X-Men: Codename UNWANTED (rp)
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Hexhellen looked up from the reports she was reading. The winds had changed... They were going to have visitors soon. She sighed and wearily looked down at the Polaroid pictures attached to the files. Trouble has been brewing on the island. Murdering here, arson there... Nothing new. Both sides have been at war long since she could remember... But now with children coming, she had to get this under control and if at all possible stopped. She closed the folder and walked out of her study... Yes... The winds had changed indeed... Her visitors would be here soon.
Scarlet Fox
~Alex sat in the Helicopter listening to music and popping her gum. Most Likely annoying who ever was sitting next to her. She obviously didnt care. She played with her black skull tie that she wore loosely and bobbed her head to her music. Heavy Metal apparently.~
jalek moye
Raken stood outside by the front door waiting. He stared up at the sky and everynow and then yawned.
Akir sat on the helicopter looking around at everyone, he sighed he knew none of them would even acknowledge him. No one ever did, he found himself useless and weak especially with his body armor working in reverse and amplifying pain. He looked over at Alex then shook his head and stared at he floor.
Scarlet Fox
~She noticed the kid as he looked at her and shook his head. She pulled out one of her ear phones.~ Is there a problem kid? ~She asked with an arched brow.~
jalek moye
Akir looked back over at her and raised his hands up to signal he was no threat. He quickly shook his head before nervously speaking "n...n..no prob..blem here" he then quickly put his head down hoping she wouldn't hurt him
Scarlet Fox
~Alex arched a brow at him a moment then shook her head a bit putting the earbud back into her ear.~ What ever.... ~She resumed her music and poped her gum some more.~
Cy looked around the Chopper. "What a bunch of losers " He said to himself under his breath."What the F*** am I doing here. Oh yeah Its either this or Jail." The chick With the earphones was annoying him with the gum poping and he used his ower to pull them out of her ears.
"why don't you choke on that gum, you sound like an F'n cow" He said as sarcastically as he could.
Jacob clicked his fingers, sending a small flame from the tip. He shook his hand and repeated clicking his fingers. Jacob turned his head up to Cy, seeing him use his powers. "Wow Nice." He said nodding to him.
Scarlet Fox
~Alex bent over a little to look the guy right in the eyes. After a moment of staring she shot her lights at him right into his eyes. Though it wasnt strong enough to to damage it was strong enough to blind him while her fist flew forward to connect with the side of his face. She leaned back in her chair, put her earbuds back into her ears and looked out the window.~ Piss off I will do what I please...
oh my... this is going to be fun I can tell ^^))
The helicopter shook as it slowed, it began hovering over the water. There wasnt anything to be seen for miles around, and yet the pilot was talking to someone and asking for permission to enter.
Cy shook the pathetic punch off and Smiled.
=I like this Girl= He thought to himself.
Scarlet Fox
~Alex looked a bit confused. She noticed they were not actually moving, just hovering there. Werent they supposed to land on an island? If they kept stationary like this they will run out of fuel and land in the water. She simply rolled her eyes and noticed Cy while he smiled at her. She blinked a moment at him then glared at him before looking in some random direction at nothing in particular. She pulled the Earbuds out of her ears and put away the I-pod.~ What the hell is going on? Why have we stopped? ~She yelled towards the Pilot~
The pilot jumped and glanced back. "Calm down, goodness. If you want to get to the island then you need to be let in. It sounds stupid but trust me, I know what I'm doing." Really he didnt. He had no idea what was going on. He was just hired to drive these kids around. Hell, as long as he was getting paid for it then it was fine with him.
Scarlet Fox
~Alex sat back in her seat crossing her arms glaring at the pilot. Let into the Island? they were just hovering over water with nothing to be seen in any direction. Knows what he is doing...~ ... bull****... ~Alex muttered. She sighed heavily and waited. It was all she could do at the moment.~
"Chill out" Cy said to Alex "What are you afraid of being shark bait? I thought for a sec you were tough. Your just a scared little girl" He said laughing at her uneasiness.
They would hear the pilot gasp. There was a bright flash of light, then a gust of wind that shook the helicopter. What looked like two panels opened up to reveal a huge island. One one side, darkness, and on the other, light. The pilot scratched his head in disbelief. "Well I'll be... Huh..." Slowly he urged the helicopter forward, the panels closing behind them.
Scarlet Fox
~Alex glared at him again.~ Tell me to Chill out one more time and Ill show you Shark bait! Im just f***ing impatient! We have been on this thing for god knows how long. ~She slammed her fist against her arm rest. ~ Cant do anything but sit here. Its a pain in the ass. ~Her eye twitched at being called a Scared little girl and shook her head casting her eyes to the other kid who seemed to be cowering the entire time.~ Speaking of Scared little girl....
jalek moye
Akir looked downa nd closed his eyes
"This scary, an you plese take me back home?"
Raken looked up a the helicopter and smiled
"looks like it's time"
Cy and Alex arguing was to much for Jacob to handel. He stood up, perpesly pushing into Cy as we walked past him. Jacob entered the cockpit and stood next to the pilot. As he looked out the window, he saw what he pilot had gasped at. "What the....?" Jacob said softly.
