Universal Darkness
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Scarlet Fox
The Story
There were always unsteady borders between the Three races that lived in this land. A third of the continent to each of the most superior beings. Sometimes war would break out but the lands stay equal to the three and the wars, although many died in every battle, never got to far. A Treaty always made. That is why these three races stay in control of the land.
However there is now a dark cloud hanging over the land and many villages and cities of all three of the great races have been destroyed. Naturally they point fingers at eachother, but over time they came to realize a new threat outside of their own land has come to claim it. The three races united, though still uneasy about eachother, in order to deal with this threat. So far to no avail. the new force has already conquered a corner of the continent and has created a stronghold. Many claim to have seen Mighty Generals of Old in alliance with these dark forces.
There is a prophecy, though it is told diffrently in eachs races inner circle, that Heros will arise and banish the darkness back to where it came from. No one knows who these heros are. No one has found a way to figure it out. and those who have apposed this threat have all perished. All but one. A Kaja had managed to escape and within jumbled words managed to speak of a "Dark One" that lead the new army of Dark creatures. He spoke of how the "Dark One" had managed to twist the minds of the Three greatest warriors in the entire land. One from each Race. The Kaja didnt survive another night. The Dark army has been still for an entire year. Bidding its time. Building its army. Waiting for the right time to strike.
A Young Kaja female layed sprawled out on a tree that had fallen days ago. In the distance, miles away smoke could be seen rising. The Kaja Village there apparently destroyed. The young Kaja didnt seem dead but wasnt consious. There was a small patch on the back of her head that was dried with blood as if she had taken a blow. Perhaps this was why she was out.
Wei Phoenix
Rood was on his way to train a bit in some mountains but the sight of a destroyed village caught his attention. He saw a fallen comrade laid out on a tree and figured that she lost in battle. The only thing that he saw acceptable was to put her out of her misery and give her the most honorable death. Rood places his left hand around her neck and prepares to snap it.
"Sleep now my fallen sister and join our brethren in the skies."
Scarlet Fox
The young Kajas eyes snapped open and she kicked at the fall tree making her entire body twirl around and out of his hand. she pushed off and tackled against him, teeth bared and growling. Her strength was amazing for a "Cub". She didnt talke, just snarled. But when she finally realized it was another Kaja, her ears bent back, her blues eyes went down and she back off of him to sit on the ground.
Wei Phoenix
Surprised at the amount of fight left in the wounded woman. His natural reflexes told him to kill her but she backed down.
"Who are you and what happened here? I trust that you didn't lose anyone outside of our race."
Scarlet Fox
She tilted her head seeming surprised the Kaja Male wasnt mad at her outburst. She slowly stood up to her full height of 6'1 and shook her head. ... the Kaja village.... my village... was destroyed by the Dark One... My name is ..... Chun Her voice was soft and sweet but she seemed hesitant about saying her name. She had her head lowered slightly, her blue eyes looking up at him as if in submission.
jalek moye
Cato looked up at the sun in the sky and looked back straight ahead. He shrugged his shoulders and began to walk down the long road before him, searching for what he needs to do.
Wei Phoenix
Rood wasn't surprised she was holding her head in shame. Her loss was a disgrace to her and her race.
"You are right to hold your head in shame, for not only have you disgraced yourself, but also our proud race. Losing to some "Dark One" is not acceptable. To be frank you should've just let me finished what I started."
Scarlet Fox
Chun lowered her eyes now. He was right. The Village was gone. .... I should have died with the Re !!! Chun snapped her head up, her ears perked upwards. She twitched at the male as if hesitating with a decision but it was only for a fraction of a second and she then tackled him down. Three arrows flying over where he stood. She was fast too. One would wonder how she lost. _Of course they would go for him. Bigger then me.- She thought to herself. Back behind where the Kaja male stood there were now 6 beings. 3 Large and green with what looked like tusks. (Orc if you will) Two of them had swords and shields while the other had a two handed axe. The other three were smaller with black skin. ((think LOTR Goblin)) and they had bows, all aimed at them.They are here! Her hair stood on end as she stood on all fours on the Kaja Males chest. Her eyes went from light blue to ferosious yellow and she leaped off of him and ran swiftly to the 6 evil beings. Those who had destroyed her home. the rage rushed through her blood. All she could think about was killing them. She saw that they had horses with many things from the village.... It hit her then. This was all that was left from the attack. These 6 where the only survivors... Not for long.
Wei Phoenix
"What is wrong with you woman?! I do not need your help to fight off a few petty arrows! Lay your wounded hide aside and I shall rend them asunder!"
(How well should we do in this fight?)
jalek moye
Cato continued moving down the road looking around as he walked, he was in an unfimilar area. He keep on walking forward currently aimlessly, wondering if he would find use.
Scarlet Fox
The orc with the axe slammed it down, Chun pushed off on all fours and spun to the side just as the Axe hit the ground and sending chunks upward. She landed on all fours and pounced on the Axe weilder. Her claws slashed out at his face and she suddenly flipped off of the creature just as another swung down on her. It missed and cleaved the Axe wielding orc at the torso. The surprise of the attack was gone and the remaining 5 were more caustious as they slowly closed in around her.
Scarlet Fox
Well it needs to show that these dark forces are not to be taken lightly. thats why i wanted jalek to come in during the fight. kind of a rescuse sort of thing.))
jalek moye
(I'll have him get there after Wei's post)
Anon E. Mous
Flying on his carpet, Can-Yu saw a human in armor with a large shield on his back walking along the path below. He said to himself: "Humans... so fleeting, their lives ending so soon. You kind of have to pity them. *sigh* If only they didn't expell me from the council, i wouldn't be flying over these lands. I only summoned one zombie. One! I guess they think necromancy is the ultimate evil. Its not! They should see the evil i've seen from up here. Villages burned down, people slaughtered..." The carpet wanted a rest, so he touched down about half a mile from the armored human, thinking: "I can pity humans, but i don't have to talk to them."
Vexx wondered down a broken path in a semi-tipsy swager, sipping upon his flask of tasty booze as his red scarf swayed with the wind....When he caught the scent of fresh blood in the air, but it seemed tainted, almost rancid.
His curiosity began to get the best of him.
He got down on all fours and swiftly followed the scent.
He slowed to a creep as the scent got stronger, He knew he was near.
