High School RP
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Scarlet Fox
Its the start of a new year and the first day is today. Orientation has already come and gone and for the most part went smoothly. The bells for the first day will last longer inbetween classes for new people to find thier rooms. The First bell of the day has yet to ring so Students should either be arriving to the school, in the hall ways speaking to friends, or already in their first period Class. Teachers are already in the class rooms organizing files, planning things, ect.
((the first bell is about to ring. When I will allow a short time so people can do what ever, inside school rules, but when the first bell rings you have a short time to get to your first class. Remember the way it is set up is you are all in the same classes. this is not for a person who has to go away for a while. If you do please say IN GAME that you are simply going on Vacation and will miss a few days of School.))
jalek moye
Jalek walked in the front doors quickly, he was wearing his yellow and black kung fu uniform with non shadded sunglasses(the outfit in the first pic) and had a custom made hulk backpack. He pulled his zune out of his pocket and changed songs, he then reached the commons and stood against a wall listening to music.
Jessy cheerfully walked in the doors listening to his ipod, wearing a long sleeved thermal and army fatigue pants. He waved to jalek as he passed him and sped up to start talking to some friends.
Scarlet Fox
~Lily walked up to the door of the school and stopped. She looked up at it and sighed heavily shaking her head before walking in. Today she wore black jeans with tears in the knees, a grey T-shirt with a black skull on it, a black unzipped hoodie, and brown DC shoes. At the moment she also had a black Hat on with Sunglasses on. black frame with Pink lenses. She had an I-Pod mini in her pocket, earbuds in her ears. People she knew she didnt consider them friends, just ... people she knew. Since she had nothing else to do she opened a piece of paper with her scheduel on it and went to her first class. There she sat at a random desk and put her feet up.~
Teachers roamed the halls going from place to place. A large male teacher with a polo shirt on walked up to Jalek. -Excuss me young man. either you remove the head phones or I add them to my collection.- Meanwhile the teacher who ran the first class room entered and saw Lily with her feet up. -Umm... Would you kindly put your feet down? And take those out of your ears your back in school now and you can listen to it after school.- She sat down at the desk and looked up at the clock. the bell would be ringing soon. She needed to get ready.
jalek moye
Jalek eyed the teacher and sighed, he removed his headphones and placed them in the pockets on the shorts under his pants.
"there" he waved his to signal him to move on
Scarlet Fox
The large (fat) teacher nodded -thank you.- The big man turned and made his way down the hall telling other students to put away there electronics. He even took one girls Cell phone before heading around a corner.
=Jason and Josh Freeman both came into the school at the same time. Josh had a glum look on his face and Jason didnt seem to really care. Jason put a hand on Joshs back.
Jason: Come on little soldier time to go.
=Josh just glared at him but didnt say anything. As per usual. Jason wore standard Blue jeans, a red shirt with Mario on it with the words 'A Mushroom a day keeps the Koopas away'. Josh on the other hand had baggy black jeans with chains, a Metallica shirt, and half-moon sunglasses on. Josh just shook his head and walked off away from his brother.=
Jason: Hey Josh! Where are you going? We practicly have the exact same classes! Wait up!
=Jason ran up Josh and slowed up to a nice walking pace beside him.=
Jason: Guess we should get to our first class since we have nothing else to do..
Josh: ... no duh.
=They walked to the class room and sat together in the back row of desks. When Jason sat beside Josh, Josh looked at him with a 'Why do you bother me' look. Jason just smirked and set his blue backpack on the floor under his desk.=
Scarlet Fox
(( Going to wait for others to get in the RP before I make the first bell ring. just a reminder. Even if you have not posted and I post that the bell has rung, your character is tardy. Also because no one wants to RP actual classes I will only do Two posts per class. an entro and an exit. the main rp for characters will be between classes and after school. I will tend to make the "Between" classes longer so people can interact. ALSO if you happen to post the same time I post a bell the Time of the post or placement will decide if you are late or not. As to some might show yours before mine a vote in the Register thread will decide if u are tardy or not. ))
Wei Phoenix
Nate gets dropped off by his mother and heads to the first classroom of the day. He checks his schedule and quickly finds the first class and waits for the bell to ring. He likes to be there early so he can sleep a bit and meet the teacher that he is probably going to annoy and amaze.
jalek moye
jalek pulled out his cellphone and checked the time, seeing that it was geting close he shrugged and got off the wall. He then headed out and walked to his class. Once he got there he thre his backpack in his hand and sat down a seat by the door away from the others, he then sat the pack on the floor.