The pilot glanced over at Jacob and nodded. "Yeah. My thoughts exactly." Slowly the helicopter landed, a group of 10 women, 3 of which had angel wings, stood near the tree line. They waited quietly for everyone to make their way up the trail. The pilot jumped out and moved to get their bags out of the back. "Alright everyone out."
jalek moye
Akir lowered his head and stood up waiting for the rest to leave first. He needed to make sure it was safe.
Jacob exited the cockpit, stepping out of the helicopter. "Now this is gonna be awesome." He looked back inside the helicopter, seeing Akir still inside. "You coming or not?"
jalek moye
He shook his head and took a step back
"i..i..is it safe?" he said nervously
"How the hell do i know, Just come on." Jacob said, he then turned back and walked towards the jungle.
Cy jumped out of the Helo with his Guitar and Archery bag. Looking around he thought. *This will be cool, lots of space for me to be alone and Jungle to explore.* He looked back at Alex before following Jacob and Akir and said " Come on feisty one, I thought you were impatient to see what was up"
jalek moye
Akir sighed and slowly walked out, looking back and forth with a scared facial expresion. He was afraid of getting hurt here by somthing.
Scarlet Fox
~Alex grabbed her single bag and jumped out of the heli. She ran up to walk beside Cy, apparently not minding being called Fiesty. She looked at his guitar case~ You any good? ~She asked nodding at the case s they walked~
Cy ,surprised that Alex was talking to him, answered "Yes I am good, It was my only escape from the world. At a very young age I started playing. My dad would always be drunk and i didn't want to entice him to anger. If i disturbed him he would just wail on me so i would just sit in my room and practice all day and after school. Music is a great escape" Cy said not knowing why he had opened up so much to Alex. This was not like him.
One of the women stepped forward, bowing low as the group approached. "Welcome to Paradise. We hope you enjoy your stay here. My name is Aiden." The other women, the ones who didnt have angel wings, stepped forward and took their bags. Aiden turned and started up the path. "This way, please. Stay on the path please." The three angels waited for the kids to move before they followed.
Scarlet Fox
~Alex arched a brow at Cy as he blurt out his history.~ Wow.. I just asked if you were good. Not a life story... ~She looked at the woman who took her bag~ Hey! Thats.... ~but she was already moving away~ Tch... whatever. ~She eyed Cy a bit~ ... My folks always gave me a hard time... nothing to your expressed extent, but then again it was y fault. ~She turned around to walk backwards infront of him with a smile~ I was the one always starting fights and stuff~ She winked one eye and stuck out her tongue all cute like before turning and running off to get her bag back~
Cy did not release his Bags. "No one touches my stuff" he said angrily.
"I can carry it"
=Jason was the last to get out of the Helicopter. He didnt speak a word there nor did he care of the little things the others spoke about. Petty stuff. He had his backpack on and when a woman came to get it he put his hand up in silence and continued up the path after the others but not in any hurry.=
.... what a drag....
=he said finally=
jalek moye
akir looked up at the woman and backed away when she went for the bag. He then side stepped and sped up holding it tightly.
The women sighed heavily and glanced at eachother. It was going to be hell for them to do their jobs. Slowly they made their way through the forest. They could feel eyes watching them. Eyes which they couldnt see.
=As Jason walked up the path he stopped and looked around in the woods.=
=The shadows made by the trees began to move and sway as he continued up the path. It was subtle. Many would think the trees moving from the wind. But it wasnt that windy. He was looking for something, but he walked on as if he wasnt doing anything=
Cy, feeling everyones uneasiness and a little unsettled himself, stopped and opened his Archery case. He pulled out a quiver and hooked it to his belt. After which he slung his guitar bag on his back. Setting an arrow in his bow he spoke. "I don't know about the rest of you but I get the impression there is something menacing in these woods and I intend to be prepared" He said holding the bow at the ready, feeling safe with his weapon.
Scarlet Fox
~Alex shok her head a bit as she stood by Cy while he set up his bow and such.~ Your Paranoid. Why would they bring us here if it wasnt safe? Come on then... ~She pushed against Cys back lightly to get him moving again~ Im starving and the longer we stand out here the hungrier I get.
=maybe Alex was right= Cy thought. He did not like being at a disadvantage ever and he felt venerable about the unknown.
One of the 'angels' appeared at Alex's side. She pointed to his arrow and shook her head. They'd notice that her wings wernt fake. They were quite real... Awesome make up artist? The other women, including Aiden, had pointed ears and long hair. They seemed to float over the path. Aiden smiled and spoke over her shoulder. "We'll be there soon. Once we arrive we'll join Hex for lunch. Then she'll show you around. Give us your bags and such, and we will take them to your rooms for you."
=Jason walked by Alex and Cy. He eyed them both but his eyes stayed on Alex the longest. He didnt stare however for he kept going and as soon as he past them he looked forward again. He still refused to give the woman his bag.=
...nothing personal ma'am.... this bag just has things I would rather keep with me...