After scouting the area he saw it in the distance, 2 of his fellow Kaja and a small group of greenskins(as he called them).
Vexx snarled and his fur raised up at the sight of them... he stayed low to the ground creeping up upon them slowly...
A hooded figure was sitting down on a branch in a nearby tree,Lowering the hood to reveal that it was a woman her black hair flowed to the waistline her name was Lucrecia known to all races as a fierce warrior with amazing skill. She was admiring her chakra a deadly weapon if used correctly,She clipped her chakra back on her waist and took out an apple and took a bite from it something made her look up she noticed smoke coming from the distance still chewing on her mouthful of apple she jumped from the tree
Wei Phoenix
Rood made his charge towards an orc while getting hit with arrows from the goblins that managed to miss his vitals. His adrenaline boost cancelled out any pain he would be feeling. He knocked the sword out of the orc's hand and chokeslammed him to the ground and used his sharp claws to disembowel him.
"I hate to tell you dude but my mood is real rude right now!"
Just as he finished speaking his back was met by many arrows which caused him to snarl in anger.
Seeing the male Kaja charge one of the orcs, Vexx decided now was the time to join in. He picked up speed and pounced on another one from behind taking it to the ground and tearing out it's throat with a fierce bite before he too was bombarded by arrows.
jalek moye
Cato moved ahead and stopped when he heard what sounded like people fighting in the distance. He quickly sprinting over to the driection of the battle and stopped when he saw three Kaja taking on a group of orcs. He raised and eyebrow and stood by watching as he figured seeing as there were only two left they would have it under control.
Anon E. Mous
Can-Yu saw the human stop up ahead. He decided to go up on his carpet to see what was going on. In the air, he saw 3 Kaja fighting with a couple orcs. Savages, all of them. However, these particular Kaja can fight.The orcs won't stand a chance against them.
Lucrecia landed perfectly on her feet and put her hood up back over her head,Putting the remainder of her apple back in her pouch she then made her way to where the smoke was coming from she was very fast even though she was human, She was almost there when she heard sounds of fighting wanting not to be seen she moved fast but carefully and saw 2 of the kaja fighting the orcs.
Wei Phoenix
Yet another Kajan got in his way and interrupted his battle by stealing his would be kills.
"And just who in the hell are you and how dare you come and try to steal my glory from the deaths of my fallen enemies?!"
Anon E. Mous
The Kaja were so fast, Can-Yu couldn't even see what was going on. In a matter of seconds, there were no more orcs. "I'll wait and see what the human does..."
As he said that, he noticed yet another human, running quickly from the east to where the fight was. If she wanted to fight, there was nothing else to kill. The kaja were in such a bloodlust that they'd probably kill her as well.
Scarlet Fox
~Chun sat down on the grass and pulled an arrow from her shoulder and then reached to get one from her back. She hissed as she couldnt quite reach. she looked up to see the Male Kajan who found her riddle with arrows. her eyes widened and she ran over to him on all fours wit hthe arror still in her own back. She got on two legs as she got up to him and attempted to help him get the arrows out. She didnt know if he would accept her help or not so she was alert just incase he snapped at her.... she pulled one out~
Wei Phoenix
Rood turned around in anger and was about to slit someone's throat but pulled his claws back when he found out it was the weakling.
"How dare you shame my Kajan pride with aid?! Stay out of trouble weakling and let me handle this! Do not endanger yourself lest you not fear death!"
Vexx looked over at the the Male Kaja... wondering what crawled up his butt...so to speak :P While pulling an arrow out of his shoulder and reaching for another in his lower back.
"Well, i for one wouldn't mind some aid"
He looked at the young female... "Nice to meetcha, it's been so long since iv'e seen any of my kind"
Still fidgeting trying to reach the lower arrow. He gave up for a moment and pulled out one of his flasks and took a quick chug.
Anon E. Mous
Mental note: Kaja are extremely pain resistant. Try not to get in a fight, even though i would, of course win.
Lucrecia was hiding behind a large boulder she could see that the kaja had stopped fighting, there was several orcs found disembowled on the floor. ~ quite bloodthirsty these kajas ~ Staring at the kaja she got a feeling that she was being watched by something,She looked around but couden't see anything so carried on watching the kaja with a bored look on her face.
Wei Phoenix
Rood looked back at the other Kajan with much disdain. His words of needing help not only shamed him but their entire race. True the Kajas are one but they are still independent and fight alone. It is dishonorable for a losing or dying Kajan to be saved from battle against a worthy adversary. Rood already made the mistake of letting the weak female live, but he will not make that mistake again and help the other male.
"Well then you deserve to die. Where is your pride? We either defeat our enemies in front of us or we die an honorable death. I need no help from you or her, do not touch me, do not try to tend to my wounds, after I am done killing them I will tend to myself!
Anon E. Mous
Hmm, the human female seems to be looking for something. Also, the big Kajan seems to be getting angry. These beings are filled with bloodlust. I don't even want to look at them. But I must.
Still watching the kaja she was eyeing the one who seemed more angry than the others, out of curiosity she continued to watch and see if he was going to do something about it, she then took out the remaining apple out her pouch and took a big bite out of it becoming aware that she was being watched by something she was ready if it should choose to be hostile and come out of where it was hiding.
Anon E. Mous
That female human seems pretty focused, as if she is ready for something. Odd. Maybe I should go and talk toher. Nah, i'll wait until the Kaja stop argueing.
jalek moye
Cato sighed seeing that they seemingly ignoring the 3 remaining orcs, he swiftly ran over with drawing one of his swords. he spun around him and thrust it behind himself, the sword went straight through the orcs torso and he pulld it out and hit the next one with the hilt casuing it to stumble. He swung his armored leg into the orcs shin making it grunt as it hit the ground . He sheathed his sword and pulled his shield out, in one swift motion he slammed the shield into the orcs throat. He placed his shield back whne an arrow came at him, his hand moved up and he grabbed the air out of the air and snapped it. Cato began to laugh when the orc kept firing arrows forcing him to pull his shield back out.
Anon E. Mous
Can-Yu watched in amazement. That human just caught an arrow! In his hand!
I wonder if he's noticed me yet?
Wei Phoenix
"Do you see what you two weaklings have done?! Your interference has distracted me from my task at hand and now something that smells like a human has killed two of them. Unlike you two I won't be upstaged by some human or anyone else for that matter.