Jessy continued to talk to his friends planning to not leave untill the last minute
Vega strolled dully into the school, tapping her drumsticks to the beat of the music playing in her ears. She glanced around quietly before walking down the hall to the classroom. All of her friends got transferred last year so they could be closer to their college. She was all alone this year. Oh well, she could manage. As long as she could keep herself entertained everything would be alright.
Scarlet Fox
The First bell rang signaling that class starts in Five minutes and that students needed to hurry to class. (not literally five minutes) The teacher of the first room looked up at the sound of the bell then to her students. -Well. Good to see so many of my kids are willing to learn.- She cantered her head back and forth a bit. -... Or they just want to get this over with.- She smiled at her own humor, not seeming to care if the students smiled, laughed, had a stroke.
~Lily arched a brow at the Teachers so called "Joke". Of course they wanted to get this over with. Who was she kidding? She leaned back in her chair, pulled out a black nail file and started to file her nails down a bit so they would have a slight tip to them, all the while doing so with a smirk.~
jalek moye
jessy heard the bell and waved goodbye to his friends. He then slowly began moving towards the classroom not really caring to hurry
Vega walked into the room and sat down, tapping her sticks on her jeans and mouthing the words to the song. She hadnt heard the bell so really she didnt realise the class was about to start. She figured she still had time left.
Xander entered the school hearing the bell ring. He quickly ran to his homeroom, his bag on his back and holding his guitar in one hand. Xander pushed the door open seeing most of the student allready sitting.
"Sorry im late..Im kinda new." He said finding a seat.
Xander placed his bag and guitar on the ground and looked around at the other students.
Scarlet Fox
The Teacher looked over to Xander and nodded lightly -Its okay your not late. -She looked up at the clock just as the second bell rang. anyone who came into the cless next was considered Tardy. The teacher got to her feet, a stack of papers in her hands. -Hello Class My name is Miss. Penelope Renalds. You shall call me by Miss. Renalds. I will not answer to anything else. Not Teach, not Hey You, and anyone calling me by my first name will recieve EXTRA homework.- She walked around the desks setting a big packet before everyone. -Since this is the first day of school you will recieve these packets. They are just a form you must fill out, Emergency information, home address. Everyone in their homeroom will have to fill these out. the last two pages are for your parents or gaurdians to fill out.- She turned and walked to her desk leaning against it. -Now. Before you do that lets introduce ourselves and tell the class a little something about yourself. Like your favorite food, movie, what you like to do in your spare time, ect. Ill go first so you can get an idea. Like i said my name is Miss. Renalds. My favorite food is Pepperoni Pizza, My favorite Movie has to be Gone with the Wind and in my spare time... Well lets just say Teachers really dont have spare time. Alright. How about you next?- she pointed to Lily. -And after you go you get to pick the next person. How about that?-
~Lily sighed lightly and muttered 'yay me'~ .. My name is...
-Please stand up Dear so we can all see and hear you.-
~She rolled her eyes and stood up.~ Names Lily. I like any food, any movie, and what I do in my spare time is my own business... ~she sat back down not pointing at anyone~
-Okay. Well I guess you dont want to play the Hot potato thing. So who ever wishes to go next go ahead.-
jalek moye
Jessy opened the class room door calmly and sat down.
"sorry i'm late teach" he said as he smiled
Jalek just chuckled as he smirked slightly
Vega glanced around at every one, slipping her sticks back into her bag along with her iPod. She did that in time to hear the end of the teachers 'joke.' it was enough to make her want to go home.
Scarlet Fox
-Well then sir please take a seat... and thanke you for volunteering. Please. State your name, favorite food, favorite movie, and what you do in your spare time. Loud enough for the class to hear it if you will. No one likes to Repeat things twice.- She just lightly smiled.
jalek moye
Jessy smiled and began to scratch his head, he walked over towards a seat and stood up infront of it.