Scarlet Fox
~Alex arched a brow at Jason and then glared at him~ what are you looking a..... ~she didnt have time to finish for he had kept walking. She let a small smile come to her face then looked back to Cy. She looked a the woman as she come over and pointed stuff out. Alex simply blinked at her lack of words then turned to Cy yet again.~ ... by the way... Im Alex. ~She didnt smile at him or make any facial adjustments, but her eyes said something diffrent. She kind of liked this guy. Bad attitude an all. She looked a tthe Angel woman and rolled her eyes before she continued to walk again.~
Cy looked at Alex "I'm Cyrus, but you can call me Cy" He said, trying to check his sarcasm when speaking to her. He was an ******* but he related to Alex and her ,not taking any crap from anyone, attitude .
Realizing that his Bow was probably not going to do him much good, he put it away. He reluctantly handed the Angelic appearing girl his Guitar and Archery case.
"These are the only things I care about in this world" He said as intimidating a he could "You had best make sure they finds their way safe and in one piece to my room"
jalek moye
Akir trailed far behind the rest of the group he handed his bag over when they came again, and quickly scurried farther behind afriad to talk to the others.
The angel smiled and nodded her understanding. The angels smiled and stepped away from the path, flapping her wings and taking off into the sky. One of the elves slowed her pace, staying at Akir's side. Slowly the forest began thinning, and they stepped out into the front lawn of the mansion. Aiden glanced back and smiled. "Welcome home."
Cy looked back ,seeing the little guy lagging behind.
=Chicken-Sh*t= he thought to himself. Still he couldn't help but feel sorry for the kid. Cy new what it was like to be afraid. He was terrified of his fathers beatings and didnt like feeling Helpless.
"Come on runt!" Cy called back to him. "Quit acting like a scared rodent. No one is going to eat you" Cy continued with an Evil brow raised "Or are they" with that, he laughed and continued forward.
jalek moye
Akir shook his head and looked down. When he noticed the elf getting closer he quickly sped up and walked father away
Scarlet Fox
The name my folks gave me is Alexandra. But it seems to.. big. So I just go with Alex. ~She said with a tiny smile. She then laughed softly as Cy spoke to the kid in the back. Runt was right. After Cys last comment she added her own~ You best hurry. Hungry beasts usually eat the weakest in the pack!! ~she giggled and turned back looking at Cy with a grin~
Cy laughed hard at Alexs comment before he looked up at the Mansion with amazement.
=WoW nice crib= he thought. Being from the poorest part of town it was like nothing he had ever seen.
"I hope we are not sharing bathrooms. Wouldnt want anyone walking in on one another in the shower" He said sarcastically, winking at Alex.
Scarlet Fox
~Alex glared a bit at him and punched him in the shoulder~ Get your mind out of the gutter there guy! ~She didnt hit him as hard as she did earlier but she still wanted to give the idea she wasnt gona take his crap~ ..... but yeah I really hope we have separate bathrooms.
Aiden shook her head and sighed softly. "Please follow me." As they moved away from the forest, shadowed figures of people became apparent as the owners of the eyes watched the newcomers walk off. "Hex is waiting in the dinning room." Further off down the path, beyond the house, was a huge red barn. And beyond the barn, the dark side of the island.
As they fallowed Aiden, Cy made small talk with Alex. "So your name is Alex huh, coincidence, my last name is Alexander. Not that Im proud to be an Alexander. They are a bunch of Alcoholic losers but interesting coincidence nun the less" He said, feeling kinda silly,wondering why he bothered to divulge that information, =Like she cared= he thought.
~Lily tapped her cheek in thought. 'Alexander?' she thought. The next thought that came to mind was surprising even to her. 'Alexandra Alexander' Her eyes widened slightly at the thought and she shook her head violently to get the thought out. She looked forward, feeling her face heat up and most likely turn red.~ Alexander? Heh.. no kidding... ~she cleared her throught a bit and looked to Aiden and nodded towards the barn~ So whats over there? ~An attempt to start a new conversation~
o.0... lily?... huh?))
who is lily? confused ))
Scarlet Fox
((oh crap. cry I feel like an idiot now. the tag Zalin is my brother IRL and we share a comp. He just got off and I forgot to sign him out. We didnt tell anyone because who would believe we are two diffrent people?.. but yeah that last post was mine. As for the "Lily" thing I got one of my characters mixed up. Lily is from some od buggy rp im doing in Unhosted..... wow now I feel as if ppl are not gona rp with me anymore).... and my brother is gona be pissed... >.<

((Edit note: I found out i did it in the Buggy one too.))
Jacob poked his head between Cy and Alex. "This is gonna be so Gnarly, Im Jacob." He said walking between the two. Jacob placed his hand to the side, waiting for a hand shake. As jacob did this, a small flame sprung from his finger.
