FIREFLY - Wayward Bound (Rules, Character Info & Story)
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A Role-Playing Game by Aliies
Take my love, take my land,
Take me where I cannot stand.
I don't care, I'm still free
You can't take the sky from me.
Take me out to the black,
Tell them I ain't comin' back.
Burn the land and boil the sea,
You can't take the sky from me.
There's no place I can be,
Since I found Serenity,
But you can't take the sky from me...
-= Brief Back-Story =-
The year is 2517, following a brutal war that led to the eventual 'Unification' of the universe through sheer force, the seedy government known as the Alliance now control all 'civilized' corners of the galaxy.
Life is harsh and varied for many, settlers on the many terraformed planets either live happily or not at all, such is the expansion of worlds that not all are equal. After creating these worlds in the image of 'Earth that was', most have been left to fend for themselves, creating massive voids in both cultural and social status between them. You may find yourself on a civilized city-core planet, or one of the arid dustbowls on the edge of known space, filled to the brim with corruption, hate and constant danger.
Aside from the habitual invasive behavior of the Alliance federals, dangers such as organized crime run rampant and the threat looming of the ever-present and equally mysterious Reavers, spacers thought to have been driven mad at the edge of space, only to return and ravage anyone and anything they come across.
Many have chosen a life outside the more-or-less morals of the Alliance's stringent laws, privateering and smuggling pay a fine price but always leaves those involved uncomfortably close the the razor's edge, be it from the Alliance, the nefarious gangsters who hire them or the Reavers.
There are many ways to scratch a life out of the black, where most try and remain content for their placing, you may not be one of those as you step aboard the Firefly cargo ship 'Lorinda', captained by an eccentric man by the name of Jacques Cobb.
Who knows how you found your way aboard, perhaps hired by the man himself or merely passing through as a passenger, your tale is yours and you might share it, or keep it locked away, hiding it from those around you.
The choice is yours...
-= The Ship =-
Like the famous crew of the namesake show, you embark on a journey aboard a Firefly class cargo transport ship named 'Lorinda'; a tough crate with surprisingly comfortable living space and a kick-ass rate of maneuverability.
The original show takes its name from the "Firefly-class" spaceship Serenity that the central characters call home. It resembles a firefly in general arrangement, and the tail section, analogous to a bioluminescent insectoid abdomen, lights up during acceleration.
((More to come later, Please do not post yet))
I'm calling the doctor. I'm actually done with all the numbers. All that's left is a personality and I'll post him, but I'm holding that off until tomorrow. Gotta get sleep.
Doctor is yours ^.^
Name: Lee Chao Zhi
Nicknames: Doc
Rank/position: Medic/Doctor
Age: 48
Height: 5' 3"
Build: Slim
Physical Description:
Lee is normally found wearing the typical white coat of a doctor over a tropical-style shirt and khaki slacks.
Character Description: Lee is a perfect example of the stereotype of an old Chinese man: wise beyond age, but extremely eccentric at the same time. He has his own little mannerisms and methods, both for his casual business and his medical work, that others find odd and unconventional, but few argue because they seem to work fine (not a single person he's worked on has complained). He has a tendency to mutter his thoughts under his breath and not notice what he's said, which has gotten him and his associates into deep trouble on more than one occasion. He is a reliable man, keeping promises and never selling out or leaving behind his friends.
Strength: 2
Dexterity: 2
Constitution: 2
Charisma: 3
Intelligence: 4
Wisdom: 7
Hand to Hand Fighting: 1
Leadership: 2
Pilot: 1
Medicine: 7
Barter: 4
I would like a Crew/ Gunner position please.
Still working on the character though.
Shad0w_Frost: Crew position is yours.
KingDubya: That is an awesome character... hands down ^^ 100% approved; great picture too, suites his character perfectly!
Name: Dominic Draven Tombs
Nicknames: Dom, Draven, Tombs, Omen, Ghost, and many other names throughout the 'Verse.
Rank/ Position: Crew/ Gunner
Age: 25
Height: 6'2"
Build: Slim/ Muscular
Physical Description: Tall and Handsome with the exception of a scar going down the left side of his face. Dark Brown Hair/Eyes, Pale Skin. Keeps his hair Short. Often wears a simple black muscle shirt revealing Tribal-like Tattoos on his arms.
Character Description: Strong-silent type, Knows Many Many ways to kill a man. The kind of guy you never hear coming, but somehow he always pops up and scares the Goserh out of ya. Very Clever and creative. Also a very good thief, when he wantz to be. When He is bored he sometimes doodles in a small notebook he found.
