get his trolling more recognized, but as you can see on his website, he is not a troll per see, he just likes drama. And The Judge fooled Encyclopedia Dramatica and did there what he did here: made a fool out of himself on purpose to start drama.
And Outbound, dont worry, Judge has a very exciting life.


Outbound, The Judge never really cared about this section. He preferred the comic section. So technically, it odnt matter what you think about him.

And trolls often get their creativity from their exciting lifes. On the bottom of Judges website, you can see a interview on AJ, a troll veteran of KMC who mysteriously disappeared.

NO WAY! trolling brought to a new level!

seriously your impressed? for ****s sake, i have probably had more action with girls than you

And Outbound, Judge barely posted here, but some of his enemies tried to destroy his rep the last half year here, when he was gone and slowly entered the life of an alcoholic.

socks=no life

Originally posted by mrniceguy
Outbound, The Judge never really cared about this section. He preferred the comic section. So technically, it odnt matter what you think about him.

And trolls often get their creativity from their exciting lifes. On the bottom of Judges website, you can see a interview on AJ, a troll veteran of KMC who mysteriously disappeared.

So he liked causing e-drama on a comic board, big who cares. I could troll that if I wanted, doesnt take skill to pick on comic or pokemon fans.

Has Judge ever considered getting a girlfriend instead of being an internet tough guy?

kill yourself smile

You guys takes the content of the internet too seriously and literal.
That makes you more sad than Judge.

And to answer your question, who knows? Maybe he got a girlfriend. Maybe he dont. Maybe he dont even care. We will never know, as we dont know him.

Originally posted by nitroy2k
kill yourself smile


Originally posted by mrniceguy
You guys takes the content of the internet too seriously and literal.
That makes you more sad than Judge.

And to answer your question, who knows? Maybe he got a girlfriend. Maybe he dont. Maybe he dont even care. We will never know, as we dont know him.

Nah, just amazed that people like Judge dont get out more. How old is he anyway, like 14?

im having band prac on the weekend and hopefully meeting these two girls, one which i like, i got a life, but i have not amuch to do at the moment so i come on kmc

worshipping a man who is famous for being hated is really sad

Originally posted by Outbound
Nah, just amazed that people like Judge dont get out more. How old is he anyway, like 14?

He is 16. And just to make it clear to you how stupid you seem, how do you know Judge dont get out? You are more on the computer than he is.


Originally posted by mrniceguy
He is 16. And just to make it clear to you how stupid you seem, how do you know Judge dont get out? You are more on the computer than he is.

I worked today, came online for about 30mins when I got home, slept, came online again now while Im waiting for my downloads to finish. This little kid actually spends time setting up a website to promote himself, spends time planning his trolling, has a bunch of followers who worship his 'trolling ability', and cries when ED edits his page. So, nah. Anyway I dont care about Judge anymore so Im off to bed.

The Judge never cried on ED. He really just toyed with them because he cant stand their ego.

I might be working for The Judge, but I dont intend to leave, so lets be friends.

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