Originally posted by Scarlet Fox
((oh crap. cry I feel like an idiot now. the tag Zalin is my brother IRL and we share a comp. He just got off and I forgot to sign him out. We didnt tell anyone because who would believe we are two diffrent people?.. but yeah that last post was mine. As for the "Lily" thing I got one of my characters mixed up. Lily is from some od buggy rp im doing in Unhosted..... wow now I feel as if ppl are not gona rp with me anymore).... and my brother is gona be pissed... >.<

((Edit note: I found out i did it in the Buggy one too.))
lol *hugs* np love))
Cy ,noticing Jacobs reaching out to shake, saw the little flame. Never wanting to show weakness, Cy manipulated the Iron in the blood in his hand to harden it and shook Jacobs hand , not feeling the pain from the Flame. He had done this before in order to punch someone but , from the temporary lack of oxygen, it left his hand Numb with a purple discoloration for a few minutes. Cy spoke "So your a Flamer huh" He said laughing out-loud at the Gay referenced play-on-words. Even if no one got it, he thought it was hilarious.
Scarlet Fox
~Alex eyed the over enthusiastic guy with the flame on his hand. She smiled lightly at Cys play on words. She got it right off.~ H shows it off as if he was a caveman who discovered it... ~Alex laughed softly not bothering to shake his hand.~
(( -.-' son of a .... ))
=Jason eyed the forest as he exited it and looked up at the house. He looked behind him at the kid Alex and Cy were making fun of. He smirked lightly as a large shadow in the shape of a vicious monster rose up from behind the kid as if it was about to eat him. Jason didnt smile or anything. He simply turned back around and made for the house.=
jalek moye
Akir looked around and noticed the large creature like shadow. he screemed and ran forward by the other kids who quickly placed them between it and himself and cowered behind them.
Pia had remained silent the entire trip, her feathered arms and wings where contained under a thick coat and as they walked her face began to perspire. She glanced around a little before taking the coat off, the final thing she did was throw it into the woods. Her strong fingers clasped the crude restraints of her wings as she undid them, her wings unfurled and she sighed slightly in relief not noticing any of the others as they continued to the large estate.
Cyrus stood Unafraid of this shadowy creature. Feeling the need to protect the weak He grabbed Akir and put him behind him. "Bring it on M****er F***er" Ironizing his extremities in preparation for a Fight.
Not realizing that he couldn't do much against a shadow. He stood Breathing hard enraged at the prospect of danger. "What kinda F'n Place is this?" He shouted. After consideration he realized that shadow can only exist if there is no light. "Alex" He said having an Epiphany "Zap it with your eyes"
Scarlet Fox
~Alex blinked at the scream and turned to see 'Runt', as she decided to call him from now on, running at them away from a shadow. She didnt need Cy to tell her to use her power. She was already on it. She concentrated her power on the danger, her adrenaline pumping, and her eyes shot the red light out. Unlike when she used it against Cy, which was a narrow straight line, this time it was wide spread. It engulfed the Shadow in the red light and as soon as it hit the shadow disapeared. She closed her eyes and fell on her butt rubbing at her eyes hard. The ground where she hit was steaming but only slightly.~ Ow! Ow! Ow!
=As soon as Alex hit the shadow with her 'light up eyes' the shadow disapeared. And right when it disapeared Jason winced and grabbed his gut. The draw back of creating 'living shadows' as he called them was that if they are exposed to light before he can destroy them himself, he gets a little jolt in his gut. Just a way of saying his decoy was destroyed. He did his best to not stop walking, to keep his eyes foreward, to not let them catch on it was him who made the creature.=
Aiden looked back and sighed. "Please... Follow me quickly." She opened the door to the house and waited.
=Jason looked up at Aiden and nodded.=
=He said, eyes not seeming to mean it. He walked into the house and stood there to wait for the others. He might be an evil punk but he still had manners.=
Pia jogged slightly ahead of the others, she wanted to get inside and get changed out of these smelly clothes and into something more comfortable. As she approached the door she smiled a little and nodded to Hex without a word.
hex isnt there yet. shes in the dinning room. you guys are in the entry way.))
Pia jogged slightly ahead of the others, she wanted to get inside and get changed out of these smelly clothes and into something more comfortable. As she approached the door she smiled a little and nodded to Aiden without a word, she felt some comfort in the fact that she wasn't the only one on the island with wings.
jalek moye
Akir slowly walked in, he glanced around in amazement of the large mansion. It was beautiful and for a breif moment he forgot how scared he was.
Pia slowed to a walk and glanced at the asian boy that most of the kids had unfairly (in her opinion) labelled, 'Runt'. She threw him a quick smile as she turned her attention back to Aiden as she drew closer to the door.
jalek moye
Akir noticed her smile and looked down at the ground as he began to slightly blush. He scratched his head and moved forward
"So what now" Cy said wondering what was in-store for them."Who is in charge here? Who are we supposed to meet" Cy said getting annoyed at the games.
Pia rolled her eyes and spoke up finally, she was probably younger than most of the others here but their attitudes where beginning to get to her, "You're all acting like two year olds..." She quipped and kept walking. Running over what Hex would look like in her head.
jalek moye
He frowned and spoke up from her comment, he hated being called a a baby.
"hey don't talk to me like that, i'm 14 not some little kid" he crossed his arms and continued
srry scarlet but their itching to get going))
Aiden laughed softly and stepped aside, making a path in front of two sliding wooden doors. "Well put Pia, no-"
"Here? Already? Aiden you should have sent someone to tell me."