Rood ignores anything the have to say and takes 3 shots to the chest that causes him to stumble back but only for a few seconds but his resiliency is as big as his pride. The goblin shares the same fate as his fallen bretheren. Rood pounces him and disembowels his stomach. His claws were now dyed crimson and he was ready to keep feeding his insatiable lust. Although the other Kajans got in his way and attacked they were still his people and the glory could've been shared, but now that they were helped by a human their glory and pride was dealt a thunderous blow. Rood was not happy at all and he stared Cato down with extreme prejudice.
"I do not recall asking for your help. You have disgraced us all by showing your "presence". I have no need to be indebted to some human either. You're culture and ethics are already plaguing my people as you can see"
Anon E. Mous
Uh oh, now the human is getting yelled at. That Kajan is unbeleivable. He must have taken 20 arrows, and it seems like he hasn't felt a thing! The human doesn't stand a chance against him. I think i'll stay hidden until the right moment arrives.
jalek moye
Cato smirked and stared back at him "Really now, Well you seemed to have been forgetting them. I wasn't doing it to have you indebting to me, I was doing becauseI looked like the approatite action at the time. But If it is a fight you are looking forward you will get it"
Lucrecia watched the angry kaja looking at the human who had defeated the 2 orcs she thought to herself * Hmm that kaja should be grateful that my human kind was willing to help these proud freaks * She was ready to back her fellow human should he attack him.
Wei Phoenix
"I fight to the death, and I pull my punches for no man, woman or beast."
Rood's heavy breathing began to slow down as the blood dripped to the ground.
jalek moye
Cato shook his head "Well that's great but you could be useful to your kind, So if avoidable I will not kill you" He just stood there with his shield "If we must fight then come on, It shall be interesting" He stretched his shoulders a little and cracked his neck as he readied him self for combat.
Anon E. Mous
They're getting into battle stances. Perhaps i should... intervene? Or not, this will be a fun fight to watch.
Lucrecia decided to wait and watch untill her assistance was needed she thought to herself that she had seen her fellow human from somewhere before, she thought she noticed something else watching as well but she just nodded and carried on looking at the two people gearing up for a fight.
Wei Phoenix
Rood licked the blood off of his claws and looked back at his "weak" brothers.
"Watch and learn kiddies, this is how a true warrior fights."
He looks back at Cato and holds out three claws.
"Three minutes, three minutes is all the time I have to spare on you. I have other things to do today, so just try to survive."
He looks back at Vexx and Chun, the girl was still hurt and needed medical aid or an assisted suicide. Either way Rood planned on giving it to her. He then took out the last arrow in his chest and threw it to the ground before Cato.
"Do you see that? That is the only drop of my blood you will see. I await your attempt human."
Rood spreads his arms out and awaits his attack. Rood was not known for using defensive stances, his style was comprised of complete offense and speed.
jalek moye
Cato shrugged and twisted his body to the side, his arm strecthed as far as he could with the shield in his hand. He spun his body back to starting position swiftly, as he did he released the shield at a downward angle. It soared downward slicing trhough the air and striking against MaMood's lower shin area. His legs were ready to sprint back to the shield incase needed.
Vexx simply stood back and chuckled at Rood, taking another drink from his flask.
Scarlet Fox
~Chuns tail wrapped around the arrow and pulled it out of her back. She let out a painful roar and then looked to The Kajan male and the human he was about to fight. She ran up and stood between them, her fur standing up on her back, her blue eyes yellow, blood going through her fur in the spots she removed the arrows. She was growling at the human.~ We were just ATTACKED by the Dark Ones Forces and YOU two BICKER! She talked to them both but she seem more protective to the Kajan male behind her.~
blurry weak, a battered and bruised Naimah rises from the bushes only to crouch again. There, infront of her rests an Elf and his carpet, oblivious to the fact that she was crouched only 2 feet behind him, hungry.... but instead of pouncing, she quickly finds the nearest branch and hoists herself up in a large tree. almost too weak to hold on with hands she lays there flat and unmoving, tail swinging, gently brushing the back of the Elf's hair...still hungry
Vexx reached around, finally plucking the arrow from his lower back. Wrapping his long red cloth tight around his wounds.
He then calmly walked up closer to the others, nodding in agreement to what the young female had said.
Wei Phoenix
Rood fell to his knees and after the shield attack. He was about to regain his footing but Chun got in his way yet again.
"I care not for some "Dark One" I'll kill him the same way I kill everything, now step aside weakling and let me finish this. I'll listen to what you say in three minutes!"
He brushes her aside and brushes his knees off.
"So you discard your shield in the beginning of the battle, therefore you leave a weakness open. That is why you have a shield right? To protect a weakness, thats why you wear armor am I right? I on the other hand have no defenses, I have no shields, my armor is my skin. Defense implies weakness, a weakness you wish to cover up and my style focuses on complete offense and speed. Now if there will be no more interruptions from my weakling bretheren or any "Dark Forces" then lets finish this, our time is almost up anyway."
Mood fell to the ground on all fours and started charging towards Cato zig zagging around him with his speed. He waits for an opportune time and pounces towards him.
The smell of blood drifted around Naimah's neck and into her fuzzy nose which twitched. she wanted this Elf, it smelled so good, but she vowed never to go down that road again, blood lusted, a killer.
she brings her tail back to her back to reach in her pack for a snack, a leaf wrap, berry pouches, something...anything. when she finds it is no longer attached to her body.
where is it... whispered a raspy Naimah
...tail twitching amongst the trees searching for any sign of the black leather, feather draped, torn and tattered back pack. Then she saw it... there... underneath the Elf's carpet, peaking out of its back right corner, laughing at her, teasing her, daring her to try to grab it without being seen.
maybe if i ...thought Naimah as she grabbed a small branch from the tree and attempted to prop up the corner with the twig while she carefully slid her lucky pack form under it with her long tail.
careful tail, be gentle we cannot allow him to see us, but we cannot leave our packpack either
gently sliding, pulling, tugging, she was hanging by her back legs which were not her strongest point...
she found herself beginning to...
oh no mi mi dont fall!
Originally posted by Wei Phoenix
Rood fell to his knees and after the shield attack. He was about to regain his footing but Chun got in his way yet again.
"I care not for some "Dark One" I'll kill him the same way I kill everything, now step aside weakling and let me finish this. I'll listen to what you say in three minutes!"
