I deleted my sig.

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In order to modify ANY of the information in my profile, it required me to delete my giant-ass signature. I got tired of all the info I put in there from when I was 14, so I took the plunge and deleted my almighty sig. Tis a day of mourning.

How did you have an oversized sig to begin with?

I don't quite know. I think it was made so long ago that the limit was greater at that time. Then, when the limits became a bit stricter, my sig just stayed the same, but if I ever tampered with my profile, it'd be gone for good.

I see, that sucks. Make a new sig, with Snake Eyes from the movie, I don't know.

Come on, that was history.

That's like burning Sydney to the ground.


Yeah, the signature limits were changed to exclude custom made smilies, for example, some people (RJ) had like a screen full of sig at times, though it did suck that it excluded people that used it reasonably (like SnakeEyes for example).

Hmm, this is bigger than Obama's inauguration.

Originally posted by Grand-Moff-Gav
Hmm, this is bigger than Obama's inauguration.
What's an Obama?

Originally posted by SnakeEyes
I don't quite know. I think it was made so long ago that the limit was greater at that time. Then, when the limits became a bit stricter, my sig just stayed the same, but if I ever tampered with my profile, it'd be gone for good.

The signature limits wouldn' t affect you unless you changed your profile.

Ceterum censeo OTF esse delendam.

Originally posted by Bardock42
Yeah, the signature limits were changed to exclude custom made smilies, for example, some people (RJ) had like a screen full of sig at times, though it did suck that it excluded people that used it reasonably (like SnakeEyes for example).

Goddamn it, f*ckin' people.

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