Aiden jumped and glanced over her shoulder as the double doors opened, and there stood Hex. (image in her profile) "Sorry. I was afraid we wouldnt get here in time, but it seems we are early." Hex nodded and looked each one over in turn. "Indeed you are... Indeed you are." Hex sighed heavily and turned, making her way through the sunroom and into the dinning room. "Come on then. Lets get you all fed."
Pia shook her head slightly and continued onward, she wasn't far from the door when she beat her wings a few times, lauching from the ground and landing on the step below where Aiden was awaiting the group. She exhaled, satisfied that her wings had got their small amount of excersise as she walked up the stairs, smiling across at Aiden and looking up to Hex with the same smile, "Hi."
lol whoops ^^ ))
((thats ok... we posted at the same time hehe))
i know i hate it when that happens. XD oh well your post is fine there. ))
jalek moye
Akir looke dp at Hex and waved before looking back down at the ground silently
"Good I'M starving" Cy said ready to find out what was up with this place.
"Hex is it" He said as he found a place to sit at the dinning room table. "So whats your story? Why are you stuck with us Misfits" He said staring at Hex and her incomparable beauty.
Pia stayed silent apart from the greeting to their host and made her way inside with the rest of the group, realising then how hungry she was.
Hex sat down in her chair and canted her head in Cy's direction. "Life in prison is a grim way to end it. I chose taking you and your gifted friends in as exchange for my freedom." She took a sip of a glass of wine after an elf poured it. "I'm in for murder, in case your wondering." She waved her hand and several elves entered with a plate for each. "So.. Tell me about yourselves." She tapped her finger on a few folders with their pictures stapled to them.
jalek moye
Akir stood and just shook his head
"theres nothing to know. i'm a nobody who gts hurt all the time and that people hate" he didn't lok up at all
Cy looked up after taking a bite. 'You have my profile. You know everything you need to know" Cy said gesturing for the elf to poor him some wine. "So murder huh. Why dont you tell me about yourself. Who did you kill" Cy said turning it back to Hex to answer ,trying to feel her out.
The elf shook her head and walked off with the bottle, thats right, he got the cold shoulder and no wine. "Akir say that again and I have nine pages to throw in your face." She looked dully at Cy. "Depends. Which person are you talking about? The billionaire who owned the ship, the waitress, or the Captain?... I cant remember which one, but the lowest charge is third degree murder." She took another light sip. "Lets try this again. Tell me about yourselves. I want to hear it from your mouths."
jalek moye
Akir sighed and then shrugged "mam i don't know what to tell you. i don't know much about my self"
Cy, Pissed that he got no wine spoke up "What do you want to know? I mean you have our life story right there in your hands" He said not feeling comfortable talking about himself. He continued "And tell your munchkin to give me some damn wine"
Wei Phoenix
Just then someone teleports in the room and he looks like one walking shadow.
"Aren't you a little too young to be drinking?"
Pia kept quiet while she ate. From the bottom of her heart she longed to go home, to be with her family as was her right... but she understood the dangers that would bring not only to herself but those she loved. So, stuffing more food in her mouth she continued to eat, pushing the emotion to the side as was commonplace in her life.
jalek moye
Akir slowly walked over at sat down next to Pia, he didn't want to sit by anybody but hex would probbly make him he chose the least scary person. He sighed and stared at the food
Pia glanced at the kid as he sat down and once again as he sighed and just sat there, she swallowed her food and said gently, "Not hungry?"
jalek moye
akir just shook his head not taking his eyes off the food.
"i'm too scared" he said softly
Hex snorted and put her feet up on the table. "They dont have to be nice to you ya know. They can beat the shit out of you for all I care, but its not their nature. Just ba happy I dont have orcs serving you.... Right on time Doorman, welcome." She looked over at Akir and smiled sweetly. "It's ok. Nothing will hurt you here... Relax." She glanced at Pia and gave her a wink.
"Who asked you" Cy said, rhetorically, to the shadowy figure, as he continued to eat.
Pia leaned over to the boys plate and took a lil of his food, putting it in her mouth and chewing on it. The spices didnt bother her and she did it in hope that he'd begin to eat and not go hungry only out of fear. Also noticing the wink from Hex and looked back to her, lowering her voice and speaking to their host, "Can I speak to you in private later?" She asked.
Scarlet Fox
~Alex sat beside Cy and snorted lightly at Hex as the two talked.~ so we are bargaining chips for your freedom... kinda meesed up. ~She then began to ate, stuffing her face with what food was on her plate. It was possible someone was watching her as she 'hoovered' her food but she didnt care. She was starving~
Hex nodded in response to Pia's question, then turned her attention to Alex. "Ah miss Alex, I was wondering when youd speak up. And no it isnt messed up because I am more then happy to open my house to you and your friends... Besides you have no say in the matter."