He brushes her aside and brushes his knees off.
"So you discard your shield in the beginning of the battle, therefore you leave a weakness open. That is why you have a shield right? To protect a weakness, thats why you wear armor am I right? I on the other hand have no defenses, I have no shields, my armor is my skin. Defense implies weakness, a weakness you wish to cover up and my style focuses on complete offense and speed. Now if there will be no more interruptions from my weakling bretheren or any "Dark Forces" then lets finish this, our time is almost up anyway."
Mood fell to the ground on all fours and started charging towards Cato zig zagging around him with his speed. He waits for an opportune time and pounces towards him.
A split second decision lead to Vexx lunging at Rood, taking him to the ground and attempting to restrain him, "Calm down, hot head... He means us no harm...."
Wei Phoenix
Yet another obstacle in his way, his bretheren were doing nothing but tarnishing the honor of him and the duel. He flexes Vexx off and stands up.
"Do...not...get...in...my...way! What do you mean he means us no harm?! He hit me with his shield!"
jalek moye
Cato walked over to where his shield was, he kneeled down and lifted his shield back up. He walked over to Rood and smirked "I use a shield and armor beacuse it's smart, just because I don't have claws doesnt make me weak, for i use my resources. My defense becomes my offensfe, my weakness my strength" He sturned his hand with the shield sideways hard across roods face before taken hop backwards. "Show me your strength, and I will grind it into nothing before you" he said pulling his mace out with his free hand.
Vexx got back up, seeing what the human had done after he stood up for him. Vexx sighed.. "ok... now he means us harm... Go get em champ!"
Vexx drew his sword and let out a growl.
He waited at the ready... this human could no longer be trusted.
Wei Phoenix
"Once you bring in an outside source you admit your own weakness, once again which is why I don't use weapons nor defend. As I said your ideology failure has already spread to my brothers. The one behind me feels the need to use a sword now. You should be thanking him though and the female. Due to their constant interference your three minutes are up and I don't have time for this anymore."
The three minutes were up and Rood was a man of his word, he didn't have anymore time to fight even if that meant he was the loser of this bout seeing as he was unable to land a blow due to continuos interference. He turned around and slowly and began his retreat. He decided to leave the other two in each other's care.
"Later days you two."
Lucrecia who had been watching for a while knew that her fellow human required some assistance she came out from around the boulder and walked with a purpose with her hood still up and her black cape swishing behind her she stood behind her fellow human and looked directly at the kaja
~ hey back off ~
Her hand held firm tight on her chakras.
Vexx looked upon the newcomer, a bit more tipsy than he was 5 minutes ago.. his booze was sinking in and he was starting to get frustrated.
"You first, wench! ....Tell your dog to back down."
He said, thinking she was with this other human.
She smirked for a second her hand firm on her chakras she then lowered her hood her black hair flowed ~ what a kaja being a gentleman? Letting a woman go first oh please ( raising her chakras high up )
Vexx readied himself for a tussle....swerving back and forth, but keeping his stance.
~ what not afraid of a woman are you ~
( Laughing )
~ come kaja show me what you got ~
There she was on all fours, back pack high held by the tail, sprinting as fast as she could giggle a bit at the swift get away.
Little did Naimah know she had run directly in the middle of a very tense group of kajas, humans, and some very dead orcs.
oh...uh....excuse me
Seeing everyone was upright she decides to do so as well, poking her chest out a bit being prideful. Slowly moving towards a familar face, she was from a different tribe than Chun but their family had been friends
Whispering hi, what happened?
Scarlet Fox
Originally posted by Wei Phoenix
"Once you bring in an outside source you admit your own weakness, once again which is why I don't use weapons nor defend. As I said your ideology failure has already spread to my brothers. The one behind me feels the need to use a sword now. You should be thanking him though and the female. Due to their constant interference your three minutes are up and I don't have time for this anymore."
The three minutes were up and Rood was a man of his word, he didn't have anymore time to fight even if that meant he was the loser of this bout seeing as he was unable to land a blow due to continuos interference. He turned around and slowly and began his retreat. He decided to leave the other two in each other's care.
"Later days you two."
Chun ran over and around to be infront of Rood. She stood before him with a big grin on her face. Thanks for the help! I dont know what came over me. She contionued to grin then looked to his wounds her mouth fell open. Oh my! Let me help you. she walked over to him then glared up at him. And before you protest I advise you stuff it before I drop you and Help you against your will. She gave him a fierce look, Fiercer then one would expect.
Realizing she missed a lot that had transpired she retired to the ground where she was standing, sitting in om, snackin on a berry bar be had mixed wit oats earlier. Her left forearm was bleeding, licked it clean and observed the group
Wei Phoenix
He looks down at her and laughs at her cute threats. He was in no immediate danger and he would be completely healed in no time.
"Tahaha little one, you wish to help me? Keep your threats to yourself for you are not the one to tame me. Your lady friend seems to want your attention. I will be fine."
don't mind me I like to watch.... Berry pouch?
Offers up a piece of her snack, mouth full, cheeks puffed a bit
Scarlet Fox
Silly! I dont wana tame you. I know all to well what it is like for someone to try and tame you. Her big grin faded as her eyes look to the side in memories. she then looked back to him for a moment before looking down again. ...sorry to bother you. She turned and walked off, after a few feet away she was on all fours. She jumped into a tree and looked over her own many wounds.
Anon E. Mous
I had noticed the kaja when she had first walked up behind me. Now she had run straight into the middle of the group. I think she is the only one who knows i am here. She will probably give me away in a moment, so i will reveal myself.
Can-Yu rose into the air, and floated leisurely over next to the group, taking care to stay higher than the kaja could jump.
"Hello all, I have been watching this little fight from over there. This is quite a group we have here. Savage beasts and not much better humans. Since everyone else had revealed themselves, i thought i might as well. I am the Great Can-Yu, former Fire Mage Master of the Grand Elf Council." *Waits for Applause... when none comes, he loses his thunder, and waits for someone to reply*
Wei Phoenix
"Tis a shame you feel that way then. Where did all of that fire go you once had? Your sadness makes you even more weaker. Come here for a minute I wish to show you something."