History: Not much is known about his past, but he has had many secret dealings with a good many of the lowlifes and mercenaries scattered throughout the 'verse. He has been a "Soldier of Fortune" at times. Perhaps more will be revealed in the future, maybe even how he got that Scar on his face
Strength: 4
Dexterity: 7
Constitution: 3
Charisma: 2
Intelligence: 2
Wisdom: 2
Gun: 6
Close Combat (knives, blades, bludgeoning weapons): 2
Hand to Hand Fighting: 1
Intimidate: 1
Stealth: 5
OK, wow, quite an interesting mix of passengers and crew coming on board

All approved, Just looking for a few primary character roles now.
First officer:
Once I can get a few more players into those roles, (First officer isn't truly necessary) so a minimum of 2 more people and I can get this show on the road!
Have yet to post bios on a few more unfriendlies you might encounter.
I'd like to apply for the role as pilot if that's alright.
I'll hand in my bio later today.
Pilot's position is yours.
Name: Salvador Goins
Nicknames: Goins, Sal, Darth Vador (not Vader), the Savior (rarely)
Rank/position: Pilot
Age: 35
Build: shorter than averege, wiry, somewhat athletic
Physical Description:
Dark brown skin but not quite 'black'. He is obviously mixed with at least one other ethnicity, facial features bear some asian influences. Deep brown eyes. Curly, black hair cut short out of convenience without any particular style or fashion. Has a perpetual display of mostly unkempt facial hair, either as a '5 o'clock shadow', nearly full beard or something in between. Goins taste in clothes neither coordinate or clash in styles or colors... everything he wears is quite bland but always loose fitting and comfortable. The only detail of vanity on Goins' person are a pair of small, plastic frame glasses. He has perfect vision but wears the glasses as a fashion statement since he likes the way they accentuate his face.
Character Description:
The first word to describe Goins is 'forgetable' and he likes it that way. A rather inconspicuous exterior framing an initially silent and reserved personality with ever watchful eyes and ears. Life on the border worlds and on the outskirts of the law has shaped a wary character who keeps a low profile and takes time to study people before encouraging contact or revealing anything about himself. Despite the protective wall of seclusion, Goins is fond of other people and will prove both friendly and openly social once someone has gained his trust. Goins tends to feel a personal connection with whatever craft he's piloting. He views the ship under his control as more of a fellow being than a vehicle and his habit of talking to the ship as if it was alive can sometimes unnerve people who aren't used to it. As can his habit of wearing glasses as a pilot.
Little is known of Salvador's past. He mentions growing up poor at a down and out border world (doesn't mention which one) and that he learned the craft of piloting at a young age. He will admit to having a criminal past, working as a getaway driver but will not reveal the names of his former accomplices or if he still has any contact with them.
Primary Skills:
Strength: 1
Dexterity: 7
Constitution: 2
Charisma: 2
Intelligence: 5
Wisdom: 3
Secondary Character Skills:
Gun: 1
Hand to Hand Fighting: 3
Pilot: 7
Mechanics: 1
Barter: 1
Stealth: 2
OK! looking good, just waiting on one candidate, Urunsaishun sent me a message saying a definite yes, just waiting for the character post from him.
Boiled_Egg: Passenger/Shepherd
KingDubya: Doctor
Urunsaishun: (undecided)
Shad0w_Frost: Crew/Gunner
Outbound: Passenger/Shepherd.
Wavemaninawe: Pilot
Aliies: Captain/Mechanic/First officer/NPCs
Other than that, we are just about ready to ship off

if no one takes Mechanic or first officer, I shall be playing them as NPCs as well as the captain and all the other characters we might meet.
And since Boiled_egg gave me the pleading puppy-dog look, I will be starting this rp within the week.
*jumps and squeels* YEEEEEEEEE! I knew you would give in SOMEHOW!!! *hugs Aliies* LOL XD
I need to get better at doing that

Originally posted by Wavemaninawe
I need to get better at doing that
At doing what?
By the way...this' what Maggie (my character) looks like
Originally posted by boiled_egg
By the way...this' what Maggie (my character) looks like
kool, im still lookin for a pic for my guy.
It isnt 100% necessary to have one cuz you already have the description up
Originally posted by boiled_egg
It isnt 100% necessary to have one cuz you already have the description up
Originally posted by boiled_egg
At doing what?
The puppy eye thing.