Scarlet Fox
~She let out a sarcastic chuckle at the last part~ ... hence why its messed up. ~She finished what she was chewing on then looked at the rest of her food. She looked at Cy then to Hex and pushed her plate away.~ Im good.... ~She set all four legs of her chair on the floor and stood up~ Wheres my room?
=Jason had simply sat down with the others and ate his food in silence. He had eatten over half his meal when Alex asked where her room was. He looked over to Hex after Alex spoke and before Hex could=
Yes. I too would like to know where I am to be sleeping during my stay.
=Longest sentence he has said the entire time here.=
Originally posted by Scarlet Fox
~She let out a sarcastic chuckle at the last part~ ... hence why its messed up. ~She finished what she was chewing on then looked at the rest of her food. She looked at Cy then to Hex and pushed her plate away.~ Im good.... ~She set all four legs of her chair on the floor and stood up~ Wheres my room?
Cy looked up, taking his last bite, and spoke "Yeah where is her room" He said winking at Alex, expecting another punch from her.
Hex nodded and took another quick sip of her wine. "Well then, I guess I could let you get freshened up real quick. Up the stairs, girls on the left boys on the right. Your rooms have your names on them." A tall nasty looking creature (orc.. a bit more civilized) walked in and handed her a file folder. "Report from the Mist, Ma'm." She nodded and took the file. "Good man. I'll look into it tomorrow when I take these ones in." He nodded and quickly left as she opened the file. "Pia... You wanted to talk?"
Wei Phoenix
Originally posted by Lycanthrope
"Who asked you" Cy said, rhetorically, to the shadowy figure, as he continued to eat.
Doorman laughed to himself out loud and slapped his knee.
"Well to be honest no one asked me, but also to be honest again, uh well...no one didn't not ask me. Catch my drift buddy?"
Cy's momentary jovial attitude suddenly diminished as the shadow figure spoke to him. Feeling rage well up inside, he addressed him "Well then why dont you keep your F**K'n mouth shut and speak when spoken too A**hole. What are you the F'n Police" Cy finished, throwing his cup at the shadow, realizing it wouldn't do any damage.
Wei Phoenix
"Well I don't keep it shut because a closed mouth doesn't get fed, and no I'm not the police, I'm Doorman! Former member of the Great Lakes Avengers! So who are you and why do you curse like a sailor?"
Cy, expecting a negative reaction, like usual, from his out bust, was taken-a-back from the calm response he got from this Guy. "The Doorman Huh? Stupid name, who gave you that? I have never heard of the Great Lakes Avengers. Why are you here if you are some named X-man already affiliated with a group?" CY said not understanding this guys place here. He continued "Well I have no super hero pseudonym but my name is Cyrus Alexander. So do we call you Doorman or THE Doorman or do you have a name?" Cy said sarcastically.
jalek moye
Akir looked up
"i heard of that team, according to they havn't actually beaten any actual villians only wannabes."
Wei Phoenix
"Well it all started when I got bit by this radioactive door and thats where my life changed...wait...I think I read that on a bathroom wall. Well anyway yeah I was with the GLA before they fired me and I'll have you know we beat real villains not wannabes. We fought guys like Terminus and Gravitron. Squirrel Girl alone has beaten some of the most feared villains...we even beat Deadpool. But yeah you can call me Doorman or Demarr. There is no The in my name because only douches and dweebs have a "The" in their name. So what do we do now?"
He said with a puzzled look of confusion.
Scarlet Fox
~Alex got up without another word and began to walk out of the dinning room to her own. But before she left she smacked Cy on the back of his head~ Perv... ~ As she went out the door and around, if he was looking at her, he would see her just barley look back and smile slightly~
Cy shrugged Alexs smack off and winked at her before bursting out with laughter. "Bit by radioactive door" Cy continued laughing "squirrel girl" =This guy is freakin hilarious =Cy thought to himself "I think I will call you 'D' cool with you" He said still grinning at the amusing story.
Scarlet Fox
~Alex followed the directions given by Hex and found the room with her name on it. She sighed in relief and opened the door. she stopped in the door way and just gapped at the room.~ Holy S***! This room is AMAZING! ~She ran over to the bed, she left the door open, and leaped onto it getting comfortable~
jalek moye
A muscular shirtless young adult suddenly climbed through Alex's window. He was the guard known as Raken but the kids hadn't met him yet and he hadn't met them. He walked over to alex as she lay in the bed
"Come on now babe, isn't this form alittle young. But if you for some reason like it I can still have fun with it i guess" he lay his hand on her thigh
Pia nodded as she sipped at the water in her glass, and looked around, "Can we go somewhere more enclosed?" She asked Hex, not wanting to betray any 'delicate' information about her past or her current emotions on ANY subject.
Jacob still sat at the table, he didnt say a word while everyone else was talking. He held a glass of water in his hands, the water started to bubble and steam. Jacob looked down at the glass shocked at what was happening, he dropped the glass onto the table. The water was spilt all down the table, it was still bubbling. "What the...." Jacob quickly sat up, looking down at the water, then the group then back down at his hand.
"I didnt do anything, it just started to boil."