"my name's Jessy Lee Redmond, my favorite food is rice, my favorite movie is undisputed 2, and i like to parkour in my spare time." he nodded and took a seat
Xander wasnt paying attention to the teacher and students talking, He just at therewith his head down day dreaming.
Wei Phoenix
Nate then stood up and took a graceful bow to his classmates and teacher. He then began to introduce himself.
"Nathan Nakoma Benton III, aliases include Nate, Nakoma, Natedogg, Big Nate, Juggernate, and something else. I do everything and listen to everything, all kinds of music except for mainstream rap which sucks with the exception of The Game and like two others. Underground hip-hop is still cool though, MF Doom for the win right!? Favorite bands are Smashing Pumpkins, Bloc Party, Heart, Jefferson Airplane and a bunch of others. So Ms. Renalds, prepare to be annoyed and amazed, because thats what I'm here to do."
Nate then sits down and awaits the rest.
Scarlet Fox
The Teacher nodded as she walked down a row of desks. -I will try to endure Mister Nathan Benton.- the Teacher walked over to the kid who seemed t obe talking in his sleep. She knocked on the desk. -Perhaps Our sleepy friend here would like to go next.-
"Oh...Um well" Xander said standeing up.
"Im Xander, i just moved from Australia and im staying with my uncle. I love my Heavy Metal music and play guitar. I had a band when i was in Australia, But...Well thats all."
Xander sat back down resuming his day dreaming.
Cpt. Valerian
*Is it too late to join?*
Scarlet Fox
((No. Late entries this early can just be late people. I wont count tardies this early. My teachers never counted them on the first day. Just post your bio in the registration thread.))
jalek moye
Jalek stood up and sighed
"Name is Jalek Moye, favorite food is pizza, favorite movies is fighter in the wind. I like to train in martial arts and read comic books"
=Jason got to his feet after Jalek=
Jason Freeman. I like Tacos, Fifth Element, and in my free time I play video games. Me and my brother are always moving around from city to city.
=Jason sat down and Josh got up.=
Josh.... Food... the Crow .... Games...
=Josh just sat down and crossed his arms leaning back in the chair. Jason spoke up again.=
Dont mind him... He is always like that.
Cpt. Valerian
The door was opened once again, this time by Robbie. He knew he was late.
"Sorry I'm late, teach."
He was wearing blue jeans and a tight, red, long-sleeve shirt. He sat down in the nearby chair and put his black backpack in front of his table.
Wei Phoenix
"Multi-pass...Multi-pass...MUL...TI...PASS! I like comics and games too! Got a 360? Add ya boy Wei Phoenix!"
He said out of turn but it was Nate being true to himself.
Vega laughed at Nate's little outburst. Then quickly realized she had brought attention to herself. She cursed and waited to see what teach would do. Maybe she didn't knotice.
Cpt. Valerian
Robbie turned to look at Vega and laughed. "Relax." He whispered.
Xander kept quite while he sat, he quickly pulled his phone from his pocket checking the time.
Vega smiled and stuck out her tongue. "What ever you say handsome."
Wei Phoenix
Nate noticed he made someone laugh and he began to feel like he accomplished something. He got out of his seat and did a "raise the roof" gesture.
"You see that Ms. Renalds? You see that guys? I did that! I brought that chuckle out of her. Do yall need a new black friend because cause I got a million more of random comments like that!"
He sat and calmed down after he was done and began to act like nothing happened.
"...Carry on..."
Vega put her head down on her desk and laughed again, this time a bit harder. She lifted her head and rubbed her eyes free of tears. "Oh god.. I'm starting to like this class... Oh my." She shook her head and looked up at the teacher. "I'm so sorry." She nodded and got a hold of herself. "Ok.. Ok I'm done."