Growls a bit u were the one who landed on my packpack... Watch where u park ur shit next time I almost had to snatch u up just toget it
Flings her tail in his direction making a whip like motion
Anon E. Mous
"Tsk, tsk, tsk. I'm sorry you feel that way (not!). As for you tough guy, i think i'll wait up here, out of the reach of your claws. I have pretty good eyesight though, so if you hold it up, i will probably be able to see it."
Scarlet Fox
Edit: Wait. Wei did you mean me or Anon to come here?))
Wei Phoenix
(I was talking to Chun Rood has no idea whats going on with the others.)
Scarlet Fox
Chun looks up from her spot in the tree. She grins wide again and pushs off the trunk hard, the wood whining under the force she used. She scampered quickly over to Rood and skidded to a stop before him. She stood up on two legs and tilted her head to the side. What is it? Her tail swayed side to side.
Anon E. Mous
Can-Yu spoke before Rood could answer.
"If you are talking about me, i am an elf. Most beutiful of all races. I am also well versed in the ways of magic. For example, i can make the grass next to you burst into flames. *Snaps fingers and says a word*
A tuft of flame appeares next to Chun, then rises up to her height.
=Zalin stoop at the very tip of a tree. He didnt move and he swayed lightly as the tree did in the wind. No one had noticed him yet. -They are active again- he thought to himself. He casts his eyes to the others. The Kaja, the Humans and the other of his kind. He looks to the fire and slowly draws his bow. He aims it to the flames and fires. As the arrow flies it turns blue and as it enters the flames they turn to ice.=
.... I never knew I would see the day when my own flaunts his powers.
Wei Phoenix
Rood was surprised by the fire attack, but even more surprised by an ice arrow that "saved" them. There were too many people here and Rood didn't like having a huge audience.
"Guess I'll show you later."
jalek moye
Cato shrugged and placed his shield back onto his back, he then put the mace back where it went.
stretching as most cats do wiht her bottom up first then her back she remains on all fours... then stands to her full peak of 6'5 making her figure more apparent and curvy. from her bag she pulls a map
this is where i have been trying to get to, i ran into a band of orcs thats how i got this scratch, u think thats bad u should see what i did to them
in all honesty it was a pretty hard fight she barely made it if it hadnt of been for the trees, she just didnt want the others to know
its call Meozma (may=oz=ma) im told some other Kaja's were trying to meet there. i dont know why but thats what i was told. but now that i found you guys this seems much more interesting
=Zalin watched them blankly. After a moment his body shimmered and he was gone. -Guess I will watch them. Seems danger follows them and it will be interesting.-=
Scarlet Fox
As soon as the fire turned to ice she got to her feet and scampered to Rood wrapping her arms around his left arm. Seems she was afraid a little bit. She looked to the Elf who made the fire and glared. You Meany! What are you trying to do, Kill me?! You singed my fur that last part she said through a pout
and look at that tail
she had noticed it was burned at the tip....crouching she pounced at the wounded tail. pawing it and fiddling with it laughing
Wei Phoenix
She jumped back and held on him in fear. The situaton was not dire enough for her to do so.
"What is wrong with you?! Do you jump at every unknown action that surprises you? Let go of all of this fear at once. And you, how special are you? Your obliviouness astounds me.
the boom in his voice made her a little fearful...but she liked it
she's just scared, why r u so hard, your with your kind, relax we all help one another thats what Kaja's do
gently brushing his shoulder
its ok to show some vulnerability or atleast be nice ugh!
Scarlet Fox
Chun blinked a bit and looked at the other pawing at her tail. She let Rood go and snatched her tail. Hey! Dont play with my tail! she pouted as she smoothed out her fut.
Originally posted by Scarlet Fox
Chun blinked a bit and looked at the other pawing at her tail. She let Rood go and snatched her tail. Hey! Dont play with my tail! she pouted as she smoothed out her fut.
(my previous message comes after this)
Wei Phoenix
Rood just stared at her. He gave her The People's Eyebrow (I know you all remember that) and pulled his arm away from her.
"Be nice? Vulnerability is weakness, and I'd hate to tell you dude but my mood is always rude."
Glares at him
whaT's everyones name anyway? I'm Naimah na eem uh
Scarlet Fox
Chun Chun stepped back from Rood and lowered her gaze again. Her eyes widened in horror as she put a hand to the bas of her neck. she then began to look around franticaly. Oh no! I lost it! Chun spun around and scampered along every path she had walked. she then seemed to spot what she had lost. She let out a growl and leaped over and landed in a roll as she grabbed it. It was a necklace. A Silver chain with some kind of amulet on it. Silver with a yellow gem in the middle. Ihe disc wasnt that big. About half the size the palm of your hand. She tied it back around her neck then looked to the others with a goofy grin. Sorry!.. oh... im Lad...She Winces. Chun Chun!
~Meanwhile, ..... The Dark One stands before his three Generals.~ It seems the small group I sent out has yet to return. Perhaps something happened? Elf! Tell me! What do you see! A tall slender Elf with jet black hair and dark eyes stepped forward. He lowered his head and closed his eyes. He was silent for a moment. ..... The group was defeated. al but a handful survived the assault and then those were defeated by a group of travelers. Red eyes could be seen glowing where the dark one stood. And the eye? The elf shook his head and opened his eyes. My appologies. They did not have it. However they did .. attempt.. to get away with what items they could of value. The Dark One shot his hand out and a dark bolt hit the Elf in the chest making him kneel and grunt in pain. FOOL! I need ALL the Artifacts in order to Walk out and unleash my FULL ARMY! We Have the Human Artifact thanks to our Human friend here. The human stood in black armor. All about the human was black but its skin. It was... creamy. The human bowed and long black hair fell. A woman. My father held onto that with his last breath. But it was simple to retrive it once I plunged my blade into his heart. the Dark one Laughed. an evil dark laugh. Good! Good! I always enjoy hearing that story. Now. Go! Each of you take a group and go find those other Atrifacts! Destroy EVERY village in your way until you find them. The Human and the Kajan bowed and left. The elf slowly got to his feet and bowed to turning to follow. The Dark One slowly sat back holding up a blue gem in his hand. .... The Human Heart..... Now, once I have the Elf Mind and t he Cats Eye... NOTHING will stand in my way! He closed his hand around the blue gem and laughed an evil laugh once again.~
Wei Phoenix
"Not that its any of you people's concern but I'm MahMood, MahMood EsRood.