Scarlet Fox
~Alex eyes flared as this random guy she didnt know crawled into her bed.~ What the hell?!?! ~Alex jumped up onto her feet, stanning on the bed, Let out a scream, then lifted her leg back until it was literally almost pointing up, and brought it swinging down to kick the guy in the head.~ GET OUT OF MY ROOM YOU PERVERT!!!
((Copy and Paste the batman KA-PLOW here.)))
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He head moved down from the kick and it bounced off the bed. He stood up and raised an eyebrow as he cracked his neck.
"i'm guessing you arn't Hex?"
Cy,hearing Alex scream,Ran down the hall into her room. "What the F**k! Alex are you ok? Who he hell are you!" He shouted,addressing the stranger "You got about 2 seconds to get F**k out of hear" Cy said turning his fists into Iron preparing to attack this unknown invader.
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Raken stared at the young man and began to luagh
"first of all I live here, and second I wouldn't attack me if i were you"
"You think you intimidate me a**hole? If you think Im going to let you touch her, you are sadly Mistaken man" Feeling challenged Cy lunged at the guy, swinging his Iron fist at his head.
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Raken smirked and right as the fist neared him, right as it was about to touch him he exploded. the space where they were standing was surrounded in flames and the concussive force of the explosion would send cy backwards. (it works like TNT) Raken 's body then reapared standing next to the now on fire bed.
"that was a minor explosion, so nothing bad should happen. But I would suggest you stop"
Cy seeing that everything was on fire grabbed Alex by the hand and ran out of the room to head outside. As He passed the group in the Dinning hall, he shouted at Hex "You have a maniac trying to molest your students that just started the House On Fire" He let Alex go and went back to retrieve his Guitar and Archery Case. Returning to exit the house he addressed Hex Again "You best call your munchkin Fire brigade or this place is going down"
Hex's eye twitched and she sneered, she jumped to her feet and slammed her fist on the table. "RRRAAAAKKKKEEENN!" She growled and rubbed her eyes as a few elves made their way up to Alex's room. "We'll have it back to normal before bed." She sighed and made her way into the kitchen. "I need a drink."
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Raken walked into kitched slowly and shrugged he then smiled at hex
"o there you are"
Pia shifted her seat back and sighed, looking over at the man that entered the kitchen, pushing passed him to follow Hex as she stormed off. What kind of place was this? A detention centre for mutant juvenille deliquents? Well... if it was, she'd be the teachers pet, as usual but that didn't bother her.
Hex sighed and leaned back against the wall. "Oh god... My house... I'm gonna be sick... RAKEN GO AFTER ALEX AND HER BOY TOY." She put a hand to her head and groaned softly. "Oh my head... My beautiful house.. Oh god."
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Raken shrugged and walked off to go after them.
"i'l be back with them"
Pia put a brown hand on Hex's hand, "Not all of us are bad seeds Hex... you'll see." She assured the older woman with a smile that only a girl of her age could pull off.
Hex raised a brow and glanced up at Pia. "If you wernt so cute I'd think you were trying to win me over... Anyways.. What did you want to talk to me about?"
Pia chuckled a little then sat infront of Hex, "Just wanted you to know that...." She paused, pulling her lips under her teeth and sighing before continuing, "That I'm really glad you took me up... you could've said no to all this, but you didn't. You've saved me from a world that wants me dead... so I'm not trying to win you over... I'm being nice to you cuz you're being nice to me." She evaded the subject of her parents and family as much as possible. She wanted to go home, for everything to be normal again... but she knew that wouldn't happen. And it made tears well in her eyes even thinking about it, quickly wiping them away with the cuff of her sleeve she hoped that Hex didn't notice.
Scarlet Fox
~Alex was blown off the bed and landed on the floor. She got to her feet cursing. She didnt need this. She had been in a bad mood all day and now some guy was messing up her beautiful room~ Hey! I liked this room! ~She was about to throw a full punch when Cy grabbed her and pulled her outside. When Cy ran back in she tryid to protest but he was already gone. 'Why did he just pull her out?' She shook her head violently and ran back inside. She went back to her room to see the elf people already working on it~ I wana help! ~She yelled at them.~ Let me help!
=Jason had already went into his room and was looking down the hall as elf people ran into Alexs room. He arched a brow and then rolled his eyes as he walked to the room. He stepped into the door way after Alex ran up, He lifted his hands over his head and brought them back down. His eyes turned darker as shadows filled the room. Sweat began to appear on his face, quickly dampening his hair. The shadows engulfed the flames preventing them from spreading. Concentrating harder, as blood began to drip from his nose, the shadows shrunk putting the flames out. He dropped his arms to his sides and leaned on the door frame breathing hard.=
..... I helped because I didnt want my room to get messed up...
=He said between breaths. Apparently trying to have selfish reasons for why he helped. He looked right at Alex before he slide to the floor and sat down. It was a simple thing he did but it took so much out of him. Making the shadows solid is something he could hardly do. What drove him to concentrate further? 'I feel like im going to die... ' He thought to himself. He leaned his head back against the wall and just rested, eyes looking to Alex.=
... Im not helping to change your sheets....