Scarlet Fox
The teacher put a hand to her head and sighed before looking at Vega -Would you mind telling us about yourself?- She smiled softly and looked to Nate. -Please Nate. Try to contain yourself. This is the first day of school and I do hope it wont be your last.-
~Lily sat back in her chair and sighed. That Nate guy was annoying....~
Vega sighed and ran a hand through her hair. "My name Vega, if you call me by my real name I'll make you see stars. I like animals and looking pretty. My hobby is walking around in the woods and seeing what I can sneak up on. My favorite movie is.... Um... hmm... Watership Down I guess... I love sushi too."
Cpt. Valerian
"Who doesn't?" Robbie replied quickly, giving her a flashing smile and a wink, and then turned to look at the front.
masta iceey
((to late to join or should i hold on for passing period?))
Scarlet Fox
((Its still first period so go ahead and make a character in the Register thread, wait for approval then post.))
Renalds nodded softly with a smile then looked to Robbie. -Seems like someone needs to talk. Its your turn now.- She folded her arms across her chest and waited for Robbie to introduce himself.
Cpt. Valerian
He smiled. "Well, I'm Irish, I play on the school football team, I play the drumkit, I do martial arts, and I think Ms. Renalds is the best teacher," He said, still smiling, turning to look at her.
Scarlet Fox
She shook her head. -Sorry this class doesnt award Brownie points.... and theres something you forgot.. You didnt tell us your name.-
Cpt. Valerian
"Um, do you not have a sense of humour, Ms. Renalds? Jeez," He said, even still smiling. "I've been here for a few years, so some probably know my name already. Robbie Valerian."
jalek moye
Jalek and Jessy glanced at each other and smiled once they heard robbie say he did martial arts. They were both huge martial artists, everyone knew jalek was just from his style of dress
Scarlet Fox
Again she nodded. -Yes I have a sense of Humor. but it has higher standards then the low jokes students do these days... Okay. did we miss anyone? No? Alright.. -she looked at a peice of paper with a list of names of the kids. She marked a few things then looked back up. -The seats you are in now are your assigned seats. You will not switch seats unless specifically told to.. and no you can not change them right now. Now that we have introduced ourselfs... -she walked around her desk and sat down behind it, then looked to the clock. Only a few minutes were left. She looked back to the kids. -... Now as long as you keep it at a normal level I will allow free time to talk amongst yourselves if you wish. If you have questions please come up to my desk and ask. I will answer to the best of my knowledge.- With that Miss. Renalds leaned back in her chair, looking over more papers for the next class she has.
Derek came running in the class. Opening the door gently, he closed it back and stood in front of the teacher, bending slowly.
''I am sorry for being late''
Scarlet Fox
The teacher looked up and sighed softly then nodded. -Thats fine. Give me your name and pick one of t he remaining seats. It will be your assigned seat from now on.- She pulled out the class Roster and looked up at him.
Vega stuck out her tongue and sighed heavily. "Oh god could this day go by any slower?" She closed her eyes and let her head fall down onto her desk. She pulled her sticks out and started tapping absent mindedly on her knee to pass the time. Her head still was down on her desk.
=Jason yawned and turned to his brother.=
Hey Josh. How about after school I kick your butt in some X-box?
=Josh sighed a bit and put his hands behind his head.=
What ever... You never beat me anyway...
=Jason jerked his head back.=
What about the time when...
=Josh cut in..=
I let you win.
Scarlet Fox
The bell rings and the first of 6 classes has ended. Renalds looks up at them. -Alright I will see you all tomorrow. Dont be late to your next class and have a nice day.-
~Lily sighed in relief as she got to her feet and quickly stepped out, pushing past all the other people in the class~
''My nameis Derek, and I am sorry for the disturbance. Thank you''.
With another nod, he went and took a seat next to Jason and Vega.
Vega stuck her foot out at the last moment as Lily passed, waiting to hear a thump and feel her feet stumbled over her ankle. She smiled, her face still hidden by the desktop.
Cpt. Valerian
"You're a bad girl," Robbe said, smiling as always, as he saw Vega tripping Lily.
Derek looked at the scene with disgusted indifference.
Wei Phoenix
Despite being pushed by her, Nate feels a little bad for her being tripped so he decides to help her play it off. No one deserves to be embarrassed on the first day of school so he falls to the ground beside her and starts comically doing push-ups and tries to get her to join in.