The few times I've tried it, ladies have thought that I've been making a pass at them (with mixed responses).
Originally posted by Wavemaninawe
The puppy eye thing.
The few times I've tried it, ladies have thought that I've been making a pass at them (with mixed responses).
Ahahahaha...just ask Aliies, we've known eachother for a bit now and I've tried it mostly with success hehe, Im getting gooood at it haha
you have 2 days to finalyze everything, i had planned on starting it sooner but i just learned my house has been quarantined as well as the surrounding area, local wool factory had a massive chemical spill, warned about fire, explosive and toxic hazards in a huge radius, no idea when I'll be able to go back...
daaaang that sucks Aliies...well Im ready to go whenever this starts up...get at me on msn or email k Aliies?
Scary stuff...
Do you get anything provided for you in the meantime?
Its over now, cost over a million to clear up, area's safe now.
RP starting in two days XD
yikes (about the cost of the clean up I mean)
and w00t!! (about the rp starting)
*Runs and dives into the RP at the last second....hopefully*
If this hasn't already started and you don't mind me playing I'll take up the role of mechanic. If I'm allowed I'll quickly write up a bio.
YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY See Aliies! Told you that someone'd come join last minute LOL
Doesn't that always seem to happen on RPs that we're in?
of course you're allowed, and welcoem to take up the mechanic's role...
sorry bout the delay, its been hectic at my place... had a car accident too

My first one.
Anyway, ill start this on sunday, its late friday for me here, im still writing and editing the intro story.
No later than that, I promise you! thanks for being patient ^_^
Sorry to hear about your crappy week, Aliies.
I hope at least that nobody was hurt.
I'll post up a bio anyways.
Name: Redge Smith
Nicknames: Mech, Spanner, Greasemonkey, Grease, Wrenchmonkey, Wrench, Cogs, Old-Man, Old-Man Cogs, Old-Man Smith.
Rank/Position: Mechanic
Age: Refuses to tell exactly how old, but 50+ years old
Height: 5'9"
Build: Average
Physical Description: Beginning to show signs of old age in his face and body. Has a bald head and a fairly long white beard that extends around his whole chin. He usually wears a pair of blue overalls and a white shirt, both of which are smeared with oil and grease. Also wears big black steel toe cap boots, which hurt if you get kicked in the shins and a pair of faded white gloves which have also been dirtied over the years. Because of his age, he's not the fastest, strongest person aboard the ship, but his years of experience more than make up for that.
Character Description: A stereotypical grumpy old man. He looks down upon the younger, more arrogant crew members and often grumbles to himself. He has quite a liking to whiskey and is sometimes drunk. His life experience serves the crew well when sober, although he's not likely to get into a fight. He spends most of his time, sleeping, eating, drinking and working in the engine room, where he feels most at home. While generally grumpy and a little rude to other crew members, he will settle down if they ask him to share his knowledge of the universe.
History: A drifter, he worked on an all manner of vessels, ranging from goliath battleships with dozens of mechanics to small shuttles with just him keeping the boat afloat. Searching for adventure, and another bottle of whiskey, he was approached and recruited by the Captain when looking for a replacement mechanic with no strings attached. He accepted the offer and his flown with the ship eversince.
Primary Skills
Strength '1'
Dexterity '1'
Constitution '1'
Charisma '4'
Intelligence '5'
Wisdom '8'
Secondary Skills
Mechanics '8'
Barter '6'
Intimidate '1'
That OK? Since he's an old, grumpy character, he'll most likely say slightly mean comments to some of the crew. This is entirely RPed and none of it is aimed at you personally.
Not bad blockhead, but the only thing is that (I forgot to mention it) the captain doesn't have a crew at the moment. I've just posted the new Game-RP thread, already for you guys to get going. Have a read and you'll see what I mean, but don't worry, I like your character and you don't need to change anything.
Same for everyone, you're all good to start playing the game ^_^ Lets have us some fun! xD
The RP Thread is here
Currency rules and equipment update: (Taken from the discussion thread)
lets just call them credits or coin... no fancy name XD another thing is that in this game you can't have a small fortune with you... you signed onto the crew because you need the money.
also your personal wealth will be kept track of as the game progresses as things like equipment and such will also be recorded as well as chance of jams, breakages oro misfires (with weapons)
i wont go into it and bore you with tables of how often you might break something, blah blah blah, just adding this to make the game more real. ^_^
Everyone has 20 coin to start off with, jax keeps little over a hundred away for ship and crew emergencies and nothing for himself.
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