Rood never connected his name to his trademark phrase. Many people have tried to make that connection for him but he doesn't get it and just calls them idiots.
Anon E. Mous
What the Hell? Only one mage has enough power to freeze my fire...
"Zalin! Where are you! I know your here! Show yourself!"
"And as i said before, i am the Great Can-Yu, Former Fire Mage Master of the Grand Elf Council."
who is zalin and why do u keep stating ur position?
Scarlet Fox
Chun looked over at MahMood and tilted her head to the side. she scampers over to him and stands up on two legs again, her tail wrapping around her waist. So what is it you wanted to show me?
=Zalin wasnt going to reveal himself of course. Can-Yu was a hot heat... so to speak and he didnt need his constant ranting. Zalin decided to hang back. If Can-Yu got out of control again, Zalindrana of Water and Ice would just have to put out the fire... again. But what was Can-Yu thinking, Tormenting a Kajan like that? Yes the three great races were not on good terms, but still, the young Kajan Female was surley one of the weaker ones... and to pick on the weak... Well in Zalins book it just showed Weakness upon ones self.=
Anon E. Mous
"Zalin is a mage of Water and Ice. He can turn invisible, but i know he is here somewhere. He is the only one powerful enough to douse my fire. As for my position, the Grand Council kicked me out, so i say it to make myself seem more important. Pathetic, right? Anyway, i'm sorry i got kind of crazy there. It happens when you are a fire mage. Zalin, on the other hand, is always cool and controlled, because he is a mage of Water and Ice. *Shouting* Just remember Zalin! Water can put out fire, but fire melts ice!
=Zalin arched a brow. -Yes.. Fire Melts ice... which in turn makes water...- He thought to himself. -... Boasting.. this is why I decide NOT to show myself..- Zalin thought again. He looked around at the others then decided to go for a bit. they wouldnt get in much trouble, and besides it wasnt his job to watch them. He had to find out what the Dark One was after.=
Wei Phoenix
(Zalin is funny)
Rood looked at her and answered"You're still hurt right?
jalek moye
Cato sighed and shook his head as he watched them "well this is rather pointless"
Scarlet Fox
Chun was about to nod to say yes. But then she glared and growled a little. ... Yes I have a few wounds. But It doesnt matter I can take pain easily! She crossed her arms over her chest and looked away. She was trying to act tough but it was obviouse it was bothering her. She winced lightly as she turned away a little.
come here chun i got some krulkrul leaves and jasmine paste that can make it feel better.
Naimah's tail reaches around her back pack, which she likes to call packpack, and pulls out a small woven bag the color green...more sage/sapphire than plain old green, nevertheless she pulls out of the bag a 2 small viles, one purple and one bigger with bright red leaves packed tightly.
my grandmother taught me some tricks to make medicine from elements out here, i thought i was boring but i guess now its useful, its not magic....but it works.....u want?
As it seemed everyone was getting along now, Vexx put away his sword, and took out his flask, He didn't know what to think of these newcomers, but he enjoyed the magic show.
He took a seat by a large tree away from the others, relaxing and sipping his booze...
Lucrecia watched the others and rolled her eyes she then looked at the kaja who had decided to isolate himself a bit, she then took of her locket and looked at it she then remembered that it has healing water in it and with one drop of it would cure any wound, poison, and near death it would completly cure a human, elf, and kaja she then looked back at the others and carried on watching them.
Wei Phoenix
Rood gave her a friendly smile and a hug, well at least it seemed like one until he put pressure on one of her wounds which made her shriek out loud.
"You see the difference between you and me? I have the same wounds but when you play with mine you see no sign of pain on my face. I show no signs of agony or anything. If you were to tend to me or yourself out here in the open then you are leaving yourself vulnerable, you are opening a door for predators to attack you. Use the pain and keep going until you are safe at home and then you may cry all you like."
Originally posted by Wei Phoenix
Rood gave her a friendly smile and a hug, well at least it seemed like one until he put pressure on one of her wounds which made her shriek out loud.
"You see the difference between you and me? I have the same wounds but when you play with mine you see no sign of pain on my face. I show no signs of agony or anything. If you were to tend to me or yourself out here in the open then you are leaving yourself vulnerable, you are opening a door for predators to attack you. Use the pain and keep going until you are safe at home and then you may cry all you like."
embarrassed, Naimah puts her meds away even if the message was directed towards her she thought he might snap at her yet...she wouldnt mind the hug...but the insults she would.
Wei Phoenix
Mood looked at Naimah with a sardonic glare.
"Yeah, whats wrong with you?"
standing tall and swaying her hips a bit she walks right up to Mamood
your whats wrong with me, you keep bringing people down and its just.....plain old mean
walking back over to Chun, swaying hips and swinging her long ponytail
even if your really cute
Wei Phoenix
"Mean? Wrong? Those words do not do me justice. I'm not mean, my mood is real rude, nothing more nothing less. Its just the way I am you know and I'd appreciate it if you understand that.
Originally posted by Wei Phoenix
"Cute? Mean? Wrong? Those words do not do me justice. I'm not mean, my mood is real rude, nothing more nothing less. Its just the way I am you know and I'd appreciate it if you understand that.
haha thats funny u use ur name in ur tagline and i do understand. i understand that you are upset and rude a lot
she thought to herself
somethings not right with him, hes rude for a reason he wasnt always this way i can feel it. his heart is big but hes hiding it...why?
she searches through her pack for another snack...finding nothing she craved she spied a small rabbit from the corner of her eye...ears percked shes back on all fours...it just so happens her cute little rump was facing all the men...giggling a bit she purrs and pounces quickly at not the rabbit but the tree above it. so quiet the rabbit did not flinch...just as quick as she was in the tree her tail snaps down and scoops up the rabbit ripping it completely in half with her paws and devouring its whole in wat seemed to be only 2 bites..
Wei Phoenix
Mood didn't understand a thing she was saying but she isn't the first to say that his name was the same thing as his catch phrase.
"Your mouth seems full but your ears should still be open. Will you please refrain from your nonsense? My name is completely different from my mood. I'm MahMood EsRood, thats my name and as always my mood is rude...for a reason."
Vexx's mouth watered as he watched the other female go after the rabbit.
He was getting hungry himself.
thats what im saying Mood... your name is MaMood Esrood...sounds like my mood is rude....get it?
your useless...so everyone else whose not slow what now? i know i'm not the only ones whose hungry...how bout we set camp and i cook us up something?