Hex frowned and pulled Pia into her lap. "Oh hunny... The world can be a terrible place for people like you and me... That's why I created Paradise. This island lets people like you and your friends, and the mythical creature of lore and fantasy, live a normal life. I know you want to go home, lots all of you do... And you will, once you learn to control and accept your powers... It's ok hun.. Its ok to miss your family.. And dont ever be afraid to cry. It builds character." She winked and stood up. "Well, lets gather everyone up and I'll show you guys around hm? I think you'll like the stables.. I have a surprise down there for each of you."
The elves clapped their hands at what Jason had done. "Well done!" "Bravo!" "Yay!!" They laughed and looked at the damage. "Well.. We've seen worse." The other two nodded as they agreed with the third. "We might as well get started... Alex right?... Come on lets get this mattress out." One of them looked over at Jason. "You gonna be ok?"
Pia sniffed, nodded and stood with Hex, the small hug had felt good and although she missed her family she knew in her heart that there was a place for her here... that she needed to stay here to get stronger. The next thing on her mind was to practice flying, she loved the feeling of being up in the air... it felt so natural but she'd had too many crash landings to wanna go too high.
Cy, realizing everything was under control, brought his stuff back in to his room.Peaking his head into her room, he saw Jason in his exhausted state. "Are you ok Alex?" He said with sincere concern. "Whats wrong with him?"Cy said looking at Jason.The elves explained what Jason had done. 'Good show man" Cy replied Feeling jealous that he didn't have enough control over his power, not to mention not really knowing what all could be done with it, and not being able to help in Alexs situation.
"Come on" Cy said slightly annoyed " I overheard Hex say she had a surprise for us in the stables"
Scarlet Fox
~Alex chuckled softly at Jasons words.~ It was amazing. The shadows just came to life. ~She gave her thanks to Jason and then turned to Cy as he asked if she was okay. She nodded when he spoke of Hex in the Stables and after he stepped ahead of her she smirked. She ran up and jumped onto his back~ TO THE STABLES!!! ~She then looked back to the Elf people~ Oh hey thanks for the help as well guys!
Cy ,catching his balance after Alex jumped on him, spoke "You know you are on a Thoroughbred" ,He said being his cocky self. "Just don't spur me" he continued.
Laughing he headed, with Alex on his back, to the stables.
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raken stood against a doorway and shook his head as they passed, he then followed them to make sure they went.
Akir was only a few rooms over and silently walked over to hex and pia with his head down.
=Jason used his sleeve to remove the blood from his nose. He pushed himself to his feet, staggered a little, then regain his bearings. He looked at the elf who asked if he was alright.=
.... im fine.
=He enjoyed playing the Occasional joke or two but when it involved peoples lives he seemed to always get involved and then make up some selfish excuss as to why he helped. He watched Alex and Cy run off then turned and walked back to his room.=
Pia smiled at the boy and ushered him to join both herself and Hex, "Hey I just realised I dont even know your name." She said to Akir.
Scarlet Fox
~Alex was deep in thought about that Jason guy. Control over shadows? It then snapped that the Shadow beast must of been from him. Alex then laughed as Cy called himself a Thorough bred. She had her arms wrapped around his neck but loosley. She eyed behind her seeing Raken following them.~ Oh great the Perv is following us.... ~She glared at him lightly then looked back to Cy.~ Gah... He called me Babe. ~Alex made a sick face and then let Cy go to walk beside him. He would probly give a questioning look in which case she would just shrug and say 'I feel like walking'. She slipped one hand into her pocket, adjusted her Black, with white skull, Hat so the bill was off to the side, and fixed the black with white skull tie she was wearing loosly around her neck with her other hand. She then dropped that hand to her side and continued towards the Stables~ I wonder whats waiting for us.
Hex smiled and rolled her eyes. "Love is in the air.. I can cut through it like butter." She laughed and ushered everyone to the bottom of the stairs. "Jason! Come on down hun you can play with the fire later." As Raken came down behind Alex and Cy. She grinned and kissed Raken softly on the cheek. "Hey hun.. You wanna come with us?"
Pia watched as everyone else joined the trio and rolled her eyes at how even Hex was acting... it didnt make much sense to her but then again she'd been told that she was 'too young to understand' so she shifted the older people's recent actions to that particular category and thought nothing more of it.
=Jason signed and made his way downstairs to join with the others. He crossed his arms across his chest as he walked. He was exhausted but he kept up appearences, he didnt want to give off the impression he was weak in anyway.=
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Akir shrugged when pia asked him "m..m..my name is Akir" he didn't lift his head up at all.
Raken smiled and nodded
"of course Hex, it's my job besides they have to get used to their combat instructor" he smiled and his eyes shifted to Cy
Pia smiled and leaned toward Akir a little, still smiling, "I'm Pia." The smile remained as she began to make her way out of the mansion with the others.
Scarlet Fox
~Alex ear twitched and she looked back at Raken when he said combat instructor. She rolled her eyes and looked to Cy shaking her head as if to say pay no mind to him.~
=Jason walked up to get into pace with Pia and Akir. He didnt say hello. He didnt acknowledge them in anyway. He just walked with them.=
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