"Yeah! That's right now uh, Lilith! Feel the burn! Give me five more push-ups and we'll be ready for P.E.!"
Xander picked up his guitar and walked to the door, as he exited the room, he saw the crowd and Nate doing push ups on the ground.
"Um..Ok?" He said to himself as he tryed to move past the people, carefully pushing past them.
Scarlet Fox
~Lily hits the floor and she grits her teeth. She slams her fist onto the floor and gets up quickly turning to Vega. She eyes the Teacher who was slowly getting to her feet then turns and walks out of the class room stepping over Nate as he randomly does his pushups~
Renalds clears her throat. -Miss Vega can I see you for a moment please?-
She snickered and whispered to Nate. "The best of the best, baby." Vega smiled and lifted her head. "Yes? Have I done something wrong?" She made herself frown to fake concern and bewilderment.
Derek looked at Lily, pointing out a seat next to him.
''Are you allright?'' he sais at first glance?
masta iceey
(( i wont let me post in your other thread so mind if i could quickly post your temp you gave us to fill out in here?))
jalek moye
Jalek got up and walked out before chuckling lightly at lily beeing tripped.
masta iceey
((nvm, im a nub i figured out what i was doing wrong so i posted it so ill hold out for a response now))
Cpt. Valerian
Originally posted by DangerousBeauty
She snickered and whispered to Nate. "The best of the best, baby." Vega smiled and lifted her head. "Yes? Have I done something wrong?" She made herself frown to fake concern and bewilderment.
*You mean Robbie?

Wei Phoenix
Nate then looks up at Vega with his own smile. So that's how we're going to play it?" He thought to himself as he got up. Nate was excited to see that someone else had the capacity for comedy and pranks. Now she won't feel as bad when he gets her back. One thing is for sure, he isn't doing this for Lily who was definately unappreciative of his generosity. This was soley for his amusement.
Cpt. Valerian
"Prank boy, huh, Nate?" Robbie said. "Nice. This'll be amusing."
Wei Phoenix
(Uh he said that in his head...)
Cpt. Valerian
*Oh.. My bad.*
Cpt. Valerian
Robbie got out of the classroom swiftly, and leaned against a wall next to his next class.
Derek caught up to him.
''Robbie, how are you. I couldn't get to you for the whole vacation''
Cpt. Valerian
"Yeah, I know, man. I was away in Galway again." He said as he moved forward to shake his friend's hand in a friendly way. "What you been up to?"
As he took his friend's hand,
''I've read mostly. Didn't feel energetic, I've only played tennis a few times this summer. It was quite boring actually''.
Looking arround.
''So what's new to this school?''
Cpt. Valerian
"Not much... A couple of new nice girls around, though... We might check it out later," He said, smiling. "But it does surprise me. You weren't energetic? C'mon, man. You usually are."
Derek laughed.
''Girls, haha. That's exactly what I need to be energetic'' slightly tapping on Robbie's shoulder.
''I don't know. I guess I can't really feel any drive to sport when I'm not with someone I know, so might as well say it was your fault.'' he said with a laugh.
Cpt. Valerian
He laughed with him. "Yeah, that's partly true. Join the football team." He recommended, punching his shoulder softly. "You'll feel the most energetic person in the world then, haha."
=Jason and Josh got up and walked out of the class with the rest of them.=
Jason = Wow.. how did we end up in the class with all the clowns?
Josh = I dont know... But I do know you belong there.
=Josh smirked at Jason who was clearly not amused.=
Wei Phoenix
Nate goes to near the water fountain and chills for a minute after class.
"Old girl could've at least thanked me. I mean I don't just throw out my services like that for everyone. Oh well, onward to my next class."
Scarlet Fox
Miss Renalds shook her head a bit. -Do you really wish to be put out of school already? The day hasent eve nstarted yet and already your tripping others as they leave?- She sighed softly. -Now either you can serve a detention or tomorrow you appologize infront of the class to her. And dont try to play this off. I saw what you did.- Renalds sat back down as a few other students began to come into the room for the next period. -Now go on to your next class. Wouldnt want you to have to run and end up tripping...-
~Lily made her way to the next class room as soon as she could. She sat down in the very back corner by the window.~
~The teacher was a skinny man in the back going through some books. Science books. Now and then he would take a stack and place them upon each of the desks, nodding to Lily a bit as he placed one on her desk. he then made his way back to the black board and wrote his name big so the students coming in could see.'Mister Nye'
((just so you know i actually had a teacher named William Nye.))