Vexx stands up and wonders closer to the 3 kaja.
"I'd be up for that.... oh and Hey Roody, sorry about steppin in on your fight... i guess humans here aren't like the ones back in my village long ago.
Wei Phoenix
"What in the hell are you talking about woman?! Those are two different things with two different meanings. I think you should go sit down now woman."
Wei Phoenix
Mood really didn't want to hear about the duel between him and Cato.
"Trust had nothing to do with anything. I was giving him three minutes of my time to kill me and if none of you interferred then I'd be using his helmet as my trophy."
whatever Rood are you hungry or not?
Naimah digs in her pack with her tail and pulls out a small rolled up blanket, (the size of a hand towl) and in it were different tools, fork like things and lots of sharp knives and other gadgets. she runs to a tree and claws at it, gathering the very thick planks she pulled and pryed from the bark and formulated them into a pile in which she lighted. she grabbed some branches and vines and made them into a little self like structure directly over the fire and then she was off into the woods for....
she screamed. running back hands full with some squirming and some dead. she mouthed the live ones, breaking their necks, then cut a long line with her claw from in between the ears down to the tail and pulled the skin off in one swift move then placed them onto the hot shelf...licking the blood from her fingers and scratching her ear with her hind leg.
after a short time she flipped them and tossed a little bit of....
special seasoning she called what was really just basil and other simple plants
onto their cooking bodies.
Vexx couldn't help but smile at Naimah, He could tell he would be getting along with her just fine.
He took a seat by a nearby stump and his long bushy tail curled around him as he took another sip of his drink.
Wei Phoenix
"If I have hunger then I will satisfy it myself on my own terms. I need no one to cook or serve me, and you'd be wise to feel the same way."
tada!!! um....eat....i guess ignoring the rude Mamood
she was sleepy...climbing a tree just behind Chun she finds a thick branch to retire to and draps her long body across it, tail hanging, legs straddling each side. she rests on her arms, watching them eat.
"Thank ye!"
Vexx said as he grabbed a tasty bunny from the fire, immediatly taking a bite, ripping the meat from the bone.
He Pulled out one of his flasks and tossed it up to Naimah.
"Here... Have a drink "

watching the kaja be hospitable to each other she put back on her locket and took a handful of berrys out of her pouch and tossed one of them in her mouth.
Takes a sip... Hates it
mmmmmm cough cough yummy
Tossing the flask down to chun
Wei Phoenix
All of these friendly acts of friendship was really starting to get to him and wear his spirits down. As he said when he first met Cato, he didn't have much time to spare. He got up and made his way into the woods to handle his own business.
Lucrecia watched the moody kaja as he made his way into the wood thinking to herself
* what a grouch *
She then lay flat on the ground and closed her eyes.
Anon E. Mous
I'm still worried about Zilan being here, but i guess he isn't bothering me. I should find somewhere to sleep before it gets dark.
Can-Yu flies away in the opposite direction of MahMood, without saying anything to anyone else. He finds a large branch and starts meditating.
purring....tail twirling lightly, twitching a bit, Naimah was asleep....
Scarlet Fox
wow... sry ive been playing WoW ^_^))
Chun licked at her wounds for a moment then looked to Rood as he walked off. She then looked to the others before turning and running off to Rood as silently as possible as if stalking food. Rood made her confused and she didnt like being confused. She was completly silent as she followed, the only slightest sound was the amulet jingling against the chain between her breasts. -Where is he going?- she thought to herself.
=Zalin appeared standing on the branch before Can-Yu=
=He had that same emotionless, mysterious expression on his face.=
What is it you are doing exactly? ...do not underestimate the Kajan Can-Yu...
=He stood on the branch, his arms folded across his chest, ice blue eyes looking down to Can-Yu=
Wei Phoenix
MaMood finally made his way to a nearby hot spring. He disrobes himself and reveals a naked body covered in scars from past battles. He doesn't know ok Chun following him but in relation to their positions his backside would be facing her. With little hesitation he soaks his body in the water and lets out a sigh of relief coated with sorrow.
"Another day, another battle, another scar. Yet again Mistress Death ignores my plea of release."
Vexx stayed awake, drinking his booze and watching over the others. He saw the 2 kaja walk off somewhere but just figured they were gonna mate or something.
Anon E. Mous
Can-Yu came out of his meditation to see Zalin standing in front of him.
"I am merely roaming around the countryside. Not much else I can do, since the Council kicked me out. As for the Kaja, i know what you mean. That little one took out an orc all by herself! If you noticed, i was hovering quite high in the air while talking to them... Anyway, what are YOU doing here? Don't tell me you were kicked out too."
awakened from a nightmare, the same one she has almost every night, Naimah feel out of the tree landing on her side, she wasnt like most felines...she was....clumsy, but she in the spot where Chun once stood.
licking her paws she didnt feel it was a decent wash and remembered a hot spring near by, not only that but she could smell Chun and figured she'd find the only other female in the group, maybe find out what's really going on.
slowly making her way down the path she heard Mood's voice and crouched even lower than she already was, breasts brushing against the ground. she crept up only to find she was spying on Chun who was spying on Mood. this was funny, almost too funny, she laughed to herself, biting her lip to keep from being discovered. she crept over to Chun, she didnt want to startle her so she made sure she was in eyesight of Chun.
whispering...(think crocodile hunter) i see you like the naked one yes? he is a very fine specimen see how he keeps his mood oh so rude, extraordinary character he is...watch as he moves ever so slightly, gently touching his hurting body hahaha
seeing that Chun wasnt laughing Naimah got serious
what r u doing?
Scarlet Fox
Chun turned her gaze away when Rood and disrobed. She then blinked as she looked up to see the other Kajan. She tilts her head to the side wit ha confused look then shakes her head. .. i was... concerned... She spoke softly so Rood would not hear. She looked back once then quickly got up and ran back to where the others were.
Vexx now lay on the ground in deep slumber... Kicking his feet and purring, He must be having a good dream :P
Wei Phoenix
Rood's concentration was broke by the fast footsteps running off into the distance. He didn't know who they were but he could tell that they were still there by smell. He believed it to be an assassin seeing as he has no friends and if they did they wouldn't be spying on him in the first place. He was not alarmed to the point where he would do his usual charge head first and kill anything that moves tactics. He was relaxing and knew that whoever was there posed no real threat to his life.