Wei Phoenix
((I swear to god if he is a science guy...))
Scarlet Fox
He did teach science.))
Wei Phoenix
((And Bill is short for William...))
Scarlet Fox
((Bill Nye the Science Guy. thats why it was so freaking funny. this teacher is based off my science teacher.))
Vega sighed and shrugged. "Yeah sure. I can apologize. Later teach." she winked and turned, slowly making her way to her next class. "Oh Ill apologize alright." She smiled and walked into the science class, making a face when she realized that same people were in this one. "Great... This is gonna be a long year." She sighed and plopped down in a seat near the back this time.
Wei Phoenix
Nate eventually makes his way into the next class and he sees a few classmates from last period mainly the joker and the "jokee" if you will. He takes his seat and begins to daydream."
lol. Mr. Nye was awsome. He waant big though so I assume you mean personality?))
FE Expert
Marie-Gabrielle takes her seat in the science class and begins talking to Nate about her friction coefficient and what it actually meant. "The friction coefficient is defined as fc/N, where fc = kinetic friction force and N the force exerted perpendicularly to the direction of movement. A surface without friction is said to be infitely smooth. However, most friction coefficients of surfaces where there are no adhesives are between 0 and 1. N is equal to weight X cos (angle of the slope)."
Some generic classmates began to ask her, "Where did you learn all of this?"
Wei Phoenix
Nate looks at her with a weird at expression, but he really does understand what she is saying and decides to reveal one of his secrets which is that he is actually very intelligent.
"Well that is an interesting discussion opener I must say. Usually I start with a joke or a random idiotic comment, but I can see that probably wouldn't work on you. I take it you are not from America after picking up some references to the metric system. Whenever you wish to have an intelligent discussion then you may address me as Nakoma, if you wish to talk about nothing in particular, be it games, anime, comics, movies, martial arts, etc then you may call me Nate. Your face may be smooth but does a foreign woman tell how many Kilograms she weighs?"
Scarlet Fox
~Lily sighed softly and layed her head down on the table. she was bored and the time to get to the next class was boring.~
The large science teacher. Mr. Nye sat at his desk and was reading a book when the bell decided to ring. He then closed his book, set it down, and stood. -Alright Class. My name is Mr. Nye.- He let out a small, sad, chuckle. -Like the Science guy... Anyway I do hope we can have a good year in this class.-
FE Expert
Marie-Gabrielle is taken off guard about her "inertial capability", a.k.a. mass, but she tells him her density instead, 1.04 kg/L. "If your density is lower than 1.00 kg/L, your risk of developing obesity-related diseases increase", she says. She would feel embarassed to tell what's her mass, or the force, in kg, the Earth exerts on her, but she feels more comfortable disclosing her density.
Wei Phoenix
"Tahaha...if only there was a way to find your weight using other things like density, height, mass and whatnot. So are your parents a Mac or a PC? Maybe both? Seriously you speak like a human google machine. Yeah think I'm going to call you Mac."
FE Expert
"For me, anyway, weight = mass X gravity. For other people, mass and weight are used interchangeably. If there was a way for you to know my volume then you'd know my weight (in kg-force). Perhaps Mr. Nye has intercepted us... Nakoma!"
MGH, who was her nickname back in Quebec City, claims that if people, in the future, ask for her weight, she would answer in newtons. Perhaps this may redirect her studies in engineering or science instead of focusing in music... Mac! It became clear for Mac/MGH and whatnot that she would do little for and with music! That she had a sudden change of heart, thinking that her brain has sustained an induced voltage high enough to provoke said change of heart.
Wei Phoenix
Nakoma was puzzled when she actually thought he was serious about finding out her weight. She gave him a whole equation to go by.
"Yeah that was a joke Mac but now I'm confused. What has he intercepted? Are we planning some break out or rebellion?"
FE Expert
Marie-Gabrielle may suspect that we gave the teacher clues about the material... An off voice tells her, "MGH! MGH! Have you forgotten about the true meaning of your initials? Some people once nicknamed you Database..."
She identified the off voice as being Urvan's. "Yes, Urvan, I know what MGH is. Mass X Gravity X Height. I may very well have an incredble memory but still imperfect. It's my potential energy. And don't forget that I could also bear 1/2*MV^2, where V = velocity, at the same time."
Scarlet Fox
Mr. Nye stood in the front of the class watching Marie and Nate with a smile. -While our two chatter boxes speak I want to address the class that the amount of time they continue to speak to eachother will be equivelent to the time you ALL will stay after class. Even if it means you will be late to your next class... - He turned to his desk and picked up a stack of papers. -You there in the back corner... the one staring out the window... Could you pass these out for me please?-
~Lily eyed Mr. Nye and shook her head.~ No thanks.....
-Im not asking..- He said with a smile waving the papers at her.
~Lily rolled her eyes and got up. She walked to the front of the class, took the papers into her hand and began to pass them out. When she got to Vegas desk she twisted her wrist making t he paper spin onto her desk and then right off. She eyed the girl and looked down briefly to make sure there was no foot sticking out when she passed by. She then handed the left over papers back the the teacher and sat at her desk in the back corner by the windows again.~
-Thank you. On the paper before you please write your name and the desk yo uare sitting at. If you have not already noticed there is a number on the top left corner of your desk.- The desks were set at a 5 x 4 placement. 5 seats across and 4 going back.
=- - - - - w
=- - - - - w
=- - - - - w
=- - - - - w
d Nye
((= is the wall with the hall on the other side. w marks the windows. - are the desks. D is the door. and Nyes desk is in the middle. its numbered from left to right 1-5 then 6-10 and so on and ect. Lily is on the last desk number 20))
FE Expert
At this exact moment, Marie-Gabrielle and Urvan became quiet, so much as not to make everyone else late for the next course.
=Jason and Josh both wrote on their peice of paper, name and the desk they sat at. Jason at desk 4 Josh at desk 5 by the window.=
Jason: well, this class is going to be a long one..
Josh: .... we havent been to the other ones yet so dont count on this being the worst. Cause if you do the next one will not be as good.
FE Expert
Marie-Gabrielle stated, on her piece of paper, that she is seated at position #16, the one nearest to the door, while Urvan is seated on #12.
Wei Phoenix
Nate looked around and didn't know exactly where to sit at. He then saw his little push-up buddy and decided to right behind her. He gracefully made his way to his seat and sat down.
"I don't know, but someone didn't thank me for the work out earlier."
Scarlet Fox
talking about me? Im in the back corner. there is no seat behind me. either infront or beside.

Mr. Nye nodded a bit as they filled out the information and then picked up a larger version of the book they each had. The Teacher Copy of that book. -Now if you will all be so kind as to turn to page 56 of your text book. Silently Read from 56 to 60 and answer the 5 questions at the end. This will be the first grade of the Semester. Once everyone has turned it in You all may have some free time to speak amongst yourselves. It shouldnt take long to do, however take your time.-
~Lily rolled her eyes and opened the book begining to read~
Wei Phoenix
(front is fine.)
Nate pretends to be reading. He has already learned this outside of class. He keeps to the topic at hand though which is that well deserved apology.
"Cause you know, I took a pretty nice dive? I mean you could've been really embarassed and known throughout the rest of the year as the girl who fell flat out on her face. I mean I would thank someone for helping me out and..."
Nate keeps going on and on until he gets at least something out of her.
FE Expert
MGH also did learn the thing outside of class. She fills her exam copy as though it was nothing more than a driving license form.
Urvan, however, struggles a bit. He finds very tempting to ask Marie-Gabrielle, but he refrains from doing it.
Anon E. Mous
No one has posted on here for a long time. Is it too late to join?
FE Expert
The bell rings to announce recess time.
Marie-Gabrielle and Urvan part ways, momentarily. Urvan thinks of ways to improve his guitar style, since he signed up for the guitar contest.
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