"I don't know who you are but if you're an assassin then you should give your employer his money back and walk away. I'm too tired to deal with this nonsense at the moment."
popping up from the bushes across from the bathing Kajan was a confused and a little frightened Naimah....
well this is awkward.....berry pouch
pulling out her self proclaimed berry and oat pouch (which was really a bar) and passed it to him with her tail.
i had a bad dream so i wanted to bathe and relax....mind if i join?...dont worry i wont bite you, or touch you, i wont even look if u dont want. and ill keep all my clothes on...well the clothes that i have on (which was boy shorts and a bikini like top, the color of deep deep purple)
Wei Phoenix
MaMood sighed and thought to himself "Now I really wish it was an assassin..." He lifted his head back up and answered her.
"I don't own these springs so go ahead, but if I did my answer would be no. Here are the rules though, do not annoy me in any way or my mood will become real rude."
Scarlet Fox
Chun walked back to the others and she looked behind her to where Rood and Naimah were. She wasnt watchign where she was going and ended up tripping over Vexx. She let out a tiny mew as she fell but landed on the other side of him in a turning roll so when she was on all four paws she was looking at him. ..Oh! Im Sorry!
Originally posted by Scarlet Fox
Chun walked back to the others and she looked behind her to where Rood and Naimah were. She wasnt watchign where she was going and ended up tripping over Vexx. She let out a tiny mew as she fell but landed on the other side of him in a turning roll so when she was on all four paws she was looking at him. ..Oh! Im Sorry!
Vexx awoke from his pleasant dream face to face with Chun, "Oh hai... pretty.. lady." His bushy tail slowly curled around her as he nodded back to sleep, completely out of it.
Scarlet Fox
Chuns eyes blinked in confusion as the tail wrapped around her. Her eyes then narrowed and she pawed at him. Hey! What are you doing?! Remove your tail or I will take it from you! Her claws came out of her hands and she dug them into Vexx lightly.
Wei Phoenix
Rood was surprised that she was being quiet for so long, this allowed his mind to wander off. Today was a weird if not disappointing day. His honor was tarnished by his own kind, he was attacked by some creatures that supposedly follow a being called "The Dark One", and everyone around him thinks that he cares about them. He didn't have much time to rest however, he still had to go out and satisfy his thirst for battle.
jalek moye
Cato looked to see everyone doing there on thing, he shurgged and began to head out. "perhaps i'll see you all again" he said to himself
Originally posted by Anon E. Mous
Can-Yu came out of his meditation to see Zalin standing in front of him.
"I am merely roaming around the countryside. Not much else I can do, since the Council kicked me out. As for the Kaja, i know what you mean. That little one took out an orc all by herself! If you noticed, i was hovering quite high in the air while talking to them... Anyway, what are YOU doing here? Don't tell me you were kicked out too."
=Zalin slowly turned his head to look in the direction the group was.=
No... I wasnt.... Ive been charged with an assignment. They thought me best for the task. But the village was destroyed.. the only survivor that Cub of a Kajan...
=Zalin then looked back to Can-Yu=
You are no long of the council so I can not divulge the specifics of what I must do... However I wont reveal myself to the group yet. But since you are already with the group perhaps you can help me. If you notice anything out of the ordinary, Tell me..... Help me with this and I will do what I can to get you back with the council...
=Zalins face was cool and unemotional.=
Anon E. Mous
"Thanks Zalin. Sure, if I see anything "Out of the Ordinary", i'll tell you. Not that anything is normal these days... You're assignment was to protect the village, right? Now, only one survivor left, so you have to follow her. So, how are things in elven lands?"
=A Light smirk came to his face.=
I will say this, protecting the village is not my mission.... All I can really say is im looking for something. Now im interested in how a Kajan Cub managed to come out of the lifless Village with nothing more then a bump on the head... As for our home land it is fair for the moment. We are on guard. Remember a year ago when those Orcs and the like started to fight us? They claimed a small peice of the land and then stopped... The Elders of the council believe that was just to gain a footing for an even greater war to come. they are on edge and training by magic and bow has never been in greater motion. There was even a vote to have the younger start training but it was quickly lost..... The land is preparing for war... also the humans lands were thrown into Turmoil due to... Well I will get into that later. Sleep now Can-Tu. Ill be watching if anything goes wrong.
=Zalins body shimmers as he fades again.=
Originally posted by Wei Phoenix
Rood was surprised that she was being quiet for so long, this allowed his mind to wander off. Today was a weird if not disappointing day. His honor was tarnished by his own kind, he was attacked by some creatures that supposedly follow a being called "The Dark One", and everyone around him thinks that he cares about them. He didn't have much time to rest however, he still had to go out and satisfy his thirst for battle.
so...where you from? and why exactly are you always in a rude mood?
Originally posted by Scarlet Fox
Chuns eyes blinked in confusion as the tail wrapped around her. Her eyes then narrowed and she pawed at him. Hey! What are you doing?! Remove your tail or I will take it from you! Her claws came out of her hands and she dug them into Vexx lightly.
Vexx smiled and removed his tail, he then rolled over and went back to sleep.
Wei Phoenix
Rood just sighed and tilted his head back. He left his eyes closed and reluctantly answered her.
"I come from my mother's womb. I'm rude because its the best thing to be for me. I don't have to love or care about anyone if I'm always rude."
Scarlet Fox
Chun just looked at the white Kajan for a moment with her head tilted to the side. She hesitated but eventually turned around to walk away, her tail gently going across his forhead as she made her way to a tree and curled up at its base.
Vexx purred as her tail went across his forehead.
Originally posted by Wei Phoenix
Rood just sighed and tilted his head back. He left his eyes closed and reluctantly answered her.
"I come from my mother's womb. I'm rude because its the best thing to be for me. I don't have to love or care about anyone if I'm always rude."
thats sad, really sad
taking her clothes off and sinking into the hot water. packpack under her neck she purred and closed her eyes. giggled and purred
Wei Phoenix
"Humor me little girl. Exactly how am I sad, or are you talking about someone else?"
He sat back up and brought his head down to see her clothes on the side which could only mean they were off. He held his head back again and kept his eyes closed so he wouldn't see anything.
"And why are you naked in the same spring with